'use strict'; function m(mod) { return `${__dirname}/../../../src/${mod}`; } const assert = require('assert').strict; const hooks = require(m('static/js/pluginfw/hooks')); const plugins = require(m('static/js/pluginfw/plugin_defs')); const sinon = require(m('node_modules/sinon')); describe(__filename, function () { const hookName = 'testHook'; const hookFnName = 'testPluginFileName:testHookFunctionName'; let testHooks; // Convenience shorthand for plugins.hooks[hookName]. let hook; // Convenience shorthand for plugins.hooks[hookName][0]. beforeEach(async function () { // Make sure these are not already set so that we don't accidentally step on someone else's // toes: assert(plugins.hooks[hookName] == null); assert(hooks.deprecationNotices[hookName] == null); assert(hooks.exportedForTestingOnly.deprecationWarned[hookFnName] == null); // Many of the tests only need a single registered hook function. Set that up here to reduce // boilerplate. hook = makeHook(); plugins.hooks[hookName] = [hook]; testHooks = plugins.hooks[hookName]; }); afterEach(async function () { sinon.restore(); delete plugins.hooks[hookName]; delete hooks.deprecationNotices[hookName]; delete hooks.exportedForTestingOnly.deprecationWarned[hookFnName]; }); const makeHook = (ret) => ({ hook_name: hookName, // Many tests will likely want to change this. Unfortunately, we can't use a convenience // wrapper like `(...args) => hookFn(..args)` because the hooks look at Function.length and // change behavior depending on the number of parameters. hook_fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => cb(ret), hook_fn_name: hookFnName, part: {plugin: 'testPluginName'}, }); // Hook functions that should work for both synchronous and asynchronous hooks. const supportedSyncHookFunctions = [ { name: 'return non-Promise value, with callback parameter', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => 'val', want: 'val', syncOk: true, }, { name: 'return non-Promise value, without callback parameter', fn: (hn, ctx) => 'val', want: 'val', syncOk: true, }, { name: 'return undefined, without callback parameter', fn: (hn, ctx) => {}, want: undefined, syncOk: true, }, { name: 'pass non-Promise value to callback', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => { cb('val'); }, want: 'val', syncOk: true, }, { name: 'pass undefined to callback', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => { cb(); }, want: undefined, syncOk: true, }, { name: 'return the value returned from the callback', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => cb('val'), want: 'val', syncOk: true, }, { name: 'throw', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => { throw new Error('test exception'); }, wantErr: 'test exception', syncOk: true, }, ]; describe('callHookFnSync', function () { const callHookFnSync = hooks.exportedForTestingOnly.callHookFnSync; // Convenience shorthand. describe('basic behavior', function () { it('passes hook name', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = (hn) => { assert.equal(hn, hookName); }; callHookFnSync(hook); }); it('passes context', async function () { this.timeout(10); for (const val of ['value', null, undefined]) { hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx) => { assert.equal(ctx, val); }; callHookFnSync(hook, val); } }); it('returns the value provided to the callback', async function () { this.timeout(10); for (const val of ['value', null, undefined]) { hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx, cb) => { cb(ctx); }; assert.equal(callHookFnSync(hook, val), val); } }); it('returns the value returned by the hook function', async function () { this.timeout(10); for (const val of ['value', null, undefined]) { // Must not have the cb parameter otherwise returning undefined will error. hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx) => ctx; assert.equal(callHookFnSync(hook, val), val); } }); it('does not catch exceptions', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = () => { throw new Error('test exception'); }; assert.throws(() => callHookFnSync(hook), {message: 'test exception'}); }); it('callback returns undefined', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx, cb) => { assert.equal(cb('foo'), undefined); }; callHookFnSync(hook); }); it('checks for deprecation', async function () { this.timeout(10); sinon.stub(console, 'warn'); hooks.deprecationNotices[hookName] = 'test deprecation'; callHookFnSync(hook); assert.equal(hooks.exportedForTestingOnly.deprecationWarned[hookFnName], true); assert.equal(console.warn.callCount, 1); assert.match(console.warn.getCall(0).args[0], /test deprecation/); }); }); describe('supported hook function styles', function () { this.timeout(10); for (const tc of supportedSyncHookFunctions) { it(tc.name, async function () { sinon.stub(console, 'warn'); sinon.stub(console, 'error'); hook.hook_fn = tc.fn; const call = () => callHookFnSync(hook); if (tc.wantErr) { assert.throws(call, {message: tc.wantErr}); } else { assert.equal(call(), tc.want); } assert.equal(console.warn.callCount, 0); assert.equal(console.error.callCount, 0); }); } }); describe('bad hook function behavior (other than double settle)', function () { this.timeout(10); const promise1 = Promise.resolve('val1'); const promise2 = Promise.resolve('val2'); const testCases = [ { name: 'never settles -> buggy hook detected', // Note that returning undefined without calling the callback is permitted if the function // has 2 or fewer parameters, so this test function must have 3 parameters. fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => {}, wantVal: undefined, wantError: /UNSETTLED FUNCTION BUG/, }, { name: 'returns a Promise -> buggy hook detected', fn: () => promise1, wantVal: promise1, wantError: /PROHIBITED PROMISE BUG/, }, { name: 'passes a Promise to cb -> buggy hook detected', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => cb(promise2), wantVal: promise2, wantError: /PROHIBITED PROMISE BUG/, }, ]; for (const tc of testCases) { it(tc.name, async function () { sinon.stub(console, 'error'); hook.hook_fn = tc.fn; assert.equal(callHookFnSync(hook), tc.wantVal); assert.equal(console.error.callCount, tc.wantError ? 1 : 0); if (tc.wantError) assert.match(console.error.getCall(0).args[0], tc.wantError); }); } }); // Test various ways a hook might attempt to settle twice. (Examples: call the callback a second // time, or call the callback and then return a value.) describe('bad hook function behavior (double settle)', function () { beforeEach(function () { sinon.stub(console, 'error'); }); // Each item in this array codifies a way to settle a synchronous hook function. Each of the // test cases below combines two of these behaviors in a single hook function and confirms // that callHookFnSync both (1) returns the result of the first settle attempt, and // (2) detects the second settle attempt. const behaviors = [ { name: 'throw', fn: (cb, err, val) => { throw err; }, rejects: true, }, { name: 'return value', fn: (cb, err, val) => val, }, { name: 'immediately call cb(value)', fn: (cb, err, val) => cb(val), }, { name: 'defer call to cb(value)', fn: (cb, err, val) => { process.nextTick(cb, val); }, async: true, }, ]; for (const step1 of behaviors) { // There can't be a second step if the first step is to return or throw. if (step1.name.startsWith('return ') || step1.name === 'throw') continue; for (const step2 of behaviors) { // If step1 and step2 are both async then there would be three settle attempts (first an // erroneous unsettled return, then async step 1, then async step 2). Handling triple // settle would complicate the tests, and it is sufficient to test only double settles. if (step1.async && step2.async) continue; it(`${step1.name} then ${step2.name} (diff. outcomes) -> log+throw`, async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx, cb) => { step1.fn(cb, new Error(ctx.ret1), ctx.ret1); return step2.fn(cb, new Error(ctx.ret2), ctx.ret2); }; // Temporarily remove unhandled error listeners so that the errors we expect to see // don't trigger a test failure (or terminate node). const events = ['uncaughtException', 'unhandledRejection']; const listenerBackups = {}; for (const event of events) { listenerBackups[event] = process.rawListeners(event); process.removeAllListeners(event); } // We should see an asynchronous error (either an unhandled Promise rejection or an // uncaught exception) if and only if one of the two steps was asynchronous or there was // a throw (in which case the double settle is deferred so that the caller sees the // original error). const wantAsyncErr = step1.async || step2.async || step2.rejects; let tempListener; let asyncErr; try { const seenErrPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { tempListener = (err) => { assert.equal(asyncErr, undefined); asyncErr = err; resolve(); }; if (!wantAsyncErr) resolve(); }); events.forEach((event) => process.on(event, tempListener)); const call = () => callHookFnSync(hook, {ret1: 'val1', ret2: 'val2'}); if (step2.rejects) { assert.throws(call, {message: 'val2'}); } else if (!step1.async && !step2.async) { assert.throws(call, {message: /DOUBLE SETTLE BUG/}); } else { assert.equal(call(), step1.async ? 'val2' : 'val1'); } await seenErrPromise; } finally { // Restore the original listeners. for (const event of events) { process.off(event, tempListener); for (const listener of listenerBackups[event]) { process.on(event, listener); } } } assert.equal(console.error.callCount, 1); assert.match(console.error.getCall(0).args[0], /DOUBLE SETTLE BUG/); if (wantAsyncErr) { assert(asyncErr instanceof Error); assert.match(asyncErr.message, /DOUBLE SETTLE BUG/); } }); // This next test is the same as the above test, except the second settle attempt is for // the same outcome. The two outcomes can't be the same if one step throws and the other // doesn't, so skip those cases. if (step1.rejects !== step2.rejects) continue; it(`${step1.name} then ${step2.name} (same outcome) -> only log`, async function () { this.timeout(10); const err = new Error('val'); hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx, cb) => { step1.fn(cb, err, 'val'); return step2.fn(cb, err, 'val'); }; const errorLogged = new Promise((resolve) => console.error.callsFake(resolve)); const call = () => callHookFnSync(hook); if (step2.rejects) { assert.throws(call, {message: 'val'}); } else { assert.equal(call(), 'val'); } await errorLogged; assert.equal(console.error.callCount, 1); assert.match(console.error.getCall(0).args[0], /DOUBLE SETTLE BUG/); }); } } }); }); describe('hooks.callAll', function () { describe('basic behavior', function () { it('calls all in order', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; testHooks.push(makeHook(1), makeHook(2), makeHook(3)); assert.deepEqual(hooks.callAll(hookName), [1, 2, 3]); }); it('passes hook name', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = (hn) => { assert.equal(hn, hookName); }; hooks.callAll(hookName); }); it('undefined context -> {}', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx) => { assert.deepEqual(ctx, {}); }; hooks.callAll(hookName); }); it('null context -> {}', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx) => { assert.deepEqual(ctx, {}); }; hooks.callAll(hookName, null); }); it('context unmodified', async function () { this.timeout(10); const wantContext = {}; hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx) => { assert.equal(ctx, wantContext); }; hooks.callAll(hookName, wantContext); }); }); describe('result processing', function () { it('no registered hooks (undefined) -> []', async function () { this.timeout(10); delete plugins.hooks.testHook; assert.deepEqual(hooks.callAll(hookName), []); }); it('no registered hooks (empty list) -> []', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; assert.deepEqual(hooks.callAll(hookName), []); }); it('flattens one level', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; testHooks.push(makeHook(1), makeHook([2]), makeHook([[3]])); assert.deepEqual(hooks.callAll(hookName), [1, 2, [3]]); }); it('filters out undefined', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; testHooks.push(makeHook(), makeHook([2]), makeHook([[3]])); assert.deepEqual(hooks.callAll(hookName), [2, [3]]); }); it('preserves null', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; testHooks.push(makeHook(null), makeHook([2]), makeHook([[3]])); assert.deepEqual(hooks.callAll(hookName), [null, 2, [3]]); }); it('all undefined -> []', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; testHooks.push(makeHook(), makeHook()); assert.deepEqual(hooks.callAll(hookName), []); }); }); }); describe('callHookFnAsync', function () { const callHookFnAsync = hooks.exportedForTestingOnly.callHookFnAsync; // Convenience shorthand. describe('basic behavior', function () { it('passes hook name', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = (hn) => { assert.equal(hn, hookName); }; await callHookFnAsync(hook); }); it('passes context', async function () { this.timeout(10); for (const val of ['value', null, undefined]) { hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx) => { assert.equal(ctx, val); }; await callHookFnAsync(hook, val); } }); it('returns the value provided to the callback', async function () { this.timeout(10); for (const val of ['value', null, undefined]) { hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx, cb) => { cb(ctx); }; assert.equal(await callHookFnAsync(hook, val), val); assert.equal(await callHookFnAsync(hook, Promise.resolve(val)), val); } }); it('returns the value returned by the hook function', async function () { this.timeout(10); for (const val of ['value', null, undefined]) { // Must not have the cb parameter otherwise returning undefined will never resolve. hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx) => ctx; assert.equal(await callHookFnAsync(hook, val), val); assert.equal(await callHookFnAsync(hook, Promise.resolve(val)), val); } }); it('rejects if it throws an exception', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = () => { throw new Error('test exception'); }; await assert.rejects(callHookFnAsync(hook), {message: 'test exception'}); }); it('rejects if rejected Promise passed to callback', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx, cb) => cb(Promise.reject(new Error('test exception'))); await assert.rejects(callHookFnAsync(hook), {message: 'test exception'}); }); it('rejects if rejected Promise returned', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx, cb) => Promise.reject(new Error('test exception')); await assert.rejects(callHookFnAsync(hook), {message: 'test exception'}); }); it('callback returns undefined', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx, cb) => { assert.equal(cb('foo'), undefined); }; await callHookFnAsync(hook); }); it('checks for deprecation', async function () { this.timeout(10); sinon.stub(console, 'warn'); hooks.deprecationNotices[hookName] = 'test deprecation'; await callHookFnAsync(hook); assert.equal(hooks.exportedForTestingOnly.deprecationWarned[hookFnName], true); assert.equal(console.warn.callCount, 1); assert.match(console.warn.getCall(0).args[0], /test deprecation/); }); }); describe('supported hook function styles', function () { const supportedHookFunctions = supportedSyncHookFunctions.concat([ { name: 'legacy async cb', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => { process.nextTick(cb, 'val'); }, want: 'val', }, // Already resolved Promises: { name: 'return resolved Promise, with callback parameter', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => Promise.resolve('val'), want: 'val', }, { name: 'return resolved Promise, without callback parameter', fn: (hn, ctx) => Promise.resolve('val'), want: 'val', }, { name: 'pass resolved Promise to callback', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => { cb(Promise.resolve('val')); }, want: 'val', }, // Not yet resolved Promises: { name: 'return unresolved Promise, with callback parameter', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => new Promise((resolve) => process.nextTick(resolve, 'val')), want: 'val', }, { name: 'return unresolved Promise, without callback parameter', fn: (hn, ctx) => new Promise((resolve) => process.nextTick(resolve, 'val')), want: 'val', }, { name: 'pass unresolved Promise to callback', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => { cb(new Promise((resolve) => process.nextTick(resolve, 'val'))); }, want: 'val', }, // Already rejected Promises: { name: 'return rejected Promise, with callback parameter', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => Promise.reject(new Error('test rejection')), wantErr: 'test rejection', }, { name: 'return rejected Promise, without callback parameter', fn: (hn, ctx) => Promise.reject(new Error('test rejection')), wantErr: 'test rejection', }, { name: 'pass rejected Promise to callback', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => { cb(Promise.reject(new Error('test rejection'))); }, wantErr: 'test rejection', }, // Not yet rejected Promises: { name: 'return unrejected Promise, with callback parameter', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { process.nextTick(reject, new Error('test rejection')); }), wantErr: 'test rejection', }, { name: 'return unrejected Promise, without callback parameter', fn: (hn, ctx) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { process.nextTick(reject, new Error('test rejection')); }), wantErr: 'test rejection', }, { name: 'pass unrejected Promise to callback', fn: (hn, ctx, cb) => { cb(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { process.nextTick(reject, new Error('test rejection')); })); }, wantErr: 'test rejection', }, ]); for (const tc of supportedSyncHookFunctions.concat(supportedHookFunctions)) { it(tc.name, async function () { this.timeout(10); sinon.stub(console, 'warn'); sinon.stub(console, 'error'); hook.hook_fn = tc.fn; const p = callHookFnAsync(hook); if (tc.wantErr) { await assert.rejects(p, {message: tc.wantErr}); } else { assert.equal(await p, tc.want); } assert.equal(console.warn.callCount, 0); assert.equal(console.error.callCount, 0); }); } }); // Test various ways a hook might attempt to settle twice. (Examples: call the callback a second // time, or call the callback and then return a value.) describe('bad hook function behavior (double settle)', function () { beforeEach(function () { sinon.stub(console, 'error'); }); // Each item in this array codifies a way to settle an asynchronous hook function. Each of the // test cases below combines two of these behaviors in a single hook function and confirms // that callHookFnAsync both (1) resolves to the result of the first settle attempt, and (2) // detects the second settle attempt. // // The 'when' property specifies the relative time that two behaviors will cause the hook // function to settle: // * If behavior1.when <= behavior2.when and behavior1 is called before behavior2 then // behavior1 will settle the hook function before behavior2. // * Otherwise, behavior2 will settle the hook function before behavior1. const behaviors = [ { name: 'throw', fn: (cb, err, val) => { throw err; }, rejects: true, when: 0, }, { name: 'return value', fn: (cb, err, val) => val, // This behavior has a later relative settle time vs. the 'throw' behavior because 'throw' // immediately settles the hook function, whereas the 'return value' case is settled by a // .then() function attached to a Promise. EcmaScript guarantees that a .then() function // attached to a Promise is enqueued on the event loop (not executed immediately) when the // Promise settles. when: 1, }, { name: 'immediately call cb(value)', fn: (cb, err, val) => cb(val), // This behavior has the same relative time as the 'return value' case because it too is // settled by a .then() function attached to a Promise. when: 1, }, { name: 'return resolvedPromise', fn: (cb, err, val) => Promise.resolve(val), // This behavior has the same relative time as the 'return value' case because the return // value is wrapped in a Promise via Promise.resolve(). The EcmaScript standard guarantees // that Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(value)) is equivalent to Promise.resolve(value), // so returning an already resolved Promise vs. returning a non-Promise value are // equivalent. when: 1, }, { name: 'immediately call cb(resolvedPromise)', fn: (cb, err, val) => cb(Promise.resolve(val)), when: 1, }, { name: 'return rejectedPromise', fn: (cb, err, val) => Promise.reject(err), rejects: true, when: 1, }, { name: 'immediately call cb(rejectedPromise)', fn: (cb, err, val) => cb(Promise.reject(err)), rejects: true, when: 1, }, { name: 'return unresolvedPromise', fn: (cb, err, val) => new Promise((resolve) => process.nextTick(resolve, val)), when: 2, }, { name: 'immediately call cb(unresolvedPromise)', fn: (cb, err, val) => cb(new Promise((resolve) => process.nextTick(resolve, val))), when: 2, }, { name: 'return unrejectedPromise', fn: (cb, err, val) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => process.nextTick(reject, err)), rejects: true, when: 2, }, { name: 'immediately call cb(unrejectedPromise)', fn: (cb, err, val) => cb(new Promise((resolve, reject) => process.nextTick(reject, err))), rejects: true, when: 2, }, { name: 'defer call to cb(value)', fn: (cb, err, val) => { process.nextTick(cb, val); }, when: 2, }, { name: 'defer call to cb(resolvedPromise)', fn: (cb, err, val) => { process.nextTick(cb, Promise.resolve(val)); }, when: 2, }, { name: 'defer call to cb(rejectedPromise)', fn: (cb, err, val) => { process.nextTick(cb, Promise.reject(err)); }, rejects: true, when: 2, }, { name: 'defer call to cb(unresolvedPromise)', fn: (cb, err, val) => { process.nextTick(() => { cb(new Promise((resolve) => process.nextTick(resolve, val))); }); }, when: 3, }, { name: 'defer call cb(unrejectedPromise)', fn: (cb, err, val) => { process.nextTick(() => { cb(new Promise((resolve, reject) => process.nextTick(reject, err))); }); }, rejects: true, when: 3, }, ]; for (const step1 of behaviors) { // There can't be a second step if the first step is to return or throw. if (step1.name.startsWith('return ') || step1.name === 'throw') continue; for (const step2 of behaviors) { it(`${step1.name} then ${step2.name} (diff. outcomes) -> log+throw`, async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx, cb) => { step1.fn(cb, new Error(ctx.ret1), ctx.ret1); return step2.fn(cb, new Error(ctx.ret2), ctx.ret2); }; // Temporarily remove unhandled Promise rejection listeners so that the unhandled // rejections we expect to see don't trigger a test failure (or terminate node). const event = 'unhandledRejection'; const listenersBackup = process.rawListeners(event); process.removeAllListeners(event); let tempListener; let asyncErr; try { const seenErrPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { tempListener = (err) => { assert.equal(asyncErr, undefined); asyncErr = err; resolve(); }; }); process.on(event, tempListener); const step1Wins = step1.when <= step2.when; const winningStep = step1Wins ? step1 : step2; const winningVal = step1Wins ? 'val1' : 'val2'; const p = callHookFnAsync(hook, {ret1: 'val1', ret2: 'val2'}); if (winningStep.rejects) { await assert.rejects(p, {message: winningVal}); } else { assert.equal(await p, winningVal); } await seenErrPromise; } finally { // Restore the original listeners. process.off(event, tempListener); for (const listener of listenersBackup) { process.on(event, listener); } } assert.equal(console.error.callCount, 1, `Got errors:\n${ console.error.getCalls().map((call) => call.args[0]).join('\n')}`); assert.match(console.error.getCall(0).args[0], /DOUBLE SETTLE BUG/); assert(asyncErr instanceof Error); assert.match(asyncErr.message, /DOUBLE SETTLE BUG/); }); // This next test is the same as the above test, except the second settle attempt is for // the same outcome. The two outcomes can't be the same if one step rejects and the other // doesn't, so skip those cases. if (step1.rejects !== step2.rejects) continue; it(`${step1.name} then ${step2.name} (same outcome) -> only log`, async function () { this.timeout(10); const err = new Error('val'); hook.hook_fn = (hn, ctx, cb) => { step1.fn(cb, err, 'val'); return step2.fn(cb, err, 'val'); }; const winningStep = (step1.when <= step2.when) ? step1 : step2; const errorLogged = new Promise((resolve) => console.error.callsFake(resolve)); const p = callHookFnAsync(hook); if (winningStep.rejects) { await assert.rejects(p, {message: 'val'}); } else { assert.equal(await p, 'val'); } await errorLogged; assert.equal(console.error.callCount, 1); assert.match(console.error.getCall(0).args[0], /DOUBLE SETTLE BUG/); }); } } }); }); describe('hooks.aCallAll', function () { describe('basic behavior', function () { it('calls all asynchronously, returns values in order', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; // Delete the boilerplate hook -- this test doesn't use it. let nextIndex = 0; const hookPromises = []; const hookStarted = []; const hookFinished = []; const makeHook = () => { const i = nextIndex++; const entry = {}; hookStarted[i] = false; hookFinished[i] = false; hookPromises[i] = entry; entry.promise = new Promise((resolve) => { entry.resolve = () => { hookFinished[i] = true; resolve(i); }; }); return {hook_fn: () => { hookStarted[i] = true; return entry.promise; }}; }; testHooks.push(makeHook(), makeHook()); const p = hooks.aCallAll(hookName); assert.deepEqual(hookStarted, [true, true]); assert.deepEqual(hookFinished, [false, false]); hookPromises[1].resolve(); await hookPromises[1].promise; assert.deepEqual(hookFinished, [false, true]); hookPromises[0].resolve(); assert.deepEqual(await p, [0, 1]); }); it('passes hook name', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = async (hn) => { assert.equal(hn, hookName); }; await hooks.aCallAll(hookName); }); it('undefined context -> {}', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = async (hn, ctx) => { assert.deepEqual(ctx, {}); }; await hooks.aCallAll(hookName); }); it('null context -> {}', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = async (hn, ctx) => { assert.deepEqual(ctx, {}); }; await hooks.aCallAll(hookName, null); }); it('context unmodified', async function () { this.timeout(10); const wantContext = {}; hook.hook_fn = async (hn, ctx) => { assert.equal(ctx, wantContext); }; await hooks.aCallAll(hookName, wantContext); }); }); describe('aCallAll callback', function () { it('exception in callback rejects', async function () { this.timeout(10); const p = hooks.aCallAll(hookName, {}, () => { throw new Error('test exception'); }); await assert.rejects(p, {message: 'test exception'}); }); it('propagates error on exception', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = () => { throw new Error('test exception'); }; await hooks.aCallAll(hookName, {}, (err) => { assert(err instanceof Error); assert.equal(err.message, 'test exception'); }); }); it('propagages null error on success', async function () { this.timeout(10); await hooks.aCallAll(hookName, {}, (err) => { assert(err == null, `got non-null error: ${err}`); }); }); it('propagages results on success', async function () { this.timeout(10); hook.hook_fn = () => 'val'; await hooks.aCallAll(hookName, {}, (err, results) => { assert.deepEqual(results, ['val']); }); }); it('returns callback return value', async function () { this.timeout(10); assert.equal(await hooks.aCallAll(hookName, {}, () => 'val'), 'val'); }); }); describe('result processing', function () { it('no registered hooks (undefined) -> []', async function () { this.timeout(10); delete plugins.hooks[hookName]; assert.deepEqual(await hooks.aCallAll(hookName), []); }); it('no registered hooks (empty list) -> []', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; assert.deepEqual(await hooks.aCallAll(hookName), []); }); it('flattens one level', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; testHooks.push(makeHook(1), makeHook([2]), makeHook([[3]])); assert.deepEqual(await hooks.aCallAll(hookName), [1, 2, [3]]); }); it('filters out undefined', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; testHooks.push(makeHook(), makeHook([2]), makeHook([[3]]), makeHook(Promise.resolve())); assert.deepEqual(await hooks.aCallAll(hookName), [2, [3]]); }); it('preserves null', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; testHooks.push(makeHook(null), makeHook([2]), makeHook(Promise.resolve(null))); assert.deepEqual(await hooks.aCallAll(hookName), [null, 2, null]); }); it('all undefined -> []', async function () { this.timeout(10); testHooks.length = 0; testHooks.push(makeHook(), makeHook(Promise.resolve())); assert.deepEqual(await hooks.aCallAll(hookName), []); }); }); }); });