webzwo0i c5cf7ab144
tests: Ignore head tag on import / improved contentcollector tests
* fix accidental write to global variable
properly show pending tests
log test name in suite
better log output for received/expected strings

* cc tests: enable second nestedOL test

* ignore the head tag on import
2020-12-18 09:37:37 +00:00

278 lines
8.9 KiB

* Handles the import requests
* 2011 Peter 'Pita' Martischka (Primary Technology Ltd)
* 2012 Iván Eixarch
* 2014 John McLear (Etherpad Foundation / McLear Ltd)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const padManager = require('../db/PadManager');
const padMessageHandler = require('./PadMessageHandler');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const settings = require('../utils/Settings');
const formidable = require('formidable');
const os = require('os');
const importHtml = require('../utils/ImportHtml');
const importEtherpad = require('../utils/ImportEtherpad');
const log4js = require('log4js');
const hooks = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pluginfw/hooks.js');
const util = require('util');
const fsp_exists = util.promisify(fs.exists);
const fsp_rename = util.promisify(fs.rename);
const fsp_readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);
const fsp_unlink = util.promisify(fs.unlink);
let convertor = null;
let exportExtension = 'htm';
// load abiword only if it is enabled and if soffice is disabled
if (settings.abiword != null && settings.soffice === null) {
convertor = require('../utils/Abiword');
// load soffice only if it is enabled
if (settings.soffice != null) {
convertor = require('../utils/LibreOffice');
exportExtension = 'html';
const tmpDirectory = os.tmpdir();
* do a requested import
async function doImport(req, res, padId) {
const apiLogger = log4js.getLogger('ImportHandler');
// pipe to a file
// convert file to html via abiword or soffice
// set html in the pad
const randNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFFFF);
// setting flag for whether to use convertor or not
let useConvertor = (convertor != null);
const form = new formidable.IncomingForm();
form.keepExtensions = true;
form.uploadDir = tmpDirectory;
form.maxFileSize = settings.importMaxFileSize;
// Ref:
// Crash in Etherpad was Uploading Error: Error: Request aborted
// [ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED]: Cannot call write after a stream was destroyed
form.onPart = (part) => {
if (part.filename !== undefined) {
form.openedFiles[form.openedFiles.length - 1]._writeStream.on('error', (err) => {
form.emit('error', err);
// locally wrapped Promise, since form.parse requires a callback
let srcFile = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
form.parse(req, (err, fields, files) => {
if (err || files.file === undefined) {
// the upload failed, stop at this point
if (err) {
console.warn(`Uploading Error: ${err.stack}`);
// I hate doing indexOf here but I can't see anything to use...
if (err && err.stack && err.stack.indexOf('maxFileSize') !== -1) {
if (!files.file) { // might not be a graceful fix but it works
} else {
// ensure this is a file ending we know, else we change the file ending to .txt
// this allows us to accept source code files like .c or .java
const fileEnding = path.extname(srcFile).toLowerCase();
const knownFileEndings = ['.txt', '.doc', '.docx', '.pdf', '.odt', '.html', '.htm', '.etherpad', '.rtf'];
const fileEndingUnknown = (knownFileEndings.indexOf(fileEnding) < 0);
if (fileEndingUnknown) {
// the file ending is not known
if (settings.allowUnknownFileEnds === true) {
// we need to rename this file with a .txt ending
const oldSrcFile = srcFile;
srcFile = path.join(path.dirname(srcFile), `${path.basename(srcFile, fileEnding)}.txt`);
await fsp_rename(oldSrcFile, srcFile);
} else {
console.warn('Not allowing unknown file type to be imported', fileEnding);
throw 'uploadFailed';
const destFile = path.join(tmpDirectory, `etherpad_import_${randNum}.${exportExtension}`);
// Logic for allowing external Import Plugins
const result = await hooks.aCallAll('import', {srcFile, destFile, fileEnding});
const importHandledByPlugin = (result.length > 0); // This feels hacky and wrong..
const fileIsEtherpad = (fileEnding === '.etherpad');
const fileIsHTML = (fileEnding === '.html' || fileEnding === '.htm');
const fileIsTXT = (fileEnding === '.txt');
if (fileIsEtherpad) {
// we do this here so we can see if the pad has quite a few edits
const _pad = await padManager.getPad(padId);
const headCount = _pad.head;
if (headCount >= 10) {
apiLogger.warn("Direct database Import attempt of a pad that already has content, we won't be doing this");
throw 'padHasData';
const fsp_readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);
const _text = await fsp_readFile(srcFile, 'utf8');
req.directDatabaseAccess = true;
await importEtherpad.setPadRaw(padId, _text);
// convert file to html if necessary
if (!importHandledByPlugin && !req.directDatabaseAccess) {
if (fileIsTXT) {
// Don't use convertor for text files
useConvertor = false;
// See
if (fileIsHTML || !useConvertor) {
// if no convertor only rename
fs.renameSync(srcFile, destFile);
} else {
// @TODO - no Promise interface for convertors (yet)
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
convertor.convertFile(srcFile, destFile, exportExtension, (err) => {
// catch convert errors
if (err) {
console.warn('Converting Error:', err);
if (!useConvertor && !req.directDatabaseAccess) {
// Read the file with no encoding for raw buffer access.
const buf = await fsp_readFile(destFile);
// Check if there are only ascii chars in the uploaded file
const isAscii = !, (c) => (c > 240));
if (!isAscii) {
throw 'uploadFailed';
// get the pad object
let pad = await padManager.getPad(padId);
// read the text
let text;
if (!req.directDatabaseAccess) {
text = await fsp_readFile(destFile, 'utf8');
// node on windows has a delay on releasing of the file lock.
// We add a 100ms delay to work around this
if (os.type().indexOf('Windows') > -1) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
// change text of the pad and broadcast the changeset
if (!req.directDatabaseAccess) {
if (importHandledByPlugin || useConvertor || fileIsHTML) {
try {
await importHtml.setPadHTML(pad, text);
} catch (e) {
apiLogger.warn('Error importing, possibly caused by malformed HTML');
} else {
await pad.setText(text);
// Load the Pad into memory then broadcast updates to all clients
pad = await padManager.getPad(padId);
// direct Database Access means a pad user should perform a switchToPad
// and not attempt to receive updated pad data
if (req.directDatabaseAccess) {
// tell clients to update
await padMessageHandler.updatePadClients(pad);
// clean up temporary files
* TODO: directly delete the file and handle the eventual error. Checking
* before for existence is prone to race conditions, and does not handle any
* errors anyway.
if (await fsp_exists(srcFile)) {
if (await fsp_exists(destFile)) {
exports.doImport = function (req, res, padId) {
* NB: abuse the 'req' object by storing an additional
* 'directDatabaseAccess' property on it so that it can
* be passed back in the HTML below.
* this is necessary because in the 'throw' paths of
* the function above there's no other way to return
* a value to the caller.
let status = 'ok';
doImport(req, res, padId).catch((err) => {
// check for known errors and replace the status
if (err == 'uploadFailed' || err == 'convertFailed' || err == 'padHasData' || err == 'maxFileSize') {
status = err;
} else {
throw err;
}).then(() => {
// close the connection
res.send(`<script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ var impexp = window.parent.padimpexp.handleFrameCall('${req.directDatabaseAccess}', '${status}'); })</script>`);