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synced 2025-02-12 04:40:25 +01:00
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- NEW: We now follow the semantic versioning scheme!
- NEW: Option to disable IP logging
- NEW: Localisation updates from http://translatewiki.net.
- Fix: Fix readOnly group pads
- Fix: don't fetch padList on every request
- NEW: Add explanations for more disconnect scenarios
- NEW: export sessioninfos so plugins can access it
- NEW: pass pad in postAceInit hook
- NEW: Add trustProxy setting. ALlows to make ep use X-forwarded-for as remoteAddress
- NEW: userLeave hook (UNDOCUMENTED)
- NEW: Plural macro for translations
- NEW: backlinks to main page in Admin pages
- NEW: New translations from translatewiki.net
- SECURITY FIX: Filter author data sent to clients
- FIX: Never keep processing a changeset if it's corrupted
- FIX: Some client-side performance fixes for webkit browsers
- FIX: Only execute listAllPads query on demand (not on start-up)
- FIX: HTML import (don't crash on malformed or blank HTML input; strip title out of html during import)
- FIX: check if uploaded file only contains ascii chars when abiword disabled
- FIX: Plugin search in /admin/plugins
- FIX: Don't create new pad if a non-existant read-only pad is accessed
- FIX: Drop messages from unknown connections (would lead to a crash after a restart)
- FIX: API: fix createGroupFor endpoint, if mapped group is deleted
- FIX: Import form for other locales
- FIX: Don't stop processing changeset queue if there is an error
- FIX: Caret movement. Chrome detects blank rows line heights as incorrect
- FIX: allow colons in password
- FIX: Polish logging of client-side errors on the server
- FIX: Username url param
- FIX: Make start script POSIX ompatible
- NEW: New Hook for outer_ace dynamic css manager and author style hook
- NEW: Bump log4js for improved logging
- Fix: Remove URL schemes which don't have RFC standard
- Fix: Fix safeRun subsequent restarts issue
- Fix: Allow safeRun to pass arguements to run.sh
- Fix: Include script for more efficient import
- Fix: Fix sysv comptibile script
- Fix: Fix client side changeset spamming
- Fix: Don't crash on no-auth
- Fix: Fix some IE8 errors
- Fix: Fix authorship sanitation
- NEW: Broadcast slider is exposed in timeslider so plugins can interact with it
- Fix: IE issue where pads wouldn't load due to missing console from i18n
- Fix: console issue in collab client would error on cross domain embeds in IE
- Fix: Only Restart Etherpad once plugin is installed
- Fix: Only redraw lines that exist after drag and drop
- Fix: Pasting into ordered list
- Fix: Import browser detection
- Fix: 2 Part Locale Specs
- Fix: Remove language string from chat element
- Fix: Make Saved revision Star fade back out on non Top frames
- Other: Remove some cruft legacy JS from old Etherpad
- Other: Express 3.1.2 breaks sessions, set Express to 3.1.0
- NEW: Authors can now send custom object messages to other Authors making 3 way conversations possible. This introduces WebRTC plugin support.
- NEW: Hook for Chat Messages Allows for Desktop Notification support
- NEW: FreeBSD installation docs
- NEW: Ctrl S for save revision makes the Icon glow for a few sconds.
- NEW: Various hooks and expose the document ACE object
- NEW: Plugin page revamp makes finding and installing plugins more sane.
- NEW: Icon to enable sticky chat from the Chat box
- Fix: Cookies inside of plugins
- Fix: Don't leak event emitters when accessing admin/plugins
- Fix: Don't allow user to send messages after they have been "kicked" from a pad
- Fix: Refactor Caret navigation with Arrow and Pageup/down keys stops cursor being lost
- Fix: Long lines in Firefox now wrap properly
- Fix: Session Disconnect limit is increased from 10 to 20 to support slower restarts
- Fix: Support Node 0.10
- Fix: Log HTTP on DEBUG log level
- Fix: Server wont crash on import fails on 0 file import.
- Fix: Import no longer fails consistantly
- Fix: Language support for non existing languages
- Fix: Mobile support for chat notifications are now usable
- Fix: Re-Enable Editbar buttons on reconnect
- Fix: Clearing authorship colors no longer disconnects all clients
- Other: New debug information for sessions
- Fix: MAJOR Security issue, where a hacker could submit content as another user
- Fix: security issue due to unescaped user input
- Fix: Admin page at /admin redirects to /admin/ now to prevent breaking relative links
- Fix: indentation in chrome on linux
- Fix: PadUsers API endpoint
- NEW: A script to import data to all dbms
- NEW: Add authorId to chat and userlist as a data attribute
- NEW: Refactor and fix our frontend tests
- NEW: Localisation updates
- Fix: CtrlZ-Y for Undo Redo
- Fix: RTL functionality on contents & fix RTL/LTR tests and RTL in Safari
- Fix: Various other tests fixed in Android
! IMPORTANT: New setting.json value is required to automatically reconnect clients on disconnect
- NEW: Use Socket IO for rooms (allows for pads to be load balanced with sticky rooms)
- NEW: Plugins can now provide their own frontend tests
- NEW: Improved server-side logging
- NEW: Admin dashboard mobile device support and new hooks for Admin dashboard
- NEW: Get current API version from API
- NEW: CLI script to delete pads
- Fix: Automatic client reconnection on disonnect
- Fix: Text Export indentation now supports multiple indentations
- Fix: Bugfix getChatHistory API method
- Fix: Stop Chrome losing caret after paste is texted
- Fix: Make colons on end of line create 4 spaces on indent
- Fix: Stop the client disconnecting if a rev is in the wrong order
- Fix: Various server crash issues based on rev in wrong order
- Fix: Various tests
- Fix: Make indent when on middle of the line stop creating list
- Fix: Stop long strings breaking the UX by moving focus away from beginning of line
- Fix: Redis findKeys support
- Fix: padUsersCount no longer hangs server
- Fix: Issue with two part locale specs not working
- Fix: Make plugin search case insensitive
- Fix: Indentation and bullets on text export
- Fix: Resolve various warnings on dependencies during install
- Fix: Page up / Page down now works in all browsers
- Fix: Stop Opera browser inserting two new lines on enter keypress
- Fix: Stop timeslider from showing NaN on pads with only one revision
- Other: Allow timeslider tests to run and provide & fix various other frontend-tests
- Other: Begin dropping referene to Lite. Etherpad Lite is now named "Etherpad"
- Other: Update to latest jQuery
- Other: Change loading message asking user to please wait on first build
- Other: Allow etherpad to use global npm installation (Safe since node 6.3)
- Other: Better documentation for log rotation and log message handling
- NEW: notifications are now modularized and can be stacked
- NEW: Visit a specific revision in the timeslider by suffixing #%revNumber% IE http://localhost/p/test/timeslider#12
- NEW: Link to plugin on Admin page allows admins to easily see plugin details in a new window by clicking on the plugin name
- NEW: Automatically see plugins that require update and be able to one click update
- NEW: API endpoints for Chat .. getChatHistory, getChatHead
- NEW: API endpoint to see a pad diff in HTML format from revision x to revision y .. createPadDiffHTML
- NEW: Real time plugin search & unified menu UI for admin pages
- Fix: MAJOR issue where server could be crashed by malformed client message
- Fix: AuthorID is now included in padUsers API response
- Fix: make docs
- Fix: Timeslider UI bug with slider not being in position
- Fix: IE8 language issue where it wouldn't load pads due to IE8 suckling on the bussum of hatrid
- Fix: Import timeout issue
- Fix: Import now works if Params are set in pad URL
- Fix: Convert script
- Other: Various new language strings and update/bugfixes of others
- Other: Clean up the getParams functionality
- Other: Various new EEJS blocks: index, timeslider, html etc.
- Fix: Package file UeberDB reference
- New #users EEJS block for plugins
- Create timeslider EEJS blocks for plugins
- Allow for "more messages" to be loaded in chat
- Introduce better logging
- API endpoint for "listAllPads"
- Fix: Stop highlight of timeslider when dragging mouse
- Fix: Time Delta on Timeslider make date update properly
- Fix: Prevent empty chat messages from being sent
- Fix: checkPad script
- Fix: IE onLoad listener for i18n
- Fix IE console issue created in 1.2.3
- Allow CI Tests to pass by ignoring timeslider test
- Fix broken placeholders in locales
- Fix extractPadData script
- Fix documentation for checkToken
- Fix hitting enter on form in admin/plugins
- Fix #1307: Chrome needs console.log to be called on console obj
- Fix #1309: We had broken support for node v0.6 in the last release
- More translations and better language support. See https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translating:Etherpad_lite for more details
- Add a checkToken Method to the API
- Bugfix for Internal Caching issue that was causing some 404s on images.
- Bugfix for IE Import
- Bugfix for Node 0.6 compatibility
- Bugfix for multiple cookie support
- Bugfix for API when requireAuth is enabled.
- Plugin page now shows plugin version #
- Show color of Author in Chat messages
- Allow plugin search by description
- Allow for different socket IO transports
- Allow for custom favicon path
- Control S now does Create new Revision functionality
- Focus on password when required
- Frontend Timeslider test
- Allow for basic HTML etc. import without abiword
- Native HTTPS support
- Allow ! in urls inside the editor (Not Pad urls)
- Allow comments in language files
- More languages (Finish, Spanish, Bengali, Dutch) Thanks to TranslateWiki.net team. See https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:MessageGroupStats&group=out-etherpad-lite for more details
- Bugfix for IE7/8 issue with a JS error #1186
- Bugfix windows package extraction issue and make the .zip file smaller
- Bugfix group pad API export
- Kristen Stewart is a terrible actress and Twilight sucks.
- Internationalization / Language / Translation support (i18n) with support for German/French
- A frontend/client side testing framework and backend build tests
- Customizable robots.txt
- Customizable app title (finally you can name your epl instance!)
- eejs render arguments are now passed on to eejs hooks through the newly introduced
argument. - Plugin-specific settings in settings.json (finally allowing for things like a google analytics plugin)
- Serve admin dashboard at /admin (still very limited, though)
- Modify your settings.json through the newly created UI at /admin/settings
- Fix: Import
- 's as
- Added solaris compatibility (bin/installDeps.sh was broken on solaris)
- Fix a bug with IE9 and Password Protected Pads using HTTPS
- We updated to express v3 (please make sure your plugin works under express v3)
URL parameter which sets the initial author color- Hooks for "padCreate", "padRemove", "padUpdate" and "padLoad" events
- Security patches concerning the handling of messages originating from clients
- Our database abstraction layer now natively supports couchDB, levelDB, mongoDB, postgres, and redis!
- We now provide a script helping you to migrate from dirtyDB to MySQL
- Support running Etherpad Lite behind IIS, using iisnode
- LibreJS Licensing information in headers of HTML templates
- Default port number to PORT env var, if port isn't specified in settings
- Fix for
- Raise upper char limit in chat to 999 characters
- Fixes for mobile layout
- Fixes for usage behind reverse proxy
- Improved documentation
- Fixed some opera style bugs
- Update npm and fix some bugs, this introduces
- Introduced Plugin framework
- Many bugfixes
- Faster page loading
- Various UI polishes
- Saved Revisions
- Read only Real time view
- More API functionality
- Updated MySQL driver, this fixes some problems with mysql
- Fixed export,import and timeslider link when embed parameters are used
- 's and not as
- 's!
v 1.0.1