var path = require('path'); var minify = require('../../utils/Minify'); var plugins = require("ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pluginfw/plugins"); var CachingMiddleware = require('../../utils/caching_middleware'); var settings = require("../../utils/Settings"); var Yajsml = require('yajsml'); var fs = require("fs"); var ERR = require("async-stacktrace"); var _ = require("underscore"); var urlutil = require('url'); exports.expressCreateServer = function (hook_name, args, cb) { // What follows is a terrible hack to avoid loop-back within the server. // TODO: Serve files from another service, or directly from the file system. function requestURI(url, method, headers, callback, redirectCount) { var parsedURL = urlutil.parse(url); var status = 500, headers = {}, content = []; var mockRequest = { url: url , method: method , params: {filename: parsedURL.path.replace(/^\/static\//, '')} , headers: headers }; var mockResponse = { writeHead: function (_status, _headers) { status = _status; for (var header in _headers) { if (, header)) { headers[header] = _headers[header]; } } } , setHeader: function (header, value) { headers[header.toLowerCase()] = value.toString(); } , header: function (header, value) { headers[header.toLowerCase()] = value.toString(); } , write: function (_content) { _content && content.push(_content); } , end: function (_content) { _content && content.push(_content); callback(status, headers, content.join('')); } }; minify.minify(mockRequest, mockResponse); } function requestURIs(locations, method, headers, callback) { var pendingRequests = locations.length; var responses = []; function respondFor(i) { return function (status, headers, content) { responses[i] = [status, headers, content]; if (--pendingRequests == 0) { completed(); } }; } for (var i = 0, ii = locations.length; i < ii; i++) { requestURI(locations[i], method, headers, respondFor(i)); } function completed() { var statuss = (x) {return x[0]}); var headerss = (x) {return x[1]}); var contentss = (x) {return x[2]}); callback(statuss, headerss, contentss); }; } // Cache both minified and static. var assetCache = new CachingMiddleware;'/(javascripts|static)/*', assetCache.handle); // Minify will serve static files compressed (minify enabled). It also has // file-specific hacks for ace/require-kernel/etc.'/static/:filename(*)', minify.minify); // Setup middleware that will package JavaScript files served by minify for // CommonJS loader on the client-side. var jsServer = new (Yajsml.Server)({ rootPath: 'javascripts/src/' , rootURI: 'http://localhost:' + settings.port + '/static/js/' , libraryPath: 'javascripts/lib/' , libraryURI: 'http://localhost:' + settings.port + '/static/plugins/' , requestURIs: requestURIs // Loop-back is causing problems, this is a workaround. }); var StaticAssociator = Yajsml.associators.StaticAssociator; var associations = Yajsml.associators.associationsForSimpleMapping(minify.tar); var associator = new StaticAssociator(associations); jsServer.setAssociator(associator);; // serve plugin definitions // not very static, but served here so that client can do require("pluginfw/static/js/plugin-definitions.js");'/pluginfw/plugin-definitions.json', function (req, res, next) { var clientParts = _( .filter(function(part){ return _(part).has('client_hooks') }); var clientPlugins = {}; _(clientParts).chain() .map(function(part){ return part.plugin }) .uniq() .each(function(name){ clientPlugins[name] = _(plugins.plugins[name]).clone(); delete clientPlugins[name]['package']; }); res.header("Content-Type","application/json; charset=utf-8"); res.write(JSON.stringify({"plugins": clientPlugins, "parts": clientParts})); res.end(); }); }