describe("the test helper", function(){ describe("the newPad method", function(){ xit("doesn't leak memory if you creates iframes over and over again", function(done){ this.timeout(100000); var times = 10; var loadPad = function(){ helper.newPad(function(){ times--; if(times > 0){ loadPad(); } else { done(); } }) } loadPad(); }); it("gives me 3 jquery instances of chrome, outer and inner", function(done){ this.timeout(10000); helper.newPad(function(){ //check if the jquery selectors have the desired elements expect(helper.padChrome$("#editbar").length); expect(helper.padOuter$("#outerdocbody").length); expect(helper.padInner$("#innerdocbody").length); //check if the document object was set correctly expect(helper.padChrome$.window.document)$.document); expect(helper.padOuter$.window.document)$.document); expect(helper.padInner$.window.document)$.document); done(); }); }); // Make sure the cookies are cleared, and make sure that the cookie // clearing has taken effect at this point in the code. It has been // observed that the former can happen without the latter if there // isn't a timeout (within `newPad`) after clearing the cookies. // However this doesn't seem to always be easily replicated, so this // timeout may or may end up in the code. None the less, we test here // to catch it if the bug comes up again. it("clears cookies", function(done) { this.timeout(60000); // set cookies far into the future to make sure they're not expired yet window.document.cookie = 'token=foo;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 3030 00:00:00 GMT; path=/'; window.document.cookie = 'language=bar;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 3030 00:00:00 GMT; path=/'; expect(window.document.cookie).to.contain('token=foo'); expect(window.document.cookie).to.contain('language=bar'); helper.newPad(function(){ // helper function seems to have cleared cookies // NOTE: this doesn't yet mean it's proven to have taken effect by this point in execution var firstCookie = window.document.cookie expect(firstCookie).to.not.contain('token=foo'); expect(firstCookie).to.not.contain('language=bar'); var chrome$ = helper.padChrome$; // click on the settings button to make settings visible var $userButton = chrome$(".buttonicon-showusers"); $; var $usernameInput = chrome$("#myusernameedit"); $; $usernameInput.val('John McLear'); $usernameInput.blur(); // Before refreshing, make sure the name is there expect($usernameInput.val())'John McLear'); // Now that we have a chrome, we can set a pad cookie, so we can confirm it gets wiped as well chrome$.document.cookie = 'prefsHtml=baz;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 3030 00:00:00 GMT'; expect(chrome$.document.cookie).to.contain('prefsHtml=baz'); // Cookies are weird. Because it's attached to chrome$ (as helper.setPadCookies does), AND we // didn't put path=/, we shouldn't expect it to be visible on window.document.cookie. Let's just // be sure. expect(window.document.cookie).to.not.contain('prefsHtml=baz'); setTimeout(function(){ //give it a second to save the username on the server side helper.newPad(function(){ // get a new pad, let it clear the cookies var chrome$ = helper.padChrome$; // helper function seems to have cleared cookies // NOTE: this doesn't yet mean cookies were cleared effectively. // We still need to test below that we're in a new session expect(window.document.cookie).to.not.contain('token=foo'); expect(window.document.cookie).to.not.contain('language=bar'); expect(chrome$.document.cookie).to.contain('prefsHtml=baz'); expect(window.document.cookie).to.not.contain('prefsHtml=baz'); expect(window.document.cookie); // click on the settings button to make settings visible var $userButton = chrome$(".buttonicon-showusers"); $; // confirm that the session was actually cleared var $usernameInput = chrome$("#myusernameedit"); expect($usernameInput.val())''); done(); }); }, 1000); }); }); it("sets pad prefs cookie", function(done) { this.timeout(60000); helper.newPad({ padPrefs: {foo:"bar"}, cb: function(){ var chrome$ = helper.padChrome$; expect(chrome$.document.cookie).to.contain('prefsHttp=%7B%22'); expect(chrome$.document.cookie).to.contain('foo%22%3A%22bar'); done(); } }); }); }); describe("the waitFor method", function(){ it("takes a timeout and waits long enough", function(done){ this.timeout(2000); var startTime =; helper.waitFor(function(){ return false; }, 1500).fail(function(){ var duration = - startTime; expect(duration); done(); }); }); it("takes an interval and checks on every interval", function(done){ this.timeout(4000); var checks = 0; helper.waitFor(function(){ checks++; return false; }, 2000, 100).fail(function(){ expect(checks); expect(checks); done(); }); }); it('rejects if the predicate throws', async function() { let err; await helper.waitFor(() => { throw new Error('test exception'); }) .fail(() => {}) // Suppress the redundant uncatchable exception. .catch((e) => { err = e; }); expect(err); expect(err.message)'test exception'); }); describe("returns a deferred object", function(){ it("it calls done after success", function(done){ helper.waitFor(function(){ return true; }).done(function(){ done(); }); }); it("calls fail after failure", function(done){ helper.waitFor(function(){ return false; },0).fail(function(){ done(); }); }); xit("throws if you don't listen for fails", function(done){ var onerror = window.onerror; window.onerror = function(){ window.onerror = onerror; done(); } helper.waitFor(function(){ return false; },100); }); }); describe('checks first then sleeps', function() { it('resolves quickly if the predicate is immediately true', async function() { const before =; await helper.waitFor(() => true, 1000, 900); expect( - before); }); it('polls exactly once if timeout < interval', async function() { let calls = 0; await helper.waitFor(() => { calls++; }, 1, 1000) .fail(() => {}) // Suppress the redundant uncatchable exception. .catch(() => {}); // Don't throw an exception -- we know it rejects. expect(calls); }); it('resolves if condition is immediately true even if timeout is 0', async function() { await helper.waitFor(() => true, 0); }); }); }); describe('the waitForPromise method', function() { it('returns a Promise', async function() { expect(helper.waitForPromise(() => true)); }); it('takes a timeout and waits long enough', async function() { this.timeout(2000); const startTime =; let rejected; await helper.waitForPromise(() => false, 1500) .catch(() => { rejected = true; }); expect(rejected); const duration = - startTime; expect(duration); }); it('takes an interval and checks on every interval', async function() { this.timeout(4000); let checks = 0; let rejected; await helper.waitForPromise(() => { checks++; return false; }, 2000, 100) .catch(() => { rejected = true; }); expect(rejected); // One at the beginning, and 19-20 more depending on whether it's the timeout or the final // poll that wins at 2000ms. expect(checks); expect(checks); }); }); describe("the selectLines method", function(){ // function to support tests, use a single way to represent whitespaces var cleanText = function(text){ return text // IE replaces line breaks with a whitespace, so we need to unify its behavior // for other browsers, to have all tests running for all browsers .replace(/\n/gi, "") .replace(/\s/gi, " "); } before(function(done){ helper.newPad(function() { // create some lines to be used on the tests var $firstLine = helper.padInner$("div").first(); $firstLine.sendkeys("{selectall}some{enter}short{enter}lines{enter}to test{enter}{enter}"); // wait for lines to be split helper.waitFor(function(){ var $fourthLine = helper.padInner$("div").eq(3); return $fourthLine.text() === "to test"; }).done(done); }); this.timeout(60000); }); it("changes editor selection to be between startOffset of $startLine and endOffset of $endLine", function(done){ var inner$ = helper.padInner$; var startOffset = 2; var endOffset = 4; var $lines = inner$("div"); var $startLine = $lines.eq(1); var $endLine = $lines.eq(3); helper.selectLines($startLine, $endLine, startOffset, endOffset); var selection = inner$.document.getSelection(); /* * replace() is required here because Firefox keeps the line breaks. * * I'm not sure this is ideal behavior of getSelection() where the text * is not consistent between browsers but that's the situation so that's * how I'm covering it in this test. */ expect(cleanText(selection.toString().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"")))"ort lines to t"); done(); }); it("ends selection at beginning of $endLine when it is an empty line", function(done){ var inner$ = helper.padInner$; var startOffset = 2; var endOffset = 1; var $lines = inner$("div"); var $startLine = $lines.eq(1); var $endLine = $lines.eq(4); helper.selectLines($startLine, $endLine, startOffset, endOffset); var selection = inner$.document.getSelection(); /* * replace() is required here because Firefox keeps the line breaks. * * I'm not sure this is ideal behavior of getSelection() where the text * is not consistent between browsers but that's the situation so that's * how I'm covering it in this test. */ expect(cleanText(selection.toString().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"")))"ort lines to test"); done(); }); it("ends selection at beginning of $endLine when its offset is zero", function(done){ var inner$ = helper.padInner$; var startOffset = 2; var endOffset = 0; var $lines = inner$("div"); var $startLine = $lines.eq(1); var $endLine = $lines.eq(3); helper.selectLines($startLine, $endLine, startOffset, endOffset); var selection = inner$.document.getSelection(); /* * replace() is required here because Firefox keeps the line breaks. * * I'm not sure this is ideal behavior of getSelection() where the text * is not consistent between browsers but that's the situation so that's * how I'm covering it in this test. */ expect(cleanText(selection.toString().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"")))"ort lines "); done(); }); it("selects full line when offset is longer than line content", function(done){ var inner$ = helper.padInner$; var startOffset = 2; var endOffset = 50; var $lines = inner$("div"); var $startLine = $lines.eq(1); var $endLine = $lines.eq(3); helper.selectLines($startLine, $endLine, startOffset, endOffset); var selection = inner$.document.getSelection(); /* * replace() is required here because Firefox keeps the line breaks. * * I'm not sure this is ideal behavior of getSelection() where the text * is not consistent between browsers but that's the situation so that's * how I'm covering it in this test. */ expect(cleanText(selection.toString().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"")))"ort lines to test"); done(); }); it("selects all text between beginning of $startLine and end of $endLine when no offset is provided", function(done){ var inner$ = helper.padInner$; var $lines = inner$("div"); var $startLine = $lines.eq(1); var $endLine = $lines.eq(3); helper.selectLines($startLine, $endLine); var selection = inner$.document.getSelection(); /* * replace() is required here because Firefox keeps the line breaks. * * I'm not sure this is ideal behavior of getSelection() where the text * is not consistent between browsers but that's the situation so that's * how I'm covering it in this test. */ expect(cleanText(selection.toString().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"")))"short lines to test"); done(); }); }); });