webzwo0i b71b606774
tests: Switch from Travis to Github Actions
Travis placed an unnecessary breaking restriction on our tests and failed to respond within 72 hours to our complaint.  This has forced us to introduce Github Actions to manage our testing.  This is hopefully a temporary measure while Travis either gets itself together or we find a non-Github requirement.
2020-11-24 18:12:41 +00:00

169 lines
5.8 KiB

var srcFolder = "../../../src/node_modules/";
var wd = require(srcFolder + "wd");
var async = require(srcFolder + "async");
var config = {
host: ""
, port: 80
, username: process.env.SAUCE_USER
, accessKey: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY
var allTestsPassed = true;
// overwrite the default exit code
// in case not all worker can be run (due to saucelabs limits), `queue.drain` below will not be called
// and the script would silently exit with error code 0
process.exitCode = 2;
process.on('exit', (code) => {
if (code === 2){
console.log("\x1B[31mFAILED\x1B[39m Not all saucelabs runner have been started.");
var sauceTestWorker = async.queue(function (testSettings, callback) {
var browser = wd.promiseChainRemote(, config.port, config.username, config.accessKey);
var name = process.env.GIT_HASH + " - " + testSettings.browserName + " " + testSettings.version + ", " + testSettings.platform; = name;
testSettings["public"] = true;
testSettings["build"] = process.env.GIT_HASH;
testSettings["extendedDebugging"] = true; // console.json can be downloaded via saucelabs, don't know how to print them into output of the tests
testSettings["tunnelIdentifier"] = process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER;
browser.init(testSettings).get("http://localhost:9001/tests/frontend/", function(){
var url = "" + browser.sessionID;
console.log("Remote sauce test '" + name + "' started! " + url);
//tear down the test excecution
var stopSauce = function(success,timesup){
allTestsPassed = false;
// if stopSauce is called via timeout (in contrast to via getStatusInterval) than the log of up to the last
// five seconds may not be available here. It's an error anyway, so don't care about it.
if (timesup) {
console.log("[" + testSettings.browserName + " " + testSettings.platform + (testSettings.version === "" ? '' : (" " + testSettings.version)) + "] \x1B[31mFAILED\x1B[39m allowed test duration exceeded");
console.log("Remote sauce test '" + name + "' finished! " + url);
* timeout if a test hangs or the job exceeds 14.5 minutes
* It's necessary because if travis kills the saucelabs session due to inactivity, we don't get any output
* @todo this should be configured in testSettings, see
var timeout = setTimeout(function(){
}, 870000); // travis timeout is 15 minutes, set this to a slightly lower value
var knownConsoleText = "";
// how many characters of the log have been sent to travis
let logIndex = 0;
var getStatusInterval = setInterval(function(){
browser.eval("$('#console').text()", function(err, consoleText){
if(!consoleText || err){
knownConsoleText = consoleText;
if(knownConsoleText.indexOf("FINISHED") > 0){
let match = knownConsoleText.match(/FINISHED.*([0-9]+) tests passed, ([0-9]+) tests failed/);
// finished without failures
if (match[2] && match[2] == '0'){
// finished but some tests did not return or some tests failed
} else {
} else {
// not finished yet
logIndex = knownConsoleText.length;
}, 5000);
* Replaces color codes in the test runners log, appends
* browser name, platform etc. to every line and prints them.
* @param {number} index offset from where to start
function printLog(index){
let testResult = knownConsoleText.substring(index).replace(/\[red\]/g,'\x1B[31m').replace(/\[yellow\]/g,'\x1B[33m')
.replace(/\[green\]/g,'\x1B[32m').replace(/\[clear\]/g, '\x1B[39m');
testResult = testResult.split("\\n").map(function(line){
return "[" + testSettings.browserName + " " + testSettings.platform + (testSettings.version === "" ? '' : (" " + testSettings.version)) + "] " + line;
}, 6); //run 6 tests in parrallel
// 1) Firefox on Linux
'platform' : 'Windows 7'
, 'browserName' : 'firefox'
, 'version' : '52.0'
// 2) Chrome on Linux
'platform' : 'Windows 7'
, 'browserName' : 'chrome'
, 'version' : '55.0'
, 'args' : ['--use-fake-device-for-media-stream']
// 3) Safari on OSX 10.15
'platform' : 'OS X 10.15'
, 'browserName' : 'safari'
, 'version' : '13.1'
// 4) Safari on OSX 10.14
'platform' : 'OS X 10.15'
, 'browserName' : 'safari'
, 'version' : '13.1'
// IE 10 doesn't appear to be working anyway
// 4) IE 10 on Win 8
'platform' : 'Windows 8'
, 'browserName' : 'iexplore'
, 'version' : '10.0'
// 5) Edge on Win 10
'platform' : 'Windows 10'
, 'browserName' : 'microsoftedge'
, 'version' : '83.0'
// 6) Firefox on Win 7
'platform' : 'Windows 7'
, 'browserName' : 'firefox'
, 'version' : '78.0'
sauceTestWorker.drain(function() {
process.exit(allTestsPassed ? 0 : 1);