var Changeset = require("../../static/js/Changeset"); var exportHtml = require('./ExportHtml'); function PadDiff (pad, fromRev, toRev) { // check parameters if (!pad || ! || !pad.atext || !pad.pool) { throw new Error('Invalid pad'); } var range = pad.getValidRevisionRange(fromRev, toRev); if (!range) { throw new Error('Invalid revision range.' + ' startRev: ' + fromRev + ' endRev: ' + toRev); } this._pad = pad; this._fromRev = range.startRev; this._toRev = range.endRev; this._html = null; this._authors = []; } PadDiff.prototype._isClearAuthorship = function(changeset) { // unpack var unpacked = Changeset.unpack(changeset); // check if there is nothing in the charBank if (unpacked.charBank !== "") { return false; } // check if oldLength == newLength if (unpacked.oldLen !== unpacked.newLen) { return false; } // lets iterator over the operators var iterator = Changeset.opIterator(unpacked.ops); // get the first operator, this should be a clear operator var clearOperator =; // check if there is only one operator if (iterator.hasNext() === true) { return false; } // check if this operator doesn't change text if (clearOperator.opcode !== "=") { return false; } // check that this operator applys to the complete text // if the text ends with a new line, its exactly one character less, else it has the same length if (clearOperator.chars !== unpacked.oldLen-1 && clearOperator.chars !== unpacked.oldLen) { return false; } var attributes = []; Changeset.eachAttribNumber(changeset, function(attrNum) { attributes.push(attrNum); }); // check that this changeset uses only one attribute if (attributes.length !== 1) { return false; } var appliedAttribute = this._pad.pool.getAttrib(attributes[0]); // check if the applied attribute is an anonymous author attribute if (appliedAttribute[0] !== "author" || appliedAttribute[1] !== "") { return false; } return true; }; PadDiff.prototype._createClearAuthorship = async function(rev) { let atext = await this._pad.getInternalRevisionAText(rev); // build clearAuthorship changeset var builder = Changeset.builder(atext.text.length); builder.keepText(atext.text, [['author','']], this._pad.pool); var changeset = builder.toString(); return changeset; } PadDiff.prototype._createClearStartAtext = async function(rev) { // get the atext of this revision let atext = this._pad.getInternalRevisionAText(rev); // create the clearAuthorship changeset let changeset = await this._createClearAuthorship(rev); // apply the clearAuthorship changeset let newAText = Changeset.applyToAText(changeset, atext, this._pad.pool); return newAText; } PadDiff.prototype._getChangesetsInBulk = async function(startRev, count) { // find out which revisions we need let revisions = []; for (let i = startRev; i < (startRev + count) && i <= this._pad.head; i++) { revisions.push(i); } // get all needed revisions (in parallel) let changesets = [], authors = []; await Promise.all( => { return this._pad.getRevision(rev).then(revision => { let arrayNum = rev - startRev; changesets[arrayNum] = revision.changeset; authors[arrayNum] =; }); })); return { changesets, authors }; } PadDiff.prototype._addAuthors = function(authors) { var self = this; // add to array if not in the array authors.forEach(function(author) { if (self._authors.indexOf(author) == -1) { self._authors.push(author); } }); }; PadDiff.prototype._createDiffAtext = async function() { let bulkSize = 100; // get the cleaned startAText let atext = await this._createClearStartAtext(this._fromRev); let superChangeset = null; let rev = this._fromRev + 1; for (let rev = this._fromRev + 1; rev <= this._toRev; rev += bulkSize) { // get the bulk let { changesets, authors } = await this._getChangesetsInBulk(rev, bulkSize); let addedAuthors = []; // run through all changesets for (let i = 0; i < changesets.length && (rev + i) <= this._toRev; ++i) { let changeset = changesets[i]; // skip clearAuthorship Changesets if (this._isClearAuthorship(changeset)) { continue; } changeset = this._extendChangesetWithAuthor(changeset, authors[i], this._pad.pool); // add this author to the authorarray addedAuthors.push(authors[i]); // compose it with the superChangset if (superChangeset === null) { superChangeset = changeset; } else { superChangeset = Changeset.composeWithDeletions(superChangeset, changeset, this._pad.pool); } } // add the authors to the PadDiff authorArray this._addAuthors(addedAuthors); } // if there are only clearAuthorship changesets, we don't get a superChangeset, so we can skip this step if (superChangeset) { let deletionChangeset = this._createDeletionChangeset(superChangeset, atext, this._pad.pool); // apply the superChangeset, which includes all addings atext = Changeset.applyToAText(superChangeset, atext, this._pad.pool); // apply the deletionChangeset, which adds a deletions atext = Changeset.applyToAText(deletionChangeset, atext, this._pad.pool); } return atext; } PadDiff.prototype.getHtml = async function() { // cache the html if (this._html != null) { return this._html; } // get the diff atext let atext = await this._createDiffAtext(); // get the authorColor table let authorColors = await this._pad.getAllAuthorColors(); // convert the atext to html this._html = await exportHtml.getHTMLFromAtext(this._pad, atext, authorColors); return this._html; } PadDiff.prototype.getAuthors = async function() { // check if html was already produced, if not produce it, this generates the author array at the same time if (this._html == null) { await this.getHtml(); } return self._authors; } PadDiff.prototype._extendChangesetWithAuthor = function(changeset, author, apool) { // unpack var unpacked = Changeset.unpack(changeset); var iterator = Changeset.opIterator(unpacked.ops); var assem = Changeset.opAssembler(); // create deleted attribs var authorAttrib = apool.putAttrib(["author", author || ""]); var deletedAttrib = apool.putAttrib(["removed", true]); var attribs = "*" + Changeset.numToString(authorAttrib) + "*" + Changeset.numToString(deletedAttrib); // iteratore over the operators of the changeset while(iterator.hasNext()) { var operator =; if (operator.opcode === "-") { // this is a delete operator, extend it with the author operator.attribs = attribs; } else if (operator.opcode === "=" && operator.attribs) { // this is operator changes only attributes, let's mark which author did that operator.attribs+="*"+Changeset.numToString(authorAttrib); } // append the new operator to our assembler assem.append(operator); } // return the modified changeset return Changeset.pack(unpacked.oldLen, unpacked.newLen, assem.toString(), unpacked.charBank); }; // this method is 80% like Changeset.inverse. I just changed so instead of reverting, it adds deletions and attribute changes to to the atext. PadDiff.prototype._createDeletionChangeset = function(cs, startAText, apool) { var lines = Changeset.splitTextLines(startAText.text); var alines = Changeset.splitAttributionLines(startAText.attribs, startAText.text); // lines and alines are what the exports is meant to apply to. // They may be arrays or objects with .get(i) and .length methods. // They include final newlines on lines. function lines_get(idx) { if (lines.get) { return lines.get(idx); } else { return lines[idx]; } } function alines_get(idx) { if (alines.get) { return alines.get(idx); } else { return alines[idx]; } } var curLine = 0; var curChar = 0; var curLineOpIter = null; var curLineOpIterLine; var curLineNextOp = Changeset.newOp('+'); var unpacked = Changeset.unpack(cs); var csIter = Changeset.opIterator(unpacked.ops); var builder = Changeset.builder(unpacked.newLen); function consumeAttribRuns(numChars, func /*(len, attribs, endsLine)*/ ) { if ((!curLineOpIter) || (curLineOpIterLine != curLine)) { // create curLineOpIter and advance it to curChar curLineOpIter = Changeset.opIterator(alines_get(curLine)); curLineOpIterLine = curLine; var indexIntoLine = 0; var done = false; while (!done) {; if (indexIntoLine + curLineNextOp.chars >= curChar) { curLineNextOp.chars -= (curChar - indexIntoLine); done = true; } else { indexIntoLine += curLineNextOp.chars; } } } while (numChars > 0) { if ((!curLineNextOp.chars) && (!curLineOpIter.hasNext())) { curLine++; curChar = 0; curLineOpIterLine = curLine; curLineNextOp.chars = 0; curLineOpIter = Changeset.opIterator(alines_get(curLine)); } if (!curLineNextOp.chars) {; } var charsToUse = Math.min(numChars, curLineNextOp.chars); func(charsToUse, curLineNextOp.attribs, charsToUse == curLineNextOp.chars && curLineNextOp.lines > 0); numChars -= charsToUse; curLineNextOp.chars -= charsToUse; curChar += charsToUse; } if ((!curLineNextOp.chars) && (!curLineOpIter.hasNext())) { curLine++; curChar = 0; } } function skip(N, L) { if (L) { curLine += L; curChar = 0; } else { if (curLineOpIter && curLineOpIterLine == curLine) { consumeAttribRuns(N, function () {}); } else { curChar += N; } } } function nextText(numChars) { var len = 0; var assem = Changeset.stringAssembler(); var firstString = lines_get(curLine).substring(curChar); len += firstString.length; assem.append(firstString); var lineNum = curLine + 1; while (len < numChars) { var nextString = lines_get(lineNum); len += nextString.length; assem.append(nextString); lineNum++; } return assem.toString().substring(0, numChars); } function cachedStrFunc(func) { var cache = {}; return function (s) { if (!cache[s]) { cache[s] = func(s); } return cache[s]; }; } var attribKeys = []; var attribValues = []; // iterate over all operators of this changeset while (csIter.hasNext()) { var csOp =; if (csOp.opcode == '=') { var textBank = nextText(csOp.chars); // decide if this equal operator is an attribution change or not. We can see this by checkinf if attribs is set. // If the text this operator applies to is only a star, than this is a false positive and should be ignored if (csOp.attribs && textBank != "*") { var deletedAttrib = apool.putAttrib(["removed", true]); var authorAttrib = apool.putAttrib(["author", ""]); attribKeys.length = 0; attribValues.length = 0; Changeset.eachAttribNumber(csOp.attribs, function (n) { attribKeys.push(apool.getAttribKey(n)); attribValues.push(apool.getAttribValue(n)); if (apool.getAttribKey(n) === "author") { authorAttrib = n; } }); var undoBackToAttribs = cachedStrFunc(function (attribs) { var backAttribs = []; for (var i = 0; i < attribKeys.length; i++) { var appliedKey = attribKeys[i]; var appliedValue = attribValues[i]; var oldValue = Changeset.attribsAttributeValue(attribs, appliedKey, apool); if (appliedValue != oldValue) { backAttribs.push([appliedKey, oldValue]); } } return Changeset.makeAttribsString('=', backAttribs, apool); }); var oldAttribsAddition = "*" + Changeset.numToString(deletedAttrib) + "*" + Changeset.numToString(authorAttrib); var textLeftToProcess = textBank; while(textLeftToProcess.length > 0) { // process till the next line break or process only one line break var lengthToProcess = textLeftToProcess.indexOf("\n"); var lineBreak = false; switch(lengthToProcess) { case -1: lengthToProcess=textLeftToProcess.length; break; case 0: lineBreak = true; lengthToProcess=1; break; } // get the text we want to procceed in this step var processText = textLeftToProcess.substr(0, lengthToProcess); textLeftToProcess = textLeftToProcess.substr(lengthToProcess); if (lineBreak) { builder.keep(1, 1); // just skip linebreaks, don't do a insert + keep for a linebreak // consume the attributes of this linebreak consumeAttribRuns(1, function() {}); } else { // add the old text via an insert, but add a deletion attribute + the author attribute of the author who deleted it var textBankIndex = 0; consumeAttribRuns(lengthToProcess, function (len, attribs, endsLine) { // get the old attributes back var attribs = (undoBackToAttribs(attribs) || "") + oldAttribsAddition; builder.insert(processText.substr(textBankIndex, len), attribs); textBankIndex += len; }); builder.keep(lengthToProcess, 0); } } } else { skip(csOp.chars, csOp.lines); builder.keep(csOp.chars, csOp.lines); } } else if (csOp.opcode == '+') { builder.keep(csOp.chars, csOp.lines); } else if (csOp.opcode == '-') { var textBank = nextText(csOp.chars); var textBankIndex = 0; consumeAttribRuns(csOp.chars, function (len, attribs, endsLine) { builder.insert(textBank.substr(textBankIndex, len), attribs + csOp.attribs); textBankIndex += len; }); } } return Changeset.checkRep(builder.toString()); }; // export the constructor module.exports = PadDiff;