'use strict'; describe('Pad modal', function () { context('when modal is a "force reconnect" message', function () { const MODAL_SELECTOR = '#connectivity'; beforeEach(function (done) { helper.newPad(() => { // force a "slowcommit" error helper.padChrome$.window.pad.handleChannelStateChange('DISCONNECTED', 'slowcommit'); // wait for modal to be displayed const $modal = helper.padChrome$(MODAL_SELECTOR); helper.waitFor(() => $modal.hasClass('popup-show'), 50000).done(done); }); this.timeout(60000); }); it('disables editor', function (done) { this.timeout(20); expect(isEditorDisabled()).to.be(true); done(); }); context('and user clicks on editor', function () { beforeEach(function () { clickOnPadInner(); }); it('does not close the modal', function (done) { this.timeout(20); const $modal = helper.padChrome$(MODAL_SELECTOR); const modalIsVisible = $modal.hasClass('popup-show'); expect(modalIsVisible).to.be(true); done(); }); }); context('and user clicks on pad outer', function () { beforeEach(function () { clickOnPadOuter(); }); it('does not close the modal', function (done) { this.timeout(20); const $modal = helper.padChrome$(MODAL_SELECTOR); const modalIsVisible = $modal.hasClass('popup-show'); expect(modalIsVisible).to.be(true); done(); }); }); }); // we use "settings" here, but other modals have the same behaviour context('when modal is not an error message', function () { const MODAL_SELECTOR = '#settings'; beforeEach(function (done) { helper.newPad(() => { openSettingsAndWaitForModalToBeVisible(done); }); this.timeout(60000); }); // This test breaks safari testing /* it('does not disable editor', function(done) { expect(isEditorDisabled()).to.be(false); done(); }); */ context('and user clicks on editor', function () { beforeEach(function () { clickOnPadInner(); }); it('closes the modal', function (done) { this.timeout(20); expect(isModalOpened(MODAL_SELECTOR)).to.be(false); done(); }); }); context('and user clicks on pad outer', function () { beforeEach(function () { clickOnPadOuter(); }); it('closes the modal', function (done) { this.timeout(20); expect(isModalOpened(MODAL_SELECTOR)).to.be(false); done(); }); }); }); const clickOnPadInner = function () { const $editor = helper.padInner$('#innerdocbody'); $editor.click(); }; const clickOnPadOuter = function () { const $lineNumbersColumn = helper.padOuter$('#sidedivinner'); $lineNumbersColumn.click(); }; const openSettingsAndWaitForModalToBeVisible = function (done) { helper.padChrome$('.buttonicon-settings').click(); // wait for modal to be displayed const modalSelector = '#settings'; helper.waitFor(() => isModalOpened(modalSelector), 10000).done(done); }; const isEditorDisabled = function () { const editorDocument = helper.padOuter$("iframe[name='ace_inner']").get(0).contentDocument; const editorBody = editorDocument.getElementById('innerdocbody'); const editorIsDisabled = editorBody.contentEditable === 'false' || // IE/Safari editorDocument.designMode === 'off'; // other browsers return editorIsDisabled; }; const isModalOpened = function (modalSelector) { const $modal = helper.padChrome$(modalSelector); return $modal.hasClass('popup-show'); }; });