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synced 2025-02-08 19:22:02 +01:00
CleanCSS 3.4.19 had a Regex Denial of Service vulnerability and has to be updated. The major version bump requires the following changes: 1. Disabling rebase is necessary because otherwise the URLs for the web fonts become wrong; EXAMPLE 1: /static/css/src/static/font/fontawesome-etherpad.woff instead of /static/font/fontawesome-etherpad.woff EXAMPLE 2 (this is more surprising): /p/src/static/font/opendyslexic.otf instead of /static/font/opendyslexic.otf 2. CleanCSS.minify() can either receive a string containing the CSS, or an array of strings. In that case each array element is interpreted as an absolute local path from which the CSS file is read. In version 4.x, CleanCSS API was simplified, eliminating the relativeTo parameter, and thus we cannot use our already loaded "content" argument, but we have to wrap the absolute path to the CSS in an array and ask the library to read it by itself. Fixes #3616.
462 lines
15 KiB
462 lines
15 KiB
* This Module manages all /minified/* requests. It controls the
* minification && compression of Javascript and CSS.
* 2011 Peter 'Pita' Martischka (Primary Technology Ltd)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var ERR = require("async-stacktrace");
var settings = require('./Settings');
var async = require('async');
var fs = require('fs');
var StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder;
var CleanCSS = require('clean-css');
var uglifyJS = require("uglify-js");
var path = require('path');
var plugins = require("ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pluginfw/plugins");
var RequireKernel = require('etherpad-require-kernel');
var urlutil = require('url');
var ROOT_DIR = path.normalize(__dirname + "/../../static/");
var TAR_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'tar.json');
var tar = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(TAR_PATH, 'utf8'));
, 'security'
, 'tinycon'
, 'underscore'
, 'unorm'
// Rewrite tar to include modules with no extensions and proper rooted paths.
var LIBRARY_PREFIX = 'ep_etherpad-lite/static/js';
exports.tar = {};
function prefixLocalLibraryPath(path) {
if (path.charAt(0) == '$') {
return path.slice(1);
} else {
return LIBRARY_PREFIX + '/' + path;
for (var key in tar) {
exports.tar[prefixLocalLibraryPath(key)] =
tar[key].map(prefixLocalLibraryPath).map(function (p) {
return p.replace(/\.js$/, '');
tar[key].map(prefixLocalLibraryPath).map(function (p) {
return p.replace(/\.js$/, '') + '/index.js';
// What follows is a terrible hack to avoid loop-back within the server.
// TODO: Serve files from another service, or directly from the file system.
function requestURI(url, method, headers, callback) {
var parsedURL = urlutil.parse(url);
var status = 500, headers = {}, content = [];
var mockRequest = {
url: url
, method: method
, params: {filename: parsedURL.path.replace(/^\/static\//, '')}
, headers: headers
var mockResponse = {
writeHead: function (_status, _headers) {
status = _status;
for (var header in _headers) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_headers, header)) {
headers[header] = _headers[header];
, setHeader: function (header, value) {
headers[header.toLowerCase()] = value.toString();
, header: function (header, value) {
headers[header.toLowerCase()] = value.toString();
, write: function (_content) {
_content && content.push(_content);
, end: function (_content) {
_content && content.push(_content);
callback(status, headers, content.join(''));
minify(mockRequest, mockResponse);
function requestURIs(locations, method, headers, callback) {
var pendingRequests = locations.length;
var responses = [];
function respondFor(i) {
return function (status, headers, content) {
responses[i] = [status, headers, content];
if (--pendingRequests == 0) {
for (var i = 0, ii = locations.length; i < ii; i++) {
requestURI(locations[i], method, headers, respondFor(i));
function completed() {
var statuss = responses.map(function (x) {return x[0];});
var headerss = responses.map(function (x) {return x[1];});
var contentss = responses.map(function (x) {return x[2];});
callback(statuss, headerss, contentss);
* creates the minifed javascript for the given minified name
* @param req the Express request
* @param res the Express response
function minify(req, res)
var filename = req.params['filename'];
// No relative paths, especially if they may go up the file hierarchy.
filename = path.normalize(path.join(ROOT_DIR, filename));
filename = filename.replace(/\.\./g, '')
if (filename.indexOf(ROOT_DIR) == 0) {
filename = filename.slice(ROOT_DIR.length);
filename = filename.replace(/\\/g, '/')
} else {
res.writeHead(404, {});
/* Handle static files for plugins/libraries:
paths like "plugins/ep_myplugin/static/js/test.js"
are rewritten into ROOT_PATH_OF_MYPLUGIN/static/js/test.js,
commonly ETHERPAD_ROOT/node_modules/ep_myplugin/static/js/test.js
var match = filename.match(/^plugins\/([^\/]+)(\/(?:(static\/.*)|.*))?$/);
if (match) {
var library = match[1];
var libraryPath = match[2] || '';
if (plugins.plugins[library] && match[3]) {
var plugin = plugins.plugins[library];
var pluginPath = plugin.package.realPath;
filename = path.relative(ROOT_DIR, pluginPath + libraryPath);
filename = filename.replace(/\\/g, '/'); // windows path fix
} else if (LIBRARY_WHITELIST.indexOf(library) != -1) {
// Go straight into node_modules
// Avoid `require.resolve()`, since 'mustache' and 'mustache/index.js'
// would end up resolving to logically distinct resources.
filename = '../node_modules/' + library + libraryPath;
// What content type should this be?
// TODO: This should use a MIME module.
var contentType;
if (filename.match(/\.js$/)) {
contentType = "text/javascript";
} else if (filename.match(/\.css$/)) {
contentType = "text/css";
} else if (filename.match(/\.html$/)) {
contentType = "text/html";
} else if (filename.match(/\.txt$/)) {
contentType = "text/plain";
} else if (filename.match(/\.png$/)) {
contentType = "image/png";
} else if (filename.match(/\.gif$/)) {
contentType = "image/gif";
} else if (filename.match(/\.ico$/)) {
contentType = "image/x-icon";
} else {
contentType = "application/octet-stream";
statFile(filename, function (error, date, exists) {
if (date) {
date = new Date(date);
res.setHeader('last-modified', date.toUTCString());
res.setHeader('date', (new Date()).toUTCString());
if (settings.maxAge !== undefined) {
var expiresDate = new Date(Date.now()+settings.maxAge*1000);
res.setHeader('expires', expiresDate.toUTCString());
res.setHeader('cache-control', 'max-age=' + settings.maxAge);
if (error) {
res.writeHead(500, {});
} else if (!exists) {
res.writeHead(404, {});
} else if (new Date(req.headers['if-modified-since']) >= date) {
res.writeHead(304, {});
} else {
if (req.method == 'HEAD') {
res.header("Content-Type", contentType);
res.writeHead(200, {});
} else if (req.method == 'GET') {
getFileCompressed(filename, contentType, function (error, content) {
if(ERR(error, function(){
res.writeHead(500, {});
})) return;
res.header("Content-Type", contentType);
res.writeHead(200, {});
} else {
res.writeHead(405, {'allow': 'HEAD, GET'});
}, 3);
// find all includes in ace.js and embed them.
function getAceFile(callback) {
fs.readFile(ROOT_DIR + 'js/ace.js', "utf8", function(err, data) {
if(ERR(err, callback)) return;
// Find all includes in ace.js and embed them
var founds = data.match(/\$\$INCLUDE_[a-zA-Z_]+\("[^"]*"\)/gi);
if (!settings.minify) {
founds = [];
// Always include the require kernel.
data += ';\n';
data += 'Ace2Editor.EMBEDED = Ace2Editor.EMBEDED || {};\n';
// Request the contents of the included file on the server-side and write
// them into the file.
async.forEach(founds, function (item, callback) {
var filename = item.match(/"([^"]*)"/)[1];
// Hostname "invalid.invalid" is a dummy value to allow parsing as a URI.
var baseURI = 'http://invalid.invalid';
var resourceURI = baseURI + path.normalize(path.join('/static/', filename));
resourceURI = resourceURI.replace(/\\/g, '/'); // Windows (safe generally?)
requestURI(resourceURI, 'GET', {}, function (status, headers, body) {
var error = !(status == 200 || status == 404);
if (!error) {
data += 'Ace2Editor.EMBEDED[' + JSON.stringify(filename) + '] = '
+ JSON.stringify(status == 200 ? body || '' : null) + ';\n';
} else {
console.error(`getAceFile(): error getting ${resourceURI}. Status code: ${status}`);
}, function(error) {
callback(error, data);
// Check for the existance of the file and get the last modification date.
function statFile(filename, callback, dirStatLimit) {
* The only external call to this function provides an explicit value for
* dirStatLimit: this check could be removed.
if (typeof dirStatLimit === 'undefined') {
dirStatLimit = 3;
if (dirStatLimit < 1 || filename == '' || filename == '/') {
callback(null, null, false);
} else if (filename == 'js/ace.js') {
// Sometimes static assets are inlined into this file, so we have to stat
// everything.
lastModifiedDateOfEverything(function (error, date) {
callback(error, date, !error);
} else if (filename == 'js/require-kernel.js') {
callback(null, requireLastModified(), true);
} else {
fs.stat(ROOT_DIR + filename, function (error, stats) {
if (error) {
if (error.code == "ENOENT") {
// Stat the directory instead.
statFile(path.dirname(filename), function (error, date, exists) {
callback(error, date, false);
}, dirStatLimit-1);
} else {
} else if (stats.isFile()) {
callback(null, stats.mtime.getTime(), true);
} else {
callback(null, stats.mtime.getTime(), false);
function lastModifiedDateOfEverything(callback) {
var folders2check = [ROOT_DIR + 'js/', ROOT_DIR + 'css/'];
var latestModification = 0;
//go trough this two folders
async.forEach(folders2check, function(path, callback)
//read the files in the folder
fs.readdir(path, function(err, files)
if(ERR(err, callback)) return;
//we wanna check the directory itself for changes too
//go trough all files in this folder
async.forEach(files, function(filename, callback)
//get the stat data of this file
fs.stat(path + "/" + filename, function(err, stats)
if(ERR(err, callback)) return;
//get the modification time
var modificationTime = stats.mtime.getTime();
//compare the modification time to the highest found
if(modificationTime > latestModification)
latestModification = modificationTime;
}, callback);
}, function () {
callback(null, latestModification);
// This should be provided by the module, but until then, just use startup
// time.
var _requireLastModified = new Date();
function requireLastModified() {
return _requireLastModified.toUTCString();
function requireDefinition() {
return 'var require = ' + RequireKernel.kernelSource + ';\n';
function getFileCompressed(filename, contentType, callback) {
getFile(filename, function (error, content) {
if (error || !content || !settings.minify) {
callback(error, content);
} else if (contentType == 'text/javascript') {
try {
content = compressJS(content);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`getFile() returned an error in getFileCompressed(${filename}, ${contentType}): ${error}`);
callback(null, content);
} else if (contentType == 'text/css') {
compressCSS(filename, content, callback);
} else {
callback(null, content);
function getFile(filename, callback) {
if (filename == 'js/ace.js') {
} else if (filename == 'js/require-kernel.js') {
callback(undefined, requireDefinition());
} else {
fs.readFile(ROOT_DIR + filename, callback);
function compressJS(content)
var decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8');
var code = decoder.write(content); // convert from buffer to string
var codeMinified = uglifyJS.minify(code, {fromString: true}).code;
return codeMinified;
function compressCSS(filename, content, callback)
try {
const absPath = path.join(ROOT_DIR, filename);
* Changes done to migrate CleanCSS 3.x -> 4.x:
* 1. Disabling rebase is necessary because otherwise the URLs for the web
* fonts become wrong.
* /static/css/src/static/font/fontawesome-etherpad.woff
* instead of
* /static/font/fontawesome-etherpad.woff
* EXAMPLE 2 (this is more surprising):
* /p/src/static/font/opendyslexic.otf
* instead of
* /static/font/opendyslexic.otf
* 2. CleanCSS.minify() can either receive a string containing the CSS, or
* an array of strings. In that case each array element is interpreted as
* an absolute local path from which the CSS file is read.
* In version 4.x, CleanCSS API was simplified, eliminating the
* relativeTo parameter, and thus we cannot use our already loaded
* "content" argument, but we have to wrap the absolute path to the CSS
* in an array and ask the library to read it by itself.
new CleanCSS({rebase: false}).minify([absPath], function (errors, minified) {
if (errors) {
// on error, just yield the un-minified original, but write a log message
console.error(`CleanCSS.minify() returned an error on ${filename} (${absPath}): ${errors}`);
callback(null, content);
} else {
callback(null, minified.styles);
} catch (error) {
// on error, just yield the un-minified original, but write a log message
console.error(`Unexpected error minifying ${filename} (${absPath}): ${error}`);
callback(null, content);
exports.minify = minify;
exports.requestURI = requestURI;
exports.requestURIs = requestURIs;