var http = require ('http') , fs = require('fs') , path = require('path') , express = require('express') var localesPath = __dirname+"/../../locales"; // Serve English strings directly with /locales.ini var localeIndex = fs.readFileSync(localesPath+'/en.ini')+'\r\n'; exports.availableLangs = {'en': {'nativeName': 'English'}}; // build availableLangs with translatewiki web API var request = http.request ('', function (res) { var twLangs = ''; res.setEncoding ('utf8'); res.on ('data', function (chunk) { twLangs += chunk; }); res.on ('end', function () { // twLangs = [{code: 'en', '*': 'English'}...] twLangs = JSON.parse(twLangs)['query']['languages']; fs.readdir(localesPath, function(er, files) { files.forEach(function(locale) { locale = locale.split('.')[0]; if(locale.toLowerCase() == 'en') return; // build locale index localeIndex += '['+locale+']\r\n@import url(locales/'+locale+'.ini)\r\n'; for (var l = 0; l < twLangs.length; l++) { var code = twLangs[l]['code']; if (locale == code) { var nativeName = twLangs[l]['*']; exports.availableLangs[code] = {'nativeName': nativeName}; } } }); }); }); }).on ('error', function(e) { console.error('While query translatewiki API: '+e.message); }).end(); exports.expressCreateServer = function(n, args) {'/locales', express.static(localesPath));'/locales.ini', function(req, res) { res.send(localeIndex); }) }