'use strict'; /** * The MessageHandler handles all Messages that comes from Socket.IO and controls the sessions */ /* * Copyright 2009 Google Inc., 2011 Peter 'Pita' Martischka (Primary Technology Ltd) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const padManager = require('../db/PadManager'); const Changeset = require('../../static/js/Changeset'); const AttributePool = require('../../static/js/AttributePool'); const AttributeManager = require('../../static/js/AttributeManager'); const authorManager = require('../db/AuthorManager'); const readOnlyManager = require('../db/ReadOnlyManager'); const settings = require('../utils/Settings'); const securityManager = require('../db/SecurityManager'); const plugins = require('../../static/js/pluginfw/plugin_defs.js'); const log4js = require('log4js'); const messageLogger = log4js.getLogger('message'); const accessLogger = log4js.getLogger('access'); const _ = require('underscore'); const hooks = require('../../static/js/pluginfw/hooks.js'); const channels = require('channels'); const stats = require('../stats'); const assert = require('assert').strict; const nodeify = require('nodeify'); const {RateLimiterMemory} = require('rate-limiter-flexible'); const webaccess = require('../hooks/express/webaccess'); let rateLimiter; exports.socketio = () => { // The rate limiter is created in this hook so that restarting the server resets the limiter. The // settings.commitRateLimiting object is passed directly to the rate limiter so that the limits // can be dynamically changed during runtime by modifying its properties. rateLimiter = new RateLimiterMemory(settings.commitRateLimiting); }; /** * Contains information about socket.io connections: * - key: Socket.io socket ID. * - value: Object that is initially empty immediately after connect. Once the client's * CLIENT_READY message is processed, it has the following properties: * - auth: Object with the following properties copied from the client's CLIENT_READY message: * - padID: Pad ID requested by the user. Unlike the padId property described below, this * may be a read-only pad ID. * - sessionID: Copied from the client's sessionID cookie, which should be the value * returned from the createSession() HTTP API. This will be null/undefined if * createSession() isn't used or the portal doesn't set the sessionID cookie. * - token: User-supplied token. * - author: The user's author ID. * - padId: The real (not read-only) ID of the pad. * - readonlyPadId: The read-only ID of the pad. * - readonly: Whether the client has read-only access (true) or read/write access (false). * - rev: The last revision that was sent to the client. */ const sessioninfos = {}; exports.sessioninfos = sessioninfos; stats.gauge('totalUsers', () => Object.keys(socketio.sockets.sockets).length); stats.gauge('activePads', () => { const padIds = new Set(); for (const {padId} of Object.values(sessioninfos)) { if (!padId) continue; padIds.add(padId); } return padIds.size; }); /** * A changeset queue per pad that is processed by handleUserChanges() */ const padChannels = new channels.channels( ({socket, message}, callback) => nodeify(handleUserChanges(socket, message), callback) ); /** * Saves the Socket class we need to send and receive data from the client */ let socketio; /** * This Method is called by server.js to tell the message handler on which socket it should send * @param socket_io The Socket */ exports.setSocketIO = (socket_io) => { socketio = socket_io; }; /** * Handles the connection of a new user * @param socket the socket.io Socket object for the new connection from the client */ exports.handleConnect = (socket) => { stats.meter('connects').mark(); // Initialize sessioninfos for this new session sessioninfos[socket.id] = {}; }; /** * Kicks all sessions from a pad */ exports.kickSessionsFromPad = (padID) => { if (typeof socketio.sockets.clients !== 'function') return; // skip if there is nobody on this pad if (_getRoomSockets(padID).length === 0) return; // disconnect everyone from this pad socketio.sockets.in(padID).json.send({disconnect: 'deleted'}); }; /** * Handles the disconnection of a user * @param socket the socket.io Socket object for the client */ exports.handleDisconnect = async (socket) => { stats.meter('disconnects').mark(); // save the padname of this session const session = sessioninfos[socket.id]; // if this connection was already etablished with a handshake, // send a disconnect message to the others if (session && session.author) { const {session: {user} = {}} = socket.client.request; accessLogger.info(`${'[LEAVE]' + ` pad:${session.padId}` + ` socket:${socket.id}` + ` IP:${settings.disableIPlogging ? 'ANONYMOUS' : socket.request.ip}` + ` authorID:${session.author}`}${ (user && user.username) ? ` username:${user.username}` : ''}`); // get the author color out of the db const color = await authorManager.getAuthorColorId(session.author); // prepare the notification for the other users on the pad, that this user left const messageToTheOtherUsers = { type: 'COLLABROOM', data: { type: 'USER_LEAVE', userInfo: { colorId: color, userId: session.author, }, }, }; // Go through all user that are still on the pad, and send them the USER_LEAVE message socket.broadcast.to(session.padId).json.send(messageToTheOtherUsers); // Allow plugins to hook into users leaving the pad hooks.callAll('userLeave', session); } // Delete the sessioninfos entrys of this session delete sessioninfos[socket.id]; }; /** * Handles a message from a user * @param socket the socket.io Socket object for the client * @param message the message from the client */ exports.handleMessage = async (socket, message) => { const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; if (env === 'production') { try { await rateLimiter.consume(socket.request.ip); // consume 1 point per event from IP } catch (e) { console.warn(`Rate limited: ${socket.request.ip} to reduce the amount of rate limiting ` + 'that happens edit the rateLimit values in settings.json'); stats.meter('rateLimited').mark(); socket.json.send({disconnect: 'rateLimited'}); return; } } if (message == null) { return; } if (!message.type) { return; } const thisSession = sessioninfos[socket.id]; if (!thisSession) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message from an unknown connection.'); return; } if (message.type === 'CLIENT_READY') { // client tried to auth for the first time (first msg from the client) createSessionInfoAuth(thisSession, message); } const auth = thisSession.auth; if (!auth) { const ip = settings.disableIPlogging ? 'ANONYMOUS' : (socket.request.ip || ''); const msg = JSON.stringify(message, null, 2); messageLogger.error(`Dropping pre-CLIENT_READY message from IP ${ip}: ${msg}`); messageLogger.debug( 'If you are using the stress-test tool then restart Etherpad and the Stress test tool.'); return; } const {session: {user} = {}} = socket.client.request; const {accessStatus, authorID} = await securityManager.checkAccess(auth.padID, auth.sessionID, auth.token, user); if (accessStatus !== 'grant') { // Access denied. Send the reason to the user. socket.json.send({accessStatus}); return; } if (thisSession.author != null && thisSession.author !== authorID) { messageLogger.warn( `${'Rejecting message from client because the author ID changed mid-session.' + ' Bad or missing token or sessionID?' + ` socket:${socket.id}` + ` IP:${settings.disableIPlogging ? 'ANONYMOUS' : socket.request.ip}` + ` originalAuthorID:${thisSession.author}` + ` newAuthorID:${authorID}`}${ (user && user.username) ? ` username:${user.username}` : '' } message:${message}`); socket.json.send({disconnect: 'rejected'}); return; } thisSession.author = authorID; // Allow plugins to bypass the readonly message blocker const context = {message, socket, client: socket}; // `client` for backwards compatibility. if ((await hooks.aCallAll('handleMessageSecurity', context)).some((w) => w === true)) { thisSession.readonly = false; } // Call handleMessage hook. If a plugin returns null, the message will be dropped. if ((await hooks.aCallAll('handleMessage', context)).some((m) => m == null)) { return; } // Drop the message if the client disconnected during the above processing. if (sessioninfos[socket.id] !== thisSession) { messageLogger.warn('Dropping message from a connection that has gone away.'); return; } // Check what type of message we get and delegate to the other methods if (message.type === 'CLIENT_READY') { await handleClientReady(socket, message, authorID); } else if (message.type === 'CHANGESET_REQ') { await handleChangesetRequest(socket, message); } else if (message.type === 'COLLABROOM') { if (thisSession.readonly) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, COLLABROOM for readonly pad'); } else if (message.data.type === 'USER_CHANGES') { stats.counter('pendingEdits').inc(); padChannels.emit(message.padId, {socket, message}); // add to pad queue } else if (message.data.type === 'USERINFO_UPDATE') { await handleUserInfoUpdate(socket, message); } else if (message.data.type === 'CHAT_MESSAGE') { await handleChatMessage(socket, message); } else if (message.data.type === 'GET_CHAT_MESSAGES') { await handleGetChatMessages(socket, message); } else if (message.data.type === 'SAVE_REVISION') { await handleSaveRevisionMessage(socket, message); } else if (message.data.type === 'CLIENT_MESSAGE' && message.data.payload != null && message.data.payload.type === 'suggestUserName') { handleSuggestUserName(socket, message); } else { messageLogger.warn(`Dropped message, unknown COLLABROOM Data Type ${message.data.type}`); } } else if (message.type === 'SWITCH_TO_PAD') { await handleSwitchToPad(socket, message, authorID); } else { messageLogger.warn(`Dropped message, unknown Message Type ${message.type}`); } }; /** * Handles a save revision message * @param socket the socket.io Socket object for the client * @param message the message from the client */ const handleSaveRevisionMessage = async (socket, message) => { const {padId, author: authorId} = sessioninfos[socket.id]; const pad = await padManager.getPad(padId); await pad.addSavedRevision(pad.head, authorId); }; /** * Handles a custom message, different to the function below as it handles * objects not strings and you can direct the message to specific sessionID * * @param msg {Object} the message we're sending * @param sessionID {string} the socketIO session to which we're sending this message */ exports.handleCustomObjectMessage = (msg, sessionID) => { if (msg.data.type === 'CUSTOM') { if (sessionID) { // a sessionID is targeted: directly to this sessionID socketio.sockets.socket(sessionID).json.send(msg); } else { // broadcast to all clients on this pad socketio.sockets.in(msg.data.payload.padId).json.send(msg); } } }; /** * Handles a custom message (sent via HTTP API request) * * @param padID {Pad} the pad to which we're sending this message * @param msgString {String} the message we're sending */ exports.handleCustomMessage = (padID, msgString) => { const time = Date.now(); const msg = { type: 'COLLABROOM', data: { type: msgString, time, }, }; socketio.sockets.in(padID).json.send(msg); }; /** * Handles a Chat Message * @param socket the socket.io Socket object for the client * @param message the message from the client */ const handleChatMessage = async (socket, message) => { const time = Date.now(); const text = message.data.text; const {padId, author: authorId} = sessioninfos[socket.id]; await exports.sendChatMessageToPadClients(time, authorId, text, padId); }; /** * Sends a chat message to all clients of this pad * @param time the timestamp of the chat message * @param userId the author id of the chat message * @param text the text of the chat message * @param padId the padId to send the chat message to */ exports.sendChatMessageToPadClients = async (time, userId, text, padId) => { // get the pad const pad = await padManager.getPad(padId); // get the author const userName = await authorManager.getAuthorName(userId); // save the chat message const promise = pad.appendChatMessage(text, userId, time); const msg = { type: 'COLLABROOM', data: {type: 'CHAT_MESSAGE', userId, userName, time, text}, }; // broadcast the chat message to everyone on the pad socketio.sockets.in(padId).json.send(msg); await promise; }; /** * Handles the clients request for more chat-messages * @param socket the socket.io Socket object for the client * @param message the message from the client */ const handleGetChatMessages = async (socket, message) => { if (message.data.start == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, GetChatMessages Message has no start!'); return; } if (message.data.end == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, GetChatMessages Message has no start!'); return; } const start = message.data.start; const end = message.data.end; const count = end - start; if (count < 0 || count > 100) { messageLogger.warn( 'Dropped message, GetChatMessages Message, client requested invalid amount of messages!'); return; } const padId = sessioninfos[socket.id].padId; const pad = await padManager.getPad(padId); const chatMessages = await pad.getChatMessages(start, end); const infoMsg = { type: 'COLLABROOM', data: { type: 'CHAT_MESSAGES', messages: chatMessages, }, }; // send the messages back to the client socket.json.send(infoMsg); }; /** * Handles a handleSuggestUserName, that means a user have suggest a userName for a other user * @param socket the socket.io Socket object for the client * @param message the message from the client */ const handleSuggestUserName = (socket, message) => { // check if all ok if (message.data.payload.newName == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, suggestUserName Message has no newName!'); return; } if (message.data.payload.unnamedId == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, suggestUserName Message has no unnamedId!'); return; } const padId = sessioninfos[socket.id].padId; // search the author and send him this message _getRoomSockets(padId).forEach((socket) => { const session = sessioninfos[socket.id]; if (session && session.author === message.data.payload.unnamedId) { socket.json.send(message); } }); }; /** * Handles a USERINFO_UPDATE, that means that a user have changed his color or name. * Anyway, we get both informations * @param socket the socket.io Socket object for the client * @param message the message from the client */ const handleUserInfoUpdate = async (socket, message) => { // check if all ok if (message.data.userInfo == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, USERINFO_UPDATE Message has no userInfo!'); return; } if (message.data.userInfo.colorId == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, USERINFO_UPDATE Message has no colorId!'); return; } // Check that we have a valid session and author to update. const session = sessioninfos[socket.id]; if (!session || !session.author || !session.padId) { messageLogger.warn(`Dropped message, USERINFO_UPDATE Session not ready.${message.data}`); return; } // Find out the author name of this session const author = session.author; // Check colorId is a Hex color // for #f00 (Thanks Smamatti) const isColor = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(message.data.userInfo.colorId); if (!isColor) { messageLogger.warn(`Dropped message, USERINFO_UPDATE Color is malformed.${message.data}`); return; } // Tell the authorManager about the new attributes const p = Promise.all([ authorManager.setAuthorColorId(author, message.data.userInfo.colorId), authorManager.setAuthorName(author, message.data.userInfo.name), ]); const padId = session.padId; const infoMsg = { type: 'COLLABROOM', data: { // The Client doesn't know about USERINFO_UPDATE, use USER_NEWINFO type: 'USER_NEWINFO', userInfo: { userId: author, // set a null name, when there is no name set. cause the client wants it null name: message.data.userInfo.name || null, colorId: message.data.userInfo.colorId, }, }, }; // Send the other clients on the pad the update message socket.broadcast.to(padId).json.send(infoMsg); // Block until the authorManager has stored the new attributes. await p; }; /** * Handles a USER_CHANGES message, where the client submits its local * edits as a changeset. * * This handler's job is to update the incoming changeset so that it applies * to the latest revision, then add it to the pad, broadcast the changes * to all other clients, and send a confirmation to the submitting client. * * This function is based on a similar one in the original Etherpad. * See https://github.com/ether/pad/blob/master/etherpad/src/etherpad/collab/collab_server.js in the function applyUserChanges() * * @param socket the socket.io Socket object for the client * @param message the message from the client */ const handleUserChanges = async (socket, message) => { // This one's no longer pending, as we're gonna process it now stats.counter('pendingEdits').dec(); // Make sure all required fields are present if (message.data.baseRev == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, USER_CHANGES Message has no baseRev!'); return; } if (message.data.apool == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, USER_CHANGES Message has no apool!'); return; } if (message.data.changeset == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, USER_CHANGES Message has no changeset!'); return; } // The client might disconnect between our callbacks. We should still // finish processing the changeset, so keep a reference to the session. const thisSession = sessioninfos[socket.id]; // TODO: this might happen with other messages too => find one place to copy the session // and always use the copy. atm a message will be ignored if the session is gone even // if the session was valid when the message arrived in the first place if (!thisSession) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, disconnect happened in the mean time'); return; } // get all Vars we need const baseRev = message.data.baseRev; const wireApool = (new AttributePool()).fromJsonable(message.data.apool); let changeset = message.data.changeset; // Measure time to process edit const stopWatch = stats.timer('edits').start(); // get the pad const pad = await padManager.getPad(thisSession.padId); // create the changeset try { try { // Verify that the changeset has valid syntax and is in canonical form Changeset.checkRep(changeset); // Verify that the attribute indexes used in the changeset are all // defined in the accompanying attribute pool. Changeset.eachAttribNumber(changeset, (n) => { if (!wireApool.getAttrib(n)) { throw new Error(`Attribute pool is missing attribute ${n} for changeset ${changeset}`); } }); // Validate all added 'author' attribs to be the same value as the current user const iterator = Changeset.opIterator(Changeset.unpack(changeset).ops); let op; while (iterator.hasNext()) { op = iterator.next(); // + can add text with attribs // = can change or add attribs // - can have attribs, but they are discarded and don't show up in the attribs - // but do show up in the pool op.attribs.split('*').forEach((attr) => { if (!attr) return; attr = wireApool.getAttrib(attr); if (!attr) return; // the empty author is used in the clearAuthorship functionality so this // should be the only exception if ('author' === attr[0] && (attr[1] !== thisSession.author && attr[1] !== '')) { throw new Error(`Author ${thisSession.author} tried to submit changes as author ` + `${attr[1]} in changeset ${changeset}`); } }); } // ex. adoptChangesetAttribs // Afaik, it copies the new attributes from the changeset, to the global Attribute Pool changeset = Changeset.moveOpsToNewPool(changeset, wireApool, pad.pool); } catch (e) { // There is an error in this changeset, so just refuse it socket.json.send({disconnect: 'badChangeset'}); stats.meter('failedChangesets').mark(); throw new Error(`Can't apply USER_CHANGES from Socket ${socket.id} because: ${e.message}`); } // ex. applyUserChanges const apool = pad.pool; let r = baseRev; // The client's changeset might not be based on the latest revision, // since other clients are sending changes at the same time. // Update the changeset so that it can be applied to the latest revision. while (r < pad.getHeadRevisionNumber()) { r++; const c = await pad.getRevisionChangeset(r); // At this point, both "c" (from the pad) and "changeset" (from the // client) are relative to revision r - 1. The follow function // rebases "changeset" so that it is relative to revision r // and can be applied after "c". try { // a changeset can be based on an old revision with the same changes in it // prevent eplite from accepting it TODO: better send the client a NEW_CHANGES // of that revision if (baseRev + 1 === r && c === changeset) { socket.json.send({disconnect: 'badChangeset'}); stats.meter('failedChangesets').mark(); throw new Error("Won't apply USER_CHANGES, as it contains an already accepted changeset"); } changeset = Changeset.follow(c, changeset, false, apool); } catch (e) { socket.json.send({disconnect: 'badChangeset'}); stats.meter('failedChangesets').mark(); throw new Error(`Can't apply USER_CHANGES, because ${e.message}`); } } const prevText = pad.text(); if (Changeset.oldLen(changeset) !== prevText.length) { socket.json.send({disconnect: 'badChangeset'}); stats.meter('failedChangesets').mark(); throw new Error(`Can't apply USER_CHANGES ${changeset} with oldLen ` + `${Changeset.oldLen(changeset)} to document of length ${prevText.length}`); } try { await pad.appendRevision(changeset, thisSession.author); } catch (e) { socket.json.send({disconnect: 'badChangeset'}); stats.meter('failedChangesets').mark(); throw e; } const correctionChangeset = _correctMarkersInPad(pad.atext, pad.pool); if (correctionChangeset) { await pad.appendRevision(correctionChangeset); } // Make sure the pad always ends with an empty line. if (pad.text().lastIndexOf('\n') !== pad.text().length - 1) { const nlChangeset = Changeset.makeSplice(pad.text(), pad.text().length - 1, 0, '\n'); await pad.appendRevision(nlChangeset); } await exports.updatePadClients(pad); } catch (err) { console.warn(err.stack || err); } stopWatch.end(); }; exports.updatePadClients = async (pad) => { // skip this if no-one is on this pad const roomSockets = _getRoomSockets(pad.id); if (roomSockets.length === 0) return; // since all clients usually get the same set of changesets, store them in local cache // to remove unnecessary roundtrip to the datalayer // NB: note below possibly now accommodated via the change to promises/async // TODO: in REAL world, if we're working without datalayer cache, // all requests to revisions will be fired // BEFORE first result will be landed to our cache object. // The solution is to replace parallel processing // via async.forEach with sequential for() loop. There is no real // benefits of running this in parallel, // but benefit of reusing cached revision object is HUGE const revCache = {}; // go through all sessions on this pad for (const socket of roomSockets) { const sid = socket.id; // send them all new changesets while (sessioninfos[sid] && sessioninfos[sid].rev < pad.getHeadRevisionNumber()) { const r = sessioninfos[sid].rev + 1; let revision = revCache[r]; if (!revision) { revision = await pad.getRevision(r); revCache[r] = revision; } const author = revision.meta.author; const revChangeset = revision.changeset; const currentTime = revision.meta.timestamp; // next if session has not been deleted if (sessioninfos[sid] == null) { continue; } if (author === sessioninfos[sid].author) { socket.json.send({type: 'COLLABROOM', data: {type: 'ACCEPT_COMMIT', newRev: r}}); } else { const forWire = Changeset.prepareForWire(revChangeset, pad.pool); const wireMsg = {type: 'COLLABROOM', data: {type: 'NEW_CHANGES', newRev: r, changeset: forWire.translated, apool: forWire.pool, author, currentTime, timeDelta: currentTime - sessioninfos[sid].time}}; socket.json.send(wireMsg); } if (sessioninfos[sid]) { sessioninfos[sid].time = currentTime; sessioninfos[sid].rev = r; } } } }; /** * Copied from the Etherpad Source Code. Don't know what this method does excatly... */ const _correctMarkersInPad = (atext, apool) => { const text = atext.text; // collect char positions of line markers (e.g. bullets) in new atext // that aren't at the start of a line const badMarkers = []; const iter = Changeset.opIterator(atext.attribs); let offset = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { const op = iter.next(); const hasMarker = _.find( AttributeManager.lineAttributes, (attribute) => Changeset.opAttributeValue(op, attribute, apool)) !== undefined; if (hasMarker) { for (let i = 0; i < op.chars; i++) { if (offset > 0 && text.charAt(offset - 1) !== '\n') { badMarkers.push(offset); } offset++; } } else { offset += op.chars; } } if (badMarkers.length === 0) { return null; } // create changeset that removes these bad markers offset = 0; const builder = Changeset.builder(text.length); badMarkers.forEach((pos) => { builder.keepText(text.substring(offset, pos)); builder.remove(1); offset = pos + 1; }); return builder.toString(); }; const handleSwitchToPad = async (socket, message, _authorID) => { const currentSessionInfo = sessioninfos[socket.id]; const padId = currentSessionInfo.padId; // Check permissions for the new pad. const newPadIds = await readOnlyManager.getIds(message.padId); const {session: {user} = {}} = socket.client.request; const {accessStatus, authorID} = await securityManager.checkAccess( newPadIds.padId, message.sessionID, message.token, user); if (accessStatus !== 'grant') { // Access denied. Send the reason to the user. socket.json.send({accessStatus}); return; } // The same token and session ID were passed to checkAccess in handleMessage, so this second call // to checkAccess should return the same author ID. assert(authorID === _authorID); assert(authorID === currentSessionInfo.author); // Check if the connection dropped during the access check. if (sessioninfos[socket.id] !== currentSessionInfo) return; // clear the session and leave the room _getRoomSockets(padId).forEach((socket) => { const sinfo = sessioninfos[socket.id]; if (sinfo && sinfo.author === currentSessionInfo.author) { // fix user's counter, works on page refresh or if user closes browser window and then rejoins sessioninfos[socket.id] = {}; socket.leave(padId); } }); // start up the new pad const newSessionInfo = sessioninfos[socket.id]; createSessionInfoAuth(newSessionInfo, message); await handleClientReady(socket, message, authorID); }; // Creates/replaces the auth object in the given session info. const createSessionInfoAuth = (sessionInfo, message) => { // Remember this information since we won't // have the cookie in further socket.io messages. // This information will be used to check if // the sessionId of this connection is still valid // since it could have been deleted by the API. sessionInfo.auth = { sessionID: message.sessionID, padID: message.padId, token: message.token, }; }; /** * Handles a CLIENT_READY. A CLIENT_READY is the first message from the client * to the server. The Client sends his token * and the pad it wants to enter. The Server answers with the inital values (clientVars) of the pad * @param socket the socket.io Socket object for the client * @param message the message from the client */ const handleClientReady = async (socket, message, authorID) => { // check if all ok if (!message.token) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, CLIENT_READY Message has no token!'); return; } if (!message.padId) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, CLIENT_READY Message has no padId!'); return; } if (!message.protocolVersion) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, CLIENT_READY Message has no protocolVersion!'); return; } if (message.protocolVersion !== 2) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, CLIENT_READY Message has a unknown protocolVersion ' + `'${message.protocolVersion}'!`); return; } hooks.callAll('clientReady', message); // Get ro/rw id:s const padIds = await readOnlyManager.getIds(message.padId); // get all authordata of this new user assert(authorID); const value = await authorManager.getAuthor(authorID); const authorColorId = value.colorId; const authorName = value.name; // load the pad-object from the database const pad = await padManager.getPad(padIds.padId); // these db requests all need the pad object (timestamp of latest revision, author data) const authors = pad.getAllAuthors(); // get timestamp of latest revision needed for timeslider const currentTime = await pad.getRevisionDate(pad.getHeadRevisionNumber()); // get all author data out of the database (in parallel) const historicalAuthorData = {}; await Promise.all(authors.map((authorId) => authorManager.getAuthor(authorId).then((author) => { if (!author) { messageLogger.error(`There is no author for authorId: ${authorId}. ` + 'This is possibly related to https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/issues/2802'); } else { // Filter author attribs (e.g. don't send author's pads to all clients) historicalAuthorData[authorId] = {name: author.name, colorId: author.colorId}; } }))); // glue the clientVars together, send them and tell the other clients that a new one is there // Check that the client is still here. It might have disconnected between callbacks. const sessionInfo = sessioninfos[socket.id]; if (sessionInfo == null) return; // Check if this author is already on the pad, if yes, kick the other sessions! const roomSockets = _getRoomSockets(pad.id); for (const socket of roomSockets) { const sinfo = sessioninfos[socket.id]; if (sinfo && sinfo.author === authorID) { // fix user's counter, works on page refresh or if user closes browser window and then rejoins sessioninfos[socket.id] = {}; socket.leave(padIds.padId); socket.json.send({disconnect: 'userdup'}); } } // Save in sessioninfos that this session belonges to this pad sessionInfo.padId = padIds.padId; sessionInfo.readOnlyPadId = padIds.readOnlyPadId; sessionInfo.readonly = padIds.readonly || !webaccess.userCanModify(message.padId, socket.client.request); const {session: {user} = {}} = socket.client.request; accessLogger.info(`${`[${pad.head > 0 ? 'ENTER' : 'CREATE'}]` + ` pad:${padIds.padId}` + ` socket:${socket.id}` + ` IP:${settings.disableIPlogging ? 'ANONYMOUS' : socket.request.ip}` + ` authorID:${authorID}`}${ (user && user.username) ? ` username:${user.username}` : ''}`); if (message.reconnect) { // If this is a reconnect, we don't have to send the client the ClientVars again // Join the pad and start receiving updates socket.join(padIds.padId); // Save the revision in sessioninfos, we take the revision from the info the client send to us sessionInfo.rev = message.client_rev; // During the client reconnect, client might miss some revisions from other clients. // By using client revision, // this below code sends all the revisions missed during the client reconnect const revisionsNeeded = []; const changesets = {}; let startNum = message.client_rev + 1; let endNum = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber() + 1; const headNum = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber(); if (endNum > headNum + 1) { endNum = headNum + 1; } if (startNum < 0) { startNum = 0; } for (let r = startNum; r < endNum; r++) { revisionsNeeded.push(r); changesets[r] = {}; } // get changesets, author and timestamp needed for pending revisions (in parallel) const promises = []; for (const revNum of revisionsNeeded) { const cs = changesets[revNum]; promises.push(pad.getRevisionChangeset(revNum).then((result) => cs.changeset = result)); promises.push(pad.getRevisionAuthor(revNum).then((result) => cs.author = result)); promises.push(pad.getRevisionDate(revNum).then((result) => cs.timestamp = result)); } await Promise.all(promises); // return pending changesets for (const r of revisionsNeeded) { const forWire = Changeset.prepareForWire(changesets[r].changeset, pad.pool); const wireMsg = {type: 'COLLABROOM', data: {type: 'CLIENT_RECONNECT', headRev: pad.getHeadRevisionNumber(), newRev: r, changeset: forWire.translated, apool: forWire.pool, author: changesets[r].author, currentTime: changesets[r].timestamp}}; socket.json.send(wireMsg); } if (startNum === endNum) { const Msg = {type: 'COLLABROOM', data: {type: 'CLIENT_RECONNECT', noChanges: true, newRev: pad.getHeadRevisionNumber()}}; socket.json.send(Msg); } } else { // This is a normal first connect let atext; let apool; // prepare all values for the wire, there's a chance that this throws, if the pad is corrupted try { atext = Changeset.cloneAText(pad.atext); const attribsForWire = Changeset.prepareForWire(atext.attribs, pad.pool); apool = attribsForWire.pool.toJsonable(); atext.attribs = attribsForWire.translated; } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack || e); socket.json.send({disconnect: 'corruptPad'}); // pull the brakes return; } // Warning: never ever send padIds.padId to the client. If the // client is read only you would open a security hole 1 swedish // mile wide... const clientVars = { skinName: settings.skinName, skinVariants: settings.skinVariants, randomVersionString: settings.randomVersionString, accountPrivs: { maxRevisions: 100, }, automaticReconnectionTimeout: settings.automaticReconnectionTimeout, initialRevisionList: [], initialOptions: {}, savedRevisions: pad.getSavedRevisions(), collab_client_vars: { initialAttributedText: atext, clientIp: '', padId: message.padId, historicalAuthorData, apool, rev: pad.getHeadRevisionNumber(), time: currentTime, }, colorPalette: authorManager.getColorPalette(), clientIp: '', userColor: authorColorId, padId: message.padId, padOptions: settings.padOptions, padShortcutEnabled: settings.padShortcutEnabled, initialTitle: `Pad: ${message.padId}`, opts: {}, // tell the client the number of the latest chat-message, which will be // used to request the latest 100 chat-messages later (GET_CHAT_MESSAGES) chatHead: pad.chatHead, numConnectedUsers: roomSockets.length, readOnlyId: padIds.readOnlyPadId, readonly: sessionInfo.readonly, serverTimestamp: Date.now(), userId: authorID, abiwordAvailable: settings.abiwordAvailable(), sofficeAvailable: settings.sofficeAvailable(), exportAvailable: settings.exportAvailable(), plugins: { plugins: plugins.plugins, parts: plugins.parts, }, indentationOnNewLine: settings.indentationOnNewLine, scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport: { percentage: { editionAboveViewport: settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.percentage.editionAboveViewport, editionBelowViewport: settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.percentage.editionBelowViewport, }, duration: settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.duration, scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport: settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport, percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp: settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp, }, initialChangesets: [], // FIXME: REMOVE THIS SHIT }; // Add a username to the clientVars if one avaiable if (authorName != null) { clientVars.userName = authorName; } // call the clientVars-hook so plugins can modify them before they get sent to the client const messages = await hooks.aCallAll('clientVars', {clientVars, pad, socket}); // combine our old object with the new attributes from the hook for (const msg of messages) { Object.assign(clientVars, msg); } // Join the pad and start receiving updates socket.join(padIds.padId); // Send the clientVars to the Client socket.json.send({type: 'CLIENT_VARS', data: clientVars}); // Save the current revision in sessioninfos, should be the same as in clientVars sessionInfo.rev = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber(); // prepare the notification for the other users on the pad, that this user joined const messageToTheOtherUsers = { type: 'COLLABROOM', data: { type: 'USER_NEWINFO', userInfo: { colorId: authorColorId, userId: authorID, }, }, }; // Add the authorname of this new User, if avaiable if (authorName != null) { messageToTheOtherUsers.data.userInfo.name = authorName; } // notify all existing users about new user socket.broadcast.to(padIds.padId).json.send(messageToTheOtherUsers); // Get sessions for this pad and update them (in parallel) await Promise.all(_getRoomSockets(pad.id).map(async (roomSocket) => { // Jump over, if this session is the connection session if (roomSocket.id === socket.id) { return; } // Since sessioninfos might change while being enumerated, check if the // sessionID is still assigned to a valid session const sessionInfo = sessioninfos[roomSocket.id]; if (sessionInfo == null) return; // get the authorname & colorId const authorId = sessionInfo.author; // The authorId of this other user might be unknown if the other user just connected and has // not yet sent a CLIENT_READY message. if (authorId == null) return; // reuse previously created cache of author's data const authorInfo = historicalAuthorData[authorId] || await authorManager.getAuthor(authorId); if (authorInfo == null) { messageLogger.error( `Author ${authorId} connected via socket.io session ${roomSocket.id} is missing from ` + 'the global author database. This should never happen because the author ID is ' + 'generated by the same code that adds the author to the database.'); // Don't bother telling the new user about this mystery author. return; } // Send the new User a Notification about this other user const msg = { type: 'COLLABROOM', data: { type: 'USER_NEWINFO', userInfo: { colorId: authorInfo.colorId, name: authorInfo.name, userId: authorId, }, }, }; socket.json.send(msg); })); } }; /** * Handles a request for a rough changeset, the timeslider client needs it */ const handleChangesetRequest = async (socket, message) => { // check if all ok if (message.data == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, changeset request has no data!'); return; } if (message.padId == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, changeset request has no padId!'); return; } if (message.data.granularity == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, changeset request has no granularity!'); return; } // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/isInteger#Polyfill if (Math.floor(message.data.granularity) !== message.data.granularity) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, changeset request granularity is not an integer!'); return; } if (message.data.start == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, changeset request has no start!'); return; } if (message.data.requestID == null) { messageLogger.warn('Dropped message, changeset request has no requestID!'); return; } const granularity = message.data.granularity; const start = message.data.start; const end = start + (100 * granularity); const padIds = await readOnlyManager.getIds(message.padId); // build the requested rough changesets and send them back try { const data = await getChangesetInfo(padIds.padId, start, end, granularity); data.requestID = message.data.requestID; socket.json.send({type: 'CHANGESET_REQ', data}); } catch (err) { console.error(`Error while handling a changeset request for ${padIds.padId}`, err.toString(), message.data); } }; /** * Tries to rebuild the getChangestInfo function of the original Etherpad * https://github.com/ether/pad/blob/master/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/pad/pad_changeset_control.js#L144 */ const getChangesetInfo = async (padId, startNum, endNum, granularity) => { const pad = await padManager.getPad(padId); const head_revision = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber(); // calculate the last full endnum if (endNum > head_revision + 1) { endNum = head_revision + 1; } endNum = Math.floor(endNum / granularity) * granularity; const compositesChangesetNeeded = []; const revTimesNeeded = []; // figure out which composite Changeset and revTimes we need, to load them in bulk for (let start = startNum; start < endNum; start += granularity) { const end = start + granularity; // add the composite Changeset we needed compositesChangesetNeeded.push({start, end}); // add the t1 time we need revTimesNeeded.push(start === 0 ? 0 : start - 1); // add the t2 time we need revTimesNeeded.push(end - 1); } // get all needed db values parallel - no await here since // it would make all the lookups run in series // get all needed composite Changesets const composedChangesets = {}; const p1 = Promise.all( compositesChangesetNeeded.map( (item) => composePadChangesets( padId, item.start, item.end ).then( (changeset) => { composedChangesets[`${item.start}/${item.end}`] = changeset; } ) ) ); // get all needed revision Dates const revisionDate = []; const p2 = Promise.all(revTimesNeeded.map((revNum) => pad.getRevisionDate(revNum) .then((revDate) => { revisionDate[revNum] = Math.floor(revDate / 1000); }) )); // get the lines let lines; const p3 = getPadLines(padId, startNum - 1).then((_lines) => { lines = _lines; }); // wait for all of the above to complete await Promise.all([p1, p2, p3]); // doesn't know what happens here exactly :/ const timeDeltas = []; const forwardsChangesets = []; const backwardsChangesets = []; const apool = new AttributePool(); for (let compositeStart = startNum; compositeStart < endNum; compositeStart += granularity) { const compositeEnd = compositeStart + granularity; if (compositeEnd > endNum || compositeEnd > head_revision + 1) { break; } const forwards = composedChangesets[`${compositeStart}/${compositeEnd}`]; const backwards = Changeset.inverse(forwards, lines.textlines, lines.alines, pad.apool()); Changeset.mutateAttributionLines(forwards, lines.alines, pad.apool()); Changeset.mutateTextLines(forwards, lines.textlines); const forwards2 = Changeset.moveOpsToNewPool(forwards, pad.apool(), apool); const backwards2 = Changeset.moveOpsToNewPool(backwards, pad.apool(), apool); const t1 = (compositeStart === 0) ? revisionDate[0] : revisionDate[compositeStart - 1]; const t2 = revisionDate[compositeEnd - 1]; timeDeltas.push(t2 - t1); forwardsChangesets.push(forwards2); backwardsChangesets.push(backwards2); } return {forwardsChangesets, backwardsChangesets, apool: apool.toJsonable(), actualEndNum: endNum, timeDeltas, start: startNum, granularity}; }; /** * Tries to rebuild the getPadLines function of the original Etherpad * https://github.com/ether/pad/blob/master/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/pad/pad_changeset_control.js#L263 */ const getPadLines = async (padId, revNum) => { const pad = await padManager.getPad(padId); // get the atext let atext; if (revNum >= 0) { atext = await pad.getInternalRevisionAText(revNum); } else { atext = Changeset.makeAText('\n'); } return { textlines: Changeset.splitTextLines(atext.text), alines: Changeset.splitAttributionLines(atext.attribs, atext.text), }; }; /** * Tries to rebuild the composePadChangeset function of the original Etherpad * https://github.com/ether/pad/blob/master/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/pad/pad_changeset_control.js#L241 */ const composePadChangesets = async (padId, startNum, endNum) => { const pad = await padManager.getPad(padId); // fetch all changesets we need const headNum = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber(); endNum = Math.min(endNum, headNum + 1); startNum = Math.max(startNum, 0); // create an array for all changesets, we will // replace the values with the changeset later const changesetsNeeded = []; for (let r = startNum; r < endNum; r++) { changesetsNeeded.push(r); } // get all changesets const changesets = {}; await Promise.all(changesetsNeeded.map( (revNum) => pad.getRevisionChangeset(revNum) .then((changeset) => changesets[revNum] = changeset) )); // compose Changesets let r; try { let changeset = changesets[startNum]; const pool = pad.apool(); for (r = startNum + 1; r < endNum; r++) { const cs = changesets[r]; changeset = Changeset.compose(changeset, cs, pool); } return changeset; } catch (e) { // r-1 indicates the rev that was build starting with startNum, applying startNum+1, +2, +3 console.warn('failed to compose cs in pad:', padId, ' startrev:', startNum, ' current rev:', r); throw e; } }; const _getRoomSockets = (padID) => { const ns = socketio.sockets; // Default namespace. const adapter = ns.adapter; // We could call adapter.clients(), but that method is unnecessarily asynchronous. Replicate what // it does here, but synchronously to avoid a race condition. This code will have to change when // we update to socket.io v3. const room = adapter.rooms[padID]; if (!room) return []; return Object.keys(room.sockets).map((id) => ns.connected[id]).filter((s) => s); }; /** * Get the number of users in a pad */ exports.padUsersCount = (padID) => ({ padUsersCount: _getRoomSockets(padID).length, }); /** * Get the list of users in a pad */ exports.padUsers = async (padID) => { const padUsers = []; // iterate over all clients (in parallel) await Promise.all(_getRoomSockets(padID).map(async (roomSocket) => { const s = sessioninfos[roomSocket.id]; if (s) { const author = await authorManager.getAuthor(s.author); // Fixes: https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/issues/4120 // On restart author might not be populated? if (author) { author.id = s.author; padUsers.push(author); } } })); return {padUsers}; }; exports.sessioninfos = sessioninfos;