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synced 2025-02-12 04:40:25 +01:00
417 lines
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417 lines
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'use strict';
const Changeset = require('./Changeset');
const ChangesetUtils = require('./ChangesetUtils');
const _ = require('./underscore');
const lineMarkerAttribute = 'lmkr';
// Some of these attributes are kept for compatibility purposes.
// Not sure if we need all of them
const DEFAULT_LINE_ATTRIBUTES = ['author', 'lmkr', 'insertorder', 'start'];
// If one of these attributes are set to the first character of a
// line it is considered as a line attribute marker i.e. attributes
// set on this marker are applied to the whole line.
// The list attribute is only maintained for compatibility reasons
const lineAttributes = [lineMarkerAttribute, 'list'];
The Attribute manager builds changesets based on a document
representation for setting and removing range or line-based attributes.
@param rep the document representation to be used
@param applyChangesetCallback this callback will be called
once a changeset has been built.
A document representation contains
- an array `alines` containing 1 attributes string for each line
- an Attribute pool `apool`
- a SkipList `lines` containing the text lines of the document.
const AttributeManager = function (rep, applyChangesetCallback) {
this.rep = rep;
this.applyChangesetCallback = applyChangesetCallback;
this.author = '';
// If the first char in a line has one of the following attributes
// it will be considered as a line marker
AttributeManager.lineAttributes = lineAttributes;
AttributeManager.prototype = _(AttributeManager.prototype).extend({
applyChangeset(changeset) {
if (!this.applyChangesetCallback) return changeset;
const cs = changeset.toString();
if (!Changeset.isIdentity(cs)) {
return changeset;
Sets attributes on a range
@param start [row, col] tuple pointing to the start of the range
@param end [row, col] tuple pointing to the end of the range
@param attribs: an array of attributes
setAttributesOnRange(start, end, attribs) {
if (start[0] < 0) throw new RangeError('selection start line number is negative');
if (start[1] < 0) throw new RangeError('selection start column number is negative');
if (end[0] < 0) throw new RangeError('selection end line number is negative');
if (end[1] < 0) throw new RangeError('selection end column number is negative');
if (start[0] > end[0] || (start[0] === end[0] && start[1] > end[1])) {
throw new RangeError('selection ends before it starts');
// instead of applying the attributes to the whole range at once, we need to apply them
// line by line, to be able to disregard the "*" used as line marker. For more details,
// see https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/issues/2772
let allChangesets;
for (let row = start[0]; row <= end[0]; row++) {
const [startCol, endCol] = this._findRowRange(row, start, end);
const rowChangeset = this._setAttributesOnRangeByLine(row, startCol, endCol, attribs);
// compose changesets of all rows into a single changeset
// as the range might not be continuous
// due to the presence of line markers on the rows
if (allChangesets) {
allChangesets = Changeset.compose(
allChangesets.toString(), rowChangeset.toString(), this.rep.apool);
} else {
allChangesets = rowChangeset;
return this.applyChangeset(allChangesets);
_findRowRange(row, start, end) {
if (row < start[0] || row > end[0]) throw new RangeError(`line ${row} not in selection`);
if (row >= this.rep.lines.length()) throw new RangeError(`selected line ${row} does not exist`);
// Subtract 1 for the end-of-line '\n' (it is never selected).
const lineLength =
this.rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(row + 1) - this.rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(row) - 1;
const markerWidth = this.lineHasMarker(row) ? 1 : 0;
if (lineLength - markerWidth < 0) throw new Error(`line ${row} has negative length`);
if (start[1] < 0) throw new RangeError('selection starts at negative column');
const startCol = Math.max(markerWidth, row === start[0] ? start[1] : 0);
if (startCol > lineLength) throw new RangeError('selection starts after line end');
if (end[1] < 0) throw new RangeError('selection ends at negative column');
const endCol = Math.max(markerWidth, row === end[0] ? end[1] : lineLength);
if (endCol > lineLength) throw new RangeError('selection ends after line end');
if (startCol > endCol) throw new RangeError('selection ends before it starts');
return [startCol, endCol];
* Sets attributes on a range, by line
* @param row the row where range is
* @param startCol column where range starts
* @param endCol column where range ends (one past the last selected column)
* @param attribs an array of attributes
_setAttributesOnRangeByLine(row, startCol, endCol, attribs) {
const builder = Changeset.builder(this.rep.lines.totalWidth());
ChangesetUtils.buildKeepToStartOfRange(this.rep, builder, [row, startCol]);
this.rep, builder, [row, startCol], [row, endCol], attribs, this.rep.apool);
return builder;
Returns if the line already has a line marker
@param lineNum: the number of the line
lineHasMarker(lineNum) {
return lineAttributes.find(
(attribute) => this.getAttributeOnLine(lineNum, attribute) !== '') !== undefined;
Gets a specified attribute on a line
@param lineNum: the number of the line to set the attribute for
@param attributeKey: the name of the attribute to get, e.g. list
getAttributeOnLine(lineNum, attributeName) {
// get `attributeName` attribute of first char of line
const aline = this.rep.alines[lineNum];
if (aline) {
const opIter = Changeset.opIterator(aline);
if (opIter.hasNext()) {
return Changeset.opAttributeValue(opIter.next(), attributeName, this.rep.apool) || '';
return '';
Gets all attributes on a line
@param lineNum: the number of the line to get the attribute for
getAttributesOnLine(lineNum) {
// get attributes of first char of line
const aline = this.rep.alines[lineNum];
const attributes = [];
if (aline) {
const opIter = Changeset.opIterator(aline);
let op;
if (opIter.hasNext()) {
op = opIter.next();
if (!op.attribs) return [];
Changeset.eachAttribNumber(op.attribs, (n) => {
attributes.push([this.rep.apool.getAttribKey(n), this.rep.apool.getAttribValue(n)]);
return attributes;
return [];
Gets a given attribute on a selection
@param attributeName
@param prevChar
returns true or false if an attribute is visible in range
getAttributeOnSelection(attributeName, prevChar) {
const rep = this.rep;
if (!(rep.selStart && rep.selEnd)) return;
// If we're looking for the caret attribute not the selection
// has the user already got a selection or is this purely a caret location?
const isNotSelection = (rep.selStart[0] === rep.selEnd[0] && rep.selEnd[1] === rep.selStart[1]);
if (isNotSelection) {
if (prevChar) {
// If it's not the start of the line
if (rep.selStart[1] !== 0) {
const withIt = Changeset.makeAttribsString('+', [
[attributeName, 'true'],
], rep.apool);
const withItRegex = new RegExp(`${withIt.replace(/\*/g, '\\*')}(\\*|$)`);
const hasIt = (attribs) => withItRegex.test(attribs);
const rangeHasAttrib = (selStart, selEnd) => {
// if range is collapsed -> no attribs in range
if (selStart[1] === selEnd[1] && selStart[0] === selEnd[0]) return false;
if (selStart[0] !== selEnd[0]) { // -> More than one line selected
// from selStart to the end of the first line
let hasAttrib = rangeHasAttrib(
selStart, [selStart[0], rep.lines.atIndex(selStart[0]).text.length]);
// for all lines in between
for (let n = selStart[0] + 1; n < selEnd[0]; n++) {
hasAttrib = hasAttrib && rangeHasAttrib([n, 0], [n, rep.lines.atIndex(n).text.length]);
// for the last, potentially partial, line
hasAttrib = hasAttrib && rangeHasAttrib([selEnd[0], 0], [selEnd[0], selEnd[1]]);
return hasAttrib;
// Logic tells us we now have a range on a single line
const lineNum = selStart[0];
const start = selStart[1];
const end = selEnd[1];
let hasAttrib = true;
// Iterate over attribs on this line
const opIter = Changeset.opIterator(rep.alines[lineNum]);
let indexIntoLine = 0;
while (opIter.hasNext()) {
const op = opIter.next();
const opStartInLine = indexIntoLine;
const opEndInLine = opStartInLine + op.chars;
if (!hasIt(op.attribs)) {
// does op overlap selection?
if (!(opEndInLine <= start || opStartInLine >= end)) {
// since it's overlapping but hasn't got the attrib -> range hasn't got it
hasAttrib = false;
indexIntoLine = opEndInLine;
return hasAttrib;
return rangeHasAttrib(rep.selStart, rep.selEnd);
Gets all attributes at a position containing line number and column
@param lineNumber starting with zero
@param column starting with zero
returns a list of attributes in the format
[ ["key","value"], ["key","value"], ... ]
getAttributesOnPosition(lineNumber, column) {
// get all attributes of the line
const aline = this.rep.alines[lineNumber];
if (!aline) {
return [];
// iterate through all operations of a line
const opIter = Changeset.opIterator(aline);
// we need to sum up how much characters each operations take until the wanted position
let currentPointer = 0;
const attributes = [];
let currentOperation;
while (opIter.hasNext()) {
currentOperation = opIter.next();
currentPointer += currentOperation.chars;
if (currentPointer > column) {
// we got the operation of the wanted position, now collect all its attributes
Changeset.eachAttribNumber(currentOperation.attribs, (n) => {
// skip the loop
return attributes;
return attributes;
Gets all attributes at caret position
if the user selected a range, the start of the selection is taken
returns a list of attributes in the format
[ ["key","value"], ["key","value"], ... ]
getAttributesOnCaret() {
return this.getAttributesOnPosition(this.rep.selStart[0], this.rep.selStart[1]);
Sets a specified attribute on a line
@param lineNum: the number of the line to set the attribute for
@param attributeKey: the name of the attribute to set, e.g. list
@param attributeValue: an optional parameter to pass to the attribute (e.g. indention level)
setAttributeOnLine(lineNum, attributeName, attributeValue) {
let loc = [0, 0];
const builder = Changeset.builder(this.rep.lines.totalWidth());
const hasMarker = this.lineHasMarker(lineNum);
ChangesetUtils.buildKeepRange(this.rep, builder, loc, (loc = [lineNum, 0]));
if (hasMarker) {
ChangesetUtils.buildKeepRange(this.rep, builder, loc, (loc = [lineNum, 1]), [
[attributeName, attributeValue],
], this.rep.apool);
} else {
// add a line marker
builder.insert('*', [
['author', this.author],
['insertorder', 'first'],
[lineMarkerAttribute, '1'],
[attributeName, attributeValue],
], this.rep.apool);
return this.applyChangeset(builder);
* Removes a specified attribute on a line
* @param lineNum the number of the affected line
* @param attributeName the name of the attribute to remove, e.g. list
* @param attributeValue if given only attributes with equal value will be removed
removeAttributeOnLine(lineNum, attributeName, attributeValue) {
const builder = Changeset.builder(this.rep.lines.totalWidth());
const hasMarker = this.lineHasMarker(lineNum);
let found = false;
const attribs = this.getAttributesOnLine(lineNum).map((attrib) => {
if (attrib[0] === attributeName && (!attributeValue || attrib[0] === attributeValue)) {
found = true;
return [attrib[0], ''];
} else if (attrib[0] === 'author') {
// update last author to make changes to line attributes on this line
return [attrib[0], this.author];
return attrib;
if (!found) {
ChangesetUtils.buildKeepToStartOfRange(this.rep, builder, [lineNum, 0]);
const countAttribsWithMarker = _.chain(attribs).filter((a) => !!a[1])
.map((a) => a[0]).difference(DEFAULT_LINE_ATTRIBUTES).size().value();
// if we have marker and any of attributes don't need to have marker. we need delete it
if (hasMarker && !countAttribsWithMarker) {
ChangesetUtils.buildRemoveRange(this.rep, builder, [lineNum, 0], [lineNum, 1]);
} else {
this.rep, builder, [lineNum, 0], [lineNum, 1], attribs, this.rep.apool);
return this.applyChangeset(builder);
Toggles a line attribute for the specified line number
If a line attribute with the specified name exists with any value it will be removed
Otherwise it will be set to the given value
@param lineNum: the number of the line to toggle the attribute for
@param attributeKey: the name of the attribute to toggle, e.g. list
@param attributeValue: the value to pass to the attribute (e.g. indention level)
toggleAttributeOnLine(lineNum, attributeName, attributeValue) {
return this.getAttributeOnLine(lineNum, attributeName)
? this.removeAttributeOnLine(lineNum, attributeName)
: this.setAttributeOnLine(lineNum, attributeName, attributeValue);
hasAttributeOnSelectionOrCaretPosition(attributeName) {
const hasSelection = (
(this.rep.selStart[0] !== this.rep.selEnd[0]) || (this.rep.selEnd[1] !== this.rep.selStart[1])
let hasAttrib;
if (hasSelection) {
hasAttrib = this.getAttributeOnSelection(attributeName);
} else {
const attributesOnCaretPosition = this.getAttributesOnCaret();
const allAttribs = [].concat(...attributesOnCaretPosition); // flatten
hasAttrib = allAttribs.includes(attributeName);
return hasAttrib;
module.exports = AttributeManager;