'use strict'; describe('indentation button', function () { // create a new pad before each test run beforeEach(function (cb) { helper.newPad(cb); this.timeout(60000); }); it('indent text with keypress', function (done) { this.timeout(100); const inner$ = helper.padInner$; // get the first text element out of the inner iframe const $firstTextElement = inner$('div').first(); // select this text element $firstTextElement.sendkeys('{selectall}'); const e = inner$.Event(helper.evtType); e.keyCode = 9; // tab :| inner$('#innerdocbody').trigger(e); helper.waitFor(() => inner$('div').first().find('ul li').length === 1).done(done); }); it('indent text with button', function (done) { this.timeout(100); const inner$ = helper.padInner$; const chrome$ = helper.padChrome$; const $indentButton = chrome$('.buttonicon-indent'); $indentButton.click(); helper.waitFor(() => inner$('div').first().find('ul li').length === 1).done(done); }); it('keeps the indent on enter for the new line', function (done) { this.timeout(1200); const inner$ = helper.padInner$; const chrome$ = helper.padChrome$; const $indentButton = chrome$('.buttonicon-indent'); $indentButton.click(); // type a bit, make a line break and type again const $firstTextElement = inner$('div span').first(); $firstTextElement.sendkeys('line 1'); $firstTextElement.sendkeys('{enter}'); $firstTextElement.sendkeys('line 2'); $firstTextElement.sendkeys('{enter}'); helper.waitFor(() => inner$('div span').first().text().indexOf('line 2') === -1).done(() => { const $newSecondLine = inner$('div').first().next(); const hasULElement = $newSecondLine.find('ul li').length === 1; expect(hasULElement).to.be(true); expect($newSecondLine.text()).to.be('line 2'); done(); }); }); it("indents text with spaces on enter if previous line ends with ':', '[', '(', or '{'", function (done) { this.timeout(1200); const inner$ = helper.padInner$; // type a bit, make a line break and type again const $firstTextElement = inner$('div').first(); $firstTextElement.sendkeys("line with ':'{enter}"); $firstTextElement.sendkeys("line with '['{enter}"); $firstTextElement.sendkeys("line with '('{enter}"); $firstTextElement.sendkeys("line with '{{}'{enter}"); helper.waitFor(() => { // wait for Etherpad to split four lines into separated divs const $fourthLine = inner$('div').first().next().next().next(); return $fourthLine.text().indexOf("line with '{'") === 0; }).done(() => { // we validate bottom to top for easier implementation // curly braces const $lineWithCurlyBraces = inner$('div').first().next().next().next(); $lineWithCurlyBraces.sendkeys('{{}'); // cannot use sendkeys('{enter}') here, browser does not read the command properly pressEnter(); const $lineAfterCurlyBraces = inner$('div').first().next().next().next().next(); expect($lineAfterCurlyBraces.text()).to.match(/\s{4}/); // tab === 4 spaces // parenthesis const $lineWithParenthesis = inner$('div').first().next().next(); $lineWithParenthesis.sendkeys('('); pressEnter(); const $lineAfterParenthesis = inner$('div').first().next().next().next(); expect($lineAfterParenthesis.text()).to.match(/\s{4}/); // bracket const $lineWithBracket = inner$('div').first().next(); $lineWithBracket.sendkeys('['); pressEnter(); const $lineAfterBracket = inner$('div').first().next().next(); expect($lineAfterBracket.text()).to.match(/\s{4}/); // colon const $lineWithColon = inner$('div').first(); $lineWithColon.sendkeys(':'); pressEnter(); const $lineAfterColon = inner$('div').first().next(); expect($lineAfterColon.text()).to.match(/\s{4}/); done(); }); }); it("appends indentation to the indent of previous line if previous line ends with ':', '[', '(', or '{'", function (done) { this.timeout(1200); const inner$ = helper.padInner$; // type a bit, make a line break and type again const $firstTextElement = inner$('div').first(); $firstTextElement.sendkeys(" line with some indentation and ':'{enter}"); $firstTextElement.sendkeys('line 2{enter}'); helper.waitFor(() => { // wait for Etherpad to split two lines into separated divs const $secondLine = inner$('div').first().next(); return $secondLine.text().indexOf('line 2') === 0; }).done(() => { const $lineWithColon = inner$('div').first(); $lineWithColon.sendkeys(':'); pressEnter(); const $lineAfterColon = inner$('div').first().next(); // previous line indentation + regular tab (4 spaces) expect($lineAfterColon.text()).to.match(/\s{6}/); done(); }); }); it("issue #2772 shows '*' when multiple indented lines receive a style and are outdented", async function () { this.timeout(1200); const inner$ = helper.padInner$; const chrome$ = helper.padChrome$; // make sure pad has more than one line inner$('div').first().sendkeys('First{enter}Second{enter}'); await helper.waitForPromise(() => inner$('div').first().text().trim() === 'First'); // indent first 2 lines const $lines = inner$('div'); const $firstLine = $lines.first(); let $secondLine = $lines.slice(1, 2); helper.selectLines($firstLine, $secondLine); const $indentButton = chrome$('.buttonicon-indent'); $indentButton.click(); await helper.waitForPromise(() => inner$('div').first().find('ul li').length === 1); // apply bold const $boldButton = chrome$('.buttonicon-bold'); $boldButton.click(); await helper.waitForPromise(() => inner$('div').first().find('b').length === 1); // outdent first 2 lines const $outdentButton = chrome$('.buttonicon-outdent'); $outdentButton.click(); await helper.waitForPromise(() => inner$('div').first().find('ul li').length === 0); // check if '*' is displayed $secondLine = inner$('div').slice(1, 2); expect($secondLine.text().trim()).to.be('Second'); }); /* it("makes text indented and outdented", function() { //get the inner iframe var $inner = testHelper.$getPadInner(); //get the first text element out of the inner iframe var firstTextElement = $inner.find("div").first(); //select this text element testHelper.selectText(firstTextElement[0], $inner); //get the indentation button and click it var $indentButton = testHelper.$getPadChrome().find(".buttonicon-indent"); $indentButton.click(); //ace creates a new dom element when you press a button, so just get the first text element again var newFirstTextElement = $inner.find("div").first(); // is there a list-indent class element now? var firstChild = newFirstTextElement.children(":first"); var isUL = firstChild.is('ul'); //expect it to be the beginning of a list expect(isUL).to.be(true); var secondChild = firstChild.children(":first"); var isLI = secondChild.is('li'); //expect it to be part of a list expect(isLI).to.be(true); //indent again $indentButton.click(); var newFirstTextElement = $inner.find("div").first(); // is there a list-indent class element now? var firstChild = newFirstTextElement.children(":first"); var hasListIndent2 = firstChild.hasClass('list-indent2'); //expect it to be part of a list expect(hasListIndent2).to.be(true); //make sure the text hasn't changed expect(newFirstTextElement.text()).to.eql(firstTextElement.text()); // test outdent //get the unindentation button and click it twice var $outdentButton = testHelper.$getPadChrome().find(".buttonicon-outdent"); $outdentButton.click(); $outdentButton.click(); //ace creates a new dom element when you press a button, so just get the first text element again var newFirstTextElement = $inner.find("div").first(); // is there a list-indent class element now? var firstChild = newFirstTextElement.children(":first"); var isUL = firstChild.is('ul'); //expect it not to be the beginning of a list expect(isUL).to.be(false); var secondChild = firstChild.children(":first"); var isLI = secondChild.is('li'); //expect it to not be part of a list expect(isLI).to.be(false); //make sure the text hasn't changed expect(newFirstTextElement.text()).to.eql(firstTextElement.text()); // Next test tests multiple line indentation //select this text element testHelper.selectText(firstTextElement[0], $inner); //indent twice $indentButton.click(); $indentButton.click(); //get the first text element out of the inner iframe var firstTextElement = $inner.find("div").first(); //select this text element testHelper.selectText(firstTextElement[0], $inner); /* this test creates the below content, both should have double indentation line1 line2 firstTextElement.sendkeys('{rightarrow}'); // simulate a keypress of enter firstTextElement.sendkeys('{enter}'); // simulate a keypress of enter firstTextElement.sendkeys('line 1'); // simulate writing the first line firstTextElement.sendkeys('{enter}'); // simulate a keypress of enter firstTextElement.sendkeys('line 2'); // simulate writing the second line //get the second text element out of the inner iframe setTimeout(function(){ // THIS IS REALLY BAD var secondTextElement = $('iframe').contents().find('iframe').contents().find('iframe').contents().find('body > div').get(1); // THIS IS UGLY // is there a list-indent class element now? var firstChild = secondTextElement.children(":first"); var isUL = firstChild.is('ul'); //expect it to be the beginning of a list expect(isUL).to.be(true); var secondChild = secondChild.children(":first"); var isLI = secondChild.is('li'); //expect it to be part of a list expect(isLI).to.be(true); //get the first text element out of the inner iframe var thirdTextElement = $('iframe').contents().find('iframe').contents().find('iframe').contents().find('body > div').get(2); // THIS IS UGLY TOO // is there a list-indent class element now? var firstChild = thirdTextElement.children(":first"); var isUL = firstChild.is('ul'); //expect it to be the beginning of a list expect(isUL).to.be(true); var secondChild = firstChild.children(":first"); var isLI = secondChild.is('li'); //expect it to be part of a list expect(isLI).to.be(true); },1000); });*/ }); const pressEnter = () => { const inner$ = helper.padInner$; const e = inner$.Event(helper.evtType); e.keyCode = 13; // enter :| inner$('#innerdocbody').trigger(e); };