'use strict'; describe('select formatting buttons when selection has style applied', function () { const STYLES = ['italic', 'bold', 'underline', 'strikethrough']; const SHORTCUT_KEYS = ['I', 'B', 'U', '5']; // italic, bold, underline, strikethrough const FIRST_LINE = 0; before(function (cb) { helper.newPad(cb); this.timeout(60000); }); const applyStyleOnLine = function (style, line) { const chrome$ = helper.padChrome$; selectLine(line); const $formattingButton = chrome$(`.buttonicon-${style}`); $formattingButton.click(); }; const isButtonSelected = function (style) { const chrome$ = helper.padChrome$; const $formattingButton = chrome$(`.buttonicon-${style}`); return $formattingButton.parent().hasClass('selected'); }; const selectLine = function (lineNumber, offsetStart, offsetEnd) { const inner$ = helper.padInner$; const $line = inner$('div').eq(lineNumber); helper.selectLines($line, $line, offsetStart, offsetEnd); }; const placeCaretOnLine = function (lineNumber) { const inner$ = helper.padInner$; const $line = inner$('div').eq(lineNumber); $line.sendkeys('{leftarrow}'); }; const undo = function () { const $undoButton = helper.padChrome$('.buttonicon-undo'); $undoButton.click(); }; const testIfFormattingButtonIsDeselected = function (style) { it(`deselects the ${style} button`, function (done) { helper.waitFor(() => isButtonSelected(style) === false).done(done); }); }; const testIfFormattingButtonIsSelected = function (style) { it(`selects the ${style} button`, function (done) { helper.waitFor(() => isButtonSelected(style)).done(done); }); }; const applyStyleOnLineAndSelectIt = function (line, style, cb) { applyStyleOnLineOnFullLineAndRemoveSelection(line, style, selectLine, cb); }; const applyStyleOnLineAndPlaceCaretOnit = function (line, style, cb) { applyStyleOnLineOnFullLineAndRemoveSelection(line, style, placeCaretOnLine, cb); }; const applyStyleOnLineOnFullLineAndRemoveSelection = function (line, style, selectTarget, cb) { // see if line html has changed const inner$ = helper.padInner$; const oldLineHTML = inner$.find('div')[line]; applyStyleOnLine(style, line); helper.waitFor(() => { const lineHTML = inner$.find('div')[line]; return lineHTML !== oldLineHTML; }); // remove selection from previous line selectLine(line + 1); // setTimeout(function() { // select the text or place the caret on a position that // has the formatting text applied previously selectTarget(line); cb(); // }, 1000); }; const pressFormattingShortcutOnSelection = function (key) { const inner$ = helper.padInner$; // get the first text element out of the inner iframe const $firstTextElement = inner$('div').first(); // select this text element $firstTextElement.sendkeys('{selectall}'); const e = new inner$.Event(helper.evtType); e.ctrlKey = true; // Control key e.which = key.charCodeAt(0); // I, U, B, 5 inner$('#innerdocbody').trigger(e); }; STYLES.forEach((style) => { context(`when selection is in a text with ${style} applied`, function () { before(function (done) { this.timeout(4000); applyStyleOnLineAndSelectIt(FIRST_LINE, style, done); }); after(function () { undo(); }); testIfFormattingButtonIsSelected(style); }); context(`when caret is in a position with ${style} applied`, function () { before(function (done) { this.timeout(4000); applyStyleOnLineAndPlaceCaretOnit(FIRST_LINE, style, done); }); after(function () { undo(); }); testIfFormattingButtonIsSelected(style); }); }); context('when user applies a style and the selection does not change', function () { const style = STYLES[0]; // italic before(function () { applyStyleOnLine(style, FIRST_LINE); }); // clean the style applied after(function () { applyStyleOnLine(style, FIRST_LINE); }); it('selects the style button', function (done) { expect(isButtonSelected(style)).to.be(true); done(); }); }); SHORTCUT_KEYS.forEach((key, index) => { const styleOfTheShortcut = STYLES[index]; // italic, bold, ... context(`when user presses CMD + ${key}`, function () { before(function () { pressFormattingShortcutOnSelection(key); }); testIfFormattingButtonIsSelected(styleOfTheShortcut); context(`and user presses CMD + ${key} again`, function () { before(function () { pressFormattingShortcutOnSelection(key); }); testIfFormattingButtonIsDeselected(styleOfTheShortcut); }); }); }); });