'use strict'; const assert = require('assert').strict; const common = require('../common'); const io = require('socket.io-client'); const padManager = require('../../../node/db/PadManager'); const plugins = require('../../../static/js/pluginfw/plugin_defs'); const setCookieParser = require('set-cookie-parser'); const settings = require('../../../node/utils/Settings'); const logger = common.logger; // Waits for and returns the next named socket.io event. Rejects if there is any error while waiting // (unless waiting for that error event). const getSocketEvent = async (socket, event) => { const errorEvents = [ 'error', 'connect_error', 'connect_timeout', 'reconnect_error', 'reconnect_failed', ]; const handlers = {}; let timeoutId; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { timeoutId = setTimeout(() => reject(new Error(`timed out waiting for ${event} event`)), 1000); for (const event of errorEvents) { handlers[event] = (errorString) => { logger.debug(`socket.io ${event} event: ${errorString}`); reject(new Error(errorString)); }; } // This will overwrite one of the above handlers if the user is waiting for an error event. handlers[event] = (...args) => { logger.debug(`socket.io ${event} event`); if (args.length > 1) return resolve(args); resolve(args[0]); }; Object.entries(handlers).forEach(([event, handler]) => socket.on(event, handler)); }).finally(() => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); Object.entries(handlers).forEach(([event, handler]) => socket.off(event, handler)); }); }; // Establishes a new socket.io connection. Passes the cookies from the `set-cookie` header(s) in // `res` (which may be nullish) to the server. Returns a socket.io Socket object. const connect = async (res) => { // Convert the `set-cookie` header(s) into a `cookie` header. const resCookies = (res == null) ? {} : setCookieParser.parse(res, {map: true}); const reqCookieHdr = Object.entries(resCookies).map( ([name, cookie]) => `${name}=${encodeURIComponent(cookie.value)}`).join('; '); logger.debug('socket.io connecting...'); let padId = null; if (res) { padId = res.req.path.split('/p/')[1]; } const socket = io(`${common.baseUrl}/`, { forceNew: true, // Different tests will have different query parameters. path: '/socket.io', // socketio.js-client on node.js doesn't support cookies (see https://git.io/JU8u9), so the // express_sid cookie must be passed as a query parameter. query: {cookie: reqCookieHdr, padId}, }); try { await getSocketEvent(socket, 'connect'); } catch (e) { socket.close(); throw e; } logger.debug('socket.io connected'); return socket; }; // Helper function to exchange CLIENT_READY+CLIENT_VARS messages for the named pad. // Returns the CLIENT_VARS message from the server. const handshake = async (socket, padID) => { logger.debug('sending CLIENT_READY...'); socket.send({ component: 'pad', type: 'CLIENT_READY', padId: padID, sessionID: null, token: 't.12345', protocolVersion: 2, }); logger.debug('waiting for CLIENT_VARS response...'); const msg = await getSocketEvent(socket, 'message'); logger.debug('received CLIENT_VARS message'); return msg; }; describe(__filename, function () { this.timeout(30000); let agent; let authorize; const backups = {}; const cleanUpPads = async () => { const padIds = ['pad', 'other-pad', 'päd']; await Promise.all(padIds.map(async (padId) => { if (await padManager.doesPadExist(padId)) { const pad = await padManager.getPad(padId); await pad.remove(); } })); }; let socket; before(async function () { agent = await common.init(); }); beforeEach(async function () { backups.hooks = {}; for (const hookName of ['preAuthorize', 'authenticate', 'authorize']) { backups.hooks[hookName] = plugins.hooks[hookName]; plugins.hooks[hookName] = []; } backups.settings = {}; for (const setting of ['editOnly', 'requireAuthentication', 'requireAuthorization', 'users']) { backups.settings[setting] = settings[setting]; } settings.editOnly = false; settings.requireAuthentication = false; settings.requireAuthorization = false; settings.users = { admin: {password: 'admin-password', is_admin: true}, user: {password: 'user-password'}, }; assert(socket == null); authorize = () => true; plugins.hooks.authorize = [{hook_fn: (hookName, {req}, cb) => cb([authorize(req)])}]; await cleanUpPads(); }); afterEach(async function () { if (socket) socket.close(); socket = null; await cleanUpPads(); Object.assign(plugins.hooks, backups.hooks); Object.assign(settings, backups.settings); }); describe('Normal accesses', function () { it('!authn anonymous cookie /p/pad -> 200, ok', async function () { this.timeout(600); const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); }); it('!authn !cookie -> ok', async function () { this.timeout(400); socket = await connect(null); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); }); it('!authn user /p/pad -> 200, ok', async function () { this.timeout(400); const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); }); it('authn user /p/pad -> 200, ok', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.requireAuthentication = true; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); }); it('authz user /p/pad -> 200, ok', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.requireAuthentication = true; settings.requireAuthorization = true; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); }); it('supports pad names with characters that must be percent-encoded', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.requireAuthentication = true; // requireAuthorization is set to true here to guarantee that the user's padAuthorizations // object is populated. Technically this isn't necessary because the user's padAuthorizations // is currently populated even if requireAuthorization is false, but setting this to true // ensures the test remains useful if the implementation ever changes. settings.requireAuthorization = true; const encodedPadId = encodeURIComponent('päd'); const res = await agent.get(`/p/${encodedPadId}`).auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'päd'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); }); }); describe('Abnormal access attempts', function () { it('authn anonymous /p/pad -> 401, error', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.requireAuthentication = true; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').expect(401); // Despite the 401, try to create the pad via a socket.io connection anyway. socket = await connect(res); const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny'); }); it('authn !cookie -> error', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.requireAuthentication = true; socket = await connect(null); const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny'); }); it('authorization bypass attempt -> error', async function () { this.timeout(400); // Only allowed to access /p/pad. authorize = (req) => req.path === '/p/pad'; settings.requireAuthentication = true; settings.requireAuthorization = true; // First authenticate and establish a session. const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); // Accessing /p/other-pad should fail, despite the successful fetch of /p/pad. const message = await handshake(socket, 'other-pad'); assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny'); }); }); describe('Authorization levels via authorize hook', function () { beforeEach(async function () { settings.requireAuthentication = true; settings.requireAuthorization = true; }); it("level='create' -> can create", async function () { this.timeout(400); authorize = () => 'create'; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); assert.equal(clientVars.data.readonly, false); }); it('level=true -> can create', async function () { this.timeout(400); authorize = () => true; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); assert.equal(clientVars.data.readonly, false); }); it("level='modify' -> can modify", async function () { this.timeout(400); await padManager.getPad('pad'); // Create the pad. authorize = () => 'modify'; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); assert.equal(clientVars.data.readonly, false); }); it("level='create' settings.editOnly=true -> unable to create", async function () { this.timeout(400); authorize = () => 'create'; settings.editOnly = true; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny'); }); it("level='modify' settings.editOnly=false -> unable to create", async function () { this.timeout(400); authorize = () => 'modify'; settings.editOnly = false; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny'); }); it("level='readOnly' -> unable to create", async function () { this.timeout(400); authorize = () => 'readOnly'; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny'); }); it("level='readOnly' -> unable to modify", async function () { this.timeout(400); await padManager.getPad('pad'); // Create the pad. authorize = () => 'readOnly'; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); assert.equal(clientVars.data.readonly, true); }); }); describe('Authorization levels via user settings', function () { beforeEach(async function () { settings.requireAuthentication = true; }); it('user.canCreate = true -> can create and modify', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.users.user.canCreate = true; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); assert.equal(clientVars.data.readonly, false); }); it('user.canCreate = false -> unable to create', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.users.user.canCreate = false; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny'); }); it('user.readOnly = true -> unable to create', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.users.user.readOnly = true; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny'); }); it('user.readOnly = true -> unable to modify', async function () { this.timeout(400); await padManager.getPad('pad'); // Create the pad. settings.users.user.readOnly = true; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); assert.equal(clientVars.data.readonly, true); }); it('user.readOnly = false -> can create and modify', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.users.user.readOnly = false; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const clientVars = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(clientVars.type, 'CLIENT_VARS'); assert.equal(clientVars.data.readonly, false); }); it('user.readOnly = true, user.canCreate = true -> unable to create', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.users.user.canCreate = true; settings.users.user.readOnly = true; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny'); }); }); describe('Authorization level interaction between authorize hook and user settings', function () { beforeEach(async function () { settings.requireAuthentication = true; settings.requireAuthorization = true; }); it('authorize hook does not elevate level from user settings', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.users.user.readOnly = true; authorize = () => 'create'; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny'); }); it('user settings does not elevate level from authorize hook', async function () { this.timeout(400); settings.users.user.readOnly = false; settings.users.user.canCreate = true; authorize = () => 'readOnly'; const res = await agent.get('/p/pad').auth('user', 'user-password').expect(200); socket = await connect(res); const message = await handshake(socket, 'pad'); assert.equal(message.accessStatus, 'deny'); }); }); });