Joas Souza f1fcd16894 Add settings to scroll on edition out of viewport (#3282)
* Add scroll when it edits a line out of viewport

By default, when there is an edition of a line, which is out of the
viewport, Etherpad scrolls the minimum necessary to make this line
visible. This makes that the line stays either on the top or the bottom
of the viewport. With this commit, we add a setting to make possible to
scroll to a position x% pixels from the viewport. Besides of that, we
add a setting to make an animation of this scroll.
If nothing is changed on settings.json the Etherpad default behavior is
2018-01-03 19:57:28 -02:00

366 lines
14 KiB

This file handles scroll on edition or when user presses arrow keys.
In this file we have two representations of line (browser and rep line).
Rep Line = a line in the way is represented by Etherpad(rep) (each <div> is a line)
Browser Line = each vertical line. A <div> can be break into more than one
browser line.
var caretPosition = require('/caretPosition');
function Scroll(outerWin) {
// scroll settings
this.scrollSettings = parent.parent.clientVars.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport;
// DOM reference
this.outerWin = outerWin;
this.doc = this.outerWin.document;
this.rootDocument = parent.parent.document;
Scroll.prototype.scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewportWhenNecessary = function (rep, isScrollableEvent, innerHeight)
// are we placing the caret on the line at the bottom of viewport?
// And if so, do we need to scroll the editor, as defined on the settings.json?
var shouldScrollWhenCaretIsAtBottomOfViewport = this.scrollSettings.scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport;
if (shouldScrollWhenCaretIsAtBottomOfViewport) {
// avoid scrolling when selection includes multiple lines -- user can potentially be selecting more lines
// than it fits on viewport
var multipleLinesSelected = rep.selStart[0] !== rep.selEnd[0];
// avoid scrolling when pad loads
if (isScrollableEvent && !multipleLinesSelected && this._isCaretAtTheBottomOfViewport(rep)) {
// when scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.percentage is 0, pixelsToScroll is 0
var pixelsToScroll = this._getPixelsRelativeToPercentageOfViewport(innerHeight);
Scroll.prototype.scrollWhenPressArrowKeys = function(arrowUp, rep, innerHeight)
// if percentageScrollArrowUp is 0, let the scroll to be handled as default, put the previous
// rep line on the top of the viewport
if(this._arrowUpWasPressedInTheFirstLineOfTheViewport(arrowUp, rep)){
var pixelsToScroll = this._getPixelsToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp(innerHeight);
// by default, the browser scrolls to the middle of the viewport. To avoid the twist made
// when we apply a second scroll, we made it immediately (without animation)
this.scrollNodeVerticallyIntoView(rep, innerHeight);
// Some plugins might set a minimum height to the editor (ex: ep_page_view), so checking
// if (caretLine() === rep.lines.length() - 1) is not enough. We need to check if there are
// other lines after caretLine(), and all of them are out of viewport.
Scroll.prototype._isCaretAtTheBottomOfViewport = function(rep)
// computing a line position using getBoundingClientRect() is expensive.
// (obs: getBoundingClientRect() is called on caretPosition.getPosition())
// To avoid that, we only call this function when it is possible that the
// caret is in the bottom of viewport
var caretLine = rep.selStart[0];
var lineAfterCaretLine = caretLine + 1;
var firstLineVisibleAfterCaretLine = caretPosition.getNextVisibleLine(lineAfterCaretLine, rep);
var caretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport = this._isLinePartiallyVisibleOnViewport(caretLine, rep);
var lineAfterCaretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport = this._isLinePartiallyVisibleOnViewport(firstLineVisibleAfterCaretLine, rep);
if (caretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport || lineAfterCaretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport) {
// check if the caret is in the bottom of the viewport
var caretLinePosition = caretPosition.getPosition();
var viewportBottom = this._getViewPortTopBottom().bottom;
var nextLineBottom = caretPosition.getBottomOfNextBrowserLine(caretLinePosition, rep);
var nextLineIsBelowViewportBottom = nextLineBottom > viewportBottom;
return nextLineIsBelowViewportBottom;
return false;
Scroll.prototype._isLinePartiallyVisibleOnViewport = function(lineNumber, rep)
var lineNode = rep.lines.atIndex(lineNumber);
var linePosition = this._getLineEntryTopBottom(lineNode);
var lineTop =;
var lineBottom = linePosition.bottom;
var viewport = this._getViewPortTopBottom();
var viewportBottom = viewport.bottom;
var viewportTop =;
var topOfLineIsAboveOfViewportBottom = lineTop < viewportBottom;
var bottomOfLineIsOnOrBelowOfViewportBottom = lineBottom >= viewportBottom;
var topOfLineIsBelowViewportTop = lineTop >= viewportTop;
var topOfLineIsAboveViewportBottom = lineTop <= viewportBottom;
var bottomOfLineIsAboveViewportBottom = lineBottom <= viewportBottom;
var bottomOfLineIsBelowViewportTop = lineBottom >= viewportTop;
return (topOfLineIsAboveOfViewportBottom && bottomOfLineIsOnOrBelowOfViewportBottom) ||
(topOfLineIsBelowViewportTop && topOfLineIsAboveViewportBottom) ||
(bottomOfLineIsAboveViewportBottom && bottomOfLineIsBelowViewportTop);
Scroll.prototype._getViewPortTopBottom = function()
var theTop = this.getScrollY();
var doc = this.doc;
var height = doc.documentElement.clientHeight; // includes padding
// we have to get the exactly height of the viewport. So it has to subtract all the values which changes
// the viewport height (E.g. padding, position top)
var viewportExtraSpacesAndPosition = this._getEditorPositionTop() + this._getPaddingTopAddedWhenPageViewIsEnable();
return {
top: theTop,
bottom: (theTop + height - viewportExtraSpacesAndPosition)
Scroll.prototype._getEditorPositionTop = function()
var editor = parent.document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
var editorPositionTop = editor[0].offsetTop;
return editorPositionTop;
// ep_page_view adds padding-top, which makes the viewport smaller
Scroll.prototype._getPaddingTopAddedWhenPageViewIsEnable = function()
var aceOuter = this.rootDocument.getElementsByName("ace_outer");
var aceOuterPaddingTop = parseInt($(aceOuter).css("padding-top"));
return aceOuterPaddingTop;
Scroll.prototype._getScrollXY = function()
var win = this.outerWin;
var odoc = this.doc;
if (typeof(win.pageYOffset) == "number")
return {
x: win.pageXOffset,
y: win.pageYOffset
var docel = odoc.documentElement;
if (docel && typeof(docel.scrollTop) == "number")
return {
x: docel.scrollLeft,
y: docel.scrollTop
Scroll.prototype.getScrollX = function()
return this._getScrollXY().x;
Scroll.prototype.getScrollY = function()
return this._getScrollXY().y;
Scroll.prototype.setScrollX = function(x)
this.outerWin.scrollTo(x, this.getScrollY());
Scroll.prototype.setScrollY = function(y)
this.outerWin.scrollTo(this.getScrollX(), y);
Scroll.prototype.setScrollXY = function(x, y)
this.outerWin.scrollTo(x, y);
Scroll.prototype._isCaretAtTheTopOfViewport = function(rep)
var caretLine = rep.selStart[0];
var linePrevCaretLine = caretLine - 1;
var firstLineVisibleBeforeCaretLine = caretPosition.getPreviousVisibleLine(linePrevCaretLine, rep);
var caretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport = this._isLinePartiallyVisibleOnViewport(caretLine, rep);
var lineBeforeCaretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport = this._isLinePartiallyVisibleOnViewport(firstLineVisibleBeforeCaretLine, rep);
if (caretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport || lineBeforeCaretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport) {
var caretLinePosition = caretPosition.getPosition(); // get the position of the browser line
var viewportPosition = this._getViewPortTopBottom();
var viewportTop =;
var viewportBottom = viewportPosition.bottom;
var caretLineIsBelowViewportTop = caretLinePosition.bottom >= viewportTop;
var caretLineIsAboveViewportBottom = < viewportBottom;
var caretLineIsInsideOfViewport = caretLineIsBelowViewportTop && caretLineIsAboveViewportBottom;
if (caretLineIsInsideOfViewport) {
var prevLineTop = caretPosition.getPositionTopOfPreviousBrowserLine(caretLinePosition, rep);
var previousLineIsAboveViewportTop = prevLineTop < viewportTop;
return previousLineIsAboveViewportTop;
return false;
// By default, when user makes an edition in a line out of viewport, this line goes
// to the edge of viewport. This function gets the extra pixels necessary to get the
// caret line in a position X relative to Y% viewport.
Scroll.prototype._getPixelsRelativeToPercentageOfViewport = function(innerHeight, aboveOfViewport)
var pixels = 0;
var scrollPercentageRelativeToViewport = this._getPercentageToScroll(aboveOfViewport);
if(scrollPercentageRelativeToViewport > 0 && scrollPercentageRelativeToViewport <= 1){
pixels = parseInt(innerHeight * scrollPercentageRelativeToViewport);
return pixels;
// we use different percentages when change selection. It depends on if it is
// either above the top or below the bottom of the page
Scroll.prototype._getPercentageToScroll = function(aboveOfViewport)
var percentageToScroll = this.scrollSettings.percentage.editionBelowViewport;
percentageToScroll = this.scrollSettings.percentage.editionAboveViewport;
return percentageToScroll;
Scroll.prototype._getPixelsToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp = function(innerHeight)
var pixels = 0;
var percentageToScrollUp = this.scrollSettings.percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp;
if(percentageToScrollUp > 0 && percentageToScrollUp <= 1){
pixels = parseInt(innerHeight * percentageToScrollUp);
return pixels;
Scroll.prototype._scrollYPage = function(pixelsToScroll)
var durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline = this.scrollSettings.duration;
this._scrollYPageWithAnimation(pixelsToScroll, durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline);
Scroll.prototype._scrollYPageWithoutAnimation = function(pixelsToScroll)
this.outerWin.scrollBy(0, pixelsToScroll);
Scroll.prototype._scrollYPageWithAnimation = function(pixelsToScroll, durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline)
var outerDocBody = this.doc.getElementById("outerdocbody");
// it works on later versions of Chrome
var $outerDocBody = $(outerDocBody);
this._triggerScrollWithAnimation($outerDocBody, pixelsToScroll, durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline);
// it works on Firefox and earlier versions of Chrome
var $outerDocBodyParent = $outerDocBody.parent();
this._triggerScrollWithAnimation($outerDocBodyParent, pixelsToScroll, durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline);
// using a custom queue and clearing it, we avoid creating a queue of scroll animations. So if this function
// is called twice quickly, only the last one runs.
Scroll.prototype._triggerScrollWithAnimation = function($elem, pixelsToScroll, durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline)
// clear the queue of animation
scrollTop: '+=' + pixelsToScroll
}, {
duration: durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline,
queue: "scrollanimation"
// scrollAmountWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport is set to 0 (default), scroll it the minimum distance
// needed to be completely in view. If the value is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1,
// besides of scrolling the minimum needed to be visible, it scrolls additionally
// (viewport height * scrollAmountWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport) pixels
Scroll.prototype.scrollNodeVerticallyIntoView = function(rep, innerHeight)
var viewport = this._getViewPortTopBottom();
var isPartOfRepLineOutOfViewport = this._partOfRepLineIsOutOfViewport(viewport, rep);
// when the selection changes outside of the viewport the browser automatically scrolls the line
// to inside of the viewport. Tested on IE, Firefox, Chrome in releases from 2015 until now
// So, when the line scrolled gets outside of the viewport we let the browser handle it.
var linePosition = caretPosition.getPosition();
var distanceOfTopOfViewport = -;
var distanceOfBottomOfViewport = viewport.bottom - linePosition.bottom;
var caretIsAboveOfViewport = distanceOfTopOfViewport < 0;
var caretIsBelowOfViewport = distanceOfBottomOfViewport < 0;
var pixelsToScroll = distanceOfTopOfViewport - this._getPixelsRelativeToPercentageOfViewport(innerHeight, true);
}else if(caretIsBelowOfViewport){
var pixelsToScroll = -distanceOfBottomOfViewport + this._getPixelsRelativeToPercentageOfViewport(innerHeight);
this.scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewportWhenNecessary(rep, true, innerHeight);
Scroll.prototype._partOfRepLineIsOutOfViewport = function(viewportPosition, rep)
var focusLine = (rep.selFocusAtStart ? rep.selStart[0] : rep.selEnd[0]);
var line = rep.lines.atIndex(focusLine);
var linePosition = this._getLineEntryTopBottom(line);
var lineIsAboveOfViewport = <;
var lineIsBelowOfViewport = linePosition.bottom > viewportPosition.bottom;
return lineIsBelowOfViewport || lineIsAboveOfViewport;
Scroll.prototype._getLineEntryTopBottom = function(entry, destObj)
var dom = entry.lineNode;
var top = dom.offsetTop;
var height = dom.offsetHeight;
var obj = (destObj || {}); = top;
obj.bottom = (top + height);
return obj;
Scroll.prototype._arrowUpWasPressedInTheFirstLineOfTheViewport = function(arrowUp, rep)
var percentageScrollArrowUp = this.scrollSettings.percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp;
return percentageScrollArrowUp && arrowUp && this._isCaretAtTheTopOfViewport(rep);
Scroll.prototype.getVisibleLineRange = function(rep)
var viewport = this._getViewPortTopBottom();
//console.log("viewport top/bottom: %o", viewport);
var obj = {};
var self = this;
var start =
return self._getLineEntryTopBottom(e, obj).bottom >;
var end =
// return the first line that the top position is greater or equal than
// the viewport. That is the first line that is below the viewport bottom.
// So the line that is in the bottom of the viewport is the very previous one.
return self._getLineEntryTopBottom(e, obj).top >= viewport.bottom;
if (end < start) end = start; // unlikely
// top.console.log(start+","+(end -1));
return [start, end - 1];
Scroll.prototype.getVisibleCharRange = function(rep)
var lineRange = this.getVisibleLineRange(rep);
return [rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(lineRange[0]), rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(lineRange[1])];
exports.init = function(outerWin)
return new Scroll(outerWin);