/* This file handles scroll on edition or when user presses arrow keys. In this file we have two representations of line (browser and rep line). Rep Line = a line in the way is represented by Etherpad(rep) (each
is a line) Browser Line = each vertical line. A
can be break into more than one browser line. */ var caretPosition = require('./caretPosition'); function Scroll(outerWin) { // scroll settings this.scrollSettings = parent.parent.clientVars.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport; // DOM reference this.outerWin = outerWin; this.doc = this.outerWin.document; this.rootDocument = parent.parent.document; } Scroll.prototype.scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewportWhenNecessary = function (rep, isScrollableEvent, innerHeight) { // are we placing the caret on the line at the bottom of viewport? // And if so, do we need to scroll the editor, as defined on the settings.json? var shouldScrollWhenCaretIsAtBottomOfViewport = this.scrollSettings.scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport; if (shouldScrollWhenCaretIsAtBottomOfViewport) { // avoid scrolling when selection includes multiple lines -- user can potentially be selecting more lines // than it fits on viewport var multipleLinesSelected = rep.selStart[0] !== rep.selEnd[0]; // avoid scrolling when pad loads if (isScrollableEvent && !multipleLinesSelected && this._isCaretAtTheBottomOfViewport(rep)) { // when scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.percentage is 0, pixelsToScroll is 0 var pixelsToScroll = this._getPixelsRelativeToPercentageOfViewport(innerHeight); this._scrollYPage(pixelsToScroll); } } } Scroll.prototype.scrollWhenPressArrowKeys = function(arrowUp, rep, innerHeight) { // if percentageScrollArrowUp is 0, let the scroll to be handled as default, put the previous // rep line on the top of the viewport if(this._arrowUpWasPressedInTheFirstLineOfTheViewport(arrowUp, rep)){ var pixelsToScroll = this._getPixelsToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp(innerHeight); // by default, the browser scrolls to the middle of the viewport. To avoid the twist made // when we apply a second scroll, we made it immediately (without animation) this._scrollYPageWithoutAnimation(-pixelsToScroll); }else{ this.scrollNodeVerticallyIntoView(rep, innerHeight); } } // Some plugins might set a minimum height to the editor (ex: ep_page_view), so checking // if (caretLine() === rep.lines.length() - 1) is not enough. We need to check if there are // other lines after caretLine(), and all of them are out of viewport. Scroll.prototype._isCaretAtTheBottomOfViewport = function(rep) { // computing a line position using getBoundingClientRect() is expensive. // (obs: getBoundingClientRect() is called on caretPosition.getPosition()) // To avoid that, we only call this function when it is possible that the // caret is in the bottom of viewport var caretLine = rep.selStart[0]; var lineAfterCaretLine = caretLine + 1; var firstLineVisibleAfterCaretLine = caretPosition.getNextVisibleLine(lineAfterCaretLine, rep); var caretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport = this._isLinePartiallyVisibleOnViewport(caretLine, rep); var lineAfterCaretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport = this._isLinePartiallyVisibleOnViewport(firstLineVisibleAfterCaretLine, rep); if (caretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport || lineAfterCaretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport) { // check if the caret is in the bottom of the viewport var caretLinePosition = caretPosition.getPosition(); var viewportBottom = this._getViewPortTopBottom().bottom; var nextLineBottom = caretPosition.getBottomOfNextBrowserLine(caretLinePosition, rep); var nextLineIsBelowViewportBottom = nextLineBottom > viewportBottom; return nextLineIsBelowViewportBottom; } return false; } Scroll.prototype._isLinePartiallyVisibleOnViewport = function(lineNumber, rep) { var lineNode = rep.lines.atIndex(lineNumber); var linePosition = this._getLineEntryTopBottom(lineNode); var lineTop = linePosition.top; var lineBottom = linePosition.bottom; var viewport = this._getViewPortTopBottom(); var viewportBottom = viewport.bottom; var viewportTop = viewport.top; var topOfLineIsAboveOfViewportBottom = lineTop < viewportBottom; var bottomOfLineIsOnOrBelowOfViewportBottom = lineBottom >= viewportBottom; var topOfLineIsBelowViewportTop = lineTop >= viewportTop; var topOfLineIsAboveViewportBottom = lineTop <= viewportBottom; var bottomOfLineIsAboveViewportBottom = lineBottom <= viewportBottom; var bottomOfLineIsBelowViewportTop = lineBottom >= viewportTop; return (topOfLineIsAboveOfViewportBottom && bottomOfLineIsOnOrBelowOfViewportBottom) || (topOfLineIsBelowViewportTop && topOfLineIsAboveViewportBottom) || (bottomOfLineIsAboveViewportBottom && bottomOfLineIsBelowViewportTop); } Scroll.prototype._getViewPortTopBottom = function() { var theTop = this.getScrollY(); var doc = this.doc; var height = doc.documentElement.clientHeight; // includes padding // we have to get the exactly height of the viewport. So it has to subtract all the values which changes // the viewport height (E.g. padding, position top) var viewportExtraSpacesAndPosition = this._getEditorPositionTop() + this._getPaddingTopAddedWhenPageViewIsEnable(); return { top: theTop, bottom: (theTop + height - viewportExtraSpacesAndPosition) }; } Scroll.prototype._getEditorPositionTop = function() { var editor = parent.document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); var editorPositionTop = editor[0].offsetTop; return editorPositionTop; } // ep_page_view adds padding-top, which makes the viewport smaller Scroll.prototype._getPaddingTopAddedWhenPageViewIsEnable = function() { var aceOuter = this.rootDocument.getElementsByName("ace_outer"); var aceOuterPaddingTop = parseInt($(aceOuter).css("padding-top")); return aceOuterPaddingTop; } Scroll.prototype._getScrollXY = function() { var win = this.outerWin; var odoc = this.doc; if (typeof(win.pageYOffset) == "number") { return { x: win.pageXOffset, y: win.pageYOffset }; } var docel = odoc.documentElement; if (docel && typeof(docel.scrollTop) == "number") { return { x: docel.scrollLeft, y: docel.scrollTop }; } } Scroll.prototype.getScrollX = function() { return this._getScrollXY().x; } Scroll.prototype.getScrollY = function() { return this._getScrollXY().y; } Scroll.prototype.setScrollX = function(x) { this.outerWin.scrollTo(x, this.getScrollY()); } Scroll.prototype.setScrollY = function(y) { this.outerWin.scrollTo(this.getScrollX(), y); } Scroll.prototype.setScrollXY = function(x, y) { this.outerWin.scrollTo(x, y); } Scroll.prototype._isCaretAtTheTopOfViewport = function(rep) { var caretLine = rep.selStart[0]; var linePrevCaretLine = caretLine - 1; var firstLineVisibleBeforeCaretLine = caretPosition.getPreviousVisibleLine(linePrevCaretLine, rep); var caretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport = this._isLinePartiallyVisibleOnViewport(caretLine, rep); var lineBeforeCaretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport = this._isLinePartiallyVisibleOnViewport(firstLineVisibleBeforeCaretLine, rep); if (caretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport || lineBeforeCaretLineIsPartiallyVisibleOnViewport) { var caretLinePosition = caretPosition.getPosition(); // get the position of the browser line var viewportPosition = this._getViewPortTopBottom(); var viewportTop = viewportPosition.top; var viewportBottom = viewportPosition.bottom; var caretLineIsBelowViewportTop = caretLinePosition.bottom >= viewportTop; var caretLineIsAboveViewportBottom = caretLinePosition.top < viewportBottom; var caretLineIsInsideOfViewport = caretLineIsBelowViewportTop && caretLineIsAboveViewportBottom; if (caretLineIsInsideOfViewport) { var prevLineTop = caretPosition.getPositionTopOfPreviousBrowserLine(caretLinePosition, rep); var previousLineIsAboveViewportTop = prevLineTop < viewportTop; return previousLineIsAboveViewportTop; } } return false; } // By default, when user makes an edition in a line out of viewport, this line goes // to the edge of viewport. This function gets the extra pixels necessary to get the // caret line in a position X relative to Y% viewport. Scroll.prototype._getPixelsRelativeToPercentageOfViewport = function(innerHeight, aboveOfViewport) { var pixels = 0; var scrollPercentageRelativeToViewport = this._getPercentageToScroll(aboveOfViewport); if(scrollPercentageRelativeToViewport > 0 && scrollPercentageRelativeToViewport <= 1){ pixels = parseInt(innerHeight * scrollPercentageRelativeToViewport); } return pixels; } // we use different percentages when change selection. It depends on if it is // either above the top or below the bottom of the page Scroll.prototype._getPercentageToScroll = function(aboveOfViewport) { var percentageToScroll = this.scrollSettings.percentage.editionBelowViewport; if(aboveOfViewport){ percentageToScroll = this.scrollSettings.percentage.editionAboveViewport; } return percentageToScroll; } Scroll.prototype._getPixelsToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp = function(innerHeight) { var pixels = 0; var percentageToScrollUp = this.scrollSettings.percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp; if(percentageToScrollUp > 0 && percentageToScrollUp <= 1){ pixels = parseInt(innerHeight * percentageToScrollUp); } return pixels; } Scroll.prototype._scrollYPage = function(pixelsToScroll) { var durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline = this.scrollSettings.duration; if(durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline){ this._scrollYPageWithAnimation(pixelsToScroll, durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline); }else{ this._scrollYPageWithoutAnimation(pixelsToScroll); } } Scroll.prototype._scrollYPageWithoutAnimation = function(pixelsToScroll) { this.outerWin.scrollBy(0, pixelsToScroll); } Scroll.prototype._scrollYPageWithAnimation = function(pixelsToScroll, durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline) { var outerDocBody = this.doc.getElementById("outerdocbody"); // it works on later versions of Chrome var $outerDocBody = $(outerDocBody); this._triggerScrollWithAnimation($outerDocBody, pixelsToScroll, durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline); // it works on Firefox and earlier versions of Chrome var $outerDocBodyParent = $outerDocBody.parent(); this._triggerScrollWithAnimation($outerDocBodyParent, pixelsToScroll, durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline); } // using a custom queue and clearing it, we avoid creating a queue of scroll animations. So if this function // is called twice quickly, only the last one runs. Scroll.prototype._triggerScrollWithAnimation = function($elem, pixelsToScroll, durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline) { // clear the queue of animation $elem.stop("scrollanimation"); $elem.animate({ scrollTop: '+=' + pixelsToScroll }, { duration: durationOfAnimationToShowFocusline, queue: "scrollanimation" }).dequeue("scrollanimation"); } // scrollAmountWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport is set to 0 (default), scroll it the minimum distance // needed to be completely in view. If the value is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1, // besides of scrolling the minimum needed to be visible, it scrolls additionally // (viewport height * scrollAmountWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport) pixels Scroll.prototype.scrollNodeVerticallyIntoView = function(rep, innerHeight) { var viewport = this._getViewPortTopBottom(); var isPartOfRepLineOutOfViewport = this._partOfRepLineIsOutOfViewport(viewport, rep); // when the selection changes outside of the viewport the browser automatically scrolls the line // to inside of the viewport. Tested on IE, Firefox, Chrome in releases from 2015 until now // So, when the line scrolled gets outside of the viewport we let the browser handle it. var linePosition = caretPosition.getPosition(); if(linePosition){ var distanceOfTopOfViewport = linePosition.top - viewport.top; var distanceOfBottomOfViewport = viewport.bottom - linePosition.bottom; var caretIsAboveOfViewport = distanceOfTopOfViewport < 0; var caretIsBelowOfViewport = distanceOfBottomOfViewport < 0; if(caretIsAboveOfViewport){ var pixelsToScroll = distanceOfTopOfViewport - this._getPixelsRelativeToPercentageOfViewport(innerHeight, true); this._scrollYPage(pixelsToScroll); }else if(caretIsBelowOfViewport){ var pixelsToScroll = -distanceOfBottomOfViewport + this._getPixelsRelativeToPercentageOfViewport(innerHeight); this._scrollYPage(pixelsToScroll); }else{ this.scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewportWhenNecessary(rep, true, innerHeight); } } } Scroll.prototype._partOfRepLineIsOutOfViewport = function(viewportPosition, rep) { var focusLine = (rep.selFocusAtStart ? rep.selStart[0] : rep.selEnd[0]); var line = rep.lines.atIndex(focusLine); var linePosition = this._getLineEntryTopBottom(line); var lineIsAboveOfViewport = linePosition.top < viewportPosition.top; var lineIsBelowOfViewport = linePosition.bottom > viewportPosition.bottom; return lineIsBelowOfViewport || lineIsAboveOfViewport; } Scroll.prototype._getLineEntryTopBottom = function(entry, destObj) { var dom = entry.lineNode; var top = dom.offsetTop; var height = dom.offsetHeight; var obj = (destObj || {}); obj.top = top; obj.bottom = (top + height); return obj; } Scroll.prototype._arrowUpWasPressedInTheFirstLineOfTheViewport = function(arrowUp, rep) { var percentageScrollArrowUp = this.scrollSettings.percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp; return percentageScrollArrowUp && arrowUp && this._isCaretAtTheTopOfViewport(rep); } Scroll.prototype.getVisibleLineRange = function(rep) { var viewport = this._getViewPortTopBottom(); //console.log("viewport top/bottom: %o", viewport); var obj = {}; var self = this; var start = rep.lines.search(function(e) { return self._getLineEntryTopBottom(e, obj).bottom > viewport.top; }); var end = rep.lines.search(function(e) { // return the first line that the top position is greater or equal than // the viewport. That is the first line that is below the viewport bottom. // So the line that is in the bottom of the viewport is the very previous one. return self._getLineEntryTopBottom(e, obj).top >= viewport.bottom; }); if (end < start) end = start; // unlikely // top.console.log(start+","+(end -1)); return [start, end - 1]; } Scroll.prototype.getVisibleCharRange = function(rep) { var lineRange = this.getVisibleLineRange(rep); return [rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(lineRange[0]), rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(lineRange[1])]; } exports.init = function(outerWin) { return new Scroll(outerWin); }