/* * 2011 Peter 'Pita' Martischka (Primary Technology Ltd) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var async = require('async'); var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var server = require('../server'); var zlib = require('zlib'); var util = require('util'); var ROOT_DIR = path.normalize(__dirname + "/../"); var CACHE_DIR = ROOT_DIR + '../var/'; var responseCache = {}; /* This caches and compresses 200 and 404 responses to GET and HEAD requests. TODO: Caching and compressing are solved problems, a middleware configuration should replace this. */ function CachingMiddleware() { } CachingMiddleware.prototype = new function () { function handle(req, res, next) { if (!(req.method == "GET" || req.method == "HEAD")) { return next(undefined, req, res); } var old_req = {}; var old_res = {}; var supportsGzip = req.header('Accept-Encoding', '').indexOf('gzip') != -1; var path = require('url').parse(req.url).path; var cacheKey = (new Buffer(path)).toString('base64').replace(/[\/\+=]/g, ''); fs.stat(CACHE_DIR + 'minified_' + cacheKey, function (error, stats) { var modifiedSince = (req.headers['if-modified-since'] && new Date(req.headers['if-modified-since'])); var lastModifiedCache = !error && stats.mtime; if (lastModifiedCache && responseCache[cacheKey]) { req.headers['if-modified-since'] = lastModifiedCache.toUTCString(); } else { delete req.headers['if-modified-since']; } // Always issue get to downstream. old_req.method = req.method; req.method = 'GET'; var expirationDate = new Date(((responseCache[cacheKey] || {}).headers || {})['expires']); if (expirationDate > new Date()) { // Our cached version is still valid. return respond(); } var _headers = {}; old_res.setHeader = res.setHeader; res.setHeader = function (key, value) { _headers[key.toLowerCase()] = value; old_res.setHeader.call(res, key, value); }; old_res.writeHead = res.writeHead; res.writeHead = function (status, headers) { var lastModified = (res.getHeader('last-modified') && new Date(res.getHeader('last-modified'))); res.writeHead = old_res.writeHead; if (status == 200) { // Update cache var buffer = ''; Object.keys(headers || {}).forEach(function (key) { res.setHeader(key, headers[key]); }); headers = _headers; old_res.write = res.write; old_res.end = res.end; res.write = function(data, encoding) { buffer += data.toString(encoding); }; res.end = function(data, encoding) { async.parallel([ function (callback) { var path = CACHE_DIR + 'minified_' + cacheKey; fs.writeFile(path, buffer, function (error, stats) { callback(); }); } , function (callback) { var path = CACHE_DIR + 'minified_' + cacheKey + '.gz'; zlib.gzip(buffer, function(error, content) { if (error) { callback(); } else { fs.writeFile(path, content, function (error, stats) { callback(); }); } }); } ], function () { responseCache[cacheKey] = {statusCode: status, headers: headers}; respond(); }); }; } else if (status == 304) { // Nothing new changed from the cached version. old_res.write = res.write; old_res.end = res.end; res.write = function(data, encoding) {}; res.end = function(data, encoding) { respond() }; } else { res.writeHead(status, headers); } }; next(undefined, req, res); // This handles read/write synchronization as well as its predecessor, // which is to say, not at all. // TODO: Implement locking on write or ditch caching of gzip and use // existing middlewares. function respond() { req.method = old_req.method || req.method; res.write = old_res.write || res.write; res.end = old_res.end || res.end; var headers = responseCache[cacheKey].headers; var statusCode = responseCache[cacheKey].statusCode; var pathStr = CACHE_DIR + 'minified_' + cacheKey; if (supportsGzip && (headers['content-type'] || '').match(/^text\//)) { pathStr = pathStr + '.gz'; headers['content-encoding'] = 'gzip'; } var lastModified = (headers['last-modified'] && new Date(headers['last-modified'])); if (statusCode == 200 && lastModified <= modifiedSince) { res.writeHead(304, headers); res.end(); } else if (req.method == 'GET') { var readStream = fs.createReadStream(pathStr); res.writeHead(statusCode, headers); util.pump(readStream, res); } else { res.writeHead(statusCode, headers); res.end(); } } }); } this.handle = handle; }(); module.exports = CachingMiddleware;