'use strict'; /* * ACHTUNG: there is a copied & modified version of this file in * /tests/container/spacs/api/pad.js * * TODO: unify those two files, and merge in a single one. */ /* eslint-disable max-len */ const common = require('../../common'); const supertest = require(`${__dirname}/../../../../src/node_modules/supertest`); const settings = require(`${__dirname}/../../../../tests/container/loadSettings.js`).loadSettings(); const api = supertest(`http://${settings.ip}:${settings.port}`); const apiKey = common.apiKey; const apiVersion = 1; const testImports = { 'malformed': { input: '
  • wtf', expectedHTML: 'wtf

    ', expectedText: 'wtf\n\n', }, 'nonelistiteminlist #3620': { input: '', expectedHTML: '
    ', expectedText: '\ttest\n\t* FOO\n\n', }, 'whitespaceinlist #3620': { input: '', expectedHTML: '
    ', expectedText: '\t* FOO\n\n', }, 'prefixcorrectlinenumber': { input: '
    1. should be 1
    2. should be 2
    ', expectedHTML: '
    1. should be 1
    2. should be 2

    ', expectedText: '\t1. should be 1\n\t2. should be 2\n\n', }, 'prefixcorrectlinenumbernested': { input: '
    1. should be 1
      1. foo
    2. should be 2
    ', expectedHTML: '
    1. should be 1
      1. foo
    2. should be 2

    ', expectedText: '\t1. should be 1\n\t\t1.1. foo\n\t2. should be 2\n\n', }, /* "prefixcorrectlinenumber when introduced none list item - currently not supported see #3450":{ input: '
    1. should be 1
    2. test
    3. should be 2
    ', expectedHTML: '
    1. should be 1
    2. test
    3. should be 2

    ', expectedText: '\t1. should be 1\n\ttest\n\t2. should be 2\n\n' } , "newlinesshouldntresetlinenumber #2194":{ input: '
    1. should be 1
    2. test
    3. should be 2
    ', expectedHTML: '
    1. should be 1
    2. test
    3. should be 2

    ', expectedText: '\t1. should be 1\n\ttest\n\t2. should be 2\n\n' } */ 'ignoreAnyTagsOutsideBody': { description: 'Content outside body should be ignored', input: 'titleempty
    ', expectedHTML: 'empty

    ', expectedText: 'empty\n\n', }, 'indentedListsAreNotBullets': { description: 'Indented lists are represented with tabs and without bullets', input: '', expectedHTML: '
    ', expectedText: '\tindent\n\tindent\n\n' }, lineWithMultipleSpaces: { description: 'Multiple spaces should be collapsed', input: 'Text with more than one space.
    ', expectedHTML: 'Text with more than one space.

    ', expectedText: 'Text with more than one space.\n\n' }, lineWithMultipleNonBreakingAndNormalSpaces: { // XXX the HTML between "than" and "one" looks strange description: 'non-breaking space should be preserved, but can be replaced when it', input: 'Text with  more   than  one space.
    ', expectedHTML: 'Text with  more   than  one space.

    ', expectedText: 'Text with more than one space.\n\n' }, multiplenbsp: { description: 'Multiple non-breaking space should be preserved', input: '  
    ', expectedHTML: '  

    ', expectedText: ' \n\n' }, multipleNonBreakingSpaceBetweenWords: { description: 'A normal space is always inserted before a word', input: '  word1  word2   word3
    ', expectedHTML: '  word1  word2   word3

    ', expectedText: ' word1 word2 word3\n\n' }, nonBreakingSpacePreceededBySpaceBetweenWords: { description: 'A non-breaking space preceeded by a normal space', input: '  word1  word2  word3
    ', expectedHTML: ' word1  word2  word3

    ', expectedText: ' word1 word2 word3\n\n' }, nonBreakingSpaceFollowededBySpaceBetweenWords: { description: 'A non-breaking space followed by a normal space', input: '  word1  word2  word3
    ', expectedHTML: '  word1  word2  word3

    ', expectedText: ' word1 word2 word3\n\n' }, spacesAfterNewline: { description: 'Collapse spaces that follow a newline', input:'something
    ', expectedHTML: 'something

    ', expectedText: 'something\nsomething\n\n' }, spacesAfterNewlineP: { description: 'Collapse spaces that follow a paragraph', input:'something

    ', expectedHTML: 'something


    ', expectedText: 'something\n\nsomething\n\n' }, spacesAtEndOfLine: { description: 'Collapse spaces that preceed/follow a newline', input:'something
    ', expectedHTML: 'something

    ', expectedText: 'something\nsomething\n\n' }, spacesAtEndOfLineP: { description: 'Collapse spaces that preceed/follow a paragraph', input:'something

    ', expectedHTML: 'something


    ', expectedText: 'something\n\nsomething\n\n' }, nonBreakingSpacesAfterNewlines: { description: 'Don\'t collapse non-breaking spaces that follow a newline', input:'something
    ', expectedHTML: 'something

    ', expectedText: 'something\n something\n\n' }, nonBreakingSpacesAfterNewlinesP: { description: 'Don\'t collapse non-breaking spaces that follow a paragraph', input:'something

    ', expectedHTML: 'something


    ', expectedText: 'something\n\n something\n\n' }, collapseSpacesInsideElements: { description: 'Preserve only one space when multiple are present', input: 'Need more space s !
    ', expectedHTML: 'Need more space s !

    ', expectedText: 'Need more space s !\n\n' }, collapseSpacesAcrossNewlines: { description: 'Newlines and multiple spaces across newlines should be collapsed', input: ` Need more space s !
    `, expectedHTML: 'Need more space s !

    ', expectedText: 'Need more space s !\n\n' }, multipleNewLinesAtBeginning: { description: 'Multiple new lines and paragraphs at the beginning should be preserved', input: '

    first line

    second line
    ', expectedHTML: '

    first line

    second line

    ', expectedText: '\n\n\n\nfirst line\n\nsecond line\n\n' }, multiLineParagraph:{ description: "A paragraph with multiple lines should not loose spaces when lines are combined", input:`

    а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і ї й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ю я ь

    `, expectedHTML: 'а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і ї й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ю я ь

    ', expectedText: 'а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і ї й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ю я ь\n\n' }, multiLineParagraphWithPre:{ //XXX why is there   before "in"? description: "lines in preformatted text should be kept intact", input:`

    а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і ї й к л м н о


    п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ю я ь

    `, expectedHTML: 'а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і ї й к л м н о

    п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ю я ь

    ', expectedText: 'а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і ї й к л м н о\nmultiple\n lines\n in\n pre\n\nп р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ю я ь\n\n' }, preIntroducesASpace: { description: "pre should be on a new line not preceeded by a space", input:`



    `, expectedHTML: '1

    ', expectedText: '1\npreline\n\n\n' }, dontDeleteSpaceInsideElements: { description: 'Preserve spaces inside elements', input: 'Need more space s !
    ', expectedHTML: 'Need more space s !

    ', expectedText: 'Need more space s !\n\n' }, dontDeleteSpaceOutsideElements: { description: 'Preserve spaces outside elements', input: 'Need more space s !
    ', expectedHTML: 'Need more space s !

    ', expectedText: 'Need more space s !\n\n' }, dontDeleteSpaceAtEndOfElement: { description: 'Preserve spaces at the end of an element', input: 'Need more space s !
    ', expectedHTML: 'Need more space s !

    ', expectedText: 'Need more space s !\n\n' }, dontDeleteSpaceAtBeginOfElements: { description: 'Preserve spaces at the start of an element', input: 'Need more space s !
    ', expectedHTML: 'Need more space s !

    ', expectedText: 'Need more space s !\n\n' }, >>>>>>> 5a47aff2... tests for spaces }; describe(__filename, function () { Object.keys(testImports).forEach((testName) => { const testPadId = makeid(); const test = testImports[testName]; if (test.disabled) { return xit(`DISABLED: ${testName}`, function (done) { done(); }); } describe(`createPad ${testName}`, function () { it('creates a new Pad', function (done) { api.get(`${endPoint('createPad')}&padID=${testPadId}`) .expect((res) => { if (res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error('Unable to create new Pad'); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done); }); }); describe(`setHTML ${testName}`, function () { it('Sets the HTML', function (done) { api.get(`${endPoint('setHTML')}&padID=${testPadId}&html=${encodeURIComponent(test.input)}`) .expect((res) => { if (res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error(`Error:${testName}`); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done); }); }); describe(`getHTML ${testName}`, function () { it('Gets back the HTML of a Pad', function (done) { api.get(`${endPoint('getHTML')}&padID=${testPadId}`) .expect((res) => { const receivedHtml = res.body.data.html; if (receivedHtml !== test.expectedHTML) { throw new Error(`HTML received from export is not the one we were expecting. Test Name: ${testName} Received: ${JSON.stringify(receivedHtml)} Expected: ${JSON.stringify(test.expectedHTML)} Which is a different version of the originally imported one: ${test.input}`); } }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done); }); }); describe(`getText ${testName}`, function () { it('Gets back the Text of a Pad', function (done) { api.get(`${endPoint('getText')}&padID=${testPadId}`) .expect((res) => { const receivedText = res.body.data.text; if (receivedText !== test.expectedText) { throw new Error(`Text received from export is not the one we were expecting. Test Name: ${testName} Received: ${JSON.stringify(receivedText)} Expected: ${JSON.stringify(test.expectedText)} Which is a different version of the originally imported one: ${test.input}`); } }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done); }); }); }); }); function endPoint(point, version) { version = version || apiVersion; return `/api/${version}/${point}?apikey=${apiKey}`; }; function makeid() { let text = ''; const possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); } return text; }