var languages = require('languages4translatewiki') , fs = require('fs') , path = require('path') , _ = require('underscore') , npm = require('npm') , plugins = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pluginfw/plugins.js').plugins , semver = require('semver') , existsSync = require('../utils/path_exists') , settings = require('../utils/Settings') ; // returns all existing messages merged together and grouped by langcode // {es: {"foo": "string"}, en:...} function getAllLocales() { var locales2paths = {}; // Puts the paths of all locale files contained in a given directory // into `locales2paths` (files from various dirs are grouped by lang code) // (only json files with valid language code as name) function extractLangs(dir) { if(!existsSync(dir)) return; var stat = fs.lstatSync(dir); if (!stat.isDirectory() || stat.isSymbolicLink()) return; fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) { file = path.resolve(dir, file); stat = fs.lstatSync(file); if (stat.isDirectory() || stat.isSymbolicLink()) return; var ext = path.extname(file) , locale = path.basename(file, ext).toLowerCase(); if ((ext == '.json') && languages.isValid(locale)) { if(!locales2paths[locale]) locales2paths[locale] = []; locales2paths[locale].push(file); } }); } //add core supported languages first extractLangs(npm.root+"/ep_etherpad-lite/locales"); //add plugins languages (if any) for(var pluginName in plugins) extractLangs(path.join(npm.root, pluginName, 'locales')); // Build a locale index (merge all locale data other than user-supplied overrides) var locales = {} _.each (locales2paths, function(files, langcode) { locales[langcode]={}; files.forEach(function(file) { var fileContents = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(file,'utf8')); _.extend(locales[langcode], fileContents); }); }); // Add custom strings from settings.json // Since this is user-supplied, we'll do some extra sanity checks const wrongFormatErr = Error( "customLocaleStrings in wrong format. See documentation " + "for Customization for Administrators, under Localization.") if (settings.customLocaleStrings) { if (typeof settings.customLocaleStrings !== "object") throw wrongFormatErr _.each(settings.customLocaleStrings, function(overrides, langcode) { if (typeof overrides !== "object") throw wrongFormatErr _.each(overrides, function(localeString, key) { if (typeof localeString !== "string") throw wrongFormatErr locales[langcode][key] = localeString }) }) } return locales; } // returns a hash of all available languages availables with nativeName and direction // e.g. { es: {nativeName: "espaƱol", direction: "ltr"}, ... } function getAvailableLangs(locales) { var result = {}; _.each(_.keys(locales), function(langcode) { result[langcode] = languages.getLanguageInfo(langcode); }); return result; } // returns locale index that will be served in /locales.json var generateLocaleIndex = function (locales) { var result = _.clone(locales) // keep English strings _.each(_.keys(locales), function(langcode) { if (langcode != 'en') result[langcode]='locales/'+langcode+'.json'; }); return JSON.stringify(result); } exports.expressCreateServer = function(n, args) { //regenerate locales on server restart var locales = getAllLocales(); var localeIndex = generateLocaleIndex(locales); exports.availableLangs = getAvailableLangs(locales); ('/locales/:locale', function(req, res) { //works with /locale/en and /locale/en.json requests var locale = req.params.locale.split('.')[0]; if (exports.availableLangs.hasOwnProperty(locale)) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); res.send('{"'+locale+'":'+JSON.stringify(locales[locale])+'}'); } else { res.status(404).send('Language not available'); } })'/locales.json', function(req, res) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); res.send(localeIndex); }) }