'use strict'; describe('undo button', function () { beforeEach(function (cb) { helper.newPad(cb); // creates a new pad this.timeout(60000); }); it('undo some typing by clicking undo button', function (done) { this.timeout(150); const inner$ = helper.padInner$; const chrome$ = helper.padChrome$; // get the first text element inside the editable space const $firstTextElement = inner$('div span').first(); const originalValue = $firstTextElement.text(); // get the original value $firstTextElement.sendkeys('foo'); // send line 1 to the pad const modifiedValue = $firstTextElement.text(); // get the modified value expect(modifiedValue).not.to.be(originalValue); // expect the value to change // get clear authorship button as a variable const $undoButton = chrome$('.buttonicon-undo'); // click the button $undoButton.click(); helper.waitFor(() => inner$('div span').first().text() === originalValue).done(() => { const finalValue = inner$('div span').first().text(); expect(finalValue).to.be(originalValue); // expect the value to change done(); }); }); it('undo some typing using a keypress', function (done) { this.timeout(150); const inner$ = helper.padInner$; // get the first text element inside the editable space const $firstTextElement = inner$('div span').first(); const originalValue = $firstTextElement.text(); // get the original value $firstTextElement.sendkeys('foo'); // send line 1 to the pad const modifiedValue = $firstTextElement.text(); // get the modified value expect(modifiedValue).not.to.be(originalValue); // expect the value to change const e = inner$.Event(helper.evtType); e.ctrlKey = true; // Control key e.which = 90; // z inner$('#innerdocbody').trigger(e); helper.waitFor(() => inner$('div span').first().text() === originalValue).done(() => { const finalValue = inner$('div span').first().text(); expect(finalValue).to.be(originalValue); // expect the value to change done(); }); }); });