'use strict'; describe('strikethrough button', function () { // create a new pad before each test run beforeEach(function (cb) { helper.newPad(cb); this.timeout(60000); }); it('makes text strikethrough', function (done) { this.timeout(100); const inner$ = helper.padInner$; const chrome$ = helper.padChrome$; // get the first text element out of the inner iframe const $firstTextElement = inner$('div').first(); // select this text element $firstTextElement.sendkeys('{selectall}'); // get the strikethrough button and click it const $strikethroughButton = chrome$('.buttonicon-strikethrough'); $strikethroughButton.click(); // ace creates a new dom element when you press a button // so just get the first text element again const $newFirstTextElement = inner$('div').first(); // is there a element now? const isstrikethrough = $newFirstTextElement.find('s').length === 1; // expect it to be strikethrough expect(isstrikethrough).to.be(true); // make sure the text hasn't changed expect($newFirstTextElement.text()).to.eql($firstTextElement.text()); done(); }); });