/** * This code is mostly from the old Etherpad. Please help us to comment this code. * This helps other people to understand this code better and helps them to improve it. * TL;DR COMMENTS ON THIS FILE ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED */ /** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var padutils = require('./pad_utils').padutils; var paddocbar = (function() { var isTitleEditable = false; var isEditingTitle = false; var isEditingPassword = false; var enabled = false; function getPanelOpenCloseAnimator(panelName, panelHeight) { var wrapper = $("#" + panelName + "-wrapper"); var openingClass = "docbar" + panelName + "-opening"; var openClass = "docbar" + panelName + "-open"; var closingClass = "docbar" + panelName + "-closing"; function setPanelState(action) { $("#docbar").removeClass(openingClass).removeClass(openClass). removeClass(closingClass); if (action != "closed") { $("#docbar").addClass("docbar" + panelName + "-" + action); } } function openCloseAnimate(state) { function pow(x) { x = 1 - x; x *= x * x; return 1 - x; } if (state == -1) { // startng to open setPanelState("opening"); wrapper.css('height', '0'); } else if (state < 0) { // opening var height = Math.round(pow(state + 1) * (panelHeight - 1)) + 'px'; wrapper.css('height', height); } else if (state == 0) { // open setPanelState("open"); wrapper.css('height', panelHeight - 1); } else if (state < 1) { // closing setPanelState("closing"); var height = Math.round((1 - pow(state)) * (panelHeight - 1)) + 'px'; wrapper.css('height', height); } else if (state == 1) { // closed setPanelState("closed"); wrapper.css('height', '0'); } } return padutils.makeShowHideAnimator(openCloseAnimate, false, 25, 500); } var currentPanel = null; function setCurrentPanel(newCurrentPanel) { if (currentPanel != newCurrentPanel) { currentPanel = newCurrentPanel; padutils.cancelActions("hide-docbar-panel"); } } var panels; function changePassword(newPass) { if ((newPass || null) != (self.password || null)) { self.password = (newPass || null); pad.notifyChangePassword(newPass); } self.renderPassword(); } var pad = undefined; var self = { title: null, password: null, init: function(opts, _pad) { pad = _pad; panels = { impexp: { animator: getPanelOpenCloseAnimator("impexp", 160) }, savedrevs: { animator: getPanelOpenCloseAnimator("savedrevs", 79) }, options: { animator: getPanelOpenCloseAnimator("options", 114) }, security: { animator: getPanelOpenCloseAnimator("security", 130) } }; isTitleEditable = opts.isTitleEditable; self.title = opts.initialTitle; self.password = opts.initialPassword; $("#docbarimpexp").click(function() { self.togglePanel("impexp"); }); $("#docbarsavedrevs").click(function() { self.togglePanel("savedrevs"); }); $("#docbaroptions").click(function() { self.togglePanel("options"); }); $("#docbarsecurity").click(function() { self.togglePanel("security"); }); $("#docbarrenamelink").click(self.editTitle); $("#padtitlesave").click(function() { self.closeTitleEdit(true); }); $("#padtitlecancel").click(function() { self.closeTitleEdit(false); }); padutils.bindEnterAndEscape($("#padtitleedit"), function() { $("#padtitlesave").trigger('click'); }, function() { $("#padtitlecancel").trigger('click'); }); $("#options-close").click(function() { self.setShownPanel(null); }); $("#security-close").click(function() { self.setShownPanel(null); }); if (pad.getIsProPad()) { self.initPassword(); } enabled = true; self.render(); // public/private $("#security-access input").bind("change click", function(evt) { pad.changePadOption('guestPolicy', $("#security-access input[name='padaccess']:checked").val()); }); self.setGuestPolicy(opts.guestPolicy); }, setGuestPolicy: function(newPolicy) { $("#security-access input[value='" + newPolicy + "']").attr("checked", "checked"); self.render(); }, initPassword: function() { self.renderPassword(); $("#password-clearlink").click(function() { changePassword(null); }); $("#password-setlink, #password-display").click(function() { self.enterPassword(); }); $("#password-cancellink").click(function() { self.exitPassword(false); }); $("#password-savelink").click(function() { self.exitPassword(true); }); padutils.bindEnterAndEscape($("#security-passwordedit"), function() { self.exitPassword(true); }, function() { self.exitPassword(false); }); }, enterPassword: function() { isEditingPassword = true; $("#security-passwordedit").val(self.password || ''); self.renderPassword(); $("#security-passwordedit").focus().select(); }, exitPassword: function(accept) { isEditingPassword = false; if (accept) { changePassword($("#security-passwordedit").val()); } else { self.renderPassword(); } }, renderPassword: function() { if (isEditingPassword) { $("#password-nonedit").hide(); $("#password-inedit").show(); } else { $("#password-nonedit").toggleClass('nopassword', !self.password); $("#password-setlink").html(self.password ? "Change..." : "Set..."); if (self.password) { $("#password-display").html(self.password.replace(/./g, '•')); } else { $("#password-display").html("None"); } $("#password-inedit").hide(); $("#password-nonedit").show(); } }, togglePanel: function(panelName) { if (panelName in panels) { if (currentPanel == panelName) { self.setShownPanel(null); } else { self.setShownPanel(panelName); } } }, setShownPanel: function(panelName) { function animateHidePanel(panelName, next) { var delay = 0; if (panelName == 'options' && isEditingPassword) { // give user feedback that the password they've // typed in won't actually take effect self.exitPassword(false); delay = 500; } window.setTimeout(function() { panels[panelName].animator.hide(); if (next) { next(); } }, delay); } if (!panelName) { if (currentPanel) { animateHidePanel(currentPanel); setCurrentPanel(null); } } else if (panelName in panels) { if (currentPanel != panelName) { if (currentPanel) { animateHidePanel(currentPanel, function() { panels[panelName].animator.show(); setCurrentPanel(panelName); }); } else { panels[panelName].animator.show(); setCurrentPanel(panelName); } } } }, isPanelShown: function(panelName) { if (!panelName) { return !currentPanel; } else { return (panelName == currentPanel); } }, changeTitle: function(newTitle) { self.title = newTitle; self.render(); }, editTitle: function() { if (!enabled) { return; } $("#padtitleedit").val(self.title); isEditingTitle = true; self.render(); $("#padtitleedit").focus().select(); }, closeTitleEdit: function(accept) { if (!enabled) { return; } if (accept) { var newTitle = $("#padtitleedit").val(); if (newTitle) { newTitle = newTitle.substring(0, 80); self.title = newTitle; pad.notifyChangeTitle(newTitle); } } isEditingTitle = false; self.render(); }, changePassword: function(newPass) { if (newPass) { self.password = newPass; } else { self.password = null; } self.renderPassword(); }, render: function() { if (isEditingTitle) { $("#docbarpadtitle").hide(); $("#docbarrenamelink").hide(); $("#padtitleedit").show(); $("#padtitlebuttons").show(); if (!enabled) { $("#padtitleedit").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $("#padtitleedit").removeAttr('disabled'); } } else { $("#padtitleedit").hide(); $("#padtitlebuttons").hide(); var titleSpan = $("#docbarpadtitle span"); titleSpan.html(padutils.escapeHtml(self.title)); $("#docbarpadtitle").attr('title', (pad.isPadPublic() ? "Public Pad: " : "") + self.title); $("#docbarpadtitle").show(); if (isTitleEditable) { var titleRight = $("#docbarpadtitle").position().left + $("#docbarpadtitle span").position().left + Math.min($("#docbarpadtitle").width(), $("#docbarpadtitle span").width()); $("#docbarrenamelink").css('left', titleRight + 10).show(); } if (pad.isPadPublic()) { $("#docbar").addClass("docbar-public"); } else { $("#docbar").removeClass("docbar-public"); } } }, disable: function() { enabled = false; self.render(); }, handleResizePage: function() { // Side-step circular reference. This should be injected. var padsavedrevs = require('./pad_savedrevs').padsavedrevs; padsavedrevs.handleResizePage(); }, hideLaterIfNoOtherInteraction: function() { return padutils.getCancellableAction('hide-docbar-panel', function() { self.setShownPanel(null); }); } }; return self; }()); exports.paddocbar = paddocbar;