// pro usage for all your plugins, replace johnmclear with your github username /* cd node_modules GHUSER=johnmclear; curl "https://api.github.com/users/$GHUSER/repos?per_page=1000" | grep -o 'git@[^"]*' | grep /ep_ | xargs -L1 git clone cd .. for dir in `ls node_modules`; do # echo $0 if [[ $dir == *"ep_"* ]]; then if [[ $dir != "ep_etherpad-lite" ]]; then node bin/plugins/checkPlugin.js $dir autofix autocommit fi fi # echo $dir done */ /* * * Usage * * Normal usage: node bin/plugins/checkPlugins.js ep_whatever * Auto fix the things it can: node bin/plugins/checkPlugins.js ep_whatever autofix * Auto commit, push and publish(to npm) * highly dangerous: node bin/plugins/checkPlugins.js ep_whatever autofix autocommit */ const fs = require("fs"); const { exec } = require("child_process"); // get plugin name & path from user input const pluginName = process.argv[2]; const pluginPath = "node_modules/"+pluginName; console.log("Checking the plugin: "+ pluginName) // Should we autofix? if (process.argv[3] && process.argv[3] === "autofix") var autoFix = true; // Should we update files where possible? if (process.argv[5] && process.argv[5] === "autoupdate") var autoUpdate = true; // Should we automcommit and npm publish?! if (process.argv[4] && process.argv[4] === "autocommit") var autoCommit = true; if(autoCommit){ console.warn("Auto commit is enabled, I hope you know what you are doing...") } fs.readdir(pluginPath, function (err, rootFiles) { //handling error if (err) { return console.log('Unable to scan directory: ' + err); } // rewriting files to lower case var files = []; // some files we need to know the actual file name. Not compulsory but might help in the future. var readMeFileName; var repository; var hasAutofixed = false; for (var i = 0; i < rootFiles.length; i++) { if(rootFiles[i].toLowerCase().indexOf("readme") !== -1) readMeFileName = rootFiles[i]; files.push(rootFiles[i].toLowerCase()); } if(files.indexOf("package.json") === -1){ console.warn("no package.json, please create"); } if(files.indexOf("package.json") !== -1){ let packageJSON = fs.readFileSync(pluginPath+"/package.json", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'}); if(packageJSON.toLowerCase().indexOf("repository") === -1){ console.warn("No repository in package.json"); if(autoFix){ console.warn("Repository not detected in package.json. Please add repository section manually.") } }else{ // useful for creating README later. repository = JSON.parse(packageJSON).repository.url; } } if(files.indexOf("readme") === -1 && files.indexOf("readme.md") === -1){ console.warn("README.md file not found, please create"); if(autoFix){ console.log("Autofixing missing README.md file, please edit the README.md file further to include plugin specific details."); let readme = fs.readFileSync("bin/plugins/lib/README.md", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'}) readme = readme.replace(/\[plugin_name\]/g, pluginName); if(repository){ let org = repository.split("/")[3]; let name = repository.split("/")[4]; readme = readme.replace(/\[org_name\]/g, org); readme = readme.replace(/\[repo_url\]/g, name); fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath+"/README.md", readme); }else{ console.warn("Unable to find repository in package.json, aborting.") } } } if(files.indexOf("readme") !== -1 && files.indexOf("readme.md") !== -1){ let readme = fs.readFileSync(pluginPath+"/"+readMeFileName, {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'}); if(readme.toLowerCase().indexOf("license") === -1){ console.warn("No license section in README"); if(autoFix){ console.warn("Please add License section to README manually.") } } } if(files.indexOf("license") === -1 && files.indexOf("license.md") === -1){ console.warn("LICENSE.md file not found, please create"); if(autoFix){ hasAutofixed = true; console.log("Autofixing missing LICENSE.md file, including Apache 2 license."); exec("git config user.name", (error, name, stderr) => { if (error) { console.log(`error: ${error.message}`); return; } if (stderr) { console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`); return; } let license = fs.readFileSync("bin/plugins/lib/LICENSE.md", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'}); license = license.replace("[yyyy]", new Date().getFullYear()); license = license.replace("[name of copyright owner]", name) fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath+"/LICENSE.md", license); }); } } var travisConfig = fs.readFileSync("bin/plugins/lib/travis.yml", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'}); travisConfig = travisConfig.replace(/\[plugin_name\]/g, pluginName); if(files.indexOf(".travis.yml") === -1){ console.warn(".travis.yml file not found, please create. .travis.yml is used for automatically CI testing Etherpad. It is useful to know if your plugin breaks another feature for example.") // TODO: Make it check version of the .travis file to see if it needs an update. if(autoFix){ hasAutofixed = true; console.log("Autofixing missing .travis.yml file"); fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath+"/.travis.yml", travisConfig); console.log("Travis file created, please sign into travis and enable this repository") } } if(autoFix && autoUpdate){ // checks the file versioning of .travis and updates it to the latest. let existingConfig = fs.readFileSync(pluginPath + "/.travis.yml", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'}); let existingConfigLocation = existingConfig.indexOf("##ETHERPAD_TRAVIS_V="); let existingValue = existingConfig.substr(existingConfigLocation+20, existingConfig.length); let newConfigLocation = travisConfig.indexOf("##ETHERPAD_TRAVIS_V="); let newValue = travisConfig.substr(newConfigLocation+20, travisConfig.length); if(existingConfigLocation === -1){ console.warn("no previous .travis.yml version found so writing new.") // we will write the newTravisConfig to the location. fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath + "/.travis.yml", travisConfig); }else{ if(newValue > existingValue){ console.log("updating .travis.yml"); fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath + "/.travis.yml", travisConfig); hasAutofixed = true; } } } if(files.indexOf(".gitignore") === -1){ console.warn(".gitignore file not found, please create. .gitignore files are useful to ensure files aren't incorrectly commited to a repository.") if(autoFix){ hasAutofixed = true; console.log("Autofixing missing .gitignore file"); let gitignore = fs.readFileSync("bin/plugins/lib/gitignore", {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'}); fs.writeFileSync(pluginPath+"/.gitignore", gitignore); } } if(files.indexOf("locales") === -1){ console.warn("Translations not found, please create. Translation files help with Etherpad accessibility."); } if(files.indexOf(".ep_initialized") !== -1){ console.warn(".ep_initialized found, please remove. .ep_initialized should never be commited to git and should only exist once the plugin has been executed one time.") if(autoFix){ hasAutofixed = true; console.log("Autofixing incorrectly existing .ep_initialized file"); fs.unlinkSync(pluginPath+"/.ep_initialized"); } } if(files.indexOf("npm-debug.log") !== -1){ console.warn("npm-debug.log found, please remove. npm-debug.log should never be commited to your repository.") if(autoFix){ hasAutofixed = true; console.log("Autofixing incorrectly existing npm-debug.log file"); fs.unlinkSync(pluginPath+"/npm-debug.log"); } } if(files.indexOf("static") !== -1){ fs.readdir(pluginPath+"/static", function (errRead, staticFiles) { if(staticFiles.indexOf("tests") === -1){ console.warn("Test files not found, please create tests. https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/wiki/Creating-a-plugin#writing-and-running-front-end-tests-for-your-plugin") } }) }else{ console.warn("Test files not found, please create tests. https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/wiki/Creating-a-plugin#writing-and-running-front-end-tests-for-your-plugin") } if(hasAutofixed){ console.log("Fixes applied, please check git diff then run the following command:\n\n") // bump npm Version if(autoCommit){ // holy shit you brave. console.log("Attempting autocommit and auto publish to npm") exec("cd node_modules/"+ pluginName + " && git add -A && git commit --allow-empty -m 'autofixes from Etherpad checkPlugins.js' && npm version patch && git add package.json && git commit --allow-empty -m 'bump version' && git push && npm publish && cd ../..", (error, name, stderr) => { if (error) { console.log(`error: ${error.message}`); return; } if (stderr) { console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`); return; } console.log("I think she's got it! By George she's got it!") process.exit(0) }); }else{ console.log("cd node_modules/"+ pluginName + " && git add -A && git commit --allow-empty -m 'autofixes from Etherpad checkPlugins.js' && npm version patch && git add package.json && git commit --allow-empty -m 'bump version' && git push && npm publish && cd ../..") } } //listing all files using forEach files.forEach(function (file) { // Do whatever you want to do with the file // console.log(file.toLowerCase()); }); });