SamTV12345 2f5b6b80e1
Fix/windows build (#5861)
* Use updated env var.

* Show bin and src bin.

* Use native link.

* Use link.

* Check file link.

* Use existing installation on github runner.

* Use -P.

* Use git checkout for copying the data to temp directory.

* Use rsync to copy data.

* Remove package from src.

* Use simple copy to copy the dependencies.

* Copy src folder only.
2023-08-08 16:22:25 +02:00

62 lines
1.8 KiB
Executable file

set -e
pecho() { printf %s\\n "$*"; }
log() { pecho "$@"; }
error() { log "ERROR: $@" >&2; }
fatal() { error "$@"; exit 1; }
try() { "$@" || fatal "'$@' failed"; }
is_cmd() { command -v "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1; }
for x in git unzip wget zip; do
is_cmd "${x}" || fatal "Please install ${x}"
# Move to the folder where Etherpad is checked out
try cd "${0%/*}"
workdir=$(try git rev-parse --show-toplevel) || exit 1
try cd "${workdir}"
[ -f src/package.json ] || fatal "failed to cd to etherpad root directory"
# See
export MSYSTEM=winsymlinks:lnk
TMP_FOLDER=$(try mktemp -d) || exit 1
trap 'exit 1' HUP INT TERM
trap 'log "cleaning up..."; try cd / && try rm -rf "${TMP_FOLDER}"' EXIT
log "create a clean environment in $TMP_FOLDER..."
try export GIT_WORK_TREE=${TMP_FOLDER}; git checkout HEAD -f \
|| fatal "failed to copy etherpad to temporary folder"
try mkdir "${TMP_FOLDER}"/.git
try git rev-parse HEAD >${TMP_FOLDER}/.git/HEAD
try cp -r ./src/node_modules "${TMP_FOLDER}"/src/node_modules
try cd "${TMP_FOLDER}"
[ -f src/package.json ] || fatal "failed to copy etherpad to temporary folder"
# setting NODE_ENV=production ensures that dev dependencies are not installed,
# making the windows package smaller
export NODE_ENV=production
log "do a normal unix install first..."
try ./src/bin/
log "copy the windows settings template..."
try cp settings.json.template settings.json
log "resolve symbolic links..."
try cp -rL node_modules node_modules_resolved
try rm -rf node_modules
try mv node_modules_resolved node_modules
log "download windows node..."
try wget "" -O node.exe
log "create the zip..."
try zip -9 -r "${OUTPUT}" ./*
log "Finished. You can find the zip at ${OUTPUT}"