/** * StyleFix 1.0.2 * @author Lea Verou * MIT license */ (function(){ if(!window.addEventListener) { return; } var self = window.StyleFix = { link: function(link) { try { // Ignore stylesheets with data-noprefix attribute as well as alternate stylesheets if(link.rel !== 'stylesheet' || link.hasAttribute('data-noprefix')) { return; } } catch(e) { return; } var url = link.href || link.getAttribute('data-href'), base = url.replace(/[^\/]+$/, ''), parent = link.parentNode, xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xhr.readyState === 4) { var css = xhr.responseText; if(css && link.parentNode) { css = self.fix(css, true, link); // Convert relative URLs to absolute, if needed if(base) { css = css.replace(/url\(('?|"?)(.+?)\1\)/gi, function($0, quote, url) { if(!/^([a-z]{3,10}:|\/|#)/i.test(url)) { // If url not absolute & not a hash // May contain sequences like /../ and /./ but those DO work return 'url("' + base + url + '")'; } return $0; }); // behavior URLs shoudn’t be converted (Issue #19) css = css.replace(RegExp('\\b(behavior:\\s*?url\\(\'?"?)' + base, 'gi'), '$1'); } var style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = css; style.media = link.media; style.disabled = link.disabled; style.setAttribute('data-href', link.getAttribute('href')); parent.insertBefore(style, link); parent.removeChild(link); } } }; xhr.send(null); link.setAttribute('data-inprogress', ''); }, styleElement: function(style) { var disabled = style.disabled; style.textContent = self.fix(style.textContent, true, style); style.disabled = disabled; }, styleAttribute: function(element) { var css = element.getAttribute('style'); css = self.fix(css, false, element); element.setAttribute('style', css); }, process: function() { // Linked stylesheets $('link[rel="stylesheet"]:not([data-inprogress])').forEach(StyleFix.link); // Inline stylesheets $('style').forEach(StyleFix.styleElement); // Inline styles $('[style]').forEach(StyleFix.styleAttribute); }, register: function(fixer, index) { (self.fixers = self.fixers || []) .splice(index === undefined? self.fixers.length : index, 0, fixer); }, fix: function(css, raw) { for(var i=0; i 3) { parts.pop(); var shorthand = parts.join('-'); if(supported(shorthand) && properties.indexOf(shorthand) === -1) { properties.push(shorthand); } } } }, supported = function(property) { return StyleFix.camelCase(property) in dummy; } // Some browsers have numerical indices for the properties, some don't if(style.length > 0) { for(var i=0; i