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synced 2025-01-31 19:02:59 +01:00
Localisation updates from https://translatewiki.net.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 19 additions and 9 deletions
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"pad.wrongPassword": "Votre mot de passe est incorrect",
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Paramètres du pad",
"pad.settings.myView": "Ma vue",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Toujours afficher le tchat",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Toujours afficher le clavardage",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Afficher la discussion et les utilisateurs",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Couleurs d’identification",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Numéros de lignes",
@ -103,8 +103,8 @@
"pad.share.readonly": "Lecture seule",
"pad.share.link": "Lien",
"pad.share.emebdcode": "Incorporer un lien",
"pad.chat": "Chat",
"pad.chat.title": "Ouvrir le chat de ce pad.",
"pad.chat": "Clavardage",
"pad.chat.title": "Ouvrir le clavardoir de ce pad.",
"pad.chat.loadmessages": "Charger davantage de messages",
"timeslider.pageTitle": "Historique dynamique de {{appTitle}}",
"timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton": "Retourner au pad",
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"John Reid"
"John Reid",
"index.newPad": "New Pad",
@ -9,14 +10,14 @@
"pad.toolbar.bold.title": "Bold (Ctrl-B)",
"pad.toolbar.italic.title": "Italic (Ctrl-I)",
"pad.toolbar.underline.title": "Underline (Ctrl-U)",
"pad.toolbar.strikethrough.title": "Cross-oot",
"pad.toolbar.ol.title": "Ordered leet",
"pad.toolbar.ul.title": "Onordered Leet",
"pad.toolbar.strikethrough.title": "Strikethrou (Ctrl+5)",
"pad.toolbar.ol.title": "Ordered leet (Ctrl+Shift+N)",
"pad.toolbar.ul.title": "Unordered Leet (Ctrl+Shift+L)",
"pad.toolbar.indent.title": "Indent (TAB)",
"pad.toolbar.unindent.title": "Ootdent (Shift+TAB)",
"pad.toolbar.undo.title": "Ondae (Ctrl-Z)",
"pad.toolbar.redo.title": "Redae (Ctrl-Y)",
"pad.toolbar.clearAuthorship.title": "Clear Authorship Colours",
"pad.toolbar.clearAuthorship.title": "Clear Authorship Colours (Ctrl+Shift+C)",
"pad.toolbar.import_export.title": "Import/Export fae/til different file formats",
"pad.toolbar.timeslider.title": "Timeslider",
"pad.toolbar.savedRevision.title": "Hain Reveesion",
@ -26,12 +27,14 @@
"pad.colorpicker.save": "Hain",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "Cancel",
"pad.loading": "Laidin...",
"pad.noCookie": "Cookie could nae be foond. Please allae cookies in yer brouser!",
"pad.passwordRequired": "Ye need ae passwaird fer tae access this pad",
"pad.permissionDenied": "Ye dinna hae permeession tae access this pad",
"pad.wrongPassword": "Yer password wis wrang",
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Pad Settins",
"pad.settings.myView": "Ma Luik",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Tauk aye oan screen",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Shaw Chat an Uisers",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Authorship colours",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Line nummers",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Read content fae richt til cair?",
@ -44,6 +47,7 @@
"pad.importExport.import": "Upload oni tex file or document",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Success!",
"pad.importExport.export": "Export current pad as:",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Plain tex",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
@ -89,6 +93,9 @@
"timeslider.exportCurrent": "Export current version as:",
"timeslider.version": "Version {{version}}",
"timeslider.saved": "Saved {{day}} {{month}}, {{year}}",
"timeslider.playPause": "Playback / Pause Pad Contents",
"timeslider.backRevision": "Gae back a reveesion in this Pad",
"timeslider.forwardRevision": "Gae forwart a reveesion in this Pad",
"timeslider.dateformat": "{{day}}/{{month}}/{{year}} {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}",
"timeslider.month.january": "Januair",
"timeslider.month.february": "Febuair",
@ -104,6 +111,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "Dizember",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} onnamed {[plural(num) one: writer, other: writers ]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "This reveesion is nou tagged aes ae hained reveesion",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Ye can see saved reveesions bi veesitin the timeslider",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Enter yer name",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "onnamed",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Guest",
@ -114,6 +122,7 @@
"pad.impexp.importing": "Importing...",
"pad.impexp.confirmimport": "Importin ae file will owerwrite the current tex o the pad. Ar ye sair ye want tae proceed?",
"pad.impexp.convertFailed": "We coudna import this file. Please uise ae different document format or copy paste manually",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "We war nae able tae import this file acause this Pad haes awready haed chynges, please import tae a new pad",
"pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "The upload failed, please try again",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "The import failed",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "Please copy paste",
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
"Vito Genovese"
"index.newPad": "Yeni Bloknot",
Reference in a new issue