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Please allae cookies in yer brouser!", "pad.passwordRequired": "Ye need ae passwaird fer tae access this pad", "pad.permissionDenied": "Ye dinna hae permeession tae access this pad", "pad.wrongPassword": "Yer password wis wrang", "pad.settings.padSettings": "Pad Settins", "pad.settings.myView": "Ma Luik", "pad.settings.stickychat": "Tauk aye oan screen", "pad.settings.chatandusers": "Shaw Chat an Uisers", "pad.settings.colorcheck": "Authorship colours", "pad.settings.linenocheck": "Line nummers", "pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Read content fae richt til cair?", "pad.settings.fontType": "Font type:", "pad.settings.fontType.normal": "Normal", "pad.settings.fontType.monospaced": "Monospace", "pad.settings.globalView": "The Global Luik", "pad.settings.language": "Leid:", "pad.importExport.import_export": "Import/Export", "pad.importExport.import": "Upload oni tex file or document", "pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Success!", "pad.importExport.export": "Export current pad as:", "pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad", "pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML", "pad.importExport.exportplain": "Plain tex", "pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word", "pad.importExport.exportpdf": "PDF", "pad.importExport.exportopen": "ODF (Open Document Format)", "pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML": "Ye can yinly import fae plain tex or HTML formats. Fer mair advanced import features please install abiword.", "pad.modals.connected": "Connected.", "pad.modals.reconnecting": "Reconnectin til yer pad..", "pad.modals.forcereconnect": "Force reconnect", "pad.modals.userdup": "Apened in anither windae", "pad.modals.userdup.explanation": "This pad seems tae be apened in mair than yin brouser windae on this computer.", "pad.modals.userdup.advice": "Reconnect fer tae uise this windae instead.", "pad.modals.unauth": "Naw authorized", "pad.modals.unauth.explanation": "Yer permeessions hae chynged while viewing this page. Try tae reconnect.", "pad.modals.looping.explanation": "Thaur ar communication proablems wi the synchronization server.", "pad.modals.looping.cause": "Meyhaps ye connected through aen incompatible firewa or proxy.", "pad.modals.initsocketfail": "Server canna be reached.", "pad.modals.initsocketfail.explanation": "Coudna connect til the synchronization server.", "pad.modals.initsocketfail.cause": "This is possably cause o ae problem wi yer brouser or yer wab connection.", "pad.modals.slowcommit.explanation": "The server isna respondin.", "pad.modals.slowcommit.cause": "This coud be cause o problems wi netwairk connecteevitie.", "pad.modals.badChangeset.explanation": "Aen eedit that ye'v makit wis classeefied aes onlegal bi the synchronization server.", "pad.modals.badChangeset.cause": "This coud be cause o ae wrang server confeeguration or some ither onexpected behavior. Please contact the service admeenistrator, gif ye feel that this is ae mistak. Try tae reconnect in order tae continue editing.", "pad.modals.corruptPad.explanation": "The pad ye'r trying te access is mingin.", "pad.modals.corruptPad.cause": "This micht be cause o ae wrang server confeeguration or some ither onexpected behavior. Please contact the service admeenistrater.", "pad.modals.deleted": "Delytit.", "pad.modals.deleted.explanation": "This pad has been hif't.", "pad.modals.disconnected": "Ye'v been disconnected.", "pad.modals.disconnected.explanation": "The connection til the server wis loast", "pad.modals.disconnected.cause": "The server micht be onavailable. Please notify the service admeenistrater gif this continues tae happen.", "pad.share": "Share this pad", "pad.share.readonly": "Read yinly", "pad.share.link": "Airtin", "pad.share.emebdcode": "Embed URL", "pad.chat": "Chait", "pad.chat.title": "Apen the tauk fer this pad.", "pad.chat.loadmessages": "Laid mair messages", "timeslider.pageTitle": "{{appTitle}} Timeslider", "timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton": "Return til pad", "timeslider.toolbar.authors": "Authers:", "timeslider.toolbar.authorsList": "Nae Authers", "timeslider.toolbar.exportlink.title": "Export", "timeslider.exportCurrent": "Export current version as:", "timeslider.version": "Version {{version}}", "timeslider.saved": "Saved {{day}} {{month}}, {{year}}", "timeslider.playPause": "Playback / Pause Pad Contents", "timeslider.backRevision": "Gae back a reveesion in this Pad", "timeslider.forwardRevision": "Gae forwart a reveesion in this Pad", "timeslider.dateformat": "{{day}}/{{month}}/{{year}} {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}", "timeslider.month.january": "Januair", "timeslider.month.february": "Febuair", "timeslider.month.march": "Mairch", "timeslider.month.april": "Apryle", "timeslider.month.may": "Mey", "timeslider.month.june": "Juin", "timeslider.month.july": "Julie", "timeslider.month.august": "August", "timeslider.month.september": "September", "timeslider.month.october": "October", "timeslider.month.november": "November", "timeslider.month.december": "Dizember", "timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} onnamed {[plural(num) one: writer, other: writers ]}", "pad.savedrevs.marked": "This reveesion is nou tagged aes ae hained reveesion", "pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Ye can see saved reveesions bi veesitin the timeslider", "pad.userlist.entername": "Enter yer name", "pad.userlist.unnamed": "onnamed", "pad.userlist.guest": "Guest", "pad.userlist.deny": "Bar", "pad.userlist.approve": "Appruiv", "pad.editbar.clearcolors": "Clear authership colours oan the entire document?", "pad.impexp.importbutton": "Import Nou", "pad.impexp.importing": "Importing...", "pad.impexp.confirmimport": "Importin ae file will owerwrite the current tex o the pad. Ar ye sair ye want tae proceed?", "pad.impexp.convertFailed": "We coudna import this file. Please uise ae different document format or copy paste manually", "pad.impexp.padHasData": "We war nae able tae import this file acause this Pad haes awready haed chynges, please import tae a new pad", "pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "The upload failed, please try again", "pad.impexp.importfailed": "The import failed", "pad.impexp.copypaste": "Please copy paste", "pad.impexp.exportdisabled": "Exporting as {{type}} format is disabled. Please contact yer system admeenistrator fer details." }