/** * This code is mostly from the old Etherpad. Please help us to comment this code. * This helps other people to understand this code better and helps them to improve it. * TL;DR COMMENTS ON THIS FILE ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED */ /** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var padimpexp = (function() { ///// import var currentImportTimer = null; function addImportFrames() { $("#import .importframe").remove(); var iframe = $(''); $('#import').append(iframe); } function fileInputUpdated() { $('#importformfilediv').addClass('importformenabled'); $('#importsubmitinput').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#importmessagefail').fadeOut("fast"); $('#importarrow').show(); $('#importarrow').animate( { paddingLeft: "0px" }, 500).animate( { paddingLeft: "10px" }, 150, 'swing').animate( { paddingLeft: "0px" }, 150, 'swing').animate( { paddingLeft: "10px" }, 150, 'swing').animate( { paddingLeft: "0px" }, 150, 'swing').animate( { paddingLeft: "10px" }, 150, 'swing').animate( { paddingLeft: "0px" }, 150, 'swing'); } function fileInputSubmit() { $('#importmessagefail').fadeOut("fast"); var ret = window.confirm(html10n.get("pad.impexp.confirmimport")); if (ret) { currentImportTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { if (!currentImportTimer) { return; } currentImportTimer = null; importFailed("Request timed out."); importDone(); }, 25000); // time out after some number of seconds $('#importsubmitinput').attr( { disabled: true }).val(html10n.get("pad.impexp.importing")); window.setTimeout(function() { $('#importfileinput').attr( { disabled: true }); }, 0); $('#importarrow').stop(true, true).hide(); $('#importstatusball').show(); } return ret; } function importFailed(msg) { importErrorMessage(msg); } function importDone() { $('#importsubmitinput').removeAttr('disabled').val(html10n.get("pad.impexp.importbutton")); window.setTimeout(function() { $('#importfileinput').removeAttr('disabled'); }, 0); $('#importstatusball').hide(); importClearTimeout(); addImportFrames(); } function importClearTimeout() { if (currentImportTimer) { window.clearTimeout(currentImportTimer); currentImportTimer = null; } } function importErrorMessage(status) { var msg=""; if(status === "convertFailed"){ msg = html10n.get("pad.impexp.convertFailed"); } else if(status === "uploadFailed"){ msg = html10n.get("pad.impexp.uploadFailed"); } function showError(fade) { $('#importmessagefail').html(''+html10n.get('pad.impexp.importfailed')+': ' + (msg || html10n.get('pad.impexp.copypaste','')))[(fade ? "fadeIn" : "show")](); } if ($('#importexport .importmessage').is(':visible')) { $('#importmessagesuccess').fadeOut("fast"); $('#importmessagefail').fadeOut("fast", function() { showError(true); }); } else { showError(); } } function importSuccessful(token) { $.ajax( { type: 'post', url: '/ep/pad/impexp/import2', data: { token: token, padId: pad.getPadId() }, success: importApplicationSuccessful, error: importApplicationFailed, timeout: 25000 }); addImportFrames(); } function importApplicationFailed(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { importErrorMessage("Error during conversion."); importDone(); } ///// export function cantExport() { var type = $(this); if (type.hasClass("exporthrefpdf")) { type = "PDF"; } else if (type.hasClass("exporthrefdoc")) { type = "Microsoft Word"; } else if (type.hasClass("exporthrefodt")) { type = "OpenDocument"; } else { type = "this file"; } alert(html10n.get("pad.impexp.exportdisabled", {type:type})); return false; } ///// var pad = undefined; var self = { init: function(_pad) { pad = _pad; //get /p/padname var pad_root_path = new RegExp(/.*\/p\/[^\/]+/).exec(document.location.pathname); //get http://example.com/p/padname without Params var pad_root_url = document.location.protocol + '//' + document.location.host + document.location.pathname; //i10l buttom import $('#importsubmitinput').val(html10n.get("pad.impexp.importbutton")); html10n.bind('localized', function() { $('#importsubmitinput').val(html10n.get("pad.impexp.importbutton")); }) // build the export links $("#exporthtmla").attr("href", pad_root_path + "/export/html"); $("#exportplaina").attr("href", pad_root_path + "/export/txt"); $("#exportdokuwikia").attr("href", pad_root_path + "/export/dokuwiki"); // activate action to import in the form $("#importform").attr('action', pad_root_url + "/import"); //hide stuff thats not avaible if abiword is disabled if(clientVars.abiwordAvailable == "no") { $("#exportworda").remove(); $("#exportpdfa").remove(); $("#exportopena").remove(); $("#importmessageabiword").show(); } else if(clientVars.abiwordAvailable == "withoutPDF") { $("#exportpdfa").remove(); $("#exportworda").attr("href", pad_root_path + "/export/doc"); $("#exportopena").attr("href", pad_root_path + "/export/odt"); $("#importexport").css({"height":"142px"}); $("#importexportline").css({"height":"142px"}); } else { $("#exportworda").attr("href", pad_root_path + "/export/doc"); $("#exportpdfa").attr("href", pad_root_path + "/export/pdf"); $("#exportopena").attr("href", pad_root_path + "/export/odt"); } addImportFrames(); $("#importfileinput").change(fileInputUpdated); $('#importform').submit(fileInputSubmit); $('.disabledexport').click(cantExport); }, handleFrameCall: function(status) { if (status !== "ok") { importFailed(status); } importDone(); }, disable: function() { $("#impexp-disabled-clickcatcher").show(); $("#import").css('opacity', 0.5); $("#impexp-export").css('opacity', 0.5); }, enable: function() { $("#impexp-disabled-clickcatcher").hide(); $("#import").css('opacity', 1); $("#impexp-export").css('opacity', 1); } }; return self; }()); exports.padimpexp = padimpexp;