'use strict'; /** * This code is mostly from the old Etherpad. Please help us to comment this code. * This helps other people to understand this code better and helps them to improve it. * TL;DR COMMENTS ON THIS FILE ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED */ /** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const Cookies = require('./pad_utils').Cookies; const padcookie = require('./pad_cookie').padcookie; const padutils = require('./pad_utils').padutils; const padeditor = (() => { let Ace2Editor = undefined; let pad = undefined; let settings = undefined; const self = { ace: null, // this is accessed directly from other files viewZoom: 100, init: async (initialViewOptions, _pad) => { Ace2Editor = require('./ace').Ace2Editor; pad = _pad; settings = pad.settings; self.ace = new Ace2Editor(); await self.ace.init('editorcontainer', ''); $('#editorloadingbox').hide(); // Listen for clicks on sidediv items const $outerdoc = $('iframe[name="ace_outer"]').contents().find('#outerdocbody'); $outerdoc.find('#sidedivinner').on('click', 'div', function () { const targetLineNumber = $(this).index() + 1; window.location.hash = `L${targetLineNumber}`; }); exports.focusOnLine(self.ace); self.ace.setProperty('wraps', true); self.initViewOptions(); self.setViewOptions(initialViewOptions); // view bar $('#viewbarcontents').show(); }, initViewOptions: () => { // Line numbers padutils.bindCheckboxChange($('#options-linenoscheck'), () => { pad.changeViewOption('showLineNumbers', padutils.getCheckbox($('#options-linenoscheck'))); }); // Author colors padutils.bindCheckboxChange($('#options-colorscheck'), () => { padcookie.setPref('showAuthorshipColors', padutils.getCheckbox('#options-colorscheck')); pad.changeViewOption('showAuthorColors', padutils.getCheckbox('#options-colorscheck')); }); // Right to left padutils.bindCheckboxChange($('#options-rtlcheck'), () => { pad.changeViewOption('rtlIsTrue', padutils.getCheckbox($('#options-rtlcheck'))); }); html10n.bind('localized', () => { pad.changeViewOption('rtlIsTrue', ('rtl' === html10n.getDirection())); padutils.setCheckbox($('#options-rtlcheck'), ('rtl' === html10n.getDirection())); }); // font family change $('#viewfontmenu').change(() => { pad.changeViewOption('padFontFamily', $('#viewfontmenu').val()); }); // Language html10n.bind('localized', () => { $('#languagemenu').val(html10n.getLanguage()); // translate the value of 'unnamed' and 'Enter your name' textboxes in the userlist // this does not interfere with html10n's normal value-setting because // html10n just ingores s // also, a value which has been set by the user will be not overwritten // since a user-edited does *not* have the editempty-class $('input[data-l10n-id]').each((key, input) => { input = $(input); if (input.hasClass('editempty')) { input.val(html10n.get(input.attr('data-l10n-id'))); } }); }); $('#languagemenu').val(html10n.getLanguage()); $('#languagemenu').change(() => { Cookies.set('language', $('#languagemenu').val()); window.html10n.localize([$('#languagemenu').val(), 'en']); if ($('select').niceSelect) { $('select').niceSelect('update'); } }); }, setViewOptions: (newOptions) => { const getOption = (key, defaultValue) => { const value = String(newOptions[key]); if (value === 'true') return true; if (value === 'false') return false; return defaultValue; }; let v; v = getOption('rtlIsTrue', ('rtl' === html10n.getDirection())); self.ace.setProperty('rtlIsTrue', v); padutils.setCheckbox($('#options-rtlcheck'), v); v = getOption('showLineNumbers', true); self.ace.setProperty('showslinenumbers', v); padutils.setCheckbox($('#options-linenoscheck'), v); v = getOption('showAuthorColors', true); self.ace.setProperty('showsauthorcolors', v); $('#chattext').toggleClass('authorColors', v); $('iframe[name="ace_outer"]').contents().find('#sidedivinner').toggleClass('authorColors', v); padutils.setCheckbox($('#options-colorscheck'), v); // Override from parameters if true if (settings.noColors !== false) { self.ace.setProperty('showsauthorcolors', !settings.noColors); } self.ace.setProperty('textface', newOptions.padFontFamily || ''); }, dispose: () => { if (self.ace) { self.ace.destroy(); self.ace = null; } }, enable: () => { if (self.ace) { self.ace.setEditable(true); } }, disable: () => { if (self.ace) { self.ace.setEditable(false); } }, restoreRevisionText: (dataFromServer) => { pad.addHistoricalAuthors(dataFromServer.historicalAuthorData); self.ace.importAText(dataFromServer.atext, dataFromServer.apool, true); }, }; return self; })(); exports.padeditor = padeditor; exports.focusOnLine = (ace) => { // If a number is in the URI IE #L124 go to that line number const lineNumber = window.location.hash.substr(1); if (lineNumber) { if (lineNumber[0] === 'L') { const $outerdoc = $('iframe[name="ace_outer"]').contents().find('#outerdocbody'); const lineNumberInt = parseInt(lineNumber.substr(1)); if (lineNumberInt) { const $inner = $('iframe[name="ace_outer"]').contents().find('iframe') .contents().find('#innerdocbody'); const line = $inner.find(`div:nth-child(${lineNumberInt})`); if (line.length !== 0) { let offsetTop = line.offset().top; offsetTop += parseInt($outerdoc.css('padding-top').replace('px', '')); const hasMobileLayout = $('body').hasClass('mobile-layout'); if (!hasMobileLayout) { offsetTop += parseInt($inner.css('padding-top').replace('px', '')); } const $outerdocHTML = $('iframe[name="ace_outer"]').contents() .find('#outerdocbody').parent(); $outerdoc.css({top: `${offsetTop}px`}); // Chrome $outerdocHTML.animate({scrollTop: offsetTop}); // needed for FF const node = line[0]; ace.callWithAce((ace) => { const selection = { startPoint: { index: 0, focusAtStart: true, maxIndex: 1, node, }, endPoint: { index: 0, focusAtStart: true, maxIndex: 1, node, }, }; ace.ace_setSelection(selection); }); } } } } // End of setSelection / set Y position of editor };