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synced 2025-02-08 11:12:01 +01:00
![Richard Hansen](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
* `src/node/server.js` can now be run as a script (for normal operation) or imported as a module (for tests). * Move shutdown actions to `src/node/server.js` to be close to the startup actions. * Put startup and shutdown in functions so that tests can call them. * Use `await` instead of callbacks. * Block until the HTTP server is listening to avoid races during test startup. * Add a new `shutdown` hook. * Use the `shutdown` hook to: * close the HTTP server * call `end()` on the stats collection to cancel its timers * call `terminate()` on the Threads.Pool to stop the workers * Exit with exit code 0 (instead of 1) on SIGTERM. * Export the HTTP server so that tests can get the HTTP server's port via `server.address().port` when `settings.port` is 0.
183 lines
6.7 KiB
183 lines
6.7 KiB
function m(mod) { return __dirname + '/../../../src/' + mod; }
const assert = require('assert').strict;
const io = require(m('node_modules/socket.io-client'));
const log4js = require(m('node_modules/log4js'));
const padManager = require(m('node/db/PadManager'));
const plugins = require(m('static/js/pluginfw/plugin_defs'));
const server = require(m('node/server'));
const setCookieParser = require(m('node_modules/set-cookie-parser'));
const settings = require(m('node/utils/Settings'));
const supertest = require(m('node_modules/supertest'));
const logger = log4js.getLogger('test');
let client;
let baseUrl;
before(async () => {
settings.port = 0;
settings.ip = 'localhost';
const httpServer = await server.start();
baseUrl = `http://localhost:${httpServer.address().port}`;
logger.debug(`HTTP server at ${baseUrl}`);
client = supertest(baseUrl);
after(async () => {
await server.stop();
// Waits for and returns the next named socket.io event. Rejects if there is any error while waiting
// (unless waiting for that error event).
const getSocketEvent = async (socket, event) => {
const errorEvents = [
const handlers = {};
let timeoutId;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => reject(new Error(`timed out waiting for ${event} event`)), 1000);
for (const event of errorEvents) {
handlers[event] = (errorString) => {
logger.debug(`socket.io ${event} event: ${errorString}`);
reject(new Error(errorString));
// This will overwrite one of the above handlers if the user is waiting for an error event.
handlers[event] = (...args) => {
logger.debug(`socket.io ${event} event`);
if (args.length > 1) return resolve(args);
Object.entries(handlers).forEach(([event, handler]) => socket.on(event, handler));
}).finally(() => {
Object.entries(handlers).forEach(([event, handler]) => socket.off(event, handler));
// Establishes a new socket.io connection. Passes the cookies from the `set-cookie` header(s) in
// `res` (which may be nullish) to the server. Returns a socket.io Socket object.
const connect = async (res) => {
// Convert the `set-cookie` header(s) into a `cookie` header.
const resCookies = (res == null) ? {} : setCookieParser.parse(res, {map: true});
const reqCookieHdr = Object.entries(resCookies).map(([name, cookie]) => {
return `${name}=${encodeURIComponent(cookie.value)}`;
}).join('; ');
logger.debug('socket.io connecting...');
const socket = io(`${baseUrl}/`, {
forceNew: true, // Different tests will have different query parameters.
path: '/socket.io',
// socketio.js-client on node.js doesn't support cookies (see https://git.io/JU8u9), so the
// express_sid cookie must be passed as a query parameter.
query: {cookie: reqCookieHdr},
try {
await getSocketEvent(socket, 'connect');
} catch (e) {
throw e;
logger.debug('socket.io connected');
return socket;
// Helper function to exchange CLIENT_READY+CLIENT_VARS messages for the named pad.
// Returns the CLIENT_VARS message from the server.
const handshake = async (socket, padID) => {
logger.debug('sending CLIENT_READY...');
component: 'pad',
padId: padID,
sessionID: null,
password: null,
token: 't.12345',
protocolVersion: 2,
logger.debug('waiting for CLIENT_VARS response...');
const msg = await getSocketEvent(socket, 'message');
logger.debug('received CLIENT_VARS message');
return msg;
describe('socket.io access checks', () => {
const settingsBackup = {};
let socket;
beforeEach(async () => {
Object.assign(settingsBackup, settings);
assert(socket == null);
settings.requireAuthentication = false;
settings.requireAuthorization = false;
settings.users = {
admin: {password: 'admin-password', is_admin: true},
user: {password: 'user-password'},
Promise.all(['pad', 'other-pad'].map(async (pad) => {
if (await padManager.doesPadExist(pad)) (await padManager.getPad(pad)).remove();
afterEach(async () => {
Object.assign(settings, settingsBackup);
if (socket) socket.close();
socket = null;
// Normal accesses.
it('!authn anonymous /p/pad -> 200, ok', async () => {
const res = await client.get('/p/pad').expect(200);
// Should not throw.
socket = await connect(res);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
it('!authn user /p/pad -> 200, ok', async () => {
const res = await client.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
// Should not throw.
socket = await connect(res);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
it('authn user /p/pad -> 200, ok', async () => {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
const res = await client.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
// Should not throw.
socket = await connect(res);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
// Abnormal access attempts.
it('authn anonymous /p/pad -> 401, error', async () => {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
const res = await client.get('/p/pad').expect(401);
// Despite the 401, try to create the pad via a socket.io connection anyway.
await assert.rejects(connect(res), {message: /authentication required/i});
it('socket.io connection without express-session cookie -> error', async () => {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
await assert.rejects(connect(null), {message: /signed express_sid cookie is required/i});
it('authorization bypass attempt -> error', async () => {
plugins.hooks.authorize = [{hook_fn: (hookName, {req}, cb) => {
if (req.session.user == null) return cb([]); // Hasn't authenticated yet.
// Only allowed to access /p/pad.
return cb([req.path === '/p/pad']);
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
settings.requireAuthorization = true;
// First authenticate and establish a session.
const res = await client.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
// Connecting should work because the user successfully authenticated.
socket = await connect(res);
// Accessing /p/other-pad should fail, despite the successful fetch of /p/pad.
const message = await handshake(socket, 'other-pad');
assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny');