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synced 2025-02-01 11:22:41 +01:00
This PR makes checkPlugins some what more useful for developers. It adds auto npm publish support and various travis improvements among other goodies.
293 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
293 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
* Usage -- see README.md
* Normal usage: node bin/plugins/checkPlugins.js ep_whatever
* Auto fix the things it can: node bin/plugins/checkPlugins.js ep_whatever autofix
* Auto commit, push and publish(to npm) * highly dangerous:
node bin/plugins/checkPlugins.js ep_whatever autofix autocommit
const fs = require("fs");
const { exec } = require("child_process");
// get plugin name & path from user input
const pluginName = process.argv[2];
console.error("no plugin name specified");
const pluginPath = "node_modules/"+pluginName;
console.log("Checking the plugin: "+ pluginName)
// Should we autofix?
if (process.argv[3] && process.argv[3] === "autofix") var autoFix = true;
// Should we update files where possible?
if (process.argv[5] && process.argv[5] === "autoupdate") var autoUpdate = true;
// Should we automcommit and npm publish?!
if (process.argv[4] && process.argv[4] === "autocommit") var autoCommit = true;
console.warn("Auto commit is enabled, I hope you know what you are doing...")
fs.readdir(pluginPath, function (err, rootFiles) {
//handling error
if (err) {
return console.log('Unable to scan directory: ' + err);
// rewriting files to lower case
var files = [];
// some files we need to know the actual file name. Not compulsory but might help in the future.
var readMeFileName;
var repository;
var hasAutofixed = false;
for (var i = 0; i < rootFiles.length; i++) {
if(rootFiles[i].toLowerCase().indexOf("readme") !== -1) readMeFileName = rootFiles[i];
if(files.indexOf(".git") === -1){
console.error("No .git folder, aborting");
// do a git pull...
var child_process = require('child_process');
child_process.execSync('git pull ',{"cwd":pluginPath+"/"});
console.error("Error git pull", e);
try {
const path = pluginPath + '/.github/workflows/npmpublish.yml';
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
console.log('no .github/workflows/npmpublish.yml, create one and set npm secret to auto publish to npm on commit');
if (autoFix) {
const npmpublish =
fs.readFileSync('bin/plugins/lib/npmpublish.yml', {encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r'});
fs.mkdirSync(pluginPath + '/.github/workflows', {recursive: true});
fs.writeFileSync(path, npmpublish);
console.log("If you haven't already, setup autopublish for this plugin https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/wiki/Plugins:-Automatically-publishing-to-npm-on-commit-to-Github-Repo");
} else {
console.log('Setup autopublish for this plugin https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/wiki/Plugins:-Automatically-publishing-to-npm-on-commit-to-Github-Repo');
} catch (err) {
if(files.indexOf("package.json") === -1){
console.warn("no package.json, please create");
if(files.indexOf("package.json") !== -1){
let packageJSON = fs.readFileSync(pluginPath+"/package.json", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'});
let parsedPackageJSON = JSON.parse(packageJSON);
var updatedPackageJSON = false;
updatedPackageJSON = true;
parsedPackageJSON.funding = {
"type": "individual",
"url": "http://etherpad.org/"
hasAutofixed = true;
fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath+"/package.json", JSON.stringify(parsedPackageJSON, null, 2));
if(packageJSON.toLowerCase().indexOf("repository") === -1){
console.warn("No repository in package.json");
console.warn("Repository not detected in package.json. Please add repository section manually.")
// useful for creating README later.
repository = parsedPackageJSON.repository.url;
if(files.indexOf("package-lock.json") === -1){
console.warn("package-lock.json file not found. Please run npm install in the plugin folder and commit the package-lock.json file.")
var child_process = require('child_process');
child_process.execSync('npm install',{"cwd":pluginPath+"/"});
console.log("Making package-lock.json");
hasAutofixed = true;
console.error("Failed to create package-lock.json");
if(files.indexOf("readme") === -1 && files.indexOf("readme.md") === -1){
console.warn("README.md file not found, please create");
console.log("Autofixing missing README.md file, please edit the README.md file further to include plugin specific details.");
let readme = fs.readFileSync("bin/plugins/lib/README.md", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'})
readme = readme.replace(/\[plugin_name\]/g, pluginName);
let org = repository.split("/")[3];
let name = repository.split("/")[4];
readme = readme.replace(/\[org_name\]/g, org);
readme = readme.replace(/\[repo_url\]/g, name);
fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath+"/README.md", readme);
console.warn("Unable to find repository in package.json, aborting.")
if(files.indexOf("readme") !== -1 && files.indexOf("readme.md") !== -1){
let readme = fs.readFileSync(pluginPath+"/"+readMeFileName, {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'});
if(readme.toLowerCase().indexOf("license") === -1){
console.warn("No license section in README");
console.warn("Please add License section to README manually.")
if(files.indexOf("license") === -1 && files.indexOf("license.md") === -1){
console.warn("LICENSE.md file not found, please create");
hasAutofixed = true;
console.log("Autofixing missing LICENSE.md file, including Apache 2 license.");
exec("git config user.name", (error, name, stderr) => {
if (error) {
console.log(`error: ${error.message}`);
if (stderr) {
console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`);
let license = fs.readFileSync("bin/plugins/lib/LICENSE.md", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'});
license = license.replace("[yyyy]", new Date().getFullYear());
license = license.replace("[name of copyright owner]", name)
fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath+"/LICENSE.md", license);
var travisConfig = fs.readFileSync("bin/plugins/lib/travis.yml", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'});
travisConfig = travisConfig.replace(/\[plugin_name\]/g, pluginName);
if(files.indexOf(".travis.yml") === -1){
console.warn(".travis.yml file not found, please create. .travis.yml is used for automatically CI testing Etherpad. It is useful to know if your plugin breaks another feature for example.")
// TODO: Make it check version of the .travis file to see if it needs an update.
hasAutofixed = true;
console.log("Autofixing missing .travis.yml file");
fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath+"/.travis.yml", travisConfig);
console.log("Travis file created, please sign into travis and enable this repository")
if(autoFix && autoUpdate){
// checks the file versioning of .travis and updates it to the latest.
let existingConfig = fs.readFileSync(pluginPath + "/.travis.yml", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'});
let existingConfigLocation = existingConfig.indexOf("##ETHERPAD_TRAVIS_V=");
let existingValue = parseInt(existingConfig.substr(existingConfigLocation+20, existingConfig.length));
let newConfigLocation = travisConfig.indexOf("##ETHERPAD_TRAVIS_V=");
let newValue = parseInt(travisConfig.substr(newConfigLocation+20, travisConfig.length));
if(existingConfigLocation === -1){
console.warn("no previous .travis.yml version found so writing new.")
// we will write the newTravisConfig to the location.
fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath + "/.travis.yml", travisConfig);
if(newValue > existingValue){
console.log("updating .travis.yml");
fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath + "/.travis.yml", travisConfig);
hasAutofixed = true;
if(files.indexOf(".gitignore") === -1){
console.warn(".gitignore file not found, please create. .gitignore files are useful to ensure files aren't incorrectly commited to a repository.")
hasAutofixed = true;
console.log("Autofixing missing .gitignore file");
let gitignore = fs.readFileSync("bin/plugins/lib/gitignore", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'});
fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath+"/.gitignore", gitignore);
// if we include templates but don't have translations...
if(files.indexOf("templates") !== -1 && files.indexOf("locales") === -1){
console.warn("Translations not found, please create. Translation files help with Etherpad accessibility.");
if(files.indexOf(".ep_initialized") !== -1){
console.warn(".ep_initialized found, please remove. .ep_initialized should never be commited to git and should only exist once the plugin has been executed one time.")
hasAutofixed = true;
console.log("Autofixing incorrectly existing .ep_initialized file");
if(files.indexOf("npm-debug.log") !== -1){
console.warn("npm-debug.log found, please remove. npm-debug.log should never be commited to your repository.")
hasAutofixed = true;
console.log("Autofixing incorrectly existing npm-debug.log file");
if(files.indexOf("static") !== -1){
fs.readdir(pluginPath+"/static", function (errRead, staticFiles) {
if(staticFiles.indexOf("tests") === -1){
console.warn("Test files not found, please create tests. https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/wiki/Creating-a-plugin#writing-and-running-front-end-tests-for-your-plugin")
console.warn("Test files not found, please create tests. https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/wiki/Creating-a-plugin#writing-and-running-front-end-tests-for-your-plugin")
console.log("Fixes applied, please check git diff then run the following command:\n\n")
// bump npm Version
// holy shit you brave.
console.log("Attempting autocommit and auto publish to npm")
// github should push to npm for us :)
exec("cd node_modules/"+ pluginName + " && git add -A && git commit --allow-empty -m 'autofixes from Etherpad checkPlugins.js' && git push && cd ../..", (error, name, stderr) => {
if (error) {
console.log(`error: ${error.message}`);
if (stderr) {
console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`);
console.log("I think she's got it! By George she's got it!")
console.log("cd node_modules/"+ pluginName + " && git add -A && git commit --allow-empty -m 'autofixes from Etherpad checkPlugins.js' && npm version patch && git add package.json && git commit --allow-empty -m 'bump version' && git push && npm publish && cd ../..")