This is an old bug: after an import there were always two iframes with
duplicated content, and the last one was simply on top of the old one.
This bug was there since forever, and became evident when the layout was
migrated to Flexbox.
- rename DOM wrapper because is was blacklisted by some ad blocker
- make the template and the lib to add gritter more simple (remove unused
option, make template simpler)
- add style for gritter error message
No more javascript to change css properties
Remove a number of useless tables
Try to stop positioning elements with absolute, but use flex-boxes instead
Adds comment to pad template, and move popups and chatbox inside editorcontainerbox (so absolute positioning is straightforward)
Make the design more consistent: always use base color, font-family and font-size. USe relative font size if necessary (.9rem instead of 11px for example)
Remove two columns in the popups, just use one column
Remove css meant to support old browser (like -webkit-box-shadow, -moz-box-shadow). Those css rules are quite common now, and If we want to support very old browser, we should use clean-css or other tools to add them automatically
The current behaviour is to show the chat bubble and hide if chat is
Because of this, the bubble appears wrongfully for a short time.
With this PR, by default it is hidden and displayed only if chat is
Fixes: #3088
This is documented to be more performant.
The substitution was made on frontend code, too (i.e., the one in /static),
because is supported since IE 9, and we are life supporting only
IE 11.
find . -name *.js | xargs sed --in-place "s/new Date().getTime()/"
find . -name *.js | xargs sed --in-place "s/(new Date()).getTime()/"
Not done on jQuery.
* Added support for the Montserrat Font as discussed in #3201
I chose a thin version of the Font (namely Montserrat Light) as the regular font and Montserrat Regular as the bold version. The thin fonts just look better in my opinion.
I added RobotoMono-Regular and RobotoMono-Bold as TrueTypeFont files and included them into the list. I tred to stay in alphabetical order where possible.
The author of #3201 was asking for a more modern monospaced font.