const assert = require('assert').strict; const promises = require('../../../node/utils/promises'); describe(__filename, function () { describe('promises.timesLimit', function () { let wantIndex = 0; const testPromises = []; const makePromise = (index) => { // Make sure index increases by one each time. assert.equal(index, wantIndex++); // Save the resolve callback (so the test can trigger resolution) // and the promise itself (to wait for resolve to take effect). const p = {}; const promise = new Promise((resolve) => { p.resolve = resolve; }); p.promise = promise; testPromises.push(p); return p.promise; }; const total = 11; const concurrency = 7; const timesLimitPromise = promises.timesLimit(total, concurrency, makePromise); it('honors concurrency', async function () { assert.equal(wantIndex, concurrency); }); it('creates another when one completes', async function () { const {promise, resolve} = testPromises.shift(); resolve(); await promise; assert.equal(wantIndex, concurrency + 1); }); it('creates the expected total number of promises', async function () { while (testPromises.length > 0) { // Resolve them in random order to ensure that the resolution order doesn't matter. const i = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(testPromises.length)); const {promise, resolve} = testPromises.splice(i, 1)[0]; resolve(); await promise; } assert.equal(wantIndex, total); }); it('resolves', async function () { await timesLimitPromise; }); it('does not create too many promises if total < concurrency', async function () { wantIndex = 0; assert.equal(testPromises.length, 0); const total = 7; const concurrency = 11; const timesLimitPromise = promises.timesLimit(total, concurrency, makePromise); while (testPromises.length > 0) { const {promise, resolve} = testPromises.pop(); resolve(); await promise; } await timesLimitPromise; assert.equal(wantIndex, total); }); it('accepts total === 0, concurrency > 0', async function () { wantIndex = 0; assert.equal(testPromises.length, 0); await promises.timesLimit(0, concurrency, makePromise); assert.equal(wantIndex, 0); }); it('accepts total === 0, concurrency === 0', async function () { wantIndex = 0; assert.equal(testPromises.length, 0); await promises.timesLimit(0, 0, makePromise); assert.equal(wantIndex, 0); }); it('rejects total > 0, concurrency === 0', async function () { await assert.rejects(promises.timesLimit(total, 0, makePromise), RangeError); }); }); });