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'use strict';
* Import and Export tests for the /p/whateverPadId/import and /p/whateverPadId/export endpoints.
const assert = require('assert').strict;
const common = require('../../common');
const superagent = require('ep_etherpad-lite/node_modules/superagent');
const fs = require('fs');
const settings = require('ep_etherpad-lite/node/utils/Settings');
const padManager = require('ep_etherpad-lite/node/db/PadManager');
const plugins = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pluginfw/plugin_defs');
const padText = fs.readFileSync('../tests/backend/specs/api/test.txt');
const etherpadDoc = fs.readFileSync('../tests/backend/specs/api/test.etherpad');
const wordDoc = fs.readFileSync('../tests/backend/specs/api/test.doc');
const wordXDoc = fs.readFileSync('../tests/backend/specs/api/test.docx');
const odtDoc = fs.readFileSync('../tests/backend/specs/api/test.odt');
const pdfDoc = fs.readFileSync('../tests/backend/specs/api/test.pdf');
let agent;
const apiKey = common.apiKey;
const apiVersion = 1;
const testPadId = makeid();
const testPadIdEnc = encodeURIComponent(testPadId);
describe(__filename, function () {
before(async function () { agent = await common.init(); });
describe('Connectivity', function () {
it('can connect', async function () {
await agent.get('/api/')
.expect('Content-Type', /json/);
describe('API Versioning', function () {
it('finds the version tag', async function () {
await agent.get('/api/')
.expect((res) => assert(res.body.currentVersion));
/ Create a pad
/ Set pad contents
/ Try export pad in various formats
/ Get pad contents and ensure it matches imported contents
/ Try to export a pad that doesn't exist // Expect failure
/ Try to import an unsupported file to a pad that exists
-- TODO: Test.
Try to import to a file and abort it half way through
Try to import to files of varying size.
Example Curl command for testing import URI:
curl -s -v --form file=@/home/jose/test.txt
describe('Imports and Exports', function () {
const backups = {};
beforeEach(async function () {
backups.hooks = {};
for (const hookName of ['preAuthorize', 'authenticate', 'authorize']) {
backups.hooks[hookName] = plugins.hooks[hookName];
plugins.hooks[hookName] = [];
// Note: This is a shallow copy.
backups.settings = Object.assign({}, settings);
settings.requireAuthentication = false;
settings.requireAuthorization = false;
settings.users = {user: {password: 'user-password'}};
afterEach(async function () {
Object.assign(plugins.hooks, backups.hooks);
// Note: This does not unset settings that were added.
Object.assign(settings, backups.settings);
it('creates a new Pad, imports content to it, checks that content', async function () {
await agent.get(`${endPoint('createPad')}&padID=${testPadId}`)
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect((res) => assert.equal(res.body.code, 0));
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadId}/import`)
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.txt', contentType: 'text/plain'})
await agent.get(`${endPoint('getText')}&padID=${testPadId}`)
.expect((res) => assert.equal(res.body.data.text, padText.toString()));
it('gets read only pad Id and exports the html and text for this pad', async function () {
const ro = await agent.get(`${endPoint('getReadOnlyID')}&padID=${testPadId}`)
.expect((res) => assert.ok(JSON.parse(res.text).data.readOnlyID));
const readOnlyId = JSON.parse(ro.text).data.readOnlyID;
await agent.get(`/p/${readOnlyId}/export/html`)
.expect((res) => assert(res.text.indexOf('This is the') !== -1));
await agent.get(`/p/${readOnlyId}/export/txt`)
.expect((res) => assert(res.text.indexOf('This is the') !== -1));
describe('Import/Export tests requiring AbiWord/LibreOffice', function () {
before(async function () {
if ((!settings.abiword || settings.abiword.indexOf('/') === -1) &&
(!settings.soffice || settings.soffice.indexOf('/') === -1)) {
// For some reason word import does not work in testing..
// TODO: fix support for .doc files..
it('Tries to import .doc that uses soffice or abiword', async function () {
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadId}/import`)
.attach('file', wordDoc, {filename: '/test.doc', contentType: 'application/msword'})
.expect(/FrameCall\('undefined', 'ok'\);/);
it('exports DOC', async function () {
await agent.get(`/p/${testPadId}/export/doc`)
.expect((res) => assert(res.body.length >= 9000));
it('Tries to import .docx that uses soffice or abiword', async function () {
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadId}/import`)
.attach('file', wordXDoc, {
filename: '/test.docx',
.expect(/FrameCall\('undefined', 'ok'\);/);
it('exports DOC from imported DOCX', async function () {
await agent.get(`/p/${testPadId}/export/doc`)
.expect((res) => assert(res.body.length >= 9100));
it('Tries to import .pdf that uses soffice or abiword', async function () {
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadId}/import`)
.attach('file', pdfDoc, {filename: '/test.pdf', contentType: 'application/pdf'})
.expect(/FrameCall\('undefined', 'ok'\);/);
it('exports PDF', async function () {
await agent.get(`/p/${testPadId}/export/pdf`)
.expect((res) => assert(res.body.length >= 1000));
it('Tries to import .odt that uses soffice or abiword', async function () {
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadId}/import`)
.attach('file', odtDoc, {filename: '/test.odt', contentType: 'application/odt'})
.expect(/FrameCall\('undefined', 'ok'\);/);
it('exports ODT', async function () {
await agent.get(`/p/${testPadId}/export/odt`)
.expect((res) => assert(res.body.length >= 7000));
}); // End of AbiWord/LibreOffice tests.
it('Tries to import .etherpad', async function () {
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadId}/import`)
.attach('file', etherpadDoc, {
filename: '/test.etherpad',
contentType: 'application/etherpad',
.expect(/FrameCall\('true', 'ok'\);/);
it('exports Etherpad', async function () {
await agent.get(`/p/${testPadId}/export/etherpad`)
it('exports HTML for this Etherpad file', async function () {
await agent.get(`/p/${testPadId}/export/html`)
.expect('content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
.expect(/<ul class="bullet"><li><ul class="bullet"><li>hello<\/ul><\/li><\/ul>/);
it('Tries to import unsupported file type', async function () {
settings.allowUnknownFileEnds = false;
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadId}/import`)
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.xasdasdxx', contentType: 'weirdness/jobby'})
.expect((res) => assert.doesNotMatch(res.text, /FrameCall\('undefined', 'ok'\);/));
describe('Import authorization checks', function () {
let authorize;
const deleteTestPad = async () => {
if (await padManager.doesPadExist(testPadId)) {
const pad = await padManager.getPad(testPadId);
await pad.remove();
const createTestPad = async (text) => {
const pad = await padManager.getPad(testPadId);
if (text) await pad.setText(text);
return pad;
beforeEach(async function () {
await deleteTestPad();
settings.requireAuthorization = true;
authorize = () => true;
plugins.hooks.authorize = [{hook_fn: (hookName, {req}, cb) => cb([authorize(req)])}];
afterEach(async function () {
await deleteTestPad();
it('!authn !exist -> create', async function () {
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadIdEnc}/import`)
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.txt', contentType: 'text/plain'})
assert(await padManager.doesPadExist(testPadId));
const pad = await padManager.getPad(testPadId);
assert.equal(pad.text(), padText.toString());
it('!authn exist -> replace', async function () {
const pad = await createTestPad('before import');
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadIdEnc}/import`)
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.txt', contentType: 'text/plain'})
assert(await padManager.doesPadExist(testPadId));
assert.equal(pad.text(), padText.toString());
it('authn anonymous !exist -> fail', async function () {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadIdEnc}/import`)
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.txt', contentType: 'text/plain'})
assert(!(await padManager.doesPadExist(testPadId)));
it('authn anonymous exist -> fail', async function () {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
const pad = await createTestPad('before import\n');
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadIdEnc}/import`)
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.txt', contentType: 'text/plain'})
assert.equal(pad.text(), 'before import\n');
it('authn user create !exist -> create', async function () {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadIdEnc}/import`)
.auth('user', 'user-password')
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.txt', contentType: 'text/plain'})
assert(await padManager.doesPadExist(testPadId));
const pad = await padManager.getPad(testPadId);
assert.equal(pad.text(), padText.toString());
it('authn user modify !exist -> fail', async function () {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
authorize = () => 'modify';
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadIdEnc}/import`)
.auth('user', 'user-password')
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.txt', contentType: 'text/plain'})
assert(!(await padManager.doesPadExist(testPadId)));
it('authn user readonly !exist -> fail', async function () {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
authorize = () => 'readOnly';
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadIdEnc}/import`)
.auth('user', 'user-password')
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.txt', contentType: 'text/plain'})
assert(!(await padManager.doesPadExist(testPadId)));
it('authn user create exist -> replace', async function () {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
const pad = await createTestPad('before import\n');
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadIdEnc}/import`)
.auth('user', 'user-password')
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.txt', contentType: 'text/plain'})
assert.equal(pad.text(), padText.toString());
it('authn user modify exist -> replace', async function () {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
authorize = () => 'modify';
const pad = await createTestPad('before import\n');
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadIdEnc}/import`)
.auth('user', 'user-password')
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.txt', contentType: 'text/plain'})
assert.equal(pad.text(), padText.toString());
it('authn user readonly exist -> fail', async function () {
const pad = await createTestPad('before import\n');
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
authorize = () => 'readOnly';
await agent.post(`/p/${testPadIdEnc}/import`)
.auth('user', 'user-password')
.attach('file', padText, {filename: '/test.txt', contentType: 'text/plain'})
assert.equal(pad.text(), 'before import\n');
}); // End of tests.
const endPoint = (point, version) => {
version = version || apiVersion;
return `/api/${version}/${point}?apikey=${apiKey}`;
function makeid() {
let text = '';
const possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;