'use strict';
* ACHTUNG: there is a copied & modified version of this file in
а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і ї й к л м н о
п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ю я ь
а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і ї й к л м н о
expectedText: 'wtf\n\n',
disabled: true,
'nonelistiteminlist #3620': {
input: 'test
expectedHTML: 'test
expectedText: '\ttest\n\t* FOO\n\n',
disabled: true,
'whitespaceinlist #3620': {
input: '
expectedHTML: '
expectedText: '\t* FOO\n\n',
disabled: true,
'prefixcorrectlinenumber': {
input: '
expectedHTML: '
expectedText: '\t1. should be 1\n\t2. should be 2\n\n',
'prefixcorrectlinenumbernested': {
input: '
expectedHTML: '
expectedText: '\t1. should be 1\n\t\t1.1. foo\n\t2. should be 2\n\n',
"prefixcorrectlinenumber when introduced none list item - currently not supported see #3450":{
input: '
expectedHTML: '
expectedText: '\t1. should be 1\n\ttest\n\t2. should be 2\n\n'
"newlinesshouldntresetlinenumber #2194":{
input: '
expectedHTML: '
expectedText: '\t1. should be 1\n\ttest\n\t2. should be 2\n\n'
'ignoreAnyTagsOutsideBody': {
description: 'Content outside body should be ignored',
input: '
expectedHTML: 'empty
expectedText: 'empty\n\n',
'indentedListsAreNotBullets': {
description: 'Indented lists are represented with tabs and without bullets',
input: '
expectedHTML: '
expectedText: '\tindent\n\tindent\n\n'
lineWithMultipleSpaces: {
description: 'Multiple spaces should be collapsed',
input: 'Text with more than one space.
expectedHTML: 'Text with more than one space.
expectedText: 'Text with more than one space.\n\n'
lineWithMultipleNonBreakingAndNormalSpaces: {
// XXX the HTML between "than" and "one" looks strange
description: 'non-breaking space should be preserved, but can be replaced when it',
input: 'Text with more than one space.
expectedHTML: 'Text with more than one space.
expectedText: 'Text with more than one space.\n\n'
multiplenbsp: {
description: 'Multiple non-breaking space should be preserved',
input: '
expectedHTML: '
expectedText: ' \n\n'
multipleNonBreakingSpaceBetweenWords: {
description: 'A normal space is always inserted before a word',
input: ' word1 word2 word3
expectedHTML: ' word1 word2 word3
expectedText: ' word1 word2 word3\n\n'
nonBreakingSpacePreceededBySpaceBetweenWords: {
description: 'A non-breaking space preceeded by a normal space',
input: ' word1 word2 word3
expectedHTML: ' word1 word2 word3
expectedText: ' word1 word2 word3\n\n'
nonBreakingSpaceFollowededBySpaceBetweenWords: {
description: 'A non-breaking space followed by a normal space',
input: ' word1 word2 word3
expectedHTML: ' word1 word2 word3
expectedText: ' word1 word2 word3\n\n'
spacesAfterNewline: {
description: 'Collapse spaces that follow a newline',
expectedHTML: 'something
expectedText: 'something\nsomething\n\n'
spacesAfterNewlineP: {
description: 'Collapse spaces that follow a paragraph',
input:'something something
expectedHTML: 'something
expectedText: 'something\n\nsomething\n\n'
spacesAtEndOfLine: {
description: 'Collapse spaces that preceed/follow a newline',
expectedHTML: 'something
expectedText: 'something\nsomething\n\n'
spacesAtEndOfLineP: {
description: 'Collapse spaces that preceed/follow a paragraph',
input:'something something
expectedHTML: 'something
expectedText: 'something\n\nsomething\n\n'
nonBreakingSpacesAfterNewlines: {
description: 'Don\'t collapse non-breaking spaces that follow a newline',
expectedHTML: 'something
expectedText: 'something\n something\n\n'
nonBreakingSpacesAfterNewlinesP: {
description: 'Don\'t collapse non-breaking spaces that follow a paragraph',
input:'something something
expectedHTML: 'something
expectedText: 'something\n\n something\n\n'
collapseSpacesInsideElements: {
description: 'Preserve only one space when multiple are present',
input: 'Need more space s !
expectedHTML: 'Need more space s !
expectedText: 'Need more space s !\n\n'
collapseSpacesAcrossNewlines: {
description: 'Newlines and multiple spaces across newlines should be collapsed',
input: `
expectedHTML: 'Need more space s !
expectedText: 'Need more space s !\n\n'
multipleNewLinesAtBeginning: {
description: 'Multiple new lines and paragraphs at the beginning should be preserved',
input: '
first line
second line
expectedHTML: '
first line
second line
expectedText: '\n\n\n\nfirst line\n\nsecond line\n\n'
description: "A paragraph with multiple lines should not loose spaces when lines are combined",
expectedText: 'а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і ї й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ю я ь\n\n'
//XXX why is there before "in"?
description: "lines in preformatted text should be kept intact",
п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ю я ь
`, expectedHTML: 'а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і ї й к л м н о1
preline`, expectedHTML: '1