sendkeys: Merge in latest upstream commit that mostly works

seems to be the newest upstream commit that still works. After that,
`{selectall}` doesn't seem to work. Starting with v3.0, sendkeys sends
input events instead of keypress events, which `ace2_inner.js` doesn't
listen for.
This commit is contained in:
Richard Hansen 2021-08-21 00:19:55 -04:00 committed by SamTV12345
parent 0900354980
commit ed991419b8
2 changed files with 215 additions and 57 deletions

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Cross-broswer implementation of text ranges and selections
// documentation:
// Version: 1.5
// Copyright (c) 2010 Daniel Wachsstock
// Version: 2.0
// Copyright (c) 2013 Daniel Wachsstock
// MIT license:
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
// obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
@ -49,11 +49,22 @@ bililiteRange = function(el, debug){
ret._win = 'defaultView' in ret._doc ? ret._doc.defaultView : ret._doc.parentWindow;
ret._textProp = textProp(el);
ret._bounds = [0, ret.length()];
if (!('oninput' in el)){
// give IE8 a chance
var inputhack = function() {ret.dispatch({type: 'input'}) };
ret.listen('keyup', inputhack);
ret.listen('cut', inputhack);
ret.listen('paste', inputhack);
ret.listen('drop', inputhack);
el.oninput = 'patched';
return ret;
function textProp(el){
// returns the property that contains the text of the element
// note that for <body> elements the text attribute represents the obsolete text color, not the textContent.
// we document that these routines do not work for <body> elements so that should not be relevant
if (typeof el.value != 'undefined') return 'value';
if (typeof el.text != 'undefined') return 'text';
if (typeof el.textContent != 'undefined') return 'textContent';
@ -90,21 +101,24 @@ Range.prototype = {
select: function(){
this.dispatch({type: 'select'});
return this; // allow for chaining
text: function(text, select){
if (arguments.length){
this._nativeSetText(text, this._nativeRange(this.bounds()));
try { // signal the text change (IE < 9 doesn't support this, so we live with it)
this._el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('input', {detail: {text: text, bounds: this.bounds()}}));
}catch(e){ /* ignore */ }
var bounds = this.bounds(), el = this._el;
// signal the input per DOM 3 input events,
// we add another field, bounds, which are the bounds of the original text before being changed.
this.dispatch({type: 'beforeinput', data: text, bounds: bounds});
this._nativeSetText(text, this._nativeRange(bounds));
if (select == 'start'){
this.bounds ([this._bounds[0], this._bounds[0]]);
this.bounds ([bounds[0], bounds[0]]);
}else if (select == 'end'){
this.bounds ([this._bounds[0]+text.length, this._bounds[0]+text.length]);
this.bounds ([bounds[0]+text.length, bounds[0]+text.length]);
}else if (select == 'all'){
this.bounds ([this._bounds[0], this._bounds[0]+text.length]);
this.bounds ([bounds[0], bounds[0]+text.length]);
this.dispatch({type: 'input', data: text, bounds: bounds});
return this; // allow for chaining
return this._nativeGetText(this._nativeRange(this.bounds()));
@ -118,6 +132,88 @@ Range.prototype = {
scrollIntoView: function(){
return this;
wrap: function (n){
this._nativeWrap(n, this._nativeRange(this.bounds()));
return this;
selection: function(text){
if (arguments.length){
return this.bounds('selection').text(text, 'end').select();
return this.bounds('selection').text();
clone: function(){
return bililiteRange(this._el).bounds(this.bounds());
all: function(text){
if (arguments.length){
this.dispatch ({type: 'beforeinput', data: text});
this._el[this._textProp] = text;
this.dispatch ({type: 'input', data: text});
return this;
return this._el[this._textProp].replace(/\r/g, ''); // need to correct for IE's CrLf weirdness;
element: function() { return this._el },
// includes a quickie polyfill for CustomEvent for IE that isn't perfect but works for me
// IE10 allows custom events but not "new CustomEvent"; have to do it the old-fashioned way
dispatch: function(opts){
opts = opts || {};
var event = document.createEvent ? document.createEvent('CustomEvent') : this._doc.createEventObject();
event.initCustomEvent && event.initCustomEvent(opts.type, !!opts.bubbles, !!opts.cancelable, opts.detail);
for (var key in opts) event[key] = opts[key];
// dispatch event asynchronously (in the sense of on the next turn of the event loop; still should be fired in order of dispatch
var el = this._el;
try {
el.dispatchEvent ? el.dispatchEvent(event) : el.fireEvent("on" + opts.type, document.createEventObject());
// IE8 will not let me fire custom events at all. Call them directly
if (jQuery) {
var listeners = el['listen'+opts.type];
if (listeners) for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i){
listeners[i].call(el, event);
}, 0);
return this;
listen: function (type, func){
var el = this._el;
if (el.addEventListener){
el.addEventListener(type, func);
}else if (jQuery){
jQuery(el).on(type, func);
el.attachEvent("on" + type, func);
// IE8 can't even handle custom events created with createEventObject (though it permits attachEvent), so we have to make our own
var listeners = el['listen'+type] = el['listen'+type] || [];
return this;
dontlisten: function (type, func){
var el = this._el;
if (el.removeEventListener){
el.removeEventListener(type, func);
}else if (jQuery){
jQuery(el).off(type, func);
}else try{
el.detachEvent("on" + type, func);
var listeners = el['listen'+type];
if (listeners) for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i){
if (listeners[i] === func) listeners[i] = function(){}; // replace with a noop
return this;
@ -155,9 +251,10 @@ IERange.prototype._nativeSelect = function (rng){
IERange.prototype._nativeSelection = function (){
// returns [start, end] for the selection constrained to be in element
// this fails for an empty selection! selection.createRange() if in a text area does not create a text selection, so I can't compare it.
var rng = this._nativeRange(); // range of the element to constrain to
var len = this.length();
if (this._doc.selection.type != 'Text') return [len, len]; // append to the end
// this._el.focus(); This solves the problem of text areas not having a real selection , but sucks the focus from everything else, so I can't use it
var sel = this._doc.selection.createRange();
return [
@ -176,15 +273,24 @@ IERange.prototype._nativeSetText = function (text, rng){
rng.text = text;
IERange.prototype._nativeEOL = function(){
if (typeof this._el.value != 'undefined'){
if ('value' in this._el){
this.text('\n'); // for input and textarea, insert it straight
IERange.prototype._nativeScrollIntoView = function(rng){
IERange.prototype._nativeWrap = function(n, rng) {
// hacky to use string manipulation but I don't see another way to do it.
var div = document.createElement('div');
// insert the existing range HTML after the first tag
var html = div.innerHTML.replace('><', '>'+rng.htmlText+'<');
// IE internals
function iestart(rng, constraint){
// returns the position (in character) of the start of rng within constraint. If it's not in constraint, returns 0 if it's before, length if it's after
@ -227,19 +333,17 @@ InputRange.prototype._nativeEOL = function(){
InputRange.prototype._nativeScrollIntoView = function(rng){
// I can't remember where I found this clever hack to find the location of text in a text area
var style = getComputedStyle(this._el);
var oldheight = style.height;
var oldval = this._el.value;
var oldselection = this._nativeSelection(); = '1px';
this._el.value = oldval.slice(0, rng[0]);
var top = this._el.scrollHeight;
var clone = this._el.cloneNode(true); = 'hidden'; = 'absolute';
this._el.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, this._el); = '1px';
clone.value = this._el.value.slice(0, rng[0]);
var top = clone.scrollHeight;
// this gives the bottom of the text, so we have to subtract the height of a single line
this._el.value = 'X';
top -= 2*this._el.scrollHeight; // show at least a line above = oldheight;
this._el.value = oldval;
clone.value = 'X';
top -= 2*clone.scrollHeight; // show at least a line above
// scroll into position if necessary
if (this._el.scrollTop > top || this._el.scrollTop+this._el.clientHeight < top){
this._el.scrollTop = top;
@ -248,7 +352,7 @@ InputRange.prototype._nativeScrollIntoView = function(rng){
var rect = this._el.getBoundingClientRect(); += this._win.pageYOffset - this._doc.documentElement.clientTop;
rect.left += this._win.pageXOffset - this._doc.documentElement.clientLeft;
// create an element to scroll to
// create an element to scroll to (can't just use the clone above, since scrollIntoView wants a visible element)
var div = this._doc.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = ('px'; // adjust for how far in the range is; it may not have scrolled all the way to the top
@ -258,6 +362,7 @@ InputRange.prototype._nativeScrollIntoView = function(rng){
div.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded ? div.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() : div.scrollIntoView();
InputRange.prototype._nativeWrap = function() {throw new Error("Cannot wrap in a text element")};
function W3CRange(){}
W3CRange.prototype = new Range();
@ -309,6 +414,10 @@ W3CRange.prototype._nativeScrollIntoView = function(rng){
span.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded ? span.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() : span.scrollIntoView();
W3CRange.prototype._nativeWrap = function(n, rng) {
// W3C internals
function nextnode (node, root){
// in-order traversal
@ -402,5 +511,6 @@ NothingRange.prototype._nativeEOL = function(){
NothingRange.prototype._nativeScrollIntoView = function(){
NothingRange.prototype._nativeWrap = function() {throw new Error("Wrapping not implemented")};

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// insert characters in a textarea or text input field
// special characters are enclosed in {}; use {{} for the { character itself
// documentation:
// Version: 2.1
// Version: 2.2
// Copyright (c) 2013 Daniel Wachsstock
// MIT license:
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
@ -31,51 +31,33 @@ $.fn.sendkeys = function (x, opts){
return this.each( function(){
var localkeys = $.extend({}, opts, $(this).data('sendkeys')); // allow for element-specific key functions
// most elements to not keep track of their selection when they lose focus, so we have to do it for them
var rng = $.data (this, 'sendkeys.selection');
if (!rng){
rng = bililiteRange(this).bounds('selection');
$.data(this, 'sendkeys.selection', rng);
$(this).bind('mouseup.sendkeys', function(){
// we have to update the saved range. The routines here update the bounds with each press, but actual keypresses and mouseclicks do not
$.data(this, 'sendkeys.selection').bounds('selection');
}).bind('keyup.sendkeys', function(evt){
// restore the selection if we got here with a tab (a click should select what was clicked on)
if (evt.which == 9){
// there's a flash of selection when we restore the focus, but I don't know how to avoid that.
$.data(this, 'sendkeys.selection').select();
$.data(this, 'sendkeys.selection').bounds('selection');
var rng = $(this).selectionTracker();
$(this).trigger({type: 'beforesendkeys', which: x});
if (typeof x === 'undefined') return; // no string, so we just set up the event handlers
$.data(this, 'sendkeys.originalText', rng.text());
x.replace(/\n/g, '{enter}'). // turn line feeds into explicit break insertions
x.replace(/([^{])\n/g, '$1{enter}'). // turn line feeds into explicit break insertions, but not if escaped
replace(/{[^}]*}|[^{]+/g, function(s){
(localkeys[s] || $.fn.sendkeys.defaults[s] || $.fn.sendkeys.defaults.simplechar)(rng, s);;
$(this).trigger({type: 'sendkeys', which: x});
}; // sendkeys
// add the functions publicly so they can be overridden
$.fn.sendkeys.defaults = {
simplechar: function (rng, s){
// deal with unknown {key}s
if (/^{.*}$/.test(s)) s = s.slice(1,-1);
rng.text(s, 'end');
if (/^{[^}]*}$/.test(s)) s = s.slice(1,-1);
for (var i =0; i < s.length; ++i){
var x = s.charCodeAt(i);
// a bit of cheating: rng._el is the element associated with rng.
$(rng._el).trigger({type: 'keypress', keyCode: x, which: x, charCode: x});
$(rng.element()).trigger({type: 'keypress', keyCode: x, which: x, charCode: x});
rng.text(s, 'end');
'{enter}': function (rng){
$(rng._el).trigger({type: 'keypress', keyCode: 13, which: 13, charCode: 13, code: 'Enter', key: 'Enter'});
'{backspace}': function (rng){
var b = rng.bounds();
@ -90,26 +72,92 @@ $.fn.sendkeys.defaults = {
'{rightarrow}': function (rng){
var b = rng.bounds();
if (b[0] == b[1]) ++b[1]; // no characters selected; it's just an insertion point. Move to the right
rng.bounds([b[1], b[1]]).select();
rng.bounds([b[1], b[1]]);
'{leftarrow}': function (rng){
var b = rng.bounds();
if (b[0] == b[1]) --b[0]; // no characters selected; it's just an insertion point. Move to the left
rng.bounds([b[0], b[0]]).select();
rng.bounds([b[0], b[0]]);
'{selectall}' : function (rng){
'{selection}': function (rng){
$.fn.sendkeys.defaults.simplechar(rng, $.data(rng._el, 'sendkeys.originalText'));
// insert the characters without the sendkeys processing
var s = $.data(rng.element(), 'sendkeys.originalText');
for (var i =0; i < s.length; ++i){
var x = s.charCodeAt(i);
$(rng.element()).trigger({type: 'keypress', keyCode: x, which: x, charCode: x});
'{mark}' : function (rng){
var bounds = rng.bounds();
$(rng._el).one('sendkeys', function(){
$(rng.element()).one('sendkeys', function(){
// set up the event listener to change the selection after the sendkeys is done
// Most ranges do not keep track of what was selected when they lose focus.
// We have to do that for them
$.fn.selectionTracker = function(bounds){
var rng ='selectionTracker');
if (!rng){
rng = bililiteRange(this[0]).bounds('selection');'selectionTracker', rng);
$(this).on('mouseup.selectionTracker', function(evt){
// we have to update the saved range.
}).on('keyup.selectionTracker', function(evt){
// restore the selection if we got here with a tab (a click should select what was clicked on)
if (evt.which == 9){
// there's a flash of selection when we restore the focus, but I don't know how to avoid that.;
if (arguments.length > 0) rng.bounds(bounds); // change the saved selection without actually selecting
if (document.activeElement == this[0]); // explicitly select it if already active
return rng;
// monkey patch bililiteRange to reflect the saved range
var oldselect =; = function(){
var $el = $(this.element());
if (
$'selectionTracker') &&
document.activeElement != $el[0]
return oldselect.apply(this, arguments);
var oldbounds = bililiteRange.fn.bounds;
bililiteRange.fn.bounds = function(bounds){
var $el = $(this.element());
if (
$'selectionTracker') && // if we are tracking the selection
document.activeElement != $el[0] && // and the real selection isn't here
bounds == 'selection' // and we want the selection anyway
bounds = $el.selectionTracker().bounds(); // use the saved selection
return, bounds);
// monkey patch focus to actually focus the element, on the saved range
var focus = $.fn.focus;
$.fn.focus = function(){
if (this.length > 0){
focus.apply(this, arguments);