'use strict'; describe('timeslider', function () { // create a new pad before each test run beforeEach(function (cb) { helper.newPad(cb); }); /** * @todo test authorsList */ it('Shows a correctly formatted date and time', async function () { this.timeout(12000); // make some changes to produce 3 revisions const revs = 3; for (let i = 0; i < revs; i++) { await helper.edit('a\n'); } await helper.gotoTimeslider(revs); await helper.waitForPromise(() => helper.contentWindow().location.hash === `#${revs}`); // the datetime of last edit const timerTimeLast = new Date(helper.timesliderTimerTime()).getTime(); // the day of this revision, e.g. August 12, 2020 (stripped the string "Saved") const dateLast = new Date(helper.revisionDateElem().substr(6)).getTime(); // the label/revision, ie Version 3 const labelLast = helper.revisionLabelElem().text(); // the datetime should be a date expect(Number.isNaN(timerTimeLast)).to.eql(false); // the Date object of the day should not be NaN expect(Number.isNaN(dateLast)).to.eql(false); // the label should be Version `Number` expect(labelLast).to.be(`Version ${revs}`); // Click somewhere left on the timeslider to go to revision 0 helper.sliderClick(1); // the datetime of last edit const timerTime = new Date(helper.timesliderTimerTime()).getTime(); // the day of this revision, e.g. August 12, 2020 const date = new Date(helper.revisionDateElem().substr(6)).getTime(); // the label/revision, e.g. Version 0 const label = helper.revisionLabelElem().text(); // the datetime should be a date expect(Number.isNaN(timerTime)).to.eql(false); // the last revision should be newer or have the same time expect(timerTimeLast).to.not.be.lessThan(timerTime); // the Date object of the day should not be NaN expect(Number.isNaN(date)).to.eql(false); // the label should be Version 0 expect(label).to.be('Version 0'); }); });