mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 03:12:42 +01:00
174 lines
5.8 KiB
174 lines
5.8 KiB
$(() => {
function stringifyException(exception) {
let err = exception.stack || exception.toString();
// FF / Opera do not add the message
if (!~err.indexOf(exception.message)) {
err = `${exception.message}\n${err}`;
// <=IE7 stringifies to [Object Error]. Since it can be overloaded, we
// check for the result of the stringifying.
if ('[object Error]' == err) err = exception.message;
// Safari doesn't give you a stack. Let's at least provide a source line.
if (!exception.stack && exception.sourceURL && exception.line !== undefined) {
err += `\n(${exception.sourceURL}:${exception.line})`;
return err;
function CustomRunner(runner) {
const stats = {suites: 0, tests: 0, passes: 0, pending: 0, failures: 0};
if (!runner) return;
runner.on('start', () => {
stats.start = new Date();
runner.on('suite', (suite) => {
suite.root || stats.suites++;
if (suite.root) return;
runner.on('suite end', (suite) => {
if (suite.root) return;
if (level == 0) {
// Scroll down test display after each test
const mochaEl = $('#mocha')[0];
runner.on('test', () => {
mochaEl.scrollTop = mochaEl.scrollHeight;
// max time a test is allowed to run
// TODO this should be lowered once timeslider_revision.js is faster
let killTimeout;
runner.on('test end', () => {
runner.on('pass', (test) => {
if (killTimeout) clearTimeout(killTimeout);
killTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
append('FINISHED - [red]no test started since 3 minutes, tests stopped[clear]');
}, 60000 * 3);
const medium = test.slow() / 2;
test.speed = test.duration > test.slow()
? 'slow'
: test.duration > medium
? 'medium'
: 'fast';
append('->', '[green]PASSED[clear] :', test.title, ' ', test.duration, 'ms');
runner.on('fail', (test, err) => {
if (killTimeout) clearTimeout(killTimeout);
killTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
append('FINISHED - [red]no test started since 3 minutes, tests stopped[clear]');
}, 60000 * 3);
test.err = err;
append('->', '[red]FAILED[clear] :', test.title, stringifyException(test.err));
runner.on('pending', (test) => {
if (killTimeout) clearTimeout(killTimeout);
killTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
append('FINISHED - [red]no test started since 3 minutes, tests stopped[clear]');
}, 60000 * 3);
append('->', '[yellow]PENDING[clear]:', test.title);
const $console = $('#console');
var level = 0;
var append = function () {
const text = Array.prototype.join.apply(arguments, [' ']);
const oldText = $console.text();
let space = '';
for (let i = 0; i < level * 2; i++) {
space += ' ';
let splitedText = '';
_(text.split('\n')).each((line) => {
while (line.length > 0) {
const split = line.substr(0, 100);
line = line.substr(100);
if (splitedText.length > 0) splitedText += '\n';
splitedText += split;
// indent all lines with the given amount of space
const newText = _(splitedText.split('\n')).map((line) => space + line).join('\\n');
$console.text(`${oldText + newText}\\n`);
const total = runner.total;
runner.on('end', () => {
stats.end = new Date();
stats.duration = stats.end - stats.start;
const minutes = Math.floor(stats.duration / 1000 / 60);
const seconds = Math.round((stats.duration / 1000) % 60); // chrome < 57 does not like this .toString().padStart("2","0");
if (stats.tests === total) {
append('FINISHED -', stats.passes, 'tests passed,', stats.failures, 'tests failed,', stats.pending, ` pending, duration: ${minutes}:${seconds}`);
} else if (stats.tests > total) {
append('FINISHED - but more tests than planned returned', stats.passes, 'tests passed,', stats.failures, 'tests failed,', stats.pending, ` pending, duration: ${minutes}:${seconds}`);
append(total, 'tests, but', stats.tests, 'returned. There is probably a problem with your async code or error handling, see https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1327');
} else {
append('FINISHED - but not all tests returned', stats.passes, 'tests passed,', stats.failures, 'tests failed,', stats.pending, `tests pending, duration: ${minutes}:${seconds}`);
append(total, 'tests, but only', stats.tests, 'returned. Check for failed before/beforeEach-hooks (no `test end` is called for them and subsequent tests of the same suite are skipped), see https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1043');
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1403888/get-url-parameter-with-jquery
const getURLParameter = function (name) {
return decodeURI(
(RegExp(`${name}=` + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(location.search) || [, null])[1]
// get the list of specs and filter it if requested
const specs = specs_list.slice();
// inject spec scripts into the dom
const $body = $('body');
$.each(specs, (i, spec) => {
if (spec[0] != '/') { // if the spec isn't a plugin spec which means the spec file might be in a different subfolder
$body.append(`<script src="specs/${spec}"></script>`);
} else {
$body.append(`<script src="${spec}"></script>`);
// initalize the test helper
helper.init(() => {
// configure and start the test framework
const grep = getURLParameter('grep');
if (grep != 'null') {
const runner = mocha.run();