The files in this folder are for Plugin developers. # Get suggestions to improve your Plugin This code will check your plugin for known usual issues and some suggestions for improvements. No changes will be made to your project. ``` node bin/plugins/checkPlugin.js $PLUGIN_NAME$ ``` # Basic Example: ``` node bin/plugins/checkPlugin.js ep_webrtc ``` ## Autofixing - will autofix any issues it can ``` node bin/plugins/checkPlugin.js ep_whatever autofix ``` ## Autocommitting, push, npm minor patch and npm publish (highly dangerous) ``` node bin/plugins/checkPlugin.js ep_whatever autofix autocommit ``` # All the plugins Replace johnmclear with your github username ``` # Clones cd node_modules GHUSER=johnmclear; curl "$GHUSER/repos?per_page=1000" | grep -o 'git@[^"]*' | grep /ep_ | xargs -L1 git clone cd .. # autofixes and autocommits /pushes & npm publishes for dir in `ls node_modules`; do # echo $0 if [[ $dir == *"ep_"* ]]; then if [[ $dir != "ep_etherpad-lite" ]]; then node bin/plugins/checkPlugin.js $dir autofix autocommit fi fi # echo $dir done ``` # Automating update of ether organization plugins ``` ```