/** * This code is mostly from the old Etherpad. Please help us to comment this code. * This helps other people to understand this code better and helps them to improve it. * TL;DR COMMENTS ON THIS FILE ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED */ /** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var padcookie = (function() { function getRawCookie() { // returns null if can't get cookie text if (!document.cookie) { return null; } // look for (start of string OR semicolon) followed by whitespace followed by prefs=(something); var regexResult = document.cookie.match(/(?:^|;)\s*prefs=([^;]*)(?:;|$)/); if ((!regexResult) || (!regexResult[1])) { return null; } return regexResult[1]; } function setRawCookie(safeText) { var expiresDate = new Date(); expiresDate.setFullYear(3000); document.cookie = ('prefs=' + safeText + ';expires=' + expiresDate.toGMTString()); } function parseCookie(text) { // returns null if can't parse cookie. try { var cookieData = JSON.parse(unescape(text)); return cookieData; } catch (e) { return null; } } function stringifyCookie(data) { return escape(JSON.stringify(data)); } function saveCookie() { if (!inited) { return; } setRawCookie(stringifyCookie(cookieData)); if (pad.getIsProPad() && (!getRawCookie()) && (!alreadyWarnedAboutNoCookies)) { alert("Warning: it appears that your browser does not have cookies enabled." + " EtherPad uses cookies to keep track of unique users for the purpose" + " of putting a quota on the number of active users. Using EtherPad without " + " cookies may fill up your server's user quota faster than expected."); alreadyWarnedAboutNoCookies = true; } } var wasNoCookie = true; var cookieData = {}; var alreadyWarnedAboutNoCookies = false; var inited = false; var self = { init: function(prefsToSet) { var rawCookie = getRawCookie(); if (rawCookie) { var cookieObj = parseCookie(rawCookie); if (cookieObj) { wasNoCookie = false; // there was a cookie delete cookieObj.userId; delete cookieObj.name; delete cookieObj.colorId; cookieData = cookieObj; } } for (var k in prefsToSet) { cookieData[k] = prefsToSet[k]; } inited = true; saveCookie(); }, wasNoCookie: function() { return wasNoCookie; }, getPref: function(prefName) { return cookieData[prefName]; }, setPref: function(prefName, value) { cookieData[prefName] = value; saveCookie(); } }; return self; }()); if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { exports.padcookie = padcookie; }