/** * The Settings Modul reads the settings out of settings.json and provides * this information to the other modules */ /* * 2011 Peter 'Pita' Martischka (Primary Technology Ltd) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var absolutePaths = require('./AbsolutePaths'); var fs = require("fs"); var os = require("os"); var path = require('path'); var argv = require('./Cli').argv; var npm = require("npm/lib/npm.js"); var jsonminify = require("jsonminify"); var log4js = require("log4js"); var randomString = require("./randomstring"); var suppressDisableMsg = " -- To suppress these warning messages change suppressErrorsInPadText to true in your settings.json\n"; var _ = require("underscore"); /* Root path of the installation */ exports.root = absolutePaths.findEtherpadRoot(); console.log(`All relative paths will be interpreted relative to the identified Etherpad base dir: ${exports.root}`); /** * The app title, visible e.g. in the browser window */ exports.title = "Etherpad"; /** * The app favicon fully specified url, visible e.g. in the browser window */ exports.favicon = "favicon.ico"; exports.faviconPad = "../" + exports.favicon; exports.faviconTimeslider = "../../" + exports.favicon; /* * Skin name. * * Initialized to null, so we can spot an old configuration file and invite the * user to update it before falling back to the default. */ exports.skinName = null; /** * The IP ep-lite should listen to */ exports.ip = ""; /** * The Port ep-lite should listen to */ exports.port = process.env.PORT || 9001; /** * Should we suppress Error messages from being in Pad Contents */ exports.suppressErrorsInPadText = false; /** * The SSL signed server key and the Certificate Authority's own certificate * default case: ep-lite does *not* use SSL. A signed server key is not required in this case. */ exports.ssl = false; /** * socket.io transport methods **/ exports.socketTransportProtocols = ['xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling', 'htmlfile']; /* * The Type of the database */ exports.dbType = "dirty"; /** * This setting is passed with dbType to ueberDB to set up the database */ exports.dbSettings = { "filename" : path.join(exports.root, "var/dirty.db") }; /** * The default Text of a new pad */ exports.defaultPadText = "Welcome to Etherpad!\n\nThis pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!\n\nEtherpad on Github: https:\/\/github.com\/ether\/etherpad-lite\n"; /** * The default Pad Settings for a user (Can be overridden by changing the setting */ exports.padOptions = { "noColors": false, "showControls": true, "showChat": true, "showLineNumbers": true, "useMonospaceFont": false, "userName": false, "userColor": false, "rtl": false, "alwaysShowChat": false, "chatAndUsers": false, "lang": "en-gb" }, /** * Whether certain shortcut keys are enabled for a user in the pad */ exports.padShortcutEnabled = { "altF9" : true, "altC" : true, "delete" : true, "cmdShift2" : true, "return" : true, "esc" : true, "cmdS" : true, "tab" : true, "cmdZ" : true, "cmdY" : true, "cmdB" : true, "cmdI" : true, "cmdU" : true, "cmd5" : true, "cmdShiftL" : true, "cmdShiftN" : true, "cmdShift1" : true, "cmdShiftC" : true, "cmdH" : true, "ctrlHome" : true, "pageUp" : true, "pageDown" : true, }, /** * The toolbar buttons and order. */ exports.toolbar = { left: [ ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"], ["orderedlist", "unorderedlist", "indent", "outdent"], ["undo", "redo"], ["clearauthorship"] ], right: [ ["importexport", "timeslider", "savedrevision"], ["settings", "embed"], ["showusers"] ], timeslider: [ ["timeslider_export", "timeslider_settings", "timeslider_returnToPad"] ] } /** * A flag that requires any user to have a valid session (via the api) before accessing a pad */ exports.requireSession = false; /** * A flag that prevents users from creating new pads */ exports.editOnly = false; /** * A flag that bypasses password prompts for users with valid sessions */ exports.sessionNoPassword = false; /** * Max age that responses will have (affects caching layer). */ exports.maxAge = 1000*60*60*6; // 6 hours /** * A flag that shows if minification is enabled or not */ exports.minify = true; /** * The path of the abiword executable */ exports.abiword = null; /** * The path of the libreoffice executable */ exports.soffice = null; /** * The path of the tidy executable */ exports.tidyHtml = null; /** * Should we support none natively supported file types on import? */ exports.allowUnknownFileEnds = true; /** * The log level of log4js */ exports.loglevel = "INFO"; /** * Disable IP logging */ exports.disableIPlogging = false; /** * Number of seconds to automatically reconnect pad */ exports.automaticReconnectionTimeout = 0; /** * Disable Load Testing */ exports.loadTest = false; /** * Enable indentation on new lines */ exports.indentationOnNewLine = true; /* * log4js appender configuration */ exports.logconfig = { appenders: [{ type: "console" }]}; /* * Session Key, do not sure this. */ exports.sessionKey = false; /* * Trust Proxy, whether or not trust the x-forwarded-for header. */ exports.trustProxy = false; /* This setting is used if you need authentication and/or * authorization. Note: /admin always requires authentication, and * either authorization by a module, or a user with is_admin set */ exports.requireAuthentication = false; exports.requireAuthorization = false; exports.users = {}; /* * Show settings in admin page, by default it is true */ exports.showSettingsInAdminPage = true; /* * By default, when caret is moved out of viewport, it scrolls the minimum height needed to make this * line visible. */ exports.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport = { /* * Percentage of viewport height to be additionally scrolled. */ "percentage": { "editionAboveViewport": 0, "editionBelowViewport": 0 }, /* * Time (in milliseconds) used to animate the scroll transition. Set to 0 to disable animation */ "duration": 0, /* * Flag to control if it should scroll when user places the caret in the last line of the viewport */ /* * Percentage of viewport height to be additionally scrolled when user presses arrow up * in the line of the top of the viewport. */ "percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp": 0, "scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport": false }; //checks if abiword is avaiable exports.abiwordAvailable = function() { if (exports.abiword != null) { return os.type().indexOf("Windows") != -1 ? "withoutPDF" : "yes"; } else { return "no"; } }; exports.sofficeAvailable = function() { if (exports.soffice != null) { return os.type().indexOf("Windows") != -1 ? "withoutPDF": "yes"; } else { return "no"; } }; exports.exportAvailable = function() { var abiword = exports.abiwordAvailable(); var soffice = exports.sofficeAvailable(); if (abiword == "no" && soffice == "no") { return "no"; } else if ((abiword == "withoutPDF" && soffice == "no") || (abiword == "no" && soffice == "withoutPDF")) { return "withoutPDF"; } else { return "yes"; } }; // Provide git version if available exports.getGitCommit = function() { var version = ""; try { var rootPath = path.resolve(npm.dir, '..'); if (fs.lstatSync(rootPath + '/.git').isFile()) { rootPath = fs.readFileSync(rootPath + '/.git', "utf8"); rootPath = rootPath.split(' ').pop().trim(); } else { rootPath += '/.git'; } var ref = fs.readFileSync(rootPath + "/HEAD", "utf-8"); var refPath = rootPath + "/" + ref.substring(5, ref.indexOf("\n")); version = fs.readFileSync(refPath, "utf-8"); version = version.substring(0, 7); } catch(e) { console.warn("Can't get git version for server header\n" + e.message) } return version; } // Return etherpad version from package.json exports.getEpVersion = function() { return require('ep_etherpad-lite/package.json').version; } exports.reloadSettings = function reloadSettings() { // Discover where the settings file lives var settingsFilename = absolutePaths.makeAbsolute(argv.settings || "settings.json"); // Discover if a credential file exists var credentialsFilename = absolutePaths.makeAbsolute(argv.credentials || "credentials.json"); var settingsStr, credentialsStr; try { //read the settings sync settingsStr = fs.readFileSync(settingsFilename).toString(); console.info(`Settings loaded from: ${settingsFilename}`); } catch(e) { console.warn(`No settings file found in ${settingsFilename}. Continuing using defaults!`); } try { //read the credentials sync credentialsStr = fs.readFileSync(credentialsFilename).toString(); console.info(`Credentials file read from: ${credentialsFilename}`); } catch(e) { // Doesn't matter if no credentials file found.. console.info(`No credentials file found in ${credentialsFilename}. Ignoring.`); } // try to parse the settings var settings; var credentials; try { if (settingsStr) { settingsStr = jsonminify(settingsStr).replace(",]","]").replace(",}","}"); settings = JSON.parse(settingsStr); } } catch(e) { console.error(`There was an error processing your settings file from ${settingsFilename}:` + e.message); process.exit(1); } if (credentialsStr) { credentialsStr = jsonminify(credentialsStr).replace(",]","]").replace(",}","}"); credentials = JSON.parse(credentialsStr); } //loop trough the settings for (var i in settings) { //test if the setting start with a lowercase character if (i.charAt(0).search("[a-z]") !== 0) { console.warn(`Settings should start with a lowercase character: '${i}'`); } //we know this setting, so we overwrite it //or it's a settings hash, specific to a plugin if (exports[i] !== undefined || i.indexOf('ep_') == 0) { if (_.isObject(settings[i]) && !_.isArray(settings[i])) { exports[i] = _.defaults(settings[i], exports[i]); } else { exports[i] = settings[i]; } } else { // this setting is unknown, output a warning and throw it away console.warn(`Unknown Setting: '${i}'. This setting doesn't exist or it was removed`); } } //loop trough the settings for (var i in credentials) { //test if the setting start with a lowercase character if (i.charAt(0).search("[a-z]") !== 0) { console.warn(`Settings should start with a lowercase character: '${i}'`); } //we know this setting, so we overwrite it //or it's a settings hash, specific to a plugin if (exports[i] !== undefined || i.indexOf('ep_') == 0) { if (_.isObject(credentials[i]) && !_.isArray(credentials[i])) { exports[i] = _.defaults(credentials[i], exports[i]); } else { exports[i] = credentials[i]; } } else { // this setting is unknown, output a warning and throw it away console.warn(`Unknown Setting: '${i}'. This setting doesn't exist or it was removed`); } } log4js.configure(exports.logconfig);//Configure the logging appenders log4js.setGlobalLogLevel(exports.loglevel);//set loglevel process.env['DEBUG'] = 'socket.io:' + exports.loglevel; // Used by SocketIO for Debug log4js.replaceConsole(); if (!exports.skinName) { console.warn(`No "skinName" parameter found. Please check out settings.json.template and update your settings.json. Falling back to the default "no-skin".`); exports.skinName = "no-skin"; } // checks if skinName has an acceptable value, otherwise falls back to "no-skin" if (exports.skinName) { const skinBasePath = path.join(exports.root, "src", "static", "skins"); const countPieces = exports.skinName.split(path.sep).length; if (countPieces != 1) { console.error(`skinName must be the name of a directory under "${skinBasePath}". This is not valid: "${exports.skinName}". Falling back to the default "no-skin".`); exports.skinName = "no-skin"; } // informative variable, just for the log messages var skinPath = path.normalize(path.join(skinBasePath, exports.skinName)); // what if someone sets skinName == ".." or "."? We catch him! if (absolutePaths.isSubdir(skinBasePath, skinPath) === false) { console.error(`Skin path ${skinPath} must be a subdirectory of ${skinBasePath}. Falling back to the default "no-skin".`); exports.skinName = "no-skin"; skinPath = path.join(skinBasePath, exports.skinName); } if (fs.existsSync(skinPath) === false) { console.error(`Skin path ${skinPath} does not exist. Falling back to the default "no-skin".`); exports.skinName = "no-skin"; skinPath = path.join(skinBasePath, exports.skinName); } console.info(`Using skin "${exports.skinName}" in dir: ${skinPath}`); } if (exports.abiword) { // Check abiword actually exists if (exports.abiword != null) { fs.exists(exports.abiword, function(exists) { if (!exists) { var abiwordError = "Abiword does not exist at this path, check your settings file"; if (!exports.suppressErrorsInPadText) { exports.defaultPadText = exports.defaultPadText + "\nError: " + abiwordError + suppressDisableMsg; } console.error(abiwordError); exports.abiword = null; } }); } } if (exports.soffice) { fs.exists(exports.soffice, function(exists) { if (!exists) { var sofficeError = "SOffice does not exist at this path, check your settings file"; if (!exports.suppressErrorsInPadText) { exports.defaultPadText = exports.defaultPadText + "\nError: " + sofficeError + suppressDisableMsg; } console.error(sofficeError); exports.soffice = null; } }); } if (!exports.sessionKey) { var sessionkeyFilename = absolutePaths.makeAbsolute(argv.sessionkey || "./SESSIONKEY.txt"); try { exports.sessionKey = fs.readFileSync(sessionkeyFilename,"utf8"); console.info(`Session key loaded from: ${sessionkeyFilename}`); } catch(e) { console.info(`Session key file "${sessionkeyFilename}" not found. Creating with random contents.`); exports.sessionKey = randomString(32); fs.writeFileSync(sessionkeyFilename,exports.sessionKey,"utf8"); } } else { console.warn("Declaring the sessionKey in the settings.json is deprecated. This value is auto-generated now. Please remove the setting from the file."); } if (exports.dbType === "dirty") { var dirtyWarning = "DirtyDB is used. This is fine for testing but not recommended for production."; if (!exports.suppressErrorsInPadText) { exports.defaultPadText = exports.defaultPadText + "\nWarning: " + dirtyWarning + suppressDisableMsg; } exports.dbSettings.filename = absolutePaths.makeAbsolute(exports.dbSettings.filename); console.warn(dirtyWarning + ` File location: ${exports.dbSettings.filename}`); } }; // initially load settings exports.reloadSettings();