# Next release #### Note for admins Etherpad does no longer store it's dependencies in ./src/node_modules by default. Also, Etherpad now stores installed plugins in a package.json file in the root directory and no longer requires quirks like `--legacy-peer-deps` or `--no-save` when invoking npm during plugin installation. When you're updating, it's best to use the `./src/bin/installDeps.sh` script. It will `npm link` the src directory, using the package.json file in ./src. This will create the well-known symlink ep_etherpad-lite in ./node_modules, that we've been using for years. However, this will also add a dependency in ./package.json. `./src/bin/installDeps.sh` will fail, if you have no ./package.json or ./package-lock.json and your ./node_modules directory is not empty, as this is an indicator of installed plugins. You need to remove ./node_modules and install all your plugins in the next step. `./src/bin/installDeps.sh` will remove any existing directories in `./src/node_modules`. After running `./src/bin/installDeps.sh`, install your plugins with `npm i ep_plugin1 ep_plugin2...` or via `/admin/plugins`. #### Note for plugin authors You can no longer depend on core's dependencies via `require('ep_etherpad-lite/node_modules/$dep')`. Please run `src/bin/checkPlugins.sh` or manually change to `require('$dep')`. We don't recommend that you rely on Etherpad to include specific dependencies in the future. So it's best if you add the dependency in your package.json. For convenience we have added symlinks in ./src/node_modules for the following dependencies: async, cheerio, express, formidable, log4js and supertest. Please note that those symlinks will be removed in a future version, so we strongly recommend that you adapt your require statements. # 1.9.5 ### Compability changes * This version deprecates NodeJS16 as it reached its end of life and won't receive any updates. So to get started with Etherpad v1.9.5 you need NodeJS 18 and above. * The bundled windows NodeJS version has been bumped to the current LTS version 20. ### Notable enhancements and fixes * The support for the tidy program to tidy up HTML files has been removed. This decision was made because it hasn't been updated for years and also caused an incompability when exporting a pad with Abiword. # 1.9.4 ### Compability changes * Log4js has been updated to the latest version. As it involved a bump of 6 major version. A lot has changed since then. Most notably the console appender has been deprecated. You can find out more about it [here](https://github.com/log4js-node/log4js-node) ### Notable enhancements and fixes * Fix for MySQL: The logger calls were incorrectly configured leading to a crash when e.g. somebody uses a different encoding than standard MySQL encoding. # 1.9.3 ### Compability changes * express-rate-limit has been bumped to 7.0.0: This involves the breaking change that "max: 0" in the importExportRateLimiting is set to always trigger. So set it to your desired value. If you haven't changed that value in the settings.json you are all set. ### Notable enhancements and fixes * Bugfixes * Fix etherpad crashing with mongodb database * Enhancements * Add surrealdb database support. You can find out more about this database [here](https://surrealdb.com). * Make sqlite faster: The sqlite library has been switched to better-sqlite3. This should lead to better performance. # 1.9.2 ### Notable enhancements and fixes * Security * Enable session key rotation: This setting can be enabled in the settings.json. It changes the signing key for the cookie authentication in a fixed interval. * Bugfixes * Fix appendRevision when creating a new pad via the API without a text. * Enhancements * Bump JQuery to version 3.7 * Update elasticsearch connector to version 8 ### Compatibility changes * No compability changes as JQuery maintains excellent backwards compatibility. #### For plugin authors * Please update to JQuery 3.7. There is an excellent deprecation guide over [here](https://api.jquery.com/category/deprecated/). Version 3.1 to 3.7 are relevant for the upgrade. # 1.9.1 ### Notable enhancements and fixes * Security * Limit requested revisions in timeslider and export to head revision. (affects v1.9.0) * Bugfixes * revisions in `CHANGESET_REQ` (timeslider) and export (txt, html, custom) are now checked to be numbers. * bump sql for audit fix * Enhancements * Add keybinding meta-backspace to delete to beginning of line * Fix automatic Windows build via GitHub Actions * Enable docs to be build cross platform thanks to asciidoctor ### Compatibility changes * tests: drop windows 7 test coverage & use chrome latest for admin tests * Require Node 16 for Etherpad and target Node 20 for testing # 1.9.0 ### Notable enhancements and fixes * Windows build: * The bundled `node.exe` was upgraded from v12 to v16. * The bundled `node.exe` is now a 64-bit executable. If you need the 32-bit version you must download and install Node.js yourself. * Improvements to login session management: * `express_sid` cookies and `sessionstorage:*` database records are no longer created unless `requireAuthentication` is `true` (or a plugin causes them to be created). * Login sessions now have a finite lifetime by default (10 days after leaving). * `sessionstorage:*` database records are automatically deleted when the login session expires (with some exceptions that will be fixed in the future). * Requests for static content (e.g., `/robots.txt`) and special pages (e.g., the HTTP API, `/stats`) no longer create login session state. * The secret used to sign the `express_sid` cookie is now automatically regenerated every day (called *key rotation*) by default. If key rotation is enabled, the now-deprecated `SESSIONKEY.txt` file can be safely deleted after Etherpad starts up (its content is read and saved to the database and used to validate signatures from old cookies until they expire). * The following settings from `settings.json` are now applied as expected (they were unintentionally ignored before): * `padOptions.lang` * `padOptions.showChat` * `padOptions.userColor` * `padOptions.userName` * HTTP API: * Fixed the return value of `getText` when called with a specific revision. * Fixed a potential attribute pool corruption bug with `copyPadWithoutHistory`. * Mappings created by `createGroupIfNotExistsFor` are now removed from the database when the group is deleted. * Fixed race conditions in the `setText`, `appendText`, and `restoreRevision` functions. * Added an optional `authorId` parameter to `appendText`, `copyPadWithoutHistory`, `createGroupPad`, `createPad`, `restoreRevision`, `setHTML`, and `setText`, and bumped the latest API version to 1.3.0. * Fixed a crash if the database is busy enough to cause a query timeout. * New `/health` endpoint for getting information about Etherpad's health (see [draft-inadarei-api-health-check-06](https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-inadarei-api-health-check-06.html)). * Docker now uses the new `/health` endpoint for health checks, which avoids issues when authentication is enabled. It also avoids the unnecessary creation of database records for managing browser sessions. * When copying a pad, the pad's records are copied in batches to avoid database timeouts with large pads. * Exporting a large pad to `.etherpad` format should be faster thanks to bulk database record fetches. * When importing an `.etherpad` file, records are now saved to the database in batches to avoid database timeouts with large pads. #### For plugin authors * New `expressPreSession` server-side hook. * Pad server-side hook changes: * `padCheck`: New hook. * `padCopy`: New `srcPad` and `dstPad` context properties. * `padDefaultContent`: New hook. * `padRemove`: New `pad` context property. * The `db` property on Pad objects is now public. * New `getAuthorId` server-side hook. * New APIs for processing attributes: `ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/attributes` (low-level API) and `ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/AttributeMap` (high-level API). * The `import` server-side hook has a new `ImportError` context property. * New `exportEtherpad` and `importEtherpad` server-side hooks. * The `handleMessageSecurity` and `handleMessage` server-side hooks have a new `sessionInfo` context property that includes the user's author ID, the pad ID, and whether the user only has read-only access. * The `handleMessageSecurity` server-side hook can now be used to grant write access for the current message only. * The `init_` server-side hooks have a new `logger` context property that plugins can use to log messages. * Prevent infinite loop when exiting the server * Bump dependencies ### Compatibility changes * Node.js v14.15.0 or later is now required. * The default login session expiration (applicable if `requireAuthentication` is `true`) changed from never to 10 days after the user leaves. #### For plugin authors * The `client` context property for the `handleMessageSecurity` and `handleMessage` server-side hooks is deprecated; use the `socket` context property instead. * Pad server-side hook changes: * `padCopy`: * The `originalPad` context property is deprecated; use `srcPad` instead. * The `destinationID` context property is deprecated; use `dstPad.id` instead. * `padCreate`: The `author` context property is deprecated; use the new `authorId` context property instead. Also, the hook now runs asynchronously. * `padLoad`: Now runs when a temporary Pad object is created during import. Also, it now runs asynchronously. * `padRemove`: The `padID` context property is deprecated; use `pad.id` instead. * `padUpdate`: The `author` context property is deprecated; use the new `authorId` context property instead. Also, the hook now runs asynchronously. * Returning `true` from a `handleMessageSecurity` hook function is deprecated; return `'permitOnce'` instead. * Changes to the `src/static/js/Changeset.js` library: * The following attribute processing functions are deprecated (use the new attribute APIs instead): * `attribsAttributeValue()` * `eachAttribNumber()` * `makeAttribsString()` * `opAttributeValue()` * `opIterator()`: Deprecated in favor of the new `deserializeOps()` generator function. * `appendATextToAssembler()`: Deprecated in favor of the new `opsFromAText()` generator function. * `newOp()`: Deprecated in favor of the new `Op` class. * The `AuthorManager.getAuthor4Token()` function is deprecated; use the new `AuthorManager.getAuthorId()` function instead. * The exported database records covered by the `exportEtherpadAdditionalContent` server-side hook now include keys like `${customPrefix}:${padId}:*`, not just `${customPrefix}:${padId}`. * Plugin locales should overwrite core's locales Stale * Plugin locales overwrite core locales # 1.8.18 Released: 2022-05-05 ### Notable enhancements and fixes * Upgraded ueberDB to fix a regression with CouchDB. # 1.8.17 Released: 2022-02-23 ### Security fixes * Fixed a vunlerability in the `CHANGESET_REQ` message handler that allowed a user with any access to read any pad if the pad ID is known. ### Notable enhancements and fixes * Fixed a bug that caused all pad edit messages received at the server to go through a single queue. Now there is a separate queue per pad as intended, which should reduce message processing latency when many pads are active at the same time. # 1.8.16 ### Security fixes If you cannot upgrade to v1.8.16 for some reason, you are encouraged to try cherry-picking the fixes to the version you are running: ```shell git cherry-pick b7065eb9a0ec..77bcb507b30e ``` * Maliciously crafted `.etherpad` files can no longer overwrite arbitrary non-pad database records when imported. * Imported `.etherpad` files are now subject to numerous consistency checks before any records are written to the database. This should help avoid denial-of-service attacks via imports of malformed `.etherpad` files. ### Notable enhancements and fixes * Fixed several `.etherpad` import bugs. * Improved support for large `.etherpad` imports. # 1.8.15 ### Security fixes * Fixed leak of the writable pad ID when exporting from the pad's read-only ID. This only matters if you treat the writeable pad IDs as secret (e.g., you are not using [ep_padlist2](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ep_padlist2)) and you share the pad's read-only ID with untrusted users. Instead of treating writeable pad IDs as secret, you are encouraged to take advantage of Etherpad's authentication and authorization mechanisms (e.g., use [ep_openid_connect](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ep_openid_connect) with [ep_readonly_guest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ep_readonly_guest), or write your own [authentication](https://etherpad.org/doc/v1.8.14/#index_authenticate) and [authorization](https://etherpad.org/doc/v1.8.14/#index_authorize) plugins). * Updated dependencies. ### Compatibility changes * The `logconfig` setting is deprecated. #### For plugin authors * Etherpad now uses [jsdom](https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom) instead of [cheerio](https://cheerio.js.org/) for processing HTML imports. There are two consequences of this change: * `require('ep_etherpad-lite/node_modules/cheerio')` no longer works. To fix, your plugin should directly depend on `cheerio` and do `require('cheerio')`. * The `collectContentImage` hook's `node` context property is now an [`HTMLImageElement`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLImageElement) object rather than a Cheerio Node-like object, so the API is slightly different. See [citizenos/ep_image_upload#49](https://github.com/citizenos/ep_image_upload/pull/49) for an example fix. * The `clientReady` server-side hook is deprecated; use the new `userJoin` hook instead. * The `init_` server-side hooks are now run every time Etherpad starts up, not just the first time after the named plugin is installed. * The `userLeave` server-side hook's context properties have changed: * `auth`: Deprecated. * `author`: Deprecated; use the new `authorId` property instead. * `readonly`: Deprecated; use the new `readOnly` property instead. * `rev`: Deprecated. * Changes to the `src/static/js/Changeset.js` library: * `opIterator()`: The unused start index parameter has been removed, as has the unused `lastIndex()` method on the returned object. * `smartOpAssembler()`: The returned object's `appendOpWithText()` method is deprecated without a replacement available to plugins (if you need one, let us know and we can make the private `opsFromText()` function public). * Several functions that should have never been public are no longer exported: `applyZip()`, `assert()`, `clearOp()`, `cloneOp()`, `copyOp()`, `error()`, `followAttributes()`, `opString()`, `stringOp()`, `textLinesMutator()`, `toBaseTen()`, `toSplices()`. ### Notable enhancements and fixes * Accessibility fix for JAWS screen readers. * Fixed "clear authorship" error (see issue #5128). * Etherpad now considers square brackets to be valid URL characters. * The server no longer crashes if an exception is thrown while processing a message from a client. * The `useMonospaceFontGlobal` setting now works (thanks @Lastpixl!). * Chat improvements: * The message input field is now a text area, allowing multi-line messages (use shift-enter to insert a newline). * Whitespace in chat messages is now preserved. * Docker improvements: * New `HEALTHCHECK` instruction (thanks @Gared!). * New `settings.json` variables: `DB_COLLECTION`, `DB_URL`, `SOCKETIO_MAX_HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE`, `DUMP_ON_UNCLEAN_EXIT` (thanks @JustAnotherArchivist!). * `.ep_initialized` files are no longer created. * Worked around a [Firefox Content Security Policy bug](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1721296) that caused CSP failures when `'self'` was in the CSP header. See issue #4975 for details. * UeberDB upgraded from v1.4.10 to v1.4.18. For details, see the [ueberDB changelog](https://github.com/ether/ueberDB/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md). Highlights: * The `postgrespool` driver was renamed to `postgres`, replacing the old driver of that name. If you used the old `postgres` driver, you may see an increase in the number of database connections. * For `postgres`, you can now set the `dbSettings` value in `settings.json` to a connection string (e.g., `"postgres://user:password@host/dbname"`) instead of an object. * For `mongodb`, the `dbName` setting was renamed to `database` (but `dbName` still works for backwards compatibility) and is now optional (if unset, the database name in `url` is used). * `/admin/settings` now honors the `--settings` command-line argument. * Fixed "Author *X* tried to submit changes as author *Y*" detection. * Error message display improvements. * Simplified pad reload after importing an `.etherpad` file. #### For plugin authors * `clientVars` was added to the context for the `postAceInit` client-side hook. Plugins should use this instead of the `clientVars` global variable. * New `userJoin` server-side hook. * The `userLeave` server-side hook has a new `socket` context property. * The `helper.aNewPad()` function (accessible to client-side tests) now accepts hook functions to inject when opening a pad. This can be used to test any new client-side hooks your plugin provides. * Chat improvements: * The `chatNewMessage` client-side hook context has new properties: * `message`: Provides access to the raw message object so that plugins can see the original unprocessed message text and any added metadata. * `rendered`: Allows plugins to completely override how the message is rendered in the UI. * New `chatSendMessage` client-side hook that enables plugins to process the text before sending it to the server or augment the message object with custom metadata. * New `chatNewMessage` server-side hook to process new chat messages before they are saved to the database and relayed to users. * Readability improvements to browser-side error stack traces. * Added support for socket.io message acknowledgments. # 1.8.14 ### Security fixes * Fixed a persistent XSS vulnerability in the Chat component. In case you can't update to 1.8.14 directly, we strongly recommend to cherry-pick a7968115581e20ef47a533e030f59f830486bdfa. Thanks to sonarsource for the professional disclosure. ### Compatibility changes * Node.js v12.13.0 or later is now required. * The `favicon` setting is now interpreted as a pathname to a favicon file, not a URL. Please see the documentation comment in `settings.json.template`. * The undocumented `faviconPad` and `faviconTimeslider` settings have been removed. * MySQL/MariaDB now uses connection pooling, which means you will see up to 10 connections to the MySQL/MariaDB server (by default) instead of 1. This might cause Etherpad to crash with a "ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR: Too many connections" error if your server is configured with a low connection limit. * Changes to environment variable substitution in `settings.json` (see the documentation comments in `settings.json.template` for details): * An environment variable set to the string "null" now becomes `null` instead of the string "null". Similarly, if the environment variable is unset and the default value is "null" (e.g., `"${UNSET_VAR:null}"`), the value now becomes `null` instead of the string "null". It is no longer possible to produce the string "null" via environment variable substitution. * An environment variable set to the string "undefined" now causes the setting to be removed instead of set to the string "undefined". Similarly, if the environment variable is unset and the default value is "undefined" (e.g., `"${UNSET_VAR:undefined}"`), the setting is now removed instead of set to the string "undefined". It is no longer possible to produce the string "undefined" via environment variable substitution. * Support for unset variables without a default value is now deprecated. Please change all instances of `"${FOO}"` in your `settings.json` to `${FOO:null}` to keep the current behavior. * The `DB_*` variable substitutions in `settings.json.docker` that previously defaulted to `null` now default to "undefined". * Calling `next` without argument when using `Changeset.opIterator` does always return a new Op. See b9753dcc7156d8471a5aa5b6c9b85af47f630aa8 for details. ### Notable enhancements and fixes * MySQL/MariaDB now uses connection pooling, which should improve stability and reduce latency. * Bulk database writes are now retried individually on write failure. * Minify: Avoid crash due to unhandled Promise rejection if stat fails. * padIds are now included in /socket.io query string, e.g. `https://video.etherpad.com/socket.io/?padId=AWESOME&EIO=3&transport=websocket&t=...&sid=...`. This is useful for directing pads to separate socket.io nodes. *