4.6 KiB
Copyright 2009 Google Inc., 2011 Peter 'Pita' Martischka
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
###_slicerZipperFunc (attOp, csOp, opOut, pool)
- attOp
- csOp
- opOut
- pool
###appendATextToAssembler (atext, assem)
- atext
- assem
###applyToAText (cs, atext, pool)
- cs
- atext
- pool
###applyToAttribution (cs, astr, pool)
- cs
- astr
- pool
###applyToText (cs, str)
- cs
- str
###applyZip (in1, idx1, in2, idx2, func)
- in1
- idx1
- in2
- idx2
- func
###attribsAttributeValue (attribs, key, pool)
- attribs
- key
- pool
###attributeTester (attribPair, pool)
- attribPair
- pool
###builder (oldLen)
- oldLen
###characterRangeFollow (cs, startChar, endChar, insertionsAfter)
- cs
- startChar
- endChar
- insertionsAfter
###checkRep (cs)
- cs
###clearOp (op)
- op
###cloneAText (atext)
- atext
###cloneOp (op)
- op
###compose (cs1, cs2, pool)
- cs1
- cs2
- pool
###composeAttributes (att1, att2, resultIsMutation, pool)
- att1
- att2
- resultIsMutation
- pool
###copyAText (atext1, atext2)
- atext1
- atext2
###copyOp (op1, op2)
- op1
- op2
###eachAttribNumber (cs, func)
- cs
- func
###filterAttribNumbers (cs, filter)
- cs
- filter
###follow (cs1, cs2, reverseInsertOrder, pool)
- cs1
- cs2
- reverseInsertOrder
- pool
###followAttributes (att1, att2, pool)
- att1
- att2
- pool
###identity (N)
- N
###inverse (cs, lines, alines, pool)
- cs
- lines
- alines
- pool
###isIdentity (cs)
- cs
###joinAttributionLines (theAlines)
- theAlines
###makeAText (text, attribs)
- text
- attribs
###makeAttribsString (opcode, attribs, pool)
- opcode
- attribs
- pool
###makeAttribution (text)
- text
###makeSplice (oldFullText, spliceStart, numRemoved, newText, optNewTextAPairs, pool)
- oldFullText
- spliceStart
- numRemoved
- newText
- optNewTextAPairs
- pool
###mapAttribNumbers (cs, func)
- cs
- func
###mergingOpAssembler ()
###moveOpsToNewPool (cs, oldPool, newPool)
- cs
- oldPool
- newPool
###mutateAttributionLines (cs, lines, pool) Copyright 2009 Google Inc., 2011 Peter 'Pita' Martischka
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
###mutateTextLines (cs, lines)
- cs
- lines
###newLen (cs)
- cs
###newOp (optOpcode)
- optOpcode
###numToString (num)
- num
###oldLen (cs)
- cs
###oneInsertedLineAtATimeOpIterator (opsStr, optStartIndex, charBank)
- opsStr
- optStartIndex
- charBank
###opAssembler ()
###opAttributeValue (op, key, pool)
- op
- key
- pool
###opIterator (opsStr, optStartIndex)
- opsStr
- optStartIndex
###opString (op)
- op
###pack (oldLen, newLen, opsStr, bank)
- oldLen
- newLen
- opsStr
- bank
###parseNum (str)
- str
###prepareForWire (cs, pool)
- cs
- pool
###smartOpAssembler ()
###splitAttributionLines (attrOps, text)
- attrOps
- text
###splitTextLines (text)
- text
###stringAssembler ()
###stringIterator (str)
- str
###stringOp (str)
- str
###subattribution (astr, start, optEnd)
- astr
- start
- optEnd
###textLinesMutator (lines)
- lines
###toBaseTen (cs)
- cs
###toSplices (cs)
- cs
###unpack (cs)
- cs