"", "redondancy" => DEFAULT_REDONDANCY, "margin" => DEFAULT_MARGIN, "size" => DEFAULT_SIZE, "bgColor" => "#" . DEFAULT_BGCOLOR, "mainColor" => "#" . DEFAULT_MAINCOLOR, ); if ( isset($_POST['txt']) AND isset($_POST['redondancy']) AND isset($_POST['margin']) AND isset($_POST['size']) AND isset($_POST['bgColor']) AND isset($_POST['mainColor']) ) { if (strlen($_POST['txt']) >= 1 AND strlen($_POST['txt']) <= 4096) $params['txt'] = $_POST['txt']; else exit("Wrong value for txt"); if ($_POST['redondancy'] === "L" OR $_POST['redondancy'] === "M" OR $_POST['redondancy'] === "Q" OR $_POST['redondancy'] === "H") $params['redondancy'] = $_POST['redondancy']; else exit("Wrong value for redondancy"); if (is_numeric($_POST['margin']) AND $_POST['margin'] >= 0 AND $_POST['margin'] <= 128) $params['margin'] = $_POST['margin']; else exit("Wrong value for margin"); if (is_numeric($_POST['size']) AND $_POST['size'] >= 1 AND $_POST['size'] <= 128) $params['size'] = $_POST['size']; else exit("Wrong value for size"); if (preg_match("/^#[abcdefABCDEF0-9]{6}$/", $_POST['bgColor'])) $params['bgColor'] = $_POST['bgColor']; else exit("Wrong value for bgColor"); if (preg_match("/^#[abcdefABCDEF0-9]{6}$/", $_POST['mainColor'])) $params['mainColor'] = $_POST['mainColor']; else exit("Wrong value for mainColor"); } ?> LibreQR ยท <?= $loc['subtitle'] ?> filemtime("temp/style.min.css") OR filemtime("config.inc.php") > filemtime("temp/style.min.css")) // Then delete it unlink("temp/style.min.css"); require_once "less.php/lib/Less/Autoloader.php"; Less_Autoloader::register(); $options = array('cache_dir' => 'temp/', 'compress' => true); $cssFileName = Less_Cache::Get(array("style.less" => ""), $options, $colorScheme); ?> ' . "\n"; } ?>
