import {exec} from 'child_process' import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import pjson from '../src/package.json' const VERSION=pjson.version console.log(`Building docs for version ${VERSION}`) const createDirIfNotExists = (dir: fs.PathLike) => { if (!fs.existsSync(dir)){ fs.mkdirSync(dir) } } function copyFolderSync(from: fs.PathLike, to: fs.PathLike) { if(fs.existsSync(to)){ const stat = fs.lstatSync(to) if (stat.isDirectory()){ fs.rmSync(to, { recursive: true }) } else{ fs.rmSync(to) } } fs.mkdirSync(to); fs.readdirSync(from).forEach(element => { if (fs.lstatSync(path.join(from, element)).isFile()) { if (typeof from === "string") { if (typeof to === "string") { fs.copyFileSync(path.join(from, element), path.join(to, element)) } } } else { if (typeof from === "string") { if (typeof to === "string") { copyFolderSync(path.join(from, element), path.join(to, element)) } } } }); } exec('asciidoctor -v', (err,stdout)=>{ if (err){ console.log('Please install asciidoctor') console.log('') process.exit(1) } }); createDirIfNotExists('../out') createDirIfNotExists('../out/doc') createDirIfNotExists('../out/doc/api') exec(`asciidoctor -D ../out/doc ../doc/index.adoc ../*/**.adoc -a VERSION=${VERSION}`) exec(`asciidoctor -D ../out/doc/api ../doc/api/*.adoc -a VERSION=${VERSION}`) copyFolderSync('../doc/public/', '../out/doc/')