exports.showCountDownTimerToReconnectOnModal = function($modal) { if (clientVars.automaticReconnectionTimeout && $modal.is('.with_reconnect_timer')) { createCountDownElementsIfNecessary($modal); var timer = createTimerForModal($modal); $modal.find('#cancelreconnect').one('click', function() { timer.cancel(); disableAutomaticReconnection($modal); }); enableAutomaticReconnection($modal); } } var createCountDownElementsIfNecessary = function($modal) { var elementsDoNotExist = $modal.find('#cancelreconnect').length === 0; if (elementsDoNotExist) { var $defaultMessage = $modal.find('#defaulttext'); var $reconnectButton = $modal.find('#forcereconnect'); // create extra DOM elements, if they don't exist var $reconnectTimerMessage = $('

\ This window will automatically reconnect in \ \

'); var $cancelReconnect = $(''); $reconnectTimerMessage.insertAfter($defaultMessage); $cancelReconnect.insertAfter($reconnectButton); } } var createTimerForModal = function($modal) { var timer = new CountDownTimer(clientVars.automaticReconnectionTimeout); timer.onTick(function(minutes, seconds) { updateCountDownTimerMessage($modal, minutes, seconds); }).onExpire(function() { reconnect($modal); }).start(); return timer; } var disableAutomaticReconnection = function($modal) { toggleAutomaticReconnectionOption($modal, true); } var enableAutomaticReconnection = function($modal) { toggleAutomaticReconnectionOption($modal, false); } var toggleAutomaticReconnectionOption = function($modal, disableAutomaticReconnect) { $modal.find('#cancelreconnect, .reconnecttimer').toggleClass('hidden', disableAutomaticReconnect); $modal.find('#defaulttext').toggleClass('hidden', !disableAutomaticReconnect); } var reconnect = function($modal) { $modal.find('#forcereconnect').click(); } var updateCountDownTimerMessage = function($modal, minutes, seconds) { minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes; seconds = seconds < 10 ? '0' + seconds : seconds; $modal.find('.timetoexpire').text(minutes + ':' + seconds); } // Timer based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/20618517. // duration: how many **seconds** until the timer ends // granularity (optional): how many **milliseconds** between each 'tick' of timer. Default: 1000ms (1s) var CountDownTimer = function(duration, granularity) { this.duration = duration; this.granularity = granularity || 1000; this.running = false; this.onTickCallbacks = []; this.onExpireCallbacks = []; } CountDownTimer.prototype.start = function() { if (this.running) { return; } this.running = true; var start = Date.now(), that = this, diff, obj; (function timer() { diff = that.duration - Math.floor((Date.now() - start) / 1000); if (diff > 0) { that.timeoutId = setTimeout(timer, that.granularity); obj = CountDownTimer.parse(diff); that.onTickCallbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback.call(this, obj.minutes, obj.seconds); }, that); } else { that.running = false; that.onExpireCallbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback.call(this); }, that); } }()); }; CountDownTimer.prototype.onTick = function(callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { this.onTickCallbacks.push(callback); } return this; }; CountDownTimer.prototype.onExpire = function(callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { this.onExpireCallbacks.push(callback); } return this; }; CountDownTimer.prototype.cancel = function() { this.running = false; clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); return this; }; CountDownTimer.parse = function(seconds) { return { 'minutes': (seconds / 60) | 0, 'seconds': (seconds % 60) | 0 }; };