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synced 2025-01-20 06:29:53 +01:00
Before this change, the authorize hook was invoked twice: once before authentication and again after (if settings.requireAuthorization is true). Now pre-authentication authorization is instead handled by a new preAuthorize hook, and the authorize hook is only invoked after the user has authenticated. Rationale: Without this change it is too easy to write an authorization plugin that is too permissive. Specifically: * If the plugin does not check the path for /admin then a non-admin user might be able to access /admin pages. * If the plugin assumes that the user has already been authenticated by the time the authorize function is called then unauthenticated users might be able to gain access to restricted resources. This change also avoids calling the plugin's authorize function twice per access, which makes it easier for plugin authors to write an authorization plugin that is easy to understand. This change may break existing authorization plugins: After this change, the authorize hook will no longer be able to authorize non-admin access to /admin pages. This is intentional. Access to admin pages should instead be controlled via the `is_admin` user setting, which can be set in the config file or by an authentication plugin. Also: * Add tests for the authenticate and authorize hooks. * Disable the authentication failure delay when testing.
285 lines
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285 lines
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function m(mod) { return __dirname + '/../../../src/' + mod; }
const assert = require('assert').strict;
const io = require(m('node_modules/socket.io-client'));
const log4js = require(m('node_modules/log4js'));
const padManager = require(m('node/db/PadManager'));
const plugins = require(m('static/js/pluginfw/plugin_defs'));
const server = require(m('node/server'));
const setCookieParser = require(m('node_modules/set-cookie-parser'));
const settings = require(m('node/utils/Settings'));
const supertest = require(m('node_modules/supertest'));
const webaccess = require(m('node/hooks/express/webaccess'));
const logger = log4js.getLogger('test');
let agent;
let baseUrl;
let authnFailureDelayMsBackup;
before(async function() {
authnFailureDelayMsBackup = webaccess.authnFailureDelayMs;
webaccess.authnFailureDelayMs = 0; // Speed up tests.
settings.port = 0;
settings.ip = 'localhost';
const httpServer = await server.start();
baseUrl = `http://localhost:${httpServer.address().port}`;
logger.debug(`HTTP server at ${baseUrl}`);
agent = supertest(baseUrl);
after(async function() {
webaccess.authnFailureDelayMs = authnFailureDelayMsBackup;
await server.stop();
// Waits for and returns the next named socket.io event. Rejects if there is any error while waiting
// (unless waiting for that error event).
const getSocketEvent = async (socket, event) => {
const errorEvents = [
const handlers = {};
let timeoutId;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => reject(new Error(`timed out waiting for ${event} event`)), 1000);
for (const event of errorEvents) {
handlers[event] = (errorString) => {
logger.debug(`socket.io ${event} event: ${errorString}`);
reject(new Error(errorString));
// This will overwrite one of the above handlers if the user is waiting for an error event.
handlers[event] = (...args) => {
logger.debug(`socket.io ${event} event`);
if (args.length > 1) return resolve(args);
Object.entries(handlers).forEach(([event, handler]) => socket.on(event, handler));
}).finally(() => {
Object.entries(handlers).forEach(([event, handler]) => socket.off(event, handler));
// Establishes a new socket.io connection. Passes the cookies from the `set-cookie` header(s) in
// `res` (which may be nullish) to the server. Returns a socket.io Socket object.
const connect = async (res) => {
// Convert the `set-cookie` header(s) into a `cookie` header.
const resCookies = (res == null) ? {} : setCookieParser.parse(res, {map: true});
const reqCookieHdr = Object.entries(resCookies).map(([name, cookie]) => {
return `${name}=${encodeURIComponent(cookie.value)}`;
}).join('; ');
logger.debug('socket.io connecting...');
const socket = io(`${baseUrl}/`, {
forceNew: true, // Different tests will have different query parameters.
path: '/socket.io',
// socketio.js-client on node.js doesn't support cookies (see https://git.io/JU8u9), so the
// express_sid cookie must be passed as a query parameter.
query: {cookie: reqCookieHdr},
try {
await getSocketEvent(socket, 'connect');
} catch (e) {
throw e;
logger.debug('socket.io connected');
return socket;
// Helper function to exchange CLIENT_READY+CLIENT_VARS messages for the named pad.
// Returns the CLIENT_VARS message from the server.
const handshake = async (socket, padID) => {
logger.debug('sending CLIENT_READY...');
component: 'pad',
padId: padID,
sessionID: null,
password: null,
token: 't.12345',
protocolVersion: 2,
logger.debug('waiting for CLIENT_VARS response...');
const msg = await getSocketEvent(socket, 'message');
logger.debug('received CLIENT_VARS message');
return msg;
describe('socket.io access checks', function() {
let authorize;
let authorizeHooksBackup;
const cleanUpPads = async () => {
const padIds = ['pad', 'other-pad', 'päd'];
await Promise.all(padIds.map(async (padId) => {
if (await padManager.doesPadExist(padId)) {
const pad = await padManager.getPad(padId);
await pad.remove();
const settingsBackup = {};
let socket;
beforeEach(async function() {
Object.assign(settingsBackup, settings);
assert(socket == null);
settings.editOnly = false;
settings.requireAuthentication = false;
settings.requireAuthorization = false;
settings.users = {
admin: {password: 'admin-password', is_admin: true},
user: {password: 'user-password'},
authorize = () => true;
authorizeHooksBackup = plugins.hooks.authorize;
plugins.hooks.authorize = [{hook_fn: (hookName, {req}, cb) => {
return cb([authorize(req)]);
await cleanUpPads();
afterEach(async function() {
Object.assign(settings, settingsBackup);
if (socket) socket.close();
socket = null;
plugins.hooks.authorize = authorizeHooksBackup;
await cleanUpPads();
// Normal accesses.
it('!authn anonymous cookie /p/pad -> 200, ok', async function() {
const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').expect(200);
// Should not throw.
socket = await connect(res);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
it('!authn !cookie -> ok', async function() {
// Should not throw.
socket = await connect(null);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
it('!authn user /p/pad -> 200, ok', async function() {
const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
// Should not throw.
socket = await connect(res);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
it('authn user /p/pad -> 200, ok', async function() {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
// Should not throw.
socket = await connect(res);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
it('authz user /p/pad -> 200, ok', async function() {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
settings.requireAuthorization = true;
const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
// Should not throw.
socket = await connect(res);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
it('supports pad names with characters that must be percent-encoded', async function() {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
// requireAuthorization is set to true here to guarantee that the user's padAuthorizations
// object is populated. Technically this isn't necessary because the user's padAuthorizations is
// currently populated even if requireAuthorization is false, but setting this to true ensures
// the test remains useful if the implementation ever changes.
settings.requireAuthorization = true;
const encodedPadId = encodeURIComponent('päd');
const res = await agent.get(`/p/${encodedPadId}`).auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
// Should not throw.
socket = await connect(res);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'päd');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
// Abnormal access attempts.
it('authn anonymous /p/pad -> 401, error', async function() {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').expect(401);
// Despite the 401, try to create the pad via a socket.io connection anyway.
await assert.rejects(connect(res), {message: /authentication required/i});
it('authn !cookie -> error', async function() {
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
await assert.rejects(connect(null), {message: /signed express_sid cookie is required/i});
it('authorization bypass attempt -> error', async function() {
// Only allowed to access /p/pad.
authorize = (req) => req.path === '/p/pad';
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
settings.requireAuthorization = true;
// First authenticate and establish a session.
const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
// Connecting should work because the user successfully authenticated.
socket = await connect(res);
// Accessing /p/other-pad should fail, despite the successful fetch of /p/pad.
const message = await handshake(socket, 'other-pad');
assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny');
// Authorization levels via authorize hook
it("level='create' -> can create", async () => {
authorize = () => 'create';
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
settings.requireAuthorization = true;
const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
socket = await connect(res);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
assert.equal(clientVars.data.readonly, false);
it('level=true -> can create', async () => {
authorize = () => true;
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
settings.requireAuthorization = true;
const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
socket = await connect(res);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
assert.equal(clientVars.data.readonly, false);
it("level='modify' -> can modify", async () => {
const pad = await padManager.getPad('pad'); // Create the pad.
authorize = () => 'modify';
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
settings.requireAuthorization = true;
const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
socket = await connect(res);
const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS');
assert.equal(clientVars.data.readonly, false);
it("level='create' settings.editOnly=true -> unable to create", async () => {
authorize = () => 'create';
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
settings.requireAuthorization = true;
settings.editOnly = true;
const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
socket = await connect(res);
const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny');
it("level='modify' settings.editOnly=false -> unable to create", async () => {
authorize = () => 'modify';
settings.requireAuthentication = true;
settings.requireAuthorization = true;
settings.editOnly = false;
const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200);
socket = await connect(res);
const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad');
assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny');