var assert = require('assert') supertest = require('supertest'), fs = require('fs'), api = supertest('http://localhost:9001'); path = require('path'); var filePath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../APIKEY.txt'); var apiKey = fs.readFileSync(filePath, {encoding: 'utf-8'}); var apiVersion = 1; var testPadId = makeid(); var groupID = ""; var authorID = ""; describe('API Versioning', function(){ it('errors if can not connect', function(done) { api.get('/api/') .expect(function(res){ apiVersion = res.body.currentVersion; if (!res.body.currentVersion) throw new Error("No version set in API"); return; }) .expect(200, done) }); }) /* Tests performed -> createGroup() -- should return a groupID -> listSessionsOfGroup(groupID) -- should be 0 -> deleteGroup(groupID) -> createGroupIfNotExistsFor(groupMapper) -- should return a groupID -> createAuthor([name]) -- should return an authorID -> createAuthorIfNotExistsFor(authorMapper [, name]) -- should return an authorID -> getAuthorName(authorID) -- should return a name IE "john" -> listPadsOfAuthor(authorID) -> createSession(groupID, authorID, validUntil) -> getSessionInfo(sessionID) -> listSessionsOfGroup(groupID) -- should be 1 -> deleteSession(sessionID) -> getSessionInfo(sessionID) -- should have author id etc in -> listPads(groupID) -- should be empty array -> createGroupPad(groupID, padName [, text]) -> listPads(groupID) -- should be empty array -> getPublicStatus(padId) -> setPublicStatus(padId, status) -> isPasswordProtected(padID) -- should be false -> setPassword(padID, password) -> isPasswordProtected(padID) -- should be true */ describe('createGroup', function(){ it('creates a new group', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('createGroup')) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0 || ! throw new Error("Unable to create new Pad"); groupID =; }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('listSessionsOfGroup', function(){ it('Lists the session of a group', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('listSessionsOfGroup')+"&groupID="+groupID) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0 || !== null) throw new Error("Sessions show as existing for this group"); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('deleteGroup', function(){ it('Deletes a group', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('deleteGroup')+"&groupID="+groupID) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Group failed to be deleted"); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('createGroupIfNotExistsFor', function(){ it('Creates a group if one doesnt exist for mapper 0', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('createGroupIfNotExistsFor')+"&groupMapper=management") .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0 || ! throw new Error("Sessions show as existing for this group"); groupID = }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('createAuthor', function(){ it('Creates an author with a name set', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('createAuthor')) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0 || ! throw new Error("Sessions show as existing for this group"); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('createAuthor', function(){ it('Creates an author with a name set', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('createAuthor')+"&name=john") .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0 || ! throw new Error("Unable to create user with name set"); authorID =; // we will be this author for the rest of the tests }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('createAuthorIfNotExistsFor', function(){ it('Creates an author if it doesnt exist already and provides mapping', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('createAuthorIfNotExistsFor')+"&authorMapper=chris") .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0 || ! throw new Error("Unable to create author with mapper"); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('getAuthorName', function(){ it('Gets the author name', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getAuthorName')+"&authorID="+authorID) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0 || ! === "john") throw new Error("Unable to get Author Name from Author ID"); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) /* Endpoints Still to interact with.. -> getAuthorName(authorID) -- should return a name IE "john" -> listPadsOfAuthor(authorID) -> createSession(groupID, authorID, validUntil) -> getSessionInfo(sessionID) -> listSessionsOfGroup(groupID) -- should be 1 -> deleteSession(sessionID) -> getSessionInfo(sessionID) -- should have author id etc in -> listPads(groupID) -- should be empty array -> createGroupPad(groupID, padName [, text]) -> listPads(groupID) -- should be empty array -> getPublicStatus(padId) -> setPublicStatus(padId, status) -> isPasswordProtected(padID) -- should be false -> setPassword(padID, password) -> isPasswordProtected(padID) -- should be true */ var endPoint = function(point){ return '/api/'+apiVersion+'/'+point+'?apikey='+apiKey; } function makeid() { var text = ""; var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ ){ text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); } return text; }