;(function(){ // CommonJS require() function require(p){ var path = require.resolve(p) , mod = require.modules[path]; if (!mod) throw new Error('failed to require "' + p + '"'); if (!mod.exports) { mod.exports = {}; mod.call(mod.exports, mod, mod.exports, require.relative(path)); } return mod.exports; } require.modules = {}; require.resolve = function (path){ var orig = path , reg = path + '.js' , index = path + '/index.js'; return require.modules[reg] && reg || require.modules[index] && index || orig; }; require.register = function (path, fn){ require.modules[path] = fn; }; require.relative = function (parent) { return function(p){ if ('.' != p.charAt(0)) return require(p); var path = parent.split('/') , segs = p.split('/'); path.pop(); for (var i = 0; i < segs.length; i++) { var seg = segs[i]; if ('..' == seg) path.pop(); else if ('.' != seg) path.push(seg); } return require(path.join('/')); }; }; require.register("browser/debug.js", function(module, exports, require){ module.exports = function(type){ return function(){ } }; }); // module: browser/debug.js require.register("browser/diff.js", function(module, exports, require){ }); // module: browser/diff.js require.register("browser/events.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module exports. */ exports.EventEmitter = EventEmitter; /** * Check if `obj` is an array. */ function isArray(obj) { return '[object Array]' == {}.toString.call(obj); } /** * Event emitter constructor. * * @api public */ function EventEmitter(){}; /** * Adds a listener. * * @api public */ EventEmitter.prototype.on = function (name, fn) { if (!this.$events) { this.$events = {}; } if (!this.$events[name]) { this.$events[name] = fn; } else if (isArray(this.$events[name])) { this.$events[name].push(fn); } else { this.$events[name] = [this.$events[name], fn]; } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter.prototype.on; /** * Adds a volatile listener. * * @api public */ EventEmitter.prototype.once = function (name, fn) { var self = this; function on () { self.removeListener(name, on); fn.apply(this, arguments); }; on.listener = fn; this.on(name, on); return this; }; /** * Removes a listener. * * @api public */ EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function (name, fn) { if (this.$events && this.$events[name]) { var list = this.$events[name]; if (isArray(list)) { var pos = -1; for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) { if (list[i] === fn || (list[i].listener && list[i].listener === fn)) { pos = i; break; } } if (pos < 0) { return this; } list.splice(pos, 1); if (!list.length) { delete this.$events[name]; } } else if (list === fn || (list.listener && list.listener === fn)) { delete this.$events[name]; } } return this; }; /** * Removes all listeners for an event. * * @api public */ EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function (name) { if (name === undefined) { this.$events = {}; return this; } if (this.$events && this.$events[name]) { this.$events[name] = null; } return this; }; /** * Gets all listeners for a certain event. * * @api public */ EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function (name) { if (!this.$events) { this.$events = {}; } if (!this.$events[name]) { this.$events[name] = []; } if (!isArray(this.$events[name])) { this.$events[name] = [this.$events[name]]; } return this.$events[name]; }; /** * Emits an event. * * @api public */ EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function (name) { if (!this.$events) { return false; } var handler = this.$events[name]; if (!handler) { return false; } var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); if ('function' == typeof handler) { handler.apply(this, args); } else if (isArray(handler)) { var listeners = handler.slice(); for (var i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; i++) { listeners[i].apply(this, args); } } else { return false; } return true; }; }); // module: browser/events.js require.register("browser/fs.js", function(module, exports, require){ }); // module: browser/fs.js require.register("browser/path.js", function(module, exports, require){ }); // module: browser/path.js require.register("browser/progress.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Expose `Progress`. */ module.exports = Progress; /** * Initialize a new `Progress` indicator. */ function Progress() { this.percent = 0; this.size(0); this.fontSize(11); this.font('helvetica, arial, sans-serif'); } /** * Set progress size to `n`. * * @param {Number} n * @return {Progress} for chaining * @api public */ Progress.prototype.size = function(n){ this._size = n; return this; }; /** * Set text to `str`. * * @param {String} str * @return {Progress} for chaining * @api public */ Progress.prototype.text = function(str){ this._text = str; return this; }; /** * Set font size to `n`. * * @param {Number} n * @return {Progress} for chaining * @api public */ Progress.prototype.fontSize = function(n){ this._fontSize = n; return this; }; /** * Set font `family`. * * @param {String} family * @return {Progress} for chaining */ Progress.prototype.font = function(family){ this._font = family; return this; }; /** * Update percentage to `n`. * * @param {Number} n * @return {Progress} for chaining */ Progress.prototype.update = function(n){ this.percent = n; return this; }; /** * Draw on `ctx`. * * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2d} ctx * @return {Progress} for chaining */ Progress.prototype.draw = function(ctx){ var percent = Math.min(this.percent, 100) , size = this._size , half = size / 2 , x = half , y = half , rad = half - 1 , fontSize = this._fontSize; ctx.font = fontSize + 'px ' + this._font; var angle = Math.PI * 2 * (percent / 100); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, size, size); // outer circle ctx.strokeStyle = '#9f9f9f'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, rad, 0, angle, false); ctx.stroke(); // inner circle ctx.strokeStyle = '#eee'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, rad - 1, 0, angle, true); ctx.stroke(); // text var text = this._text || (percent | 0) + '%' , w = ctx.measureText(text).width; ctx.fillText( text , x - w / 2 + 1 , y + fontSize / 2 - 1); return this; }; }); // module: browser/progress.js require.register("browser/tty.js", function(module, exports, require){ exports.isatty = function(){ return true; }; exports.getWindowSize = function(){ return [window.innerHeight, window.innerWidth]; }; }); // module: browser/tty.js require.register("context.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Expose `Context`. */ module.exports = Context; /** * Initialize a new `Context`. * * @api private */ function Context(){} /** * Set or get the context `Runnable` to `runnable`. * * @param {Runnable} runnable * @return {Context} * @api private */ Context.prototype.runnable = function(runnable){ if (0 == arguments.length) return this._runnable; this.test = this._runnable = runnable; return this; }; /** * Set test timeout `ms`. * * @param {Number} ms * @return {Context} self * @api private */ Context.prototype.timeout = function(ms){ this.runnable().timeout(ms); return this; }; /** * Set test slowness threshold `ms`. * * @param {Number} ms * @return {Context} self * @api private */ Context.prototype.slow = function(ms){ this.runnable().slow(ms); return this; }; /** * Inspect the context void of `._runnable`. * * @return {String} * @api private */ Context.prototype.inspect = function(){ return JSON.stringify(this, function(key, val){ if ('_runnable' == key) return; if ('test' == key) return; return val; }, 2); }; }); // module: context.js require.register("hook.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Runnable = require('./runnable'); /** * Expose `Hook`. */ module.exports = Hook; /** * Initialize a new `Hook` with the given `title` and callback `fn`. * * @param {String} title * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ function Hook(title, fn) { Runnable.call(this, title, fn); this.type = 'hook'; } /** * Inherit from `Runnable.prototype`. */ Hook.prototype = new Runnable; Hook.prototype.constructor = Hook; /** * Get or set the test `err`. * * @param {Error} err * @return {Error} * @api public */ Hook.prototype.error = function(err){ if (0 == arguments.length) { var err = this._error; this._error = null; return err; } this._error = err; }; }); // module: hook.js require.register("interfaces/bdd.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Suite = require('../suite') , Test = require('../test'); /** * BDD-style interface: * * describe('Array', function(){ * describe('#indexOf()', function(){ * it('should return -1 when not present', function(){ * * }); * * it('should return the index when present', function(){ * * }); * }); * }); * */ module.exports = function(suite){ var suites = [suite]; suite.on('pre-require', function(context, file, mocha){ /** * Execute before running tests. */ context.before = function(fn){ suites[0].beforeAll(fn); }; /** * Execute after running tests. */ context.after = function(fn){ suites[0].afterAll(fn); }; /** * Execute before each test case. */ context.beforeEach = function(fn){ suites[0].beforeEach(fn); }; /** * Execute after each test case. */ context.afterEach = function(fn){ suites[0].afterEach(fn); }; /** * Describe a "suite" with the given `title` * and callback `fn` containing nested suites * and/or tests. */ context.describe = context.context = function(title, fn){ var suite = Suite.create(suites[0], title); suites.unshift(suite); fn(); suites.shift(); return suite; }; /** * Pending describe. */ context.xdescribe = context.xcontext = context.describe.skip = function(title, fn){ var suite = Suite.create(suites[0], title); suite.pending = true; suites.unshift(suite); fn(); suites.shift(); }; /** * Exclusive suite. */ context.describe.only = function(title, fn){ var suite = context.describe(title, fn); mocha.grep(suite.fullTitle()); }; /** * Describe a specification or test-case * with the given `title` and callback `fn` * acting as a thunk. */ context.it = context.specify = function(title, fn){ var suite = suites[0]; if (suite.pending) var fn = null; var test = new Test(title, fn); suite.addTest(test); return test; }; /** * Exclusive test-case. */ context.it.only = function(title, fn){ var test = context.it(title, fn); mocha.grep(test.fullTitle()); }; /** * Pending test case. */ context.xit = context.xspecify = context.it.skip = function(title){ context.it(title); }; }); }; }); // module: interfaces/bdd.js require.register("interfaces/exports.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Suite = require('../suite') , Test = require('../test'); /** * TDD-style interface: * * exports.Array = { * '#indexOf()': { * 'should return -1 when the value is not present': function(){ * * }, * * 'should return the correct index when the value is present': function(){ * * } * } * }; * */ module.exports = function(suite){ var suites = [suite]; suite.on('require', visit); function visit(obj) { var suite; for (var key in obj) { if ('function' == typeof obj[key]) { var fn = obj[key]; switch (key) { case 'before': suites[0].beforeAll(fn); break; case 'after': suites[0].afterAll(fn); break; case 'beforeEach': suites[0].beforeEach(fn); break; case 'afterEach': suites[0].afterEach(fn); break; default: suites[0].addTest(new Test(key, fn)); } } else { var suite = Suite.create(suites[0], key); suites.unshift(suite); visit(obj[key]); suites.shift(); } } } }; }); // module: interfaces/exports.js require.register("interfaces/index.js", function(module, exports, require){ exports.bdd = require('./bdd'); exports.tdd = require('./tdd'); exports.qunit = require('./qunit'); exports.exports = require('./exports'); }); // module: interfaces/index.js require.register("interfaces/qunit.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Suite = require('../suite') , Test = require('../test'); /** * QUnit-style interface: * * suite('Array'); * * test('#length', function(){ * var arr = [1,2,3]; * ok(arr.length == 3); * }); * * test('#indexOf()', function(){ * var arr = [1,2,3]; * ok(arr.indexOf(1) == 0); * ok(arr.indexOf(2) == 1); * ok(arr.indexOf(3) == 2); * }); * * suite('String'); * * test('#length', function(){ * ok('foo'.length == 3); * }); * */ module.exports = function(suite){ var suites = [suite]; suite.on('pre-require', function(context){ /** * Execute before running tests. */ context.before = function(fn){ suites[0].beforeAll(fn); }; /** * Execute after running tests. */ context.after = function(fn){ suites[0].afterAll(fn); }; /** * Execute before each test case. */ context.beforeEach = function(fn){ suites[0].beforeEach(fn); }; /** * Execute after each test case. */ context.afterEach = function(fn){ suites[0].afterEach(fn); }; /** * Describe a "suite" with the given `title`. */ context.suite = function(title){ if (suites.length > 1) suites.shift(); var suite = Suite.create(suites[0], title); suites.unshift(suite); }; /** * Describe a specification or test-case * with the given `title` and callback `fn` * acting as a thunk. */ context.test = function(title, fn){ suites[0].addTest(new Test(title, fn)); }; }); }; }); // module: interfaces/qunit.js require.register("interfaces/tdd.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Suite = require('../suite') , Test = require('../test'); /** * TDD-style interface: * * suite('Array', function(){ * suite('#indexOf()', function(){ * suiteSetup(function(){ * * }); * * test('should return -1 when not present', function(){ * * }); * * test('should return the index when present', function(){ * * }); * * suiteTeardown(function(){ * * }); * }); * }); * */ module.exports = function(suite){ var suites = [suite]; suite.on('pre-require', function(context, file, mocha){ /** * Execute before each test case. */ context.setup = function(fn){ suites[0].beforeEach(fn); }; /** * Execute after each test case. */ context.teardown = function(fn){ suites[0].afterEach(fn); }; /** * Execute before the suite. */ context.suiteSetup = function(fn){ suites[0].beforeAll(fn); }; /** * Execute after the suite. */ context.suiteTeardown = function(fn){ suites[0].afterAll(fn); }; /** * Describe a "suite" with the given `title` * and callback `fn` containing nested suites * and/or tests. */ context.suite = function(title, fn){ var suite = Suite.create(suites[0], title); suites.unshift(suite); fn(); suites.shift(); return suite; }; /** * Exclusive test-case. */ context.suite.only = function(title, fn){ var suite = context.suite(title, fn); mocha.grep(suite.fullTitle()); }; /** * Describe a specification or test-case * with the given `title` and callback `fn` * acting as a thunk. */ context.test = function(title, fn){ var test = new Test(title, fn); suites[0].addTest(test); return test; }; /** * Exclusive test-case. */ context.test.only = function(title, fn){ var test = context.test(title, fn); mocha.grep(test.fullTitle()); }; }); }; }); // module: interfaces/tdd.js require.register("mocha.js", function(module, exports, require){ /*! * mocha * Copyright(c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var path = require('browser/path') , utils = require('./utils'); /** * Expose `Mocha`. */ exports = module.exports = Mocha; /** * Expose internals. */ exports.utils = utils; exports.interfaces = require('./interfaces'); exports.reporters = require('./reporters'); exports.Runnable = require('./runnable'); exports.Context = require('./context'); exports.Runner = require('./runner'); exports.Suite = require('./suite'); exports.Hook = require('./hook'); exports.Test = require('./test'); /** * Return image `name` path. * * @param {String} name * @return {String} * @api private */ function image(name) { return __dirname + '/../images/' + name + '.png'; } /** * Setup mocha with `options`. * * Options: * * - `ui` name "bdd", "tdd", "exports" etc * - `reporter` reporter instance, defaults to `mocha.reporters.Dot` * - `globals` array of accepted globals * - `timeout` timeout in milliseconds * - `slow` milliseconds to wait before considering a test slow * - `ignoreLeaks` ignore global leaks * - `grep` string or regexp to filter tests with * * @param {Object} options * @api public */ function Mocha(options) { options = options || {}; this.files = []; this.options = options; this.grep(options.grep); this.suite = new exports.Suite('', new exports.Context); this.ui(options.ui); this.reporter(options.reporter); if (options.timeout) this.timeout(options.timeout); if (options.slow) this.slow(options.slow); } /** * Add test `file`. * * @param {String} file * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.addFile = function(file){ this.files.push(file); return this; }; /** * Set reporter to `reporter`, defaults to "dot". * * @param {String|Function} reporter name of a reporter or a reporter constructor * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.reporter = function(reporter){ if ('function' == typeof reporter) { this._reporter = reporter; } else { reporter = reporter || 'dot'; try { this._reporter = require('./reporters/' + reporter); } catch (err) { this._reporter = require(reporter); } if (!this._reporter) throw new Error('invalid reporter "' + reporter + '"'); } return this; }; /** * Set test UI `name`, defaults to "bdd". * * @param {String} bdd * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.ui = function(name){ name = name || 'bdd'; this._ui = exports.interfaces[name]; if (!this._ui) throw new Error('invalid interface "' + name + '"'); this._ui = this._ui(this.suite); return this; }; /** * Load registered files. * * @api private */ Mocha.prototype.loadFiles = function(fn){ var self = this; var suite = this.suite; var pending = this.files.length; this.files.forEach(function(file){ file = path.resolve(file); suite.emit('pre-require', global, file, self); suite.emit('require', require(file), file, self); suite.emit('post-require', global, file, self); --pending || (fn && fn()); }); }; /** * Enable growl support. * * @api private */ Mocha.prototype._growl = function(runner, reporter) { var notify = require('growl'); runner.on('end', function(){ var stats = reporter.stats; if (stats.failures) { var msg = stats.failures + ' of ' + runner.total + ' tests failed'; notify(msg, { name: 'mocha', title: 'Failed', image: image('error') }); } else { notify(stats.passes + ' tests passed in ' + stats.duration + 'ms', { name: 'mocha' , title: 'Passed' , image: image('ok') }); } }); }; /** * Add regexp to grep, if `re` is a string it is escaped. * * @param {RegExp|String} re * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.grep = function(re){ this.options.grep = 'string' == typeof re ? new RegExp(utils.escapeRegexp(re)) : re; return this; }; /** * Invert `.grep()` matches. * * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.invert = function(){ this.options.invert = true; return this; }; /** * Ignore global leaks. * * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.ignoreLeaks = function(){ this.options.ignoreLeaks = true; return this; }; /** * Enable global leak checking. * * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.checkLeaks = function(){ this.options.ignoreLeaks = false; return this; }; /** * Enable growl support. * * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.growl = function(){ this.options.growl = true; return this; }; /** * Ignore `globals` array or string. * * @param {Array|String} globals * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.globals = function(globals){ this.options.globals = (this.options.globals || []).concat(globals); return this; }; /** * Set the timeout in milliseconds. * * @param {Number} timeout * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.timeout = function(timeout){ this.suite.timeout(timeout); return this; }; /** * Set slowness threshold in milliseconds. * * @param {Number} slow * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.slow = function(slow){ this.suite.slow(slow); return this; }; /** * Run tests and invoke `fn()` when complete. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Runner} * @api public */ Mocha.prototype.run = function(fn){ if (this.files.length) this.loadFiles(); var suite = this.suite; var options = this.options; var runner = new exports.Runner(suite); var reporter = new this._reporter(runner); runner.ignoreLeaks = options.ignoreLeaks; if (options.grep) runner.grep(options.grep, options.invert); if (options.globals) runner.globals(options.globals); if (options.growl) this._growl(runner, reporter); return runner.run(fn); }; }); // module: mocha.js require.register("ms.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Helpers. */ var s = 1000; var m = s * 60; var h = m * 60; var d = h * 24; /** * Parse or format the given `val`. * * @param {String|Number} val * @return {String|Number} * @api public */ module.exports = function(val){ if ('string' == typeof val) return parse(val); return format(val); } /** * Parse the given `str` and return milliseconds. * * @param {String} str * @return {Number} * @api private */ function parse(str) { var m = /^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(ms|seconds?|s|minutes?|m|hours?|h|days?|d|years?|y)?$/i.exec(str); if (!m) return; var n = parseFloat(m[1]); var type = (m[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase(); switch (type) { case 'years': case 'year': case 'y': return n * 31557600000; case 'days': case 'day': case 'd': return n * 86400000; case 'hours': case 'hour': case 'h': return n * 3600000; case 'minutes': case 'minute': case 'm': return n * 60000; case 'seconds': case 'second': case 's': return n * 1000; case 'ms': return n; } } /** * Format the given `ms`. * * @param {Number} ms * @return {String} * @api public */ function format(ms) { if (ms == d) return (ms / d) + ' day'; if (ms > d) return (ms / d) + ' days'; if (ms == h) return (ms / h) + ' hour'; if (ms > h) return (ms / h) + ' hours'; if (ms == m) return (ms / m) + ' minute'; if (ms > m) return (ms / m) + ' minutes'; if (ms == s) return (ms / s) + ' second'; if (ms > s) return (ms / s) + ' seconds'; return ms + ' ms'; } }); // module: ms.js require.register("reporters/base.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var tty = require('browser/tty') , diff = require('browser/diff') , ms = require('../ms'); /** * Save timer references to avoid Sinon interfering (see GH-237). */ var Date = global.Date , setTimeout = global.setTimeout , setInterval = global.setInterval , clearTimeout = global.clearTimeout , clearInterval = global.clearInterval; /** * Check if both stdio streams are associated with a tty. */ var isatty = tty.isatty(1) && tty.isatty(2); /** * Expose `Base`. */ exports = module.exports = Base; /** * Enable coloring by default. */ exports.useColors = isatty; /** * Default color map. */ exports.colors = { 'pass': 90 , 'fail': 31 , 'bright pass': 92 , 'bright fail': 91 , 'bright yellow': 93 , 'pending': 36 , 'suite': 0 , 'error title': 0 , 'error message': 31 , 'error stack': 90 , 'checkmark': 32 , 'fast': 90 , 'medium': 33 , 'slow': 31 , 'green': 32 , 'light': 90 , 'diff gutter': 90 , 'diff added': 42 , 'diff removed': 41 }; /** * Color `str` with the given `type`, * allowing colors to be disabled, * as well as user-defined color * schemes. * * @param {String} type * @param {String} str * @return {String} * @api private */ var color = exports.color = function(type, str) { if (!exports.useColors) return str; return '\u001b[' + exports.colors[type] + 'm' + str + '\u001b[0m'; }; /** * Expose term window size, with some * defaults for when stderr is not a tty. */ exports.window = { width: isatty ? process.stdout.getWindowSize ? process.stdout.getWindowSize(1)[0] : tty.getWindowSize()[1] : 75 }; /** * Expose some basic cursor interactions * that are common among reporters. */ exports.cursor = { hide: function(){ process.stdout.write('\u001b[?25l'); }, show: function(){ process.stdout.write('\u001b[?25h'); }, deleteLine: function(){ process.stdout.write('\u001b[2K'); }, beginningOfLine: function(){ process.stdout.write('\u001b[0G'); }, CR: function(){ exports.cursor.deleteLine(); exports.cursor.beginningOfLine(); } }; /** * Outut the given `failures` as a list. * * @param {Array} failures * @api public */ exports.list = function(failures){ console.error(); failures.forEach(function(test, i){ // format var fmt = color('error title', ' %s) %s:\n') + color('error message', ' %s') + color('error stack', '\n%s\n'); // msg var err = test.err , message = err.message || '' , stack = err.stack || message , index = stack.indexOf(message) + message.length , msg = stack.slice(0, index) , actual = err.actual , expected = err.expected; // actual / expected diff if ('string' == typeof actual && 'string' == typeof expected) { var len = Math.max(actual.length, expected.length); if (len < 20) msg = errorDiff(err, 'Chars'); else msg = errorDiff(err, 'Words'); // linenos var lines = msg.split('\n'); if (lines.length > 4) { var width = String(lines.length).length; msg = lines.map(function(str, i){ return pad(++i, width) + ' |' + ' ' + str; }).join('\n'); } // legend msg = '\n' + color('diff removed', 'actual') + ' ' + color('diff added', 'expected') + '\n\n' + msg + '\n'; // indent msg = msg.replace(/^/gm, ' '); fmt = color('error title', ' %s) %s:\n%s') + color('error stack', '\n%s\n'); } // indent stack trace without msg stack = stack.slice(index ? index + 1 : index) .replace(/^/gm, ' '); console.error(fmt, (i + 1), test.fullTitle(), msg, stack); }); }; /** * Initialize a new `Base` reporter. * * All other reporters generally * inherit from this reporter, providing * stats such as test duration, number * of tests passed / failed etc. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function Base(runner) { var self = this , stats = this.stats = { suites: 0, tests: 0, passes: 0, pending: 0, failures: 0 } , failures = this.failures = []; if (!runner) return; this.runner = runner; runner.on('start', function(){ stats.start = new Date; }); runner.on('suite', function(suite){ stats.suites = stats.suites || 0; suite.root || stats.suites++; }); runner.on('test end', function(test){ stats.tests = stats.tests || 0; stats.tests++; }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ stats.passes = stats.passes || 0; var medium = test.slow() / 2; test.speed = test.duration > test.slow() ? 'slow' : test.duration > medium ? 'medium' : 'fast'; stats.passes++; }); runner.on('fail', function(test, err){ stats.failures = stats.failures || 0; stats.failures++; test.err = err; failures.push(test); }); runner.on('end', function(){ stats.end = new Date; stats.duration = new Date - stats.start; }); runner.on('pending', function(){ stats.pending++; }); } /** * Output common epilogue used by many of * the bundled reporters. * * @api public */ Base.prototype.epilogue = function(){ var stats = this.stats , fmt , tests; console.log(); function pluralize(n) { return 1 == n ? 'test' : 'tests'; } // failure if (stats.failures) { fmt = color('bright fail', ' ✖') + color('fail', ' %d of %d %s failed') + color('light', ':') console.error(fmt, stats.failures, this.runner.total, pluralize(this.runner.total)); Base.list(this.failures); console.error(); return; } // pass fmt = color('bright pass', ' ✔') + color('green', ' %d %s complete') + color('light', ' (%s)'); console.log(fmt, stats.tests || 0, pluralize(stats.tests), ms(stats.duration)); // pending if (stats.pending) { fmt = color('pending', ' •') + color('pending', ' %d %s pending'); console.log(fmt, stats.pending, pluralize(stats.pending)); } console.log(); }; /** * Pad the given `str` to `len`. * * @param {String} str * @param {String} len * @return {String} * @api private */ function pad(str, len) { str = String(str); return Array(len - str.length + 1).join(' ') + str; } /** * Return a character diff for `err`. * * @param {Error} err * @return {String} * @api private */ function errorDiff(err, type) { return diff['diff' + type](err.actual, err.expected).map(function(str){ str.value = str.value .replace(/\t/g, '') .replace(/\r/g, '') .replace(/\n/g, '\n'); if (str.added) return colorLines('diff added', str.value); if (str.removed) return colorLines('diff removed', str.value); return str.value; }).join(''); } /** * Color lines for `str`, using the color `name`. * * @param {String} name * @param {String} str * @return {String} * @api private */ function colorLines(name, str) { return str.split('\n').map(function(str){ return color(name, str); }).join('\n'); } }); // module: reporters/base.js require.register("reporters/doc.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , utils = require('../utils'); /** * Expose `Doc`. */ exports = module.exports = Doc; /** * Initialize a new `Doc` reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function Doc(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , stats = this.stats , total = runner.total , indents = 2; function indent() { return Array(indents).join(' '); } runner.on('suite', function(suite){ if (suite.root) return; ++indents; console.log('%s
', indent()); ++indents; console.log('%s


', indent(), suite.title); console.log('%s
', indent()); }); runner.on('suite end', function(suite){ if (suite.root) return; console.log('%s
', indent()); --indents; console.log('%s
', indent()); --indents; }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ console.log('%s
', indent(), test.title); var code = utils.escape(utils.clean(test.fn.toString())); console.log('%s
', indent(), code); }); } }); // module: reporters/doc.js require.register("reporters/dot.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , color = Base.color; /** * Expose `Dot`. */ exports = module.exports = Dot; /** * Initialize a new `Dot` matrix test reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function Dot(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , stats = this.stats , width = Base.window.width * .75 | 0 , c = '․' , n = 0; runner.on('start', function(){ process.stdout.write('\n '); }); runner.on('pending', function(test){ process.stdout.write(color('pending', c)); }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ if (++n % width == 0) process.stdout.write('\n '); if ('slow' == test.speed) { process.stdout.write(color('bright yellow', c)); } else { process.stdout.write(color(test.speed, c)); } }); runner.on('fail', function(test, err){ if (++n % width == 0) process.stdout.write('\n '); process.stdout.write(color('fail', c)); }); runner.on('end', function(){ console.log(); self.epilogue(); }); } /** * Inherit from `Base.prototype`. */ Dot.prototype = new Base; Dot.prototype.constructor = Dot; }); // module: reporters/dot.js require.register("reporters/html-cov.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var JSONCov = require('./json-cov') , fs = require('browser/fs'); /** * Expose `HTMLCov`. */ exports = module.exports = HTMLCov; /** * Initialize a new `JsCoverage` reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function HTMLCov(runner) { var jade = require('jade') , file = __dirname + '/templates/coverage.jade' , str = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8') , fn = jade.compile(str, { filename: file }) , self = this; JSONCov.call(this, runner, false); runner.on('end', function(){ process.stdout.write(fn({ cov: self.cov , coverageClass: coverageClass })); }); } /** * Return coverage class for `n`. * * @return {String} * @api private */ function coverageClass(n) { if (n >= 75) return 'high'; if (n >= 50) return 'medium'; if (n >= 25) return 'low'; return 'terrible'; } }); // module: reporters/html-cov.js require.register("reporters/html.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , utils = require('../utils') , Progress = require('../browser/progress') , escape = utils.escape; /** * Save timer references to avoid Sinon interfering (see GH-237). */ var Date = global.Date , setTimeout = global.setTimeout , setInterval = global.setInterval , clearTimeout = global.clearTimeout , clearInterval = global.clearInterval; /** * Expose `Doc`. */ exports = module.exports = HTML; /** * Stats template. */ var statsTemplate = ''; /** * Initialize a new `Doc` reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function HTML(runner, root) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , stats = this.stats , total = runner.total , stat = fragment(statsTemplate) , items = stat.getElementsByTagName('li') , passes = items[1].getElementsByTagName('em')[0] , passesLink = items[1].getElementsByTagName('a')[0] , failures = items[2].getElementsByTagName('em')[0] , failuresLink = items[2].getElementsByTagName('a')[0] , duration = items[3].getElementsByTagName('em')[0] , canvas = stat.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0] , report = fragment('
    ') , stack = [report] , progress , ctx root = root || document.getElementById('mocha'); if (canvas.getContext) { var ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; canvas.style.width = canvas.width; canvas.style.height = canvas.height; canvas.width *= ratio; canvas.height *= ratio; ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.scale(ratio, ratio); progress = new Progress; } if (!root) return error('#mocha div missing, add it to your document'); // pass toggle on(passesLink, 'click', function () { var className = /pass/.test(report.className) ? '' : ' pass'; report.className = report.className.replace(/fail|pass/g, '') + className; }); // failure toggle on(failuresLink, 'click', function () { var className = /fail/.test(report.className) ? '' : ' fail'; report.className = report.className.replace(/fail|pass/g, '') + className; }); root.appendChild(stat); root.appendChild(report); if (progress) progress.size(40); runner.on('suite', function(suite){ if (suite.root) return; // suite var url = '?grep=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.fullTitle()); var el = fragment('
  • %s

  • ', url, escape(suite.title)); // container stack[0].appendChild(el); stack.unshift(document.createElement('ul')); el.appendChild(stack[0]); }); runner.on('suite end', function(suite){ if (suite.root) return; stack.shift(); }); runner.on('fail', function(test, err){ if ('hook' == test.type || err.uncaught) runner.emit('test end', test); }); runner.on('test end', function(test){ window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); // TODO: add to stats var percent = stats.tests / total * 100 | 0; if (progress) progress.update(percent).draw(ctx); // update stats var ms = new Date - stats.start; text(passes, stats.passes); text(failures, stats.failures); text(duration, (ms / 1000).toFixed(2)); // test if ('passed' == test.state) { var el = fragment('
  • %e%ems

  • ', test.speed, test.title, test.duration); } else if (test.pending) { var el = fragment('
  • %e

  • ', test.title); } else { var el = fragment('
  • %e

  • ', test.title); var str = test.err.stack || test.err.toString(); // FF / Opera do not add the message if (!~str.indexOf(test.err.message)) { str = test.err.message + '\n' + str; } // <=IE7 stringifies to [Object Error]. Since it can be overloaded, we // check for the result of the stringifying. if ('[object Error]' == str) str = test.err.message; // Safari doesn't give you a stack. Let's at least provide a source line. if (!test.err.stack && test.err.sourceURL && test.err.line !== undefined) { str += "\n(" + test.err.sourceURL + ":" + test.err.line + ")"; } el.appendChild(fragment('
    ', str)); } // toggle code // TODO: defer if (!test.pending) { var h2 = el.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0]; on(h2, 'click', function(){ pre.style.display = 'none' == pre.style.display ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; }); var pre = fragment('
    ', utils.clean(test.fn.toString())); el.appendChild(pre); pre.style.display = 'none'; } stack[0].appendChild(el); }); } /** * Display error `msg`. */ function error(msg) { document.body.appendChild(fragment('
    ', msg)); } /** * Return a DOM fragment from `html`. */ function fragment(html) { var args = arguments , div = document.createElement('div') , i = 1; div.innerHTML = html.replace(/%([se])/g, function(_, type){ switch (type) { case 's': return String(args[i++]); case 'e': return escape(args[i++]); } }); return div.firstChild; } /** * Set `el` text to `str`. */ function text(el, str) { if (el.textContent) { el.textContent = str; } else { el.innerText = str; } } /** * Listen on `event` with callback `fn`. */ function on(el, event, fn) { if (el.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(event, fn, false); } else { el.attachEvent('on' + event, fn); } } }); // module: reporters/html.js require.register("reporters/index.js", function(module, exports, require){ exports.Base = require('./base'); exports.Dot = require('./dot'); exports.Doc = require('./doc'); exports.TAP = require('./tap'); exports.JSON = require('./json'); exports.HTML = require('./html'); exports.List = require('./list'); exports.Min = require('./min'); exports.Spec = require('./spec'); exports.Nyan = require('./nyan'); exports.XUnit = require('./xunit'); exports.Markdown = require('./markdown'); exports.Progress = require('./progress'); exports.Landing = require('./landing'); exports.JSONCov = require('./json-cov'); exports.HTMLCov = require('./html-cov'); exports.JSONStream = require('./json-stream'); exports.Teamcity = require('./teamcity'); }); // module: reporters/index.js require.register("reporters/json-cov.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base'); /** * Expose `JSONCov`. */ exports = module.exports = JSONCov; /** * Initialize a new `JsCoverage` reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @param {Boolean} output * @api public */ function JSONCov(runner, output) { var self = this , output = 1 == arguments.length ? true : output; Base.call(this, runner); var tests = [] , failures = [] , passes = []; runner.on('test end', function(test){ tests.push(test); }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ passes.push(test); }); runner.on('fail', function(test){ failures.push(test); }); runner.on('end', function(){ var cov = global._$jscoverage || {}; var result = self.cov = map(cov); result.stats = self.stats; result.tests = tests.map(clean); result.failures = failures.map(clean); result.passes = passes.map(clean); if (!output) return; process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2 )); }); } /** * Map jscoverage data to a JSON structure * suitable for reporting. * * @param {Object} cov * @return {Object} * @api private */ function map(cov) { var ret = { instrumentation: 'node-jscoverage' , sloc: 0 , hits: 0 , misses: 0 , coverage: 0 , files: [] }; for (var filename in cov) { var data = coverage(filename, cov[filename]); ret.files.push(data); ret.hits += data.hits; ret.misses += data.misses; ret.sloc += data.sloc; } if (ret.sloc > 0) { ret.coverage = (ret.hits / ret.sloc) * 100; } return ret; }; /** * Map jscoverage data for a single source file * to a JSON structure suitable for reporting. * * @param {String} filename name of the source file * @param {Object} data jscoverage coverage data * @return {Object} * @api private */ function coverage(filename, data) { var ret = { filename: filename, coverage: 0, hits: 0, misses: 0, sloc: 0, source: {} }; data.source.forEach(function(line, num){ num++; if (data[num] === 0) { ret.misses++; ret.sloc++; } else if (data[num] !== undefined) { ret.hits++; ret.sloc++; } ret.source[num] = { source: line , coverage: data[num] === undefined ? '' : data[num] }; }); ret.coverage = ret.hits / ret.sloc * 100; return ret; } /** * Return a plain-object representation of `test` * free of cyclic properties etc. * * @param {Object} test * @return {Object} * @api private */ function clean(test) { return { title: test.title , fullTitle: test.fullTitle() , duration: test.duration } } }); // module: reporters/json-cov.js require.register("reporters/json-stream.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , color = Base.color; /** * Expose `List`. */ exports = module.exports = List; /** * Initialize a new `List` test reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function List(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , stats = this.stats , total = runner.total; runner.on('start', function(){ console.log(JSON.stringify(['start', { total: total }])); }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ console.log(JSON.stringify(['pass', clean(test)])); }); runner.on('fail', function(test, err){ console.log(JSON.stringify(['fail', clean(test)])); }); runner.on('end', function(){ process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(['end', self.stats])); }); } /** * Return a plain-object representation of `test` * free of cyclic properties etc. * * @param {Object} test * @return {Object} * @api private */ function clean(test) { return { title: test.title , fullTitle: test.fullTitle() , duration: test.duration } } }); // module: reporters/json-stream.js require.register("reporters/json.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , cursor = Base.cursor , color = Base.color; /** * Expose `JSON`. */ exports = module.exports = JSONReporter; /** * Initialize a new `JSON` reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function JSONReporter(runner) { var self = this; Base.call(this, runner); var tests = [] , failures = [] , passes = []; runner.on('test end', function(test){ tests.push(test); }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ passes.push(test); }); runner.on('fail', function(test){ failures.push(test); }); runner.on('end', function(){ var obj = { stats: self.stats , tests: tests.map(clean) , failures: failures.map(clean) , passes: passes.map(clean) }; process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)); }); } /** * Return a plain-object representation of `test` * free of cyclic properties etc. * * @param {Object} test * @return {Object} * @api private */ function clean(test) { return { title: test.title , fullTitle: test.fullTitle() , duration: test.duration } } }); // module: reporters/json.js require.register("reporters/landing.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , cursor = Base.cursor , color = Base.color; /** * Expose `Landing`. */ exports = module.exports = Landing; /** * Airplane color. */ Base.colors.plane = 0; /** * Airplane crash color. */ Base.colors['plane crash'] = 31; /** * Runway color. */ Base.colors.runway = 90; /** * Initialize a new `Landing` reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function Landing(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , stats = this.stats , width = Base.window.width * .75 | 0 , total = runner.total , stream = process.stdout , plane = color('plane', '✈') , crashed = -1 , n = 0; function runway() { var buf = Array(width).join('-'); return ' ' + color('runway', buf); } runner.on('start', function(){ stream.write('\n '); cursor.hide(); }); runner.on('test end', function(test){ // check if the plane crashed var col = -1 == crashed ? width * ++n / total | 0 : crashed; // show the crash if ('failed' == test.state) { plane = color('plane crash', '✈'); crashed = col; } // render landing strip stream.write('\u001b[4F\n\n'); stream.write(runway()); stream.write('\n '); stream.write(color('runway', Array(col).join('⋅'))); stream.write(plane) stream.write(color('runway', Array(width - col).join('⋅') + '\n')); stream.write(runway()); stream.write('\u001b[0m'); }); runner.on('end', function(){ cursor.show(); console.log(); self.epilogue(); }); } /** * Inherit from `Base.prototype`. */ Landing.prototype = new Base; Landing.prototype.constructor = Landing; }); // module: reporters/landing.js require.register("reporters/list.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , cursor = Base.cursor , color = Base.color; /** * Expose `List`. */ exports = module.exports = List; /** * Initialize a new `List` test reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function List(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , stats = this.stats , n = 0; runner.on('start', function(){ console.log(); }); runner.on('test', function(test){ process.stdout.write(color('pass', ' ' + test.fullTitle() + ': ')); }); runner.on('pending', function(test){ var fmt = color('checkmark', ' -') + color('pending', ' %s'); console.log(fmt, test.fullTitle()); }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ var fmt = color('checkmark', ' ✓') + color('pass', ' %s: ') + color(test.speed, '%dms'); cursor.CR(); console.log(fmt, test.fullTitle(), test.duration); }); runner.on('fail', function(test, err){ cursor.CR(); console.log(color('fail', ' %d) %s'), ++n, test.fullTitle()); }); runner.on('end', self.epilogue.bind(self)); } /** * Inherit from `Base.prototype`. */ List.prototype = new Base; List.prototype.constructor = List; }); // module: reporters/list.js require.register("reporters/markdown.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , utils = require('../utils'); /** * Expose `Markdown`. */ exports = module.exports = Markdown; /** * Initialize a new `Markdown` reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function Markdown(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , stats = this.stats , total = runner.total , level = 0 , buf = ''; function title(str) { return Array(level).join('#') + ' ' + str; } function indent() { return Array(level).join(' '); } function mapTOC(suite, obj) { var ret = obj; obj = obj[suite.title] = obj[suite.title] || { suite: suite }; suite.suites.forEach(function(suite){ mapTOC(suite, obj); }); return ret; } function stringifyTOC(obj, level) { ++level; var buf = ''; var link; for (var key in obj) { if ('suite' == key) continue; if (key) link = ' - [' + key + '](#' + utils.slug(obj[key].suite.fullTitle()) + ')\n'; if (key) buf += Array(level).join(' ') + link; buf += stringifyTOC(obj[key], level); } --level; return buf; } function generateTOC(suite) { var obj = mapTOC(suite, {}); return stringifyTOC(obj, 0); } generateTOC(runner.suite); runner.on('suite', function(suite){ ++level; var slug = utils.slug(suite.fullTitle()); buf += '' + '\n'; buf += title(suite.title) + '\n'; }); runner.on('suite end', function(suite){ --level; }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ var code = utils.clean(test.fn.toString()); buf += test.title + '.\n'; buf += '\n```js\n'; buf += code + '\n'; buf += '```\n\n'; }); runner.on('end', function(){ process.stdout.write('# TOC\n'); process.stdout.write(generateTOC(runner.suite)); process.stdout.write(buf); }); } }); // module: reporters/markdown.js require.register("reporters/min.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base'); /** * Expose `Min`. */ exports = module.exports = Min; /** * Initialize a new `Min` minimal test reporter (best used with --watch). * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function Min(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); runner.on('start', function(){ // clear screen process.stdout.write('\u001b[2J'); // set cursor position process.stdout.write('\u001b[1;3H'); }); runner.on('end', this.epilogue.bind(this)); } /** * Inherit from `Base.prototype`. */ Min.prototype = new Base; Min.prototype.constructor = Min; }); // module: reporters/min.js require.register("reporters/nyan.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , color = Base.color; /** * Expose `Dot`. */ exports = module.exports = NyanCat; /** * Initialize a new `Dot` matrix test reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function NyanCat(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , stats = this.stats , width = Base.window.width * .75 | 0 , rainbowColors = this.rainbowColors = self.generateColors() , colorIndex = this.colorIndex = 0 , numerOfLines = this.numberOfLines = 4 , trajectories = this.trajectories = [[], [], [], []] , nyanCatWidth = this.nyanCatWidth = 11 , trajectoryWidthMax = this.trajectoryWidthMax = (width - nyanCatWidth) , scoreboardWidth = this.scoreboardWidth = 5 , tick = this.tick = 0 , n = 0; runner.on('start', function(){ Base.cursor.hide(); self.draw('start'); }); runner.on('pending', function(test){ self.draw('pending'); }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ self.draw('pass'); }); runner.on('fail', function(test, err){ self.draw('fail'); }); runner.on('end', function(){ Base.cursor.show(); for (var i = 0; i < self.numberOfLines; i++) write('\n'); self.epilogue(); }); } /** * Draw the nyan cat with runner `status`. * * @param {String} status * @api private */ NyanCat.prototype.draw = function(status){ this.appendRainbow(); this.drawScoreboard(); this.drawRainbow(); this.drawNyanCat(status); this.tick = !this.tick; }; /** * Draw the "scoreboard" showing the number * of passes, failures and pending tests. * * @api private */ NyanCat.prototype.drawScoreboard = function(){ var stats = this.stats; var colors = Base.colors; function draw(color, n) { write(' '); write('\u001b[' + color + 'm' + n + '\u001b[0m'); write('\n'); } draw(colors.green, stats.passes); draw(colors.fail, stats.failures); draw(colors.pending, stats.pending); write('\n'); this.cursorUp(this.numberOfLines); }; /** * Append the rainbow. * * @api private */ NyanCat.prototype.appendRainbow = function(){ var segment = this.tick ? '_' : '-'; var rainbowified = this.rainbowify(segment); for (var index = 0; index < this.numberOfLines; index++) { var trajectory = this.trajectories[index]; if (trajectory.length >= this.trajectoryWidthMax) trajectory.shift(); trajectory.push(rainbowified); } }; /** * Draw the rainbow. * * @api private */ NyanCat.prototype.drawRainbow = function(){ var self = this; this.trajectories.forEach(function(line, index) { write('\u001b[' + self.scoreboardWidth + 'C'); write(line.join('')); write('\n'); }); this.cursorUp(this.numberOfLines); }; /** * Draw the nyan cat with `status`. * * @param {String} status * @api private */ NyanCat.prototype.drawNyanCat = function(status) { var self = this; var startWidth = this.scoreboardWidth + this.trajectories[0].length; [0, 1, 2, 3].forEach(function(index) { write('\u001b[' + startWidth + 'C'); switch (index) { case 0: write('_,------,'); write('\n'); break; case 1: var padding = self.tick ? ' ' : ' '; write('_|' + padding + '/\\_/\\ '); write('\n'); break; case 2: var padding = self.tick ? '_' : '__'; var tail = self.tick ? '~' : '^'; var face; switch (status) { case 'pass': face = '( ^ .^)'; break; case 'fail': face = '( o .o)'; break; default: face = '( - .-)'; } write(tail + '|' + padding + face + ' '); write('\n'); break; case 3: var padding = self.tick ? ' ' : ' '; write(padding + '"" "" '); write('\n'); break; } }); this.cursorUp(this.numberOfLines); }; /** * Move cursor up `n`. * * @param {Number} n * @api private */ NyanCat.prototype.cursorUp = function(n) { write('\u001b[' + n + 'A'); }; /** * Move cursor down `n`. * * @param {Number} n * @api private */ NyanCat.prototype.cursorDown = function(n) { write('\u001b[' + n + 'B'); }; /** * Generate rainbow colors. * * @return {Array} * @api private */ NyanCat.prototype.generateColors = function(){ var colors = []; for (var i = 0; i < (6 * 7); i++) { var pi3 = Math.floor(Math.PI / 3); var n = (i * (1.0 / 6)); var r = Math.floor(3 * Math.sin(n) + 3); var g = Math.floor(3 * Math.sin(n + 2 * pi3) + 3); var b = Math.floor(3 * Math.sin(n + 4 * pi3) + 3); colors.push(36 * r + 6 * g + b + 16); } return colors; }; /** * Apply rainbow to the given `str`. * * @param {String} str * @return {String} * @api private */ NyanCat.prototype.rainbowify = function(str){ var color = this.rainbowColors[this.colorIndex % this.rainbowColors.length]; this.colorIndex += 1; return '\u001b[38;5;' + color + 'm' + str + '\u001b[0m'; }; /** * Stdout helper. */ function write(string) { process.stdout.write(string); } /** * Inherit from `Base.prototype`. */ NyanCat.prototype = new Base; NyanCat.prototype.constructor = NyanCat; }); // module: reporters/nyan.js require.register("reporters/progress.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , cursor = Base.cursor , color = Base.color; /** * Expose `Progress`. */ exports = module.exports = Progress; /** * General progress bar color. */ Base.colors.progress = 90; /** * Initialize a new `Progress` bar test reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @param {Object} options * @api public */ function Progress(runner, options) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , options = options || {} , stats = this.stats , width = Base.window.width * .50 | 0 , total = runner.total , complete = 0 , max = Math.max; // default chars options.open = options.open || '['; options.complete = options.complete || '▬'; options.incomplete = options.incomplete || '⋅'; options.close = options.close || ']'; options.verbose = false; // tests started runner.on('start', function(){ console.log(); cursor.hide(); }); // tests complete runner.on('test end', function(){ complete++; var incomplete = total - complete , percent = complete / total , n = width * percent | 0 , i = width - n; cursor.CR(); process.stdout.write('\u001b[J'); process.stdout.write(color('progress', ' ' + options.open)); process.stdout.write(Array(n).join(options.complete)); process.stdout.write(Array(i).join(options.incomplete)); process.stdout.write(color('progress', options.close)); if (options.verbose) { process.stdout.write(color('progress', ' ' + complete + ' of ' + total)); } }); // tests are complete, output some stats // and the failures if any runner.on('end', function(){ cursor.show(); console.log(); self.epilogue(); }); } /** * Inherit from `Base.prototype`. */ Progress.prototype = new Base; Progress.prototype.constructor = Progress; }); // module: reporters/progress.js require.register("reporters/spec.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , cursor = Base.cursor , color = Base.color; /** * Expose `Spec`. */ exports = module.exports = Spec; /** * Initialize a new `Spec` test reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function Spec(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , stats = this.stats , indents = 0 , n = 0; function indent() { return Array(indents).join(' ') } runner.on('start', function(){ console.log(); }); runner.on('suite', function(suite){ ++indents; console.log(color('suite', '%s%s'), indent(), suite.title); }); runner.on('suite end', function(suite){ --indents; if (1 == indents) console.log(); }); runner.on('test', function(test){ process.stdout.write(indent() + color('pass', ' ◦ ' + test.title + ': ')); }); runner.on('pending', function(test){ var fmt = indent() + color('pending', ' - %s'); console.log(fmt, test.title); }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ if ('fast' == test.speed) { var fmt = indent() + color('checkmark', ' ✓') + color('pass', ' %s '); cursor.CR(); console.log(fmt, test.title); } else { var fmt = indent() + color('checkmark', ' ✓') + color('pass', ' %s ') + color(test.speed, '(%dms)'); cursor.CR(); console.log(fmt, test.title, test.duration); } }); runner.on('fail', function(test, err){ cursor.CR(); console.log(indent() + color('fail', ' %d) %s'), ++n, test.title); }); runner.on('end', self.epilogue.bind(self)); } /** * Inherit from `Base.prototype`. */ Spec.prototype = new Base; Spec.prototype.constructor = Spec; }); // module: reporters/spec.js require.register("reporters/tap.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , cursor = Base.cursor , color = Base.color; /** * Expose `TAP`. */ exports = module.exports = TAP; /** * Initialize a new `TAP` reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function TAP(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this , stats = this.stats , n = 1; runner.on('start', function(){ var total = runner.grepTotal(runner.suite); console.log('%d..%d', 1, total); }); runner.on('test end', function(){ ++n; }); runner.on('pending', function(test){ console.log('ok %d %s # SKIP -', n, title(test)); }); runner.on('pass', function(test){ console.log('ok %d %s', n, title(test)); }); runner.on('fail', function(test, err){ console.log('not ok %d %s', n, title(test)); console.log(err.stack.replace(/^/gm, ' ')); }); } /** * Return a TAP-safe title of `test` * * @param {Object} test * @return {String} * @api private */ function title(test) { return test.fullTitle().replace(/#/g, ''); } }); // module: reporters/tap.js require.register("reporters/teamcity.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base'); /** * Expose `Teamcity`. */ exports = module.exports = Teamcity; /** * Initialize a new `Teamcity` reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function Teamcity(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var stats = this.stats; runner.on('start', function() { console.log("##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name='mocha.suite']"); }); runner.on('test', function(test) { console.log("##teamcity[testStarted name='" + escape(test.fullTitle()) + "']"); }); runner.on('fail', function(test, err) { console.log("##teamcity[testFailed name='" + escape(test.fullTitle()) + "' message='" + escape(err.message) + "']"); }); runner.on('pending', function(test) { console.log("##teamcity[testIgnored name='" + escape(test.fullTitle()) + "' message='pending']"); }); runner.on('test end', function(test) { console.log("##teamcity[testFinished name='" + escape(test.fullTitle()) + "' duration='" + test.duration + "']"); }); runner.on('end', function() { console.log("##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='mocha.suite' duration='" + stats.duration + "']"); }); } /** * Escape the given `str`. */ function escape(str) { return str .replace(/\|/g, "||") .replace(/\n/g, "|n") .replace(/\r/g, "|r") .replace(/\[/g, "|[") .replace(/\]/g, "|]") .replace(/\u0085/g, "|x") .replace(/\u2028/g, "|l") .replace(/\u2029/g, "|p") .replace(/'/g, "|'"); } }); // module: reporters/teamcity.js require.register("reporters/xunit.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Base = require('./base') , utils = require('../utils') , escape = utils.escape; /** * Save timer references to avoid Sinon interfering (see GH-237). */ var Date = global.Date , setTimeout = global.setTimeout , setInterval = global.setInterval , clearTimeout = global.clearTimeout , clearInterval = global.clearInterval; /** * Expose `XUnit`. */ exports = module.exports = XUnit; /** * Initialize a new `XUnit` reporter. * * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ function XUnit(runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var stats = this.stats , tests = [] , self = this; runner.on('pass', function(test){ tests.push(test); }); runner.on('fail', function(test){ tests.push(test); }); runner.on('end', function(){ console.log(tag('testsuite', { name: 'Mocha Tests' , tests: stats.tests , failures: stats.failures , errors: stats.failures , skip: stats.tests - stats.failures - stats.passes , timestamp: (new Date).toUTCString() , time: stats.duration / 1000 }, false)); tests.forEach(test); console.log(''); }); } /** * Inherit from `Base.prototype`. */ XUnit.prototype = new Base; XUnit.prototype.constructor = XUnit; /** * Output tag for the given `test.` */ function test(test) { var attrs = { classname: test.parent.fullTitle() , name: test.title , time: test.duration / 1000 }; if ('failed' == test.state) { var err = test.err; attrs.message = escape(err.message); console.log(tag('testcase', attrs, false, tag('failure', attrs, false, cdata(err.stack)))); } else if (test.pending) { console.log(tag('testcase', attrs, false, tag('skipped', {}, true))); } else { console.log(tag('testcase', attrs, true) ); } } /** * HTML tag helper. */ function tag(name, attrs, close, content) { var end = close ? '/>' : '>' , pairs = [] , tag; for (var key in attrs) { pairs.push(key + '="' + escape(attrs[key]) + '"'); } tag = '<' + name + (pairs.length ? ' ' + pairs.join(' ') : '') + end; if (content) tag += content + ''; } }); // module: reporters/xunit.js require.register("runnable.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var EventEmitter = require('browser/events').EventEmitter , debug = require('browser/debug')('mocha:runnable'); /** * Save timer references to avoid Sinon interfering (see GH-237). */ var Date = global.Date , setTimeout = global.setTimeout , setInterval = global.setInterval , clearTimeout = global.clearTimeout , clearInterval = global.clearInterval; /** * Expose `Runnable`. */ module.exports = Runnable; /** * Initialize a new `Runnable` with the given `title` and callback `fn`. * * @param {String} title * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ function Runnable(title, fn) { this.title = title; this.fn = fn; this.async = fn && fn.length; this.sync = ! this.async; this._timeout = 2000; this._slow = 75; this.timedOut = false; } /** * Inherit from `EventEmitter.prototype`. */ Runnable.prototype = new EventEmitter; Runnable.prototype.constructor = Runnable; /** * Set & get timeout `ms`. * * @param {Number} ms * @return {Runnable|Number} ms or self * @api private */ Runnable.prototype.timeout = function(ms){ if (0 == arguments.length) return this._timeout; debug('timeout %d', ms); this._timeout = ms; if (this.timer) this.resetTimeout(); return this; }; /** * Set & get slow `ms`. * * @param {Number} ms * @return {Runnable|Number} ms or self * @api private */ Runnable.prototype.slow = function(ms){ if (0 === arguments.length) return this._slow; debug('timeout %d', ms); this._slow = ms; return this; }; /** * Return the full title generated by recursively * concatenating the parent's full title. * * @return {String} * @api public */ Runnable.prototype.fullTitle = function(){ return this.parent.fullTitle() + ' ' + this.title; }; /** * Clear the timeout. * * @api private */ Runnable.prototype.clearTimeout = function(){ clearTimeout(this.timer); }; /** * Inspect the runnable void of private properties. * * @return {String} * @api private */ Runnable.prototype.inspect = function(){ return JSON.stringify(this, function(key, val){ if ('_' == key[0]) return; if ('parent' == key) return '#'; if ('ctx' == key) return '#'; return val; }, 2); }; /** * Reset the timeout. * * @api private */ Runnable.prototype.resetTimeout = function(){ var self = this , ms = this.timeout(); this.clearTimeout(); if (ms) { this.timer = setTimeout(function(){ self.callback(new Error('timeout of ' + ms + 'ms exceeded')); self.timedOut = true; }, ms); } }; /** * Run the test and invoke `fn(err)`. * * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ Runnable.prototype.run = function(fn){ var self = this , ms = this.timeout() , start = new Date , ctx = this.ctx , finished , emitted; if (ctx) ctx.runnable(this); // timeout if (this.async) { if (ms) { this.timer = setTimeout(function(){ done(new Error('timeout of ' + ms + 'ms exceeded')); self.timedOut = true; }, ms); } } // called multiple times function multiple(err) { if (emitted) return; emitted = true; self.emit('error', err || new Error('done() called multiple times')); } // finished function done(err) { if (self.timedOut) return; if (finished) return multiple(err); self.clearTimeout(); self.duration = new Date - start; finished = true; fn(err); } // for .resetTimeout() this.callback = done; // async if (this.async) { try { this.fn.call(ctx, function(err){ if (err instanceof Error) return done(err); if (null != err) return done(new Error('done() invoked with non-Error: ' + err)); done(); }); } catch (err) { done(err); } return; } // sync try { if (!this.pending) this.fn.call(ctx); this.duration = new Date - start; fn(); } catch (err) { fn(err); } }; }); // module: runnable.js require.register("runner.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var EventEmitter = require('browser/events').EventEmitter , debug = require('browser/debug')('mocha:runner') , Test = require('./test') , utils = require('./utils') , filter = utils.filter , keys = utils.keys , noop = function(){}; /** * Expose `Runner`. */ module.exports = Runner; /** * Initialize a `Runner` for the given `suite`. * * Events: * * - `start` execution started * - `end` execution complete * - `suite` (suite) test suite execution started * - `suite end` (suite) all tests (and sub-suites) have finished * - `test` (test) test execution started * - `test end` (test) test completed * - `hook` (hook) hook execution started * - `hook end` (hook) hook complete * - `pass` (test) test passed * - `fail` (test, err) test failed * * @api public */ function Runner(suite) { var self = this; this._globals = []; this.suite = suite; this.total = suite.total(); this.failures = 0; this.on('test end', function(test){ self.checkGlobals(test); }); this.on('hook end', function(hook){ self.checkGlobals(hook); }); this.grep(/.*/); this.globals(utils.keys(global).concat(['errno'])); } /** * Inherit from `EventEmitter.prototype`. */ Runner.prototype = new EventEmitter; Runner.prototype.constructor = Runner; /** * Run tests with full titles matching `re`. Updates runner.total * with number of tests matched. * * @param {RegExp} re * @param {Boolean} invert * @return {Runner} for chaining * @api public */ Runner.prototype.grep = function(re, invert){ debug('grep %s', re); this._grep = re; this._invert = invert; this.total = this.grepTotal(this.suite); return this; }; /** * Returns the number of tests matching the grep search for the * given suite. * * @param {Suite} suite * @return {Number} * @api public */ Runner.prototype.grepTotal = function(suite) { var self = this; var total = 0; suite.eachTest(function(test){ var match = self._grep.test(test.fullTitle()); if (self._invert) match = !match; if (match) total++; }); return total; }; /** * Allow the given `arr` of globals. * * @param {Array} arr * @return {Runner} for chaining * @api public */ Runner.prototype.globals = function(arr){ if (0 == arguments.length) return this._globals; debug('globals %j', arr); utils.forEach(arr, function(arr){ this._globals.push(arr); }, this); return this; }; /** * Check for global variable leaks. * * @api private */ Runner.prototype.checkGlobals = function(test){ if (this.ignoreLeaks) return; var ok = this._globals; var globals = keys(global); var isNode = process.kill; var leaks; // check length - 2 ('errno' and 'location' globals) if (isNode && 1 == ok.length - globals.length) return else if (2 == ok.length - globals.length) return; leaks = filterLeaks(ok, globals); this._globals = this._globals.concat(leaks); if (leaks.length > 1) { this.fail(test, new Error('global leaks detected: ' + leaks.join(', ') + '')); } else if (leaks.length) { this.fail(test, new Error('global leak detected: ' + leaks[0])); } }; /** * Fail the given `test`. * * @param {Test} test * @param {Error} err * @api private */ Runner.prototype.fail = function(test, err){ ++this.failures; test.state = 'failed'; if ('string' == typeof err) { err = new Error('the string "' + err + '" was thrown, throw an Error :)'); } this.emit('fail', test, err); }; /** * Fail the given `hook` with `err`. * * Hook failures (currently) hard-end due * to that fact that a failing hook will * surely cause subsequent tests to fail, * causing jumbled reporting. * * @param {Hook} hook * @param {Error} err * @api private */ Runner.prototype.failHook = function(hook, err){ this.fail(hook, err); this.emit('end'); }; /** * Run hook `name` callbacks and then invoke `fn()`. * * @param {String} name * @param {Function} function * @api private */ Runner.prototype.hook = function(name, fn){ var suite = this.suite , hooks = suite['_' + name] , self = this , timer; function next(i) { var hook = hooks[i]; if (!hook) return fn(); self.currentRunnable = hook; self.emit('hook', hook); hook.on('error', function(err){ self.failHook(hook, err); }); hook.run(function(err){ hook.removeAllListeners('error'); var testError = hook.error(); if (testError) self.fail(self.test, testError); if (err) return self.failHook(hook, err); self.emit('hook end', hook); next(++i); }); } process.nextTick(function(){ next(0); }); }; /** * Run hook `name` for the given array of `suites` * in order, and callback `fn(err)`. * * @param {String} name * @param {Array} suites * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ Runner.prototype.hooks = function(name, suites, fn){ var self = this , orig = this.suite; function next(suite) { self.suite = suite; if (!suite) { self.suite = orig; return fn(); } self.hook(name, function(err){ if (err) { self.suite = orig; return fn(err); } next(suites.pop()); }); } next(suites.pop()); }; /** * Run hooks from the top level down. * * @param {String} name * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ Runner.prototype.hookUp = function(name, fn){ var suites = [this.suite].concat(this.parents()).reverse(); this.hooks(name, suites, fn); }; /** * Run hooks from the bottom up. * * @param {String} name * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ Runner.prototype.hookDown = function(name, fn){ var suites = [this.suite].concat(this.parents()); this.hooks(name, suites, fn); }; /** * Return an array of parent Suites from * closest to furthest. * * @return {Array} * @api private */ Runner.prototype.parents = function(){ var suite = this.suite , suites = []; while (suite = suite.parent) suites.push(suite); return suites; }; /** * Run the current test and callback `fn(err)`. * * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ Runner.prototype.runTest = function(fn){ var test = this.test , self = this; try { test.on('error', function(err){ self.fail(test, err); }); test.run(fn); } catch (err) { fn(err); } }; /** * Run tests in the given `suite` and invoke * the callback `fn()` when complete. * * @param {Suite} suite * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ Runner.prototype.runTests = function(suite, fn){ var self = this , tests = suite.tests , test; function next(err) { // if we bail after first err if (self.failures && suite._bail) return fn(); // next test test = tests.shift(); // all done if (!test) return fn(); // grep var match = self._grep.test(test.fullTitle()); if (self._invert) match = !match; if (!match) return next(); // pending if (test.pending) { self.emit('pending', test); self.emit('test end', test); return next(); } // execute test and hook(s) self.emit('test', self.test = test); self.hookDown('beforeEach', function(){ self.currentRunnable = self.test; self.runTest(function(err){ test = self.test; if (err) { self.fail(test, err); self.emit('test end', test); return self.hookUp('afterEach', next); } test.state = 'passed'; self.emit('pass', test); self.emit('test end', test); self.hookUp('afterEach', next); }); }); } this.next = next; next(); }; /** * Run the given `suite` and invoke the * callback `fn()` when complete. * * @param {Suite} suite * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ Runner.prototype.runSuite = function(suite, fn){ var total = this.grepTotal(suite) , self = this , i = 0; debug('run suite %s', suite.fullTitle()); if (!total) return fn(); this.emit('suite', this.suite = suite); function next() { var curr = suite.suites[i++]; if (!curr) return done(); self.runSuite(curr, next); } function done() { self.suite = suite; self.hook('afterAll', function(){ self.emit('suite end', suite); fn(); }); } this.hook('beforeAll', function(){ self.runTests(suite, next); }); }; /** * Handle uncaught exceptions. * * @param {Error} err * @api private */ Runner.prototype.uncaught = function(err){ debug('uncaught exception %s', err.message); var runnable = this.currentRunnable; if (!runnable || 'failed' == runnable.state) return; runnable.clearTimeout(); err.uncaught = true; this.fail(runnable, err); // recover from test if ('test' == runnable.type) { this.emit('test end', runnable); this.hookUp('afterEach', this.next); return; } // bail on hooks this.emit('end'); }; /** * Run the root suite and invoke `fn(failures)` * on completion. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Runner} for chaining * @api public */ Runner.prototype.run = function(fn){ var self = this , fn = fn || function(){}; debug('start'); // uncaught callback function uncaught(err) { self.uncaught(err); } // callback this.on('end', function(){ debug('end'); process.removeListener('uncaughtException', uncaught); fn(self.failures); }); // run suites this.emit('start'); this.runSuite(this.suite, function(){ debug('finished running'); self.emit('end'); }); // uncaught exception process.on('uncaughtException', uncaught); return this; }; /** * Filter leaks with the given globals flagged as `ok`. * * @param {Array} ok * @param {Array} globals * @return {Array} * @api private */ function filterLeaks(ok, globals) { return filter(globals, function(key){ var matched = filter(ok, function(ok){ if (~ok.indexOf('*')) return 0 == key.indexOf(ok.split('*')[0]); return key == ok; }); return matched.length == 0 && (!global.navigator || 'onerror' !== key); }); } }); // module: runner.js require.register("suite.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var EventEmitter = require('browser/events').EventEmitter , debug = require('browser/debug')('mocha:suite') , milliseconds = require('./ms') , utils = require('./utils') , Hook = require('./hook'); /** * Expose `Suite`. */ exports = module.exports = Suite; /** * Create a new `Suite` with the given `title` * and parent `Suite`. When a suite with the * same title is already present, that suite * is returned to provide nicer reporter * and more flexible meta-testing. * * @param {Suite} parent * @param {String} title * @return {Suite} * @api public */ exports.create = function(parent, title){ var suite = new Suite(title, parent.ctx); suite.parent = parent; if (parent.pending) suite.pending = true; title = suite.fullTitle(); parent.addSuite(suite); return suite; }; /** * Initialize a new `Suite` with the given * `title` and `ctx`. * * @param {String} title * @param {Context} ctx * @api private */ function Suite(title, ctx) { this.title = title; this.ctx = ctx; this.suites = []; this.tests = []; this.pending = false; this._beforeEach = []; this._beforeAll = []; this._afterEach = []; this._afterAll = []; this.root = !title; this._timeout = 2000; this._slow = 75; this._bail = false; } /** * Inherit from `EventEmitter.prototype`. */ Suite.prototype = new EventEmitter; Suite.prototype.constructor = Suite; /** * Return a clone of this `Suite`. * * @return {Suite} * @api private */ Suite.prototype.clone = function(){ var suite = new Suite(this.title); debug('clone'); suite.ctx = this.ctx; suite.timeout(this.timeout()); suite.slow(this.slow()); suite.bail(this.bail()); return suite; }; /** * Set timeout `ms` or short-hand such as "2s". * * @param {Number|String} ms * @return {Suite|Number} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.timeout = function(ms){ if (0 == arguments.length) return this._timeout; if ('string' == typeof ms) ms = milliseconds(ms); debug('timeout %d', ms); this._timeout = parseInt(ms, 10); return this; }; /** * Set slow `ms` or short-hand such as "2s". * * @param {Number|String} ms * @return {Suite|Number} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.slow = function(ms){ if (0 === arguments.length) return this._slow; if ('string' == typeof ms) ms = milliseconds(ms); debug('slow %d', ms); this._slow = ms; return this; }; /** * Sets whether to bail after first error. * * @parma {Boolean} bail * @return {Suite|Number} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.bail = function(bail){ if (0 == arguments.length) return this._bail; debug('bail %s', bail); this._bail = bail; return this; }; /** * Run `fn(test[, done])` before running tests. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.beforeAll = function(fn){ if (this.pending) return this; var hook = new Hook('"before all" hook', fn); hook.parent = this; hook.timeout(this.timeout()); hook.slow(this.slow()); hook.ctx = this.ctx; this._beforeAll.push(hook); this.emit('beforeAll', hook); return this; }; /** * Run `fn(test[, done])` after running tests. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.afterAll = function(fn){ if (this.pending) return this; var hook = new Hook('"after all" hook', fn); hook.parent = this; hook.timeout(this.timeout()); hook.slow(this.slow()); hook.ctx = this.ctx; this._afterAll.push(hook); this.emit('afterAll', hook); return this; }; /** * Run `fn(test[, done])` before each test case. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function(fn){ if (this.pending) return this; var hook = new Hook('"before each" hook', fn); hook.parent = this; hook.timeout(this.timeout()); hook.slow(this.slow()); hook.ctx = this.ctx; this._beforeEach.push(hook); this.emit('beforeEach', hook); return this; }; /** * Run `fn(test[, done])` after each test case. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.afterEach = function(fn){ if (this.pending) return this; var hook = new Hook('"after each" hook', fn); hook.parent = this; hook.timeout(this.timeout()); hook.slow(this.slow()); hook.ctx = this.ctx; this._afterEach.push(hook); this.emit('afterEach', hook); return this; }; /** * Add a test `suite`. * * @param {Suite} suite * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.addSuite = function(suite){ suite.parent = this; suite.timeout(this.timeout()); suite.slow(this.slow()); suite.bail(this.bail()); this.suites.push(suite); this.emit('suite', suite); return this; }; /** * Add a `test` to this suite. * * @param {Test} test * @return {Suite} for chaining * @api private */ Suite.prototype.addTest = function(test){ test.parent = this; test.timeout(this.timeout()); test.slow(this.slow()); test.ctx = this.ctx; this.tests.push(test); this.emit('test', test); return this; }; /** * Return the full title generated by recursively * concatenating the parent's full title. * * @return {String} * @api public */ Suite.prototype.fullTitle = function(){ if (this.parent) { var full = this.parent.fullTitle(); if (full) return full + ' ' + this.title; } return this.title; }; /** * Return the total number of tests. * * @return {Number} * @api public */ Suite.prototype.total = function(){ return utils.reduce(this.suites, function(sum, suite){ return sum + suite.total(); }, 0) + this.tests.length; }; /** * Iterates through each suite recursively to find * all tests. Applies a function in the format * `fn(test)`. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} * @api private */ Suite.prototype.eachTest = function(fn){ utils.forEach(this.tests, fn); utils.forEach(this.suites, function(suite){ suite.eachTest(fn); }); return this; }; }); // module: suite.js require.register("test.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Runnable = require('./runnable'); /** * Expose `Test`. */ module.exports = Test; /** * Initialize a new `Test` with the given `title` and callback `fn`. * * @param {String} title * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ function Test(title, fn) { Runnable.call(this, title, fn); this.pending = !fn; this.type = 'test'; } /** * Inherit from `Runnable.prototype`. */ Test.prototype = new Runnable; Test.prototype.constructor = Test; }); // module: test.js require.register("utils.js", function(module, exports, require){ /** * Module dependencies. */ var fs = require('browser/fs') , path = require('browser/path') , join = path.join , debug = require('browser/debug')('mocha:watch'); /** * Ignored directories. */ var ignore = ['node_modules', '.git']; /** * Escape special characters in the given string of html. * * @param {String} html * @return {String} * @api private */ exports.escape = function(html){ return String(html) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(//g, '>'); }; /** * Array#forEach (<=IE8) * * @param {Array} array * @param {Function} fn * @param {Object} scope * @api private */ exports.forEach = function(arr, fn, scope){ for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) fn.call(scope, arr[i], i); }; /** * Array#indexOf (<=IE8) * * @parma {Array} arr * @param {Object} obj to find index of * @param {Number} start * @api private */ exports.indexOf = function(arr, obj, start){ for (var i = start || 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { if (arr[i] === obj) return i; } return -1; }; /** * Array#reduce (<=IE8) * * @param {Array} array * @param {Function} fn * @param {Object} initial value * @api private */ exports.reduce = function(arr, fn, val){ var rval = val; for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { rval = fn(rval, arr[i], i, arr); } return rval; }; /** * Array#filter (<=IE8) * * @param {Array} array * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ exports.filter = function(arr, fn){ var ret = []; for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { var val = arr[i]; if (fn(val, i, arr)) ret.push(val); } return ret; }; /** * Object.keys (<=IE8) * * @param {Object} obj * @return {Array} keys * @api private */ exports.keys = Object.keys || function(obj) { var keys = [] , has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty // for `window` on <=IE8 for (var key in obj) { if (has.call(obj, key)) { keys.push(key); } } return keys; }; /** * Watch the given `files` for changes * and invoke `fn(file)` on modification. * * @param {Array} files * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ exports.watch = function(files, fn){ var options = { interval: 100 }; files.forEach(function(file){ debug('file %s', file); fs.watchFile(file, options, function(curr, prev){ if (prev.mtime < curr.mtime) fn(file); }); }); }; /** * Ignored files. */ function ignored(path){ return !~ignore.indexOf(path); } /** * Lookup files in the given `dir`. * * @return {Array} * @api private */ exports.files = function(dir, ret){ ret = ret || []; fs.readdirSync(dir) .filter(ignored) .forEach(function(path){ path = join(dir, path); if (fs.statSync(path).isDirectory()) { exports.files(path, ret); } else if (path.match(/\.(js|coffee)$/)) { ret.push(path); } }); return ret; }; /** * Compute a slug from the given `str`. * * @param {String} str * @return {String} * @api private */ exports.slug = function(str){ return str .toLowerCase() .replace(/ +/g, '-') .replace(/[^-\w]/g, ''); }; /** * Strip the function definition from `str`, * and re-indent for pre whitespace. */ exports.clean = function(str) { str = str .replace(/^function *\(.*\) *{/, '') .replace(/\s+\}$/, ''); var spaces = str.match(/^\n?( *)/)[1].length , re = new RegExp('^ {' + spaces + '}', 'gm'); str = str.replace(re, ''); return exports.trim(str); }; /** * Escape regular expression characters in `str`. * * @param {String} str * @return {String} * @api private */ exports.escapeRegexp = function(str){ return str.replace(/[-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&"); }; /** * Trim the given `str`. * * @param {String} str * @return {String} * @api private */ exports.trim = function(str){ return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }; /** * Parse the given `qs`. * * @param {String} qs * @return {Object} * @api private */ exports.parseQuery = function(qs){ return exports.reduce(qs.replace('?', '').split('&'), function(obj, pair){ var i = pair.indexOf('=') , key = pair.slice(0, i) , val = pair.slice(++i); obj[key] = decodeURIComponent(val); return obj; }, {}); }; /** * Highlight the given string of `js`. * * @param {String} js * @return {String} * @api private */ function highlight(js) { return js .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/\/\/(.*)/gm, '//$1') .replace(/('.*?')/gm, '$1') .replace(/(\d+\.\d+)/gm, '$1') .replace(/(\d+)/gm, '$1') .replace(/\bnew *(\w+)/gm, 'new $1') .replace(/\b(function|new|throw|return|var|if|else)\b/gm, '$1') } /** * Highlight the contents of tag `name`. * * @param {String} name * @api private */ exports.highlightTags = function(name) { var code = document.getElementsByTagName(name); for (var i = 0, len = code.length; i < len; ++i) { code[i].innerHTML = highlight(code[i].innerHTML); } }; }); // module: utils.js /** * Node shims. * * These are meant only to allow * mocha.js to run untouched, not * to allow running node code in * the browser. */ process = {}; process.exit = function(status){}; process.stdout = {}; global = window; /** * next tick implementation. */ process.nextTick = (function(){ // postMessage behaves badly on IE8 if (window.ActiveXObject || !window.postMessage) { return function(fn){ fn() }; } // based on setZeroTimeout by David Baron // - http://dbaron.org/log/20100309-faster-timeouts var timeouts = [] , name = 'mocha-zero-timeout' window.addEventListener('message', function(e){ if (e.source == window && e.data == name) { if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); if (timeouts.length) timeouts.shift()(); } }, true); return function(fn){ timeouts.push(fn); window.postMessage(name, '*'); } })(); /** * Remove uncaughtException listener. */ process.removeListener = function(e){ if ('uncaughtException' == e) { window.onerror = null; } }; /** * Implements uncaughtException listener. */ process.on = function(e, fn){ if ('uncaughtException' == e) { window.onerror = fn; } }; // boot ;(function(){ /** * Expose mocha. */ var Mocha = window.Mocha = require('mocha'), mocha = window.mocha = new Mocha({ reporter: 'html' }); /** * Override ui to ensure that the ui functions are initialized. * Normally this would happen in Mocha.prototype.loadFiles. */ mocha.ui = function(ui){ Mocha.prototype.ui.call(this, ui); this.suite.emit('pre-require', window, null, this); return this; }; /** * Setup mocha with the given setting options. */ mocha.setup = function(opts){ if ('string' == typeof opts) opts = { ui: opts }; for (var opt in opts) this[opt](opts[opt]); return this; }; /** * Run mocha, returning the Runner. */ mocha.run = function(fn){ var options = mocha.options; mocha.globals('location'); var query = Mocha.utils.parseQuery(window.location.search || ''); if (query.grep) mocha.grep(query.grep); return Mocha.prototype.run.call(mocha, function(){ Mocha.utils.highlightTags('code'); if (fn) fn(); }); }; })(); })();